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No Fleet marks, no zen, No ship- VA (50)

samurai113samurai113 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
I decided to post this because I am a little pissed right now.
Here is my problem supposedly as you level through the ranks you get a new ship? According to the HUD display when you reach level 50 you get permission to buy next rank of ships. I started a new character to work through all the levels since the F2p started I liked what I saw and everything seemed fair. I was really eager to get to level 50 because I wanted to get the unique variant on the gryphon class escort. I finally reach level 50 and go to ESD talk to admiral Quinn go to the shipyard and find out I can not buy a single ship, I have the required rank but no fleet marks since I am not apart of a fleet and even if I had the marks my fleet has to have a tier level thing just to use them. The only ships that don't require the fleet marks require Zen which means spending money.

Here is why I am pissed off.
1. I am a solitary gamer for the most part I do not like to play with other people its complicated and can be a pain in the neck so I do not do it often (hard to do when voice chat never works). That being the case I never felt the major need to join or desire to join a fleet. I tried to create one myself but I could never get all my friends on at the same time.

2. I get that people who subscribe get access to better stuff I am fine with that. I personally will never be spending my hard earned money for something that only exists online. Why could not there be a single ship could not be purchased with EC or given like indicated for reaching the highest rank. My first character was at least able to get the Odyssey class even though it was not what I wanted.

3. I just want to play. thats what I liked about STO it was a free to explore make your own star trek you were not stuck in classes and guilds and you could take your characters down any path you wanted even if it was not there class. And while that has remained it is really annoying when little things like the lock boxes and pushes to buy stuff.

Conclusion: I get that its a for profit business and the creators are simply following the rules of acquisition (expand or die, and rule number 1 "Once you have there money never give it back) So I realize that my complaint may fall on deaf ears. In case the developers do hear this, It would be nice if the developers remembered that there are people who just want to play and create their own Star Trek and not be pushed to join a fleet or spend money just to get a ship. If that's to much I will sign off and find something else to play SWTOR is going free to play soon.
Post edited by samurai113 on


  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You can always take the free Zen surveys or grind Dil and convert to Zen.

    Got myself the Delta Flyer, several additional BOff slots, the Starfleet Academy uniform and a whole bunch of other stuff that way.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    If it makes you feel better:

    Not even Subscribers get a free ship at VA any more (supposedly 600 day vets get it, but since I had all my chars at lvl 50 before season 5, I wouldn know). What you are seeing is simply lazyness from Cryptic, not correcting errors and changes made in season 5 (Much like the F2P matrix isn't up to date either).

    Technically you dont have to buy zen to get most of the C-Store ships... You can do the EPIC grind method that Cryptic and PWE are so happy about to earn dil, and turn it into zen, and then buy the regular C-Store ships off the C-Store.

    About fleet mark ships: This is the only point where I can't say I am sorry. Thoose ships, along with the starbases is the first trace of interest cryptic has devoted to fleets since launch, so its really minor compared to everything lone-players like yourself have gotten.
    You Can always find a fleet that lets you join, use your EC to get a ship module off the exchange, buy a ship and then leave (You can earn fleet marks from the Investigate officer reports daily). Plenty of thoose around.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
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  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    you are still more than competable with the ship you got at rear admiral. You can buy for 100k EC a cruiser from the exchange (mirror star/assault cruiser)
    2 other mirror sci vessels are on their way into the exchange, for only little EC.

    you are not in a fleet...your choice, it is a disadvantage...deal with it or change it. And i don't mean create one yourself...join one. The bigger the better, try to integrate yourself and you will be a part of the fleet in notime, or you just keep on going solo. Both is possible in a large fleet, while still having all the benefits of the large fleets.

    You don't like to play with other people, then an MMO is maybe not the right game for you. SWTOR is a nice singleplayer game up until lvl 50. then you are pretty much stuck, because their f2p model excludes you from raids (which are multiplayer anyway) and limits your PVP access.
    So in my opinion, you should try out swtor once it is f2p, but don't expect too much once you reached lvl 50.
    Go pro or go home
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    you had the entire game for free, all future mission content will be free. you have the option to join a fleet for free (There are thousands of fleets that require very little of you), you can buy fleet modules for EC, you can trade dilithium for zen. im not sure how much more you want for nothing here?

    yes the free option is a grind but if you think TOR will be any different then you are in for a shock.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    samurai113 wrote: »
    Why could not there be a single ship could not be purchased with EC

    Look up the Exchange .
    There are a few ships there . Mirror universe ships are probably the cheapest at the moment .
    what I liked about STO it was a free to explore make your own star trek you were not stuck in classes and guilds and you could take your characters down any path you wanted even if it was not there class.

    That's actually incorrect .
    You were stuck in the class you've chosen in the character creator and you were lead down the exact same path all the 3 classes are lead down on .
    Only the Featured Episodes and a few other missions have a few Class specific side missions .
    It would be nice if the developers remembered that there are people who just want to play and create their own Star Trek and not be pushed to join a fleet or spend money just to get a ship.

    No one is pushing you to join a fleet .
    You can play the STF missions and the Fleet Actions that are available on the queue to you -- the same missions a lot of us have been playing for a long long time again and again and again . (and again)

    Yes there are new missions (from Season 6) that do require you to be in a fleet to access .
    And , just so you know , there are more such missions on the way (supposedly) .

    BTW , just because you join a fleet does not mean that you have to play these missions with that fleet . The queue system can put you in a mission with total unknowns .
  • theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,511 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    don't worry too much about it. While some of the VA Ships are better than the RA ships bouth are still considered T5 (sure, in some cases you can add a T5++). But the difference between them ist by far not the same as the T4 to T5 difference. In case of PvE you will not be gimped at all, and I still have to hear a case in which somebody got flamed because he used a RA instead of a VA ship.

    In PvP there is a difference in the raw ship stats; see it as challange. ;) Rumors has it that good PvPer knock out Odys & Bortas easily with regular T5 ships (I'm not a pvper, but I got that impression from the occasional pvp related threat I stumble upon).

    edit: Aelfwin: The MU ships are regular T5 ones with a switched skin (at least these from the Tholian box).
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    you had the entire game for free, all future mission content will be free. you have the option to join a fleet for free (There are thousands of fleets that require very little of you), you can buy fleet modules for EC, you can trade dilithium for zen. im not sure how much more you want for nothing here?

    yes the free option is a grind but if you think TOR will be any different then you are in for a shock.

    ^^ This.

    They want you to pay money, they're a business. Your RAUH ship (The sovereign, dervish etc) are all competitive at end game, you may have a tougher fight on your hands, but it's far from difficult. Use it and enjoy, or grind/pay and get the one you want. It's how F2P works I'm afraid, heck it was how the game was mostly before F2P to be honest.
  • dakkidedakkide Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    OP, I'm a little confused by your post. Cryptic and PW decided to take this game Free to Play because folks would not spend 15 bucks a month for perfectly good entertainment. Which I do not understand because a 2 hour movie cost that now days, but that's another issue. . They need to make money somehow so they charge for pieces and parts. If you want the cool stuff, you:

    A. Buy it outright
    B. Grind your TRIBBLE off and buy it with in game currency. Which allows you to buy stuff FREE.

    If I want something I tend to just buy it because, my time is not free. Do you honestly believe that The Old Republic is going to be Free? There are a million folks out there that purchased the boxes, they might get some free stuff, but folks that just jump in now will most certainly pay for the goodies. That's how Free 2 Play works.

    As soon as the MMO gaming community figures out that Free To Play is not Free, perhaps these silly gaming companies will go back to pay to play and create good games with content instead of TRIBBLE in their stores.

  • samurai113samurai113 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well unfortunately for me and others I do not have a lot of money to spend even though 15 bucks may not be much but I have plenty of other bills that I have to pay. So to me free to play allows me to enjoy some gaming without putting me in a budget crisis. Also Logically I can not understand paying real money for something not really tangible (but thats just me).

    I can not answer everyone but I will try to cover what I can.

    1. Dont get me wrong I have enjoyed the game, I was just frustrated because some of the new stuff looked really cool and could actually be acquired with out to much grind. I get there then it changes and I cant get it. Ordinarily this really would not have upset me to much but a long day of work at Wal Mart can wear one down.

    2. Its good to know that the ships VA ships are not that different then one I have now at RA. If that is the case I will finish out the missions I still have left, still have the breen and unidine to go through. After that I may stick around I may not. I am okay with some grinding but after a certain point to me its pointless and a waste of time which is why I stopped LOTR online because there was no more I could do with out paying or earning gold. So some grind good to much is a no go I have other things to do.

    3. its not that I am anti social or anything I game for the story, the challenge the puzzle outwitting the computer and obviously like every one on the game I have loved star trek since I was a kid. My thing is Its easier for me to do things my way so thats why I don't like to do the whole fleet, guild, group thing. I have on a few occasions joined up with some folks from time to time. its just not my thing. (interesting note my sister is somewhat of a gamer on WOW and she loves the social experience while me on the other hand does not)

    Conclusion: I guess I will play up in to the point that STO has nothing left for me to do, and then I will move on to something else. I am very well aware that SWTOR will more or less do the same thing and that's fine I will play it till it has nothing left for me and find something else.
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You don't actually pay a cent for actual gameplay content, for what it's worth. I don't think most F2P games are like that.

    And to add what was stated by a previous poster, the Rear Admiral ships are very much T5. The Assault Cruiser is (probably by a wide margin) the most popular ship in the game from what I have observed, save perhaps for the Odyssey - but the Odyssey is of sufficient popularity that it's numbers probably dwarf that of several different classes of c-store ships combined.
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