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RSA Podcast Dumps STO, Claims Community is Dying

robertcrayvenrobertcrayven Member Posts: 355 Arc User
In a recent post on their official site, the RedShirt Army Podcast announced that it is dumping STO as its primary focus and suggested that the player base is dying off. They do not cite any credible numbers other than the Steam player population.

This is the second podcast to make this claim as they shifted their focus away from STO (the first being the original STOked podcast, which ended its run earlier this year), but neither cited any sources to back up their claims. Is there somewhere that these numbers can be independently verified, or are the aforementioned podcasts just taking a couple of rage-fueled shots at the game as they head for the exits?

Based on my own completely casual observation of the population in STO, I do not feel like the servers are any less-full than they've ever been.
Post edited by robertcrayven on


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    stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The people who like the game are going to tell you it is doing fine. The people who dislike the game are going to tell you it is dying. Considering that I have never even heard of the RSA podcast until you posted about it above it is more likely the podcast is dying and they are just looking for ways to broaden their listening base.
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    anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    There is much more to it than mere numbers.

    While yes, numbers outline development pretty good, but there is more to a community than just X-number of players.

    A community is a group of people working to enhance their experience of <whatever>, and I tend to agree with whoever says it's dying...
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
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    savnokasavnoka Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I couldn't really care about anyone who makes bold statements without backing it up. More than likely, whoever these Redshirt people are (never heard of them) , they're wanting to do something they think will bring in more viewers.

    Right now, every single MMO I'm playing is full of people shrieking "the sky is falling! the game is dying!" So, I think it's just people being stupid....as usual.
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    in case of STOked it was the decission of the host to stop based on some private issues and a new work he found. I also think he grew a little frustrated with f2p, atleast it felt like that in his last shows.
    You do not need demografics to realize that since f2p, account numbers increased, but that hype is slowly fading and thats what those demographs show i guess. But a core community still exists that will keep the game alive for atlest the next 1-2 years in my opinion, depending ofcourse on future game content.
    Go pro or go home
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    skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    More likely its that they do not like the way the game is going, ask any pre-F2P player and most will have a similar sentiment. I've come to realize the problem isn't the f2p business model, its just that Cryptic is a really mediocre developer that has some great ideas (the CO and STO space gameplay are amazingly solid, for example) but sadly never seems to deliver, almost everything they do seems only half done or complete. Whether its their fault or not its really irrelevant now, as they consistently under deliver.

    While we may come and go as we loose and regain interest, its hard for a weekly podcast to do so.
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    arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    There was a huge boost of players when the game went F2P, it's very natural that the majority of those players were just taking a look and left again. This happens to every game. The game doesn't feel less played to me, matchmaking queues didn't get any longer, my friends are still playing, so if there is a decrease it's not affecting me. When Season 7 launches there'll also be a player influx as players revisit the game to check out new content. This up and down is also pretty normal IMO.

    The podcasts should just be honest and say they don't feel like contuining because they themselves have lost interest in the game. This was especially apparent with Chris from STOked. I never listened to RSA so I dunno what their deal is. But blaming the playerbase sounds like a cop-out to me.
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    startrekronstartrekron Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Some things that I think Red Shirt could do to save the podcast....

    1. Updating the website is all well and good but stay on top of it. It hasn't been updated in certain sections in quite sometime and their podcast forums are filled with TRIBBLE ads. Who wants to take the time to wade through x-rated stuff to comment or make a point about one of their shows (if the show notes even get posted as the last show on forums was show 50)?

    2. Get hosts that are interested in the podcasts they are doing if they aren't Trek fans they have no business covering STO. If Cohas or morblades can't or won't show to do a show then get rid of them; I'm sure there are members of the Red Shirt Fleet that would be glad to replace them. In my opinion this is what finally did STOked in, Jeremy was clearly the heart and soul of the show and Chris seemed to be along for the ride, as his interested waned so did the show. I would LOVE to see Cryptic start a podcast of their own with Jeremy at the helm!

    3. The show gets little attention from Cryptic.....quit trying for Cryptic's attention. Be rebels, its worked for you so far, its one of the reasons I've listened to RSA. I like that you guys gave your opinions about the game (good and bad) without sugar coating, it really set you apart from the other podcasts. I say wipe the whole site and start all over from scratch.

    Overall I enjoy this podcast a lot and think its a shame that they can't keep it together. If these guys are going to "rebrand" they need to go much further with a name change and dropping the Trek theme. Red Shirt is a well known Star Trek reference, people looking for a Guild Wars 2 podcast won't think to look for a show via a podcast with a Star Trek name.

    I'm really not interested in GW2, POE, or the other games mentioned on the RSA site so I won't be listening to future Red Shirt Podcasts. I wish these guys the best and thank them for all the work they've done in the past, it is a pity its ending.
    "Live Long and Prosper but always carry a fully charged phaser, just in case!". Arrr'ow

    Co-Leader of Serenity's Grasp
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    meeheemeehee Member Posts: 85
    edited September 2012
    It's not just the game players numbers that are causing RSA to shift their focus, from what i read of their article the fact there's nothing really new to talk about is the big problem.

    And i completely agree with them, there hasn't been anything majorly substantial to talk about with STO for some time, which i imagine makes things a bit hard for people who are meant to do regular podcasts about a game with no depth.

    You can only talk about the doff system and the souless fleet starbase and cookie cutter el'cheapo fleet missions so many times before it gets dull and repetitive and boring.

    As much as i loved STO (i played nearly every day for over 2 years), the new content since F2P has been rather souless, done on the cheap, bland content, which has made me play much less and focus on other games with actual storytelling and new content, the exact same thing that has happened with these podcasts.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    In a recent post on their official site, the RedShirt Army Podcast announced that it is dumping STO as its primary focus and suggested that the player base is dying off. They do not cite any credible numbers other than the Steam player population.

    This is the second podcast to make this claim as they shifted their focus away from STO (the first being the original STOked podcast, which ended its run earlier this year), but neither cited any sources to back up their claims. Is there somewhere that these numbers can be independently verified, or are the aforementioned podcasts just taking a couple of rage-fueled shots at the game as they head for the exits?

    Based on my own completely casual observation of the population in STO, I do not feel like the servers are any less-full than they've ever been.

    Chris never mentioned player populations in his decision. he had a number of reasons for leaving, some personal and financial. in fact due to f2p happening around the time he wanted to leave meant that the numbers of people playing were very big at the time. so i dont think we can link his choice to leave with RSA.

    i cant speak for redshirt army but remember all the podcasters are just random fans who decided to make a podcast. any fan of the game can get bored and want to move on. it happens. its funny because you can love a game but once you get bored of it its easy to start seeing all the negatives.

    the thing about free to play games is you dont need people to play 365 days a years. all you need is them is to have the game installed on their system and for them to come and go. the game population has dropped naturally since f2p happened but that is not surprising in the least. the population in game still feels quite healthy and once season 7 comes it will spike again.

    there is not much to do at this exact moment but that happens every time between seasons as well. we had the exact same complaints between season 3 and 4 and the exact same complaints between 4 and 5. each one brought people back.

    probably what is needed is a decent feature episode series to get everyone fired up again.

    Edit - one other thing to consider is STO only came to steam about 5 months ago. everyone here before then, even the early free to play players was not playing through steam. so it is probably only showing the players added after f2p launched.
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    commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Why should we care what they think?
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well if he means the quality of the unity or solidarity or people contributing within the group he might be right

    Ironically he is proving his own point

    As far as just the number of players I only stf pug and ran into the same people once or twice ever
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    crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Chris never mentioned player populations in his decision. he had a number of reasons for leaving, some personal and financial. in fact due to f2p happening around the time he wanted to leave meant that the numbers of people playing were very big at the time. so i dont think we can link his choice to leave with RSA.

    Actually Chris (formerly of STOked) DID mention STO player population in a way as I believe he claimed - "STOked has more viewers than STO has players." in one of his final rants (of course he never presented hard evidence to substantiate said claim.)

    In the end, everyone has an opinion; BUT, if STO were performiong below expectations; I seriously doubt PWE would allow Cryptic to keep hiring, and expanding the STO Dev team. If you follow the news regarding MMOs, DStahl is right in one thing: Many MMOs that are failing and/or falling below expectations are laying off and cutting back:

    SWToR[/B:] laid off 20% of its Dev team and 80% of its community team in the last few months; and in it's first 10 months went from 1.7 million subs to sub 500K subs and is going F2P (and they just did another set of server merges last week.)

    The Secret World: Underperforming to the point Funcom is also doing a major staff reorganization and layoffs of staff.

    Tera: Bluehole Studios is also laying off staff in North America and cutting back.

    Again, in contrast, PWE is putting more money into STO and allowing Cryptic to hire for, expand the STO Dev team (and by contrast Cryptic's other currently running MMO "Champions Online" team is not being expanded - even after acquiring back former Cryptic staff from Paragon Studios and NCSoft closed Paragon Studios and announced the shutdown of "City of Heroes".)
    The point in all this is - from the (ademittedly purely anecdotal at this point) evidence PWE doesn't seem to be putting it's resources into assests that aren't expanding or doing very well in PWE's eyes. Lately, floundering MMOs aren't seeing Dev team expansion.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
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    chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Yeah don't think the game is dying.
    I believe there no longer is many original players around but who cares about original players when you have tens of thousands of new ones.
    I can see why pre f2p players want nothing to do with this game. It is grind and not Star Trek.
    And you won't get many f2pers wanting to dedicate time for podcasts (IMHO)
    But no, it isn't dieing.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Actually Chris (formerly of STOked) DID mention STO player population in a way as I believe he claimed - "STOked has more viewers than STO has players." in one of his final rants (of course he never presented hard evidence to substantiate said claim.)

    Yes, you are right i did hear about that, and while i did not hear it first hand to hear the context i would like to believe that he did not explain himself very well or meant something slightly different because thats quite frankly a strange statement to make of a game that once reported in at 100k of players. considering f2p actually caused their server to become full i cant imagine chris was pulling in hundreds of thousands of people to watch his show.
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    robertcrayvenrobertcrayven Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Yes, you are right i did hear about that, and while i did not hear it first hand to hear the context i would like to believe that he did not explain himself very well or meant something slightly different because thats quite frankly a strange statement to make of a game that once reported in at 100k of players. considering f2p actually caused their server to become full i cant imagine chris was pulling in hundreds of thousands of people to watch his show.

    IIRC, this was around the time Chris was claiming to have 'insider evidence' showing that the game was doomed and that the total population of the players was less than the number of people tuning in to see his show. He makes the statements in one of the last 2 or 3 episodes. Despite repeated requests to Chris to clarify his statement or substantiate his claims, he never did. He shut down the show shortly thereafter.
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    direphoenixdirephoenix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'm pretty sure RSA is one of those podcasts where the hosts have been saying this game is dying since... well, since they've been around. I stopped listening to them last year because I couldn't stand to listen to the trollish whining of (RSA's) Mav anymore. (Also his damn smoke alarm that he refused to get batteries for... Did his house ever burn down?)

    EDIT: I thought they were already dumping STO when SWtOR came out... how did that go?
    Raptr profile
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    In a recent post on their official site, the RedShirt Army Podcast announced that it is dumping STO as its primary focus and suggested that the player base is dying off. They do not cite any credible numbers other than the Steam player population.

    This is the second podcast to make this claim as they shifted their focus away from STO (the first being the original STOked podcast, which ended its run earlier this year), but neither cited any sources to back up their claims. Is there somewhere that these numbers can be independently verified, or are the aforementioned podcasts just taking a couple of rage-fueled shots at the game as they head for the exits?

    Based on my own completely casual observation of the population in STO, I do not feel like the servers are any less-full than they've ever been.

    For the record, STOked didn't claim STO was dying. They claimed that their personal viewership wasn't enough to justify devoting time to, as professional video podcasters. They then lend the name out to a co-host to develop as a radio show.

    It's a different animal, running an online TV network.

    Also, I think Chris has indicated that he believed that his viewership wasn't reflecting the changes in playerbase demographics and catered more to pre-F2P active players, who likely constitute a minority of current players.

    With RSA, it's little surprise given their dual focus on Klingons and PvP, two features that are both undersupported (I'll concede that) and generally not popular in the STO community. And from there, the argument becomes chicken and egg as to whether it's unpopular because it's undersupported or undersupported because it isn't the most popular set of features. I think the truth is probably a lot of both.
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    hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Edit - one other thing to consider is STO only came to steam about 5 months ago. everyone here before then, even the early free to play players was not playing through steam. so it is probably only showing the players added after f2p launched.

    STO was available through Steam since launch from 2010, but was taken down some time before the launch of F2P. Then, it became available again some time after F2P launched. Even when it was no longer available on Steam to purchase, people (including myself) who had bought STO on Steam were still playing via Steam. However, I'm not entirely certain statistics from back then carried over when STO was re-released on Steam, or were just wiped.
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well, considering the fact that every zone in the game has multiple instances, and each instance only allows X number of people in, and you end up in instances approaching that number, it will always feel like the number is constant.

    The only way to know for sure is if there was a way to measure the total of all active users in every instance of the game at the same time. And only Cryptic has access to those metrics.

    Steam is a solid indicater in terms of a specific cross-section of the player base. While many eschew Steam for whatever reason, enough use it that a reasonable demographic distribution can exist, and regular observation of the numbers reported by Steam of those playing STO, particularly at specific time of day, measured over the course of several days and the increase or decrease of players can observed.

    Cryptic is not going to release the numbers concerning how many people are playing at any given time. As part of a public traded company, they are required to only release financial records, not their internal metrics.

    I will say this. Cryptic has mainly relied on community outreach to advertise this game. Podcasts are an awesome source of free promotion of the game. The more that disappear, the less visible it becomes.

    If the player base IS dropping, they need to look at where the last downturn occurred on their timeline and look at what was either announced or deployed right before it. And then they should do the smart thing and reverse whatever that was, or address it in a way that community feedback suggests. They may not be able to bring players back, but they may at least cause the numbers to level out.

    You can make a reasonable guess if you can figure what percentage of players spend money, what percentage buy lockboxes, how many lockboxes they buy, and what the ship droprate on lockboxes is. Then observe number of lockbox ships awarded per hour as an average and run that number back through the guesses.
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    arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    And it took a few weeks until after F2P launch until they added it on Steam, so there are lot's of people who started right away with F2P who aren't on Steam, me for example.

    I know it's possible to reintegrate it to Steam later but I just didn't bother. There are few benefits.

    Concerning STOked: The funniest thing is what Chris replaced STOked with. A show about conspiracy theories (they claim it's "critical" journalism) and a radio show where someone talks about programming. Uh ... yeah, Go Go Chris!
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Actually Chris (formerly of STOked) DID mention STO player population in a way as I believe he claimed - "STOked has more viewers than STO has players." in one of his final rants (of course he never presented hard evidence to substantiate said claim.)

    I forgot about that... and thought it was an absurd claim that had to come from MMO-Data's numbers or something. MMO-Data dramatically under-reports everyone but EvE and ********.
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Again, in contrast, PWE is putting more money into STO and allowing Cryptic to hire for, expand the STO Dev team (and by contrast Cryptic's other currently running MMO "Champions Online" team is not being expanded - even after acquiring back former Cryptic staff from Paragon Studios and NCSoft closed Paragon Studios and announced the shutdown of "City of Heroes".)

    I would dispute the Champs thing. I do think the target staff size for Champs is much lower than it is for STO but there are job ads currently for Champs positions.
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    robertcrayvenrobertcrayven Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    For the record, STOked didn't claim STO was dying. They claimed that their personal viewership wasn't enough to justify devoting time to, as professional video podcasters. They then lend the name out to a co-host to develop as a radio show.

    STOked 124 - Perfect World Disappoints. Chris makes his claim that more people watch his show than the number of people who play STO, then goes on a rant with Mav about how Cryptic / Perfect World are ruining the game. The fun starts at the 22:00 mark.

    He makes a couple other wild statements throughout the episode as well.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well havn't hard anything form the RSA for a long time, so this news was rather unexpected. If they want to stop podcasting or change venues, that's their choice. But we shouldn't be dwelling on with STOked, especially when Asmik and others continued on.

    Now is STO dying? To me, yes and no. STO's population didnt drop like a rock, like what happened with TOR. And pretty much things are slower now because its the school season. But another reason why the population has declined is mainly due to Cryptic adding another grindfest in the name of Fleet Starbases, which has little or no reward with major moneysinks (from real currency to EC to Dilithium), and people are just turned off by it. Though when Cryptic adds something new, they would come back for a short while and try it out.

    That's why I think when Season 7 happens, the population will be very active compared to know, where everyone is off for the holidays and curious of the new treats in store. But would that last? Maybe a month or two, then people go back into hiding til the next big thing.

    So all in all, if STO is really dying, its a very slow death. But be nice if Cryptic made things less grindy or having more reward for your grinding efforts.
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    robertcrayvenrobertcrayven Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Jupiter Broadcasting has a much wider audience than just STO players. STOked's viewership, if it was composed of both STO players AND wider Jupiter Broadcasting general audience who like to hear what the host(s) have to say, Chris's assessment could very well have been correct.

    And as far as him ranting about the direction of the game, there are many here who would agree with every word he had to say.

    I remember watching that episode when it originally came out and I found myself nodding my head almost the whole time.

    As you are welcome to do; however, I think this thread may have derailed a bit. My original intent was not to bash STOked and RSA, but rather to try and find out where these two podcasts are getting their 'facts' from.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Had someone I know suddenly ditch his guild and left it to die and the game in general because he claimed it was dying, I wonder if this is what brought him to that conclusion.

    Always amusing to see claims like this without the slightest bit of real evidence. Besides instead of activity accounts I would want to see how much money sto is bringing in. I would say that might be more of a basis if it will die or not. As long as there is decent activity and it is bringing in a fair share of money I don't see why they wouldn't keep it going.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    chalpen wrote: »
    Yeah don't think the game is dying.

    I agree , but I do see a huge delay between demand and supply .

    Examples :

    - No plans to deliver new PVP (systems or even maps) in the next 6 months .
    - New STF coming after 2+ years of no new STF's and 1 year from the re-mastered STF's .
    - No new FE's for the last 6 months , w/possibly no new ones for the next 6 months .
    - New Fleet Actions introduced with the Starbases after about 2+ years between the previous ones .
    - No new KDF specific content planned

    All of the above content is in demand , and I believe Cryptic will deliver ... , but with a giant lag ... and podcasts should not constrain themselves to the role of "filler" (in this case , time filler) .

    Having said that , I'm sure there will be lot's to talk about when Season.7 hits .
    But inbetween Seasons , all of the real STO news seems to consist of C-Store updates , lockboxes and Starbase Projects . And sometimes that ain't enough .
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