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Keep your enemies closeer KDF

beritpandionberitpandion Member Posts: 199 Arc User
edited September 2012 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
You guys botched the patch. Since the patch this mission is unplayable once you beam onto the starbase to 'rent' a shuttle. When you leave the room you beam into your away team warps to the end of the map and promptly die leaving you to fight the whole base solo. Not sure what you did but it definitely broke something. This may or may not be related to the bug above with NPCs going underground though I suspect that it may be related. Based on the number of other bugs found I'm thinking an 'emergency' patch may be in order. I don't recall a patch that ended up breaking this much though I could be wrong.
Post edited by beritpandion on


  • carusiomystwolfcarusiomystwolf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Yup I already threw up TWO tickets at them about this. I also threw one over at the GM's
  • th3xr34p3rth3xr34p3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Just of note, after talking with players in our irc/ingame channel I have noticed this is limited to the main missions, as of this post non of the foundry mission I have played so far on both KDF and FED are affected by these (yet).

    so in the midterm till its fixed this might be a perfect opportunity for new and old players alike to play more foundry. ;)
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  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    th3xr34p3r wrote: »
    Just of note, after talking with players in our irc/ingame channel I have noticed this is limited to the main missions, as of this post non of the foundry mission I have played so far on both KDF and FED are affected by these (yet).

    so in the midterm till its fixed this might be a perfect opportunity for new and old players alike to play more foundry. ;)

    Confirmed. While this bug has appeared in a stupid # of cryptic's content (Storyline, STFs, and I think I saw reports from Fleet Actions as well) it has NOT shown up in any FOUNDRY missions.

    And I couldn't agree more that this is the perfect time to play some foundry missions.
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