Well, we SORTA already have V'Ger in-game already (the Borg Command ships at the end of the Borg Sector Invasions; they look a lot like a certain part of the immense entity... plus their giant torpedoes look almost exactly like the energy bolts). And the latest Friday screenshot shows something that looks like the Nexus (but could also be a transwarp portal hub from the Destiny novels... nothing's been confirmed/denied yet).
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Return of Voyager? Most of it's crew is not alive at this timeline accept Naomi Wildman, Icheb and The Doctor. And ship itself is in museum.
Its only been 30 years since they returned. And considering that Jean Luc Picard is still alive and kicking. Its safe to assume Voyager, a younger crew is still alive and well.
Janeway is younger then Picard, and Picard is still alive: 104 years old in this timeline. McCoy was 137 when he visited the Enterprise D. Janeway's mother was still alive in 2378 - which is only 31 years before the game's era. People live longer in the Trek universe due to advances in medicine. There's no reason to believe that Janeway isn't still quite active.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Janeway must be dead (she would be VERY old)
and chakotay must still be in jail
But Vger is not so tough
send a ship back to before the launch of the original probe
and put in a deep core override
then when you see it in the present say "Command overide Life beats metal" and it explodes
um... sollvax, go and watch Voyager please . Chakotay wouldn't be in jail as they gave up the Maquis and were starfleet officers for seven years before they got home. SF wouldn't just have a party for Janeway and the crew and throw her loyal first officer in jail. As someone mentioned, Picard's still around. Janeway's a whole lot younger so unless Picard is an immortal entity Janeway's still alive. In the alternate future timeline of Endgame which is right around the time STO is set, Janeway's very much alive (and goes back in time... blah blah blah you can watch Endgame if you want to find out what happens). So... Janeway would not be VERY old, Picard is VERY old.
Harry is dead as well (killed in an early episode)
Janeway would be LONG dead as women in trek are either incredibly young or immortal and LOOK young Or are Kai of bajor
if janeway isn't dead we should hunt her down and blow her up#
methinks you didn't watch more than the first two seasons of Voyager... Harry Kim was replaced with an exact replica... clone thingy... so he's still the same person and he's probably still actively working in starfleet, as he was captain of the U.S.S. Rhode Island in endgame. That reminds me... go read the Rhode Island's description in the C-store.
Seven as a BORG drone was not actually alive at all (she would not function minus the borg components ergo she isn't alive she is a cybernetic puppet)
End game of course was in a bogus reality (one of many sadly)
Harry (the real one) died screaming
So Picard's not alive then, I get what you're saying . Seven is most certainly alive (she eats, breathes, and has functioning organs), and yes she would die without her implants. That does not automatically mean she is not alive to begin with. sollvax, sometimes I really wonder where you get this stuff... I mean, Harry Kim is still alive. They were duplicate Voyagers. either one could have been the real one.
But in any case I do not regard post death people held together with wire and string as alive
The Borg I regard as animate corpses
But back to Vger why the hell can't we destroy it?
its obsolete tech
I can only assume you're intentionally trying to get a rise out of people at this point.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Just for a side note, I looked up Janeway, Kim, and Picard on Memory Alpha. Their status is active, and if you're thinking "that's active like functioning but not really alive" I looked up Riker too. And guess what, his status is also active. But I leave your opinion on this to you sollvax..
My only response to sollvax's opinion on the characters... Oi.
It's not nearly as simple as that. The fact they're alive in any sense is cause enough to call them alive. Yes it's technicalities, but it's still valid. And many share this opinion in some capacity.
But, believe what you want.
Oh, and about V'Ger... that thing vaporized 3 Klingon ships without effort for storage (and much MUCH more, like whole solar systems and galaxies), and was easily about to wipe out Earth. It was defeated by luck, really... which is unlike the episode it was based off (The Changling, where Nomad was beaten by logic)
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Its a third rate rehash of a TOS episode
that could have been beaten by any competent captain
Ironically most of the Trek movies were rehashes of the original series
these days we have transphasic torpedo launchers
and particle phalanx weapons
Send a shuttle or ship to WARP through it
(instant destruction)
put a spread of torps into it
Hell WE are immortal we can respawn 3000 times
I always thought /vger was lame and should be destroyed
Ok, now I get it. You're talking about the GAME, not actual Trek canon. Well of course you could beat it in the game, you can kill a doomsday machine with five torpedoes whereas in TOS it took the destruction of the U.S.S. Constitution in it's mouth to disable one.
First off, no not even we could beat Vger in game, hell we cant even beat the crystaline entity without a full working competent team...let me point this out. Vger is 12.27 billion kilometers in length, and puts out more energy than 1000 starships...you think we could easily destroy Vger, hell I doubt even the borg would be able to defete Vger in its massive ship.
First off, no not even we could beat Vger in game, hell we cant even beat the crystaline entity without a full working competent team...let me point this out. Vger is 12.27 billion kilometers in length, and puts out more energy than 1000 starships...you think we could easily destroy Vger, hell I doubt even the borg would be able to defete Vger in its massive ship.
Not to mention, according to the novelization of the movie, the '12th power' comment Spock made means V'Ger had enough power to make a SUN stopping rotating.
Not even the Borg can do that Sure the Undine could destroy a planet, but that required 8 ships...
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Return of Voyager? Most of it's crew is not alive at this timeline accept Naomi Wildman, Icheb and The Doctor. And ship itself is in museum.
wrong! i to find out how many years from the last date in startrek movie. in the last tng movie the year is 2379. the game is in 2409
so lets do the math
2409 - 2379 = 30 years . so that would make all of the crew of Voyager alive. that made it back to earth. after all Kathryn Janeway is in the last tng movie vice admiral
as to the ship we know a admiral can pick there flag ship! so it is posable that vice admiral Kathryn Janeway made The USS Voyager NCC-74656 her flag ship.
[Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.
In-game handle @Janetza
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Its only been 30 years since they returned. And considering that Jean Luc Picard is still alive and kicking. Its safe to assume Voyager, a younger crew is still alive and well.
Actually, Seven I believe is still alive. Also, Janeway may still be alive, as she is hinted at researching the Hobus supernova in the 2380's.
Chakotay, is also still alive. I remember seeing that he was promoted to admiral and placed in charge of SF intelligence.
Pretty sure that Harry is still alive too.
Janeway must be dead (she would be VERY old)
and chakotay must still be in jail
But Vger is not so tough
send a ship back to before the launch of the original probe
and put in a deep core override
then when you see it in the present say "Command overide Life beats metal" and it explodes
um... sollvax, go and watch Voyager please
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Janeway would be LONG dead as women in trek are either incredibly young or immortal and LOOK young Or are Kai of bajor
if janeway isn't dead we should hunt her down and blow her up#
methinks you didn't watch more than the first two seasons of Voyager... Harry Kim was replaced with an exact replica... clone thingy... so he's still the same person and he's probably still actively working in starfleet, as he was captain of the U.S.S. Rhode Island in endgame. That reminds me... go read the Rhode Island's description in the C-store.
harry (who left earth ) Died
A Weird fake took his place
Seven as a BORG drone was not actually alive at all (she would not function minus the borg components ergo she isn't alive she is a cybernetic puppet)
End game of course was in a bogus reality (one of many sadly)
Harry (the real one) died screaming
So Picard's not alive then, I get what you're saying
But in any case I do not regard post death people held together with wire and string as alive
The Borg I regard as animate corpses
But back to Vger why the hell can't we destroy it?
its obsolete tech
Because it's still incredibly powerful and could blow you to pieces easily
As for the borg stuff, it seems you have a different view of this than everyone else, because according to our books Seven and Picard are still alive.
that makes it maybe t4
A t5 ship should be able to solo it
also its tech is over a century out of date and thus is no match for modern tech
(claims its linked to the borg would make it weaker still)
...except for the fact it is far more advanced than even 2409 tech and is probably centuries ahead of the rest of us.
Someone hasn't watched Star Trek: The Motion Picture!
look at it
Its a third rate rehash of a TOS episode
that could have been beaten by any competent captain
Ironically most of the Trek movies were rehashes of the original series
these days we have transphasic torpedo launchers
and particle phalanx weapons
Send a shuttle or ship to WARP through it
(instant destruction)
put a spread of torps into it
Hell WE are immortal we can respawn 3000 times
I always thought /vger was lame and should be destroyed
It's not nearly as simple as that. The fact they're alive in any sense is cause enough to call them alive. Yes it's technicalities, but it's still valid. And many share this opinion in some capacity.
But, believe what you want.
Oh, and about V'Ger... that thing vaporized 3 Klingon ships without effort for storage (and much MUCH more, like whole solar systems and galaxies), and was easily about to wipe out Earth. It was defeated by luck, really... which is unlike the episode it was based off (The Changling, where Nomad was beaten by logic)
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Ok, now I get it. You're talking about the GAME, not actual Trek canon. Well of course you could beat it in the game, you can kill a doomsday machine with five torpedoes whereas in TOS it took the destruction of the U.S.S. Constitution in it's mouth to disable one.
Rikers (plural) exist
one a living man one a transporter accident
I looked up Willian T. Riker, a living man.
Here you can read what happened with most of character from series.
Not even the Borg can do that
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
wrong! i to find out how many years from the last date in startrek movie. in the last tng movie the year is 2379. the game is in 2409
so lets do the math
2409 - 2379 = 30 years . so that would make all of the crew of Voyager alive. that made it back to earth. after all Kathryn Janeway is in the last tng movie vice admiral
as to the ship we know a admiral can pick there flag ship! so it is posable that vice admiral Kathryn Janeway made The USS Voyager NCC-74656 her flag ship.