I'm having a recurring problem with several of these missions you get from the Officer of the Watch. You go to click on something and nothing happens. For example, 2 days in a row, I got the Escort Dignitary to Starbase mission. I fly out to the Dignitary and click on the button marked "Signal Dignitary". Nothing happnes. I keep clicking on it and I can't get it to 'work". Exiting the sector and exiting the game don't clear it either. I've had this error 2 days in a row on one alt.
This has also happened on the Review Your Cadets. I go to the place where the button appears to call your cadets, you click on it, and nothing happens.
This is very frustrating, especially since it keeps happening with more frequency.
I get the the dignitary's ship but it will not move. Has this been fixed or is there a work around? If I move ahead I am told that it is customary to stay close to a ship you are suppose to escort, so it is not a case of follow me. Thanks in advance.