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Beam out VA's



  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »

    i almost never see it (but then I rarely see Science VA's)

    Thats because, to most, DPS is King... which I am not a particular fan of... but no need to go into it here... lots of other threads cover this subject.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • beezle23beezle23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    All things being equal, VA equipment brings more potential.

    Which does nothing whatsoever if they're a nerd-raging QQ'r.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    beezle23 wrote: »
    Which does nothing whatsoever if they're a nerd-raging QQ'r.

    I think it's extremely safe to say that you missed the entire point of the post that you decided to take an excerpt from.
  • bladeofkahlessbladeofkahless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    patrickngo wrote: »
    Abilities and Potential abilities only matter if they are USED. Goes back to the old saw about the valedictorian driving the taxi while the guy at the bottom of the class is running a multinational-Potentially, a VA has more to offer a team than a Lt. but only if he/she is actually willing to USE that potential-otherwise known as the guy who contributes is useful, the guy who doesn't , is useless, no matter HOW much potential ability he's sitting on. a Pretty Stat-stack is of zero value if it's hiding in the turbolift or 'not spawning' through phase 2 of Incursion (and most of 3) only to show up AFTER the enemy Captain's already left the building and most of the shooting is over and done with.

    and sure as hell, he's not worth anything if he's bailed out already. The Lt. who's "in use'' is FAR more valuable to the team than a VA who's sulking in his tent like Achilles.

    Note that NOT all Vice Admirals act like that, but some do, and frankly, their defense of such behaviour disgusts me.

    This ^

    Sollvax's OP, I think, has some merit.
    My wingman and I have seen a slew of leavers recently. I'd guess, at least one in three matches, surprisingly enough. (we both only do fleet mark stuff on VA/LG's, for the record).
    A penalty would be nice. Only because, as has been stated, the leaver did LESS for the team than a "lowbie".
    And kudos to marc8219. 40+ in a pug is impressive. Best one I've had was somewhere around 36-37.
    sollvax wrote: »
    and when did you last see a VA HEAL someone ?

    I do. Regularly. My science captains are all medics on ground.
    My Eng has shield recharge (and equip diag). And I use them.
    sollvax wrote: »
    Blockade should not be attempted below captain (unless you fly a Flight deck cruiser armed with EXTREME combat pets)

    I've never understood attack pets in blockade.
    Why not use shield repair drones and make life easier?
    Or, if in a carrier, you won't even have to fire a shot while your freighter warps out with full hull and shields. (using TSS and HE)
    I think a lot of people still don't realize that it's about finesse, not strength.
    Just easier :cool:

    Also, ran Blockade with a lvl 30-something in a Peregrine.
    Contributed nothing (besides a high death count).
    People that troll like that should get a penalty too, regardless of level :P

    It's me, Chrome. [Join Date: May 2009]

    "Oh, I may be captain by rank... but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer." ~Montgomery Scott~
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    the attacking ships go after t drones like bees after sugar
    Live long and Prosper
  • nexus2251nexus2251 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I admit a very few times I have left an incursion zone, but only for 1 reason, I'm the only one in the first section bothering to actually find and kill saboteurs while EVERYONE else is going around shooting guards and turrets - Why should I do all the work while 4 others can't be bothered to read whats on their journal window to the right of the screen? In those occasions I don't care what happens to those 4 people, I'm not there to carry them in the first section of the zone. A lock out only does one thing and that's excludes 1 man fleets from having a chance at completing their daily grind to get their starbases leveled.

    I used to ask politely at the beginning of the zone before section 1 starts if people could focus on killing the saboteurs, right up until someone decided that my nice use of please and thank you was a direct insult to them and that i should stfu - guess which team member died the most and shot the most turrets..
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    patrickngo wrote: »
    Abilities and Potential abilities only matter if they are USED. Goes back to the old saw about the valedictorian driving the taxi while the guy at the bottom of the class is running a multinational-Potentially, a VA has more to offer a team than a Lt. but only if he/she is actually willing to USE that potential-otherwise known as the guy who contributes is useful, the guy who doesn't , is useless, no matter HOW much potential ability he's sitting on. a Pretty Stat-stack is of zero value if it's hiding in the turbolift or 'not spawning' through phase 2 of Incursion (and most of 3) only to show up AFTER the enemy Captain's already left the building and most of the shooting is over and done with.

    and sure as hell, he's not worth anything if he's bailed out already. The Lt. who's "in use'' is FAR more valuable to the team than a VA who's sulking in his tent like Achilles.

    Note that NOT all Vice Admirals act like that, but some do, and frankly, their defense of such behaviour disgusts me.

    ^ This

    Interesting event last night... after leaving this thread to attend a fleet marks events with some fleet members, we got to talking about this very thing (well more specifically Leavers in general).

    One of the the fleeties, was advocating for leaving without penalty for the exact same "justifications" given here. Obviously, he and I were not seeing eye to eye on the subject.

    None the less, I took a deep breath and we headed in to a Blockade... we had 4 fleet members, so I queued us as a team (3 VA's and a RA 43)... we get in... and the pick-up player left within before the timer wound down to actually start the mission (I assume, he info'd each of us there, to check our rank/ship), decided we weren't worth his time... and warped out.

    My believe in leaving friend, went on a tyrade about being left. I remained quite, and we completed the mission... didn't do half bad, but could have done better with a 5th ship. We exit the mission, and he continues to express his disbelief that the person left. My comment on the subject was "sucks to be left doesn't it"... he changed his tune pretty quickly... He then realized, that the 4 of us were disadvantaged by 1 single leaver. And as the quoted poster points out... that RALH did us a lot more good than the person who left... because he, at least, was there.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • beezle23beezle23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think it's extremely safe to say that you missed the entire point of the post that you decided to take an excerpt from.

    The snippet I pulled is pertinent to the conversation. VA's have "more to offer" IF THEY STAY. And following up with that, a VA having "more to offer" hurts that much more when they decide to randomly leave.

    I'll take a newbie over someone that pulls a Cartman: "TRIBBLE you guys, I'm going home." At least the newbie will be there shooting at things in between respawns, rather than spontaneously leaving the team a valuable man short.

    Anyhow, the solution would be for Cryptic to fine-tune the fleet missions to be accomplished by three people (with the exception of Defense, I'll leave ranting about that to another thread). Given that for whatever lack of logic, they've decided not to level-gate the events.

    This would allow for the standard PUG to complete them, given that each Event seems to have one well-meaning, but ill-prepared newbie who spends most of the time respawning and one person who rage-quits when they see aforementioned newbie on the team.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
  • ascaladarascaladar Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I beamed out only once in an incursion. That was when 3 people happened always to be together in the same quadrant. I tried to leave, a few seconds later the same group was with me in the quadrand as they were probably all running counter clockwise through the area.

    I suggested that it would be far more efficient if we would split up and only one person would patrol a quadrant. The reply was that STO not my personal game and I should shut up.

    Phase one timer was almost up we had barely 10 saboteurs and I decided that these guys are not worth the effort, so I let them fail. *shrug*
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    As to the guards and Turrets

    there are three main views on this

    1 ignore them entirely

    2 take them out as you pass if convienient

    3 code 14 (terminate on sight)

    now the Facts

    1 Turrets do not count for your score
    2 Turrets do count for an accolade (which some people are going for)
    3 it takes on average 5 seconds to take one out with a hand phaser

    My view is that if not taken out the bloody things can crossfire you (Flank you) while you deal with sabs
    Also that ranging guards are false targets (you see a shadow and move to engage )
    So if i pass one I take him out (normally at a dead run)
    Turrets can be casually removed while you search

    Weaker characters (no armour or weaker shields) can not ignore this stuff its the duty of the strong to protect the weak
    Live long and Prosper
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sadly, the fact is, in time-gated missions, most lower level characters (captain and below) aren't going to be able to contribute enough DPS/DAMAGE to win the match or to get all the objectives. This isn't a VA's fault; they just see it for what it is.

    This is more Cryptic's fault. THEY need to level gate the mission or make it rank-gated a la Starbase 24.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    As to the guards and Turrets

    there are three main views on this

    1 ignore them entirely

    2 take them out as you pass if convienient

    3 code 14 (terminate on sight)

    now the Facts

    (turret stuff)

    Take out the turrets - always. They will encourage respawn and they reduce enemy chatter when destroyed.
  • nexus2251nexus2251 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Take out the turrets - always. They will encourage respawn and they reduce enemy chatter when destroyed.

    Except far too many people I've seen have run right past a saboteur, which is right in front of them to go shoot turrets. also the audio cues i hear through my head set help me find saboteurs more easily, but having another one play for when the turret is beamed in doesn't help.
  • terlokiterloki Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sadly, the fact is, in time-gated missions, most lower level characters (captain and below) aren't going to be able to contribute enough DPS/DAMAGE to win the match or to get all the objectives. This isn't a VA's fault; they just see it for what it is.

    This is more Cryptic's fault. THEY need to level gate the mission or make it rank-gated a la Starbase 24.

    Yeah, they really do need to do that for at least the Fleet missions. Unfortunately I only realized this after jumping into a blockade action with my then-Lieutenant Commander. Oh sure I gave it my all and made myself the best distraction I could to keep those Orions off the transports, but I'd be lying if I said I was doing near as good as with my science VA. I'm just glad none of the VAs in that match decided to leave and that we still kicked TRIBBLE.
    Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser
    Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
    General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The obvious answer is inverse gating

    Incursion strictly Commanders downwards
    Fleet alert open to all
    Blockade RA and above
    starbase defence captains and downwards

    STF normals captains and RA's
    STF elites RA and Up

    Starbase 24 captains and down
    Gorn minefield captains and down
    Mirror incursion Commanders and down
    Breaking the planet commanders and up
    Temple commanders and Captains

    Then limit nukara to VA's
    Defera to VA's

    And everythings fixed

    of course you could privately queue for any of these with a team of friends
    Live long and Prosper
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    patrickngo wrote: »
    Abilities and Potential abilities only matter if they are USED.

    A T5 Cruiser that just uses Auto-attack with BFAW and 8 beams and DOES NOTHING ELSE, still brings more than a T1 Cruiser with 3 beam arrays and 1 tactical power.

    Again, if you want to have a discussion you need to discuss all things being equal and not this silly argument.

    ...My comment on the subject was "sucks to be left doesn't it"... he changed his tune pretty quickly... He then realized, that the 4 of us were disadvantaged by 1 single leaver. And as the quoted poster points out... that RALH did us a lot more good than the person who left... because he, at least, was there.

    Couple points.

    1) A RALH is actually useful, it's not some joke of a T1 or T2 ship with 3 starter beam arrays, maybe a copy of TT or BFAW, maybe 1 copy of EPTS 1.

    2) You, and your man-down team, could have left and rejoined the queue at no penalty. Maybe you would have lost 2 minutes.

    The only disadvantage to you was that you felt you had to complete the mission disadvantaged when nothing in the game prevented you from starting a completely fresh instance, while losing about 2 minutes of time.

    beezle23 wrote: »
    The snippet I pulled is pertinent to the conversation. VA's have "more to offer" IF THEY STAY. And following up with that, a VA having "more to offer" hurts that much more when they decide to randomly leave.

    And a T1 never has more to offer.


    They are a permanent drain on the team, they can barely keep themselves alive.

    They don't have enough weapons, enough skill ranks, enough boff powers, no consoles of any value.

    Their gear will generally be a mess of stuff they have happened across in their journey levelling all the way to the prestigious level of 7.

    Leaving the team short, as I mentioned above would be an issue if there was actually an in-game consequence.

    It's all make-believe.

    The starbase isn't real, no one is really going to die on the starbase.

    You can all leave, and restart within minutes and probably gain more time then some team that insists on dragging a couple of XP/fleet mark leeches.


    That's what most of them are.

    Just like PvP afk dilithium farming, or STF leeches who join and do nothing.

    Would you condone any of that?

    I do not now, never have and never will, condone leeching in any form.

    I will continue to abandon leechers and ridicule leeching as an acceptable practice.

    Thinking that it is not leeching, is just a misguided sense of altruism.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    a T1 FIGHTING is worth 2 VA's AFK or just laughing at the newbies

    a LT Com Fighting is worth a VA who is on autofire or doesn't target turrets or guards
    Live long and Prosper
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    a T1 FIGHTING is worth 2 VA's AFK or just laughing at the newbies

    a LT Com Fighting is worth a VA who is on autofire or doesn't target turrets or guards

    Thank you for this obvious and utterly useless observation.

    Let's continue:

    A T1 fighting is worth 1000 VAs who don't turn the game on!!! Wooo!!

    Irrelevant information is irrelevant.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    as a MAJORITY of mission groups contain only 1 or 2 VA's (excluding STF )
    if both of them sit there typing "work for it losers" then the LT Com is worht more than both of them
    Live long and Prosper
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    terloki wrote: »
    I'm just glad none of the VAs in that match decided to leave and that we still kicked TRIBBLE.

    If you still kicked TRIBBLE... and the VA's didn't leave... I fail to see why the system needs to change... again, the system was designed for all ranks to fight together..

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    The obvious answer is inverse gating

    Incursion strictly Commanders downwards
    Fleet alert open to all
    Blockade RA and above
    starbase defence captains and downwards

    STF normals captains and RA's
    STF elites RA and Up

    Starbase 24 captains and down
    Gorn minefield captains and down
    Mirror incursion Commanders and down
    Breaking the planet commanders and up
    Temple commanders and Captains

    Then limit nukara to VA's
    Defera to VA's

    And everythings fixed

    of course you could privately queue for any of these with a team of friends

    Or leave the system as it is, and private queue with just the ranks you want to do the mission with... no development... no changes... no fuss.. no muss

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Couple points.

    1) A RALH is actually useful, it's not some joke of a T1 or T2 ship with 3 starter beam arrays, maybe a copy of TT or BFAW, maybe 1 copy of EPTS 1.

    2) You, and your man-down team, could have left and rejoined the queue at no penalty. Maybe you would have lost 2 minutes.

    The only disadvantage to you was that you felt you had to complete the mission disadvantaged when nothing in the game prevented you from starting a completely fresh instance, while losing about 2 minutes of time.

    1) Yes, he was useful... and so would have the VA who dumped would have been.

    2) I understand your point, but I don't join missions to quit them... can I... sure... and maybe the next team doesn't have a leaver... or maybe it will. I have to queue again because someone left that mission too. Maybe that Captain 30 is trying his best.. and maybe he will have many teams that dump on him... Mine will not be one of them.

    No thanks... I'll stick with the mission, and complete it to the best of my ability.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    2) I understand your point, but I don't join missions to quit them... can I... sure... and maybe the next team doesn't have a leaver... or maybe it will. I have to queue again because someone left that mission too. Maybe that Captain 30 is trying his best.. and maybe he will have many teams that dump on him... Mine will not be one of them.

    Maybe that Captain 30 is just there for a free lunch, fast xp and fleet marks.

    I'm not sure why "leavers" are a problem but "leeches" are not.

    Funny story.

    Last night I decided to take your words to heart (yours, and yours alone).

    I stuck it out with a team that only had 1 lowbie, L23 captain, T3 ship.

    I watched him die, maybe 5 or 6 times? While contributing very little.

    The best part, is that Captain Spacedust earns the same fleet marks at the end as the rest of us do - while we're basically pulling extra weight for someone that might as well not even be there.

    It's bad enough when good players like yourself have to pull weight for bad players, much less bad players in lowbie ships leeching XP & Fleet Marks.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Fleet marks they need and you don't

    you don't like it ??
    Stay in nukara
    Live long and Prosper
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thank you for this obvious and utterly useless observation.

    Let's continue:

    A T1 fighting is worth 1000 VAs who don't turn the game on!!! Wooo!!

    Irrelevant information is irrelevant.
    Irrelevent? No it isn't. Doing a mission with a leecher as a handicap is FAR worse than having an ensign player as a handicap.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Irrelevent? No it isn't. Doing a mission with a leecher as a handicap is FAR worse than having an ensign player as a handicap.

    If you are an ensign player on a team of VAs, you are effectively leeching whether or not that was your intent through the simple lack of available options and overall lack of capabilities you have.

    > No skill ranks allotted in most skills (many of which increase powers up to 50% extra effectiveness)
    > Generally poor weapons.
    > Few to no real boosts from weak consoles and limited console stations.
    > Very few actual Captain skills available.
    > Fewer weapons on ship.
    > Weaker gear for your ship.
    > Limited BOFF powers available, and limited to only low tier powers.

    No matter how much effort you give, you would have brought more to the team in a higher level, especially level capped, ship.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If you are an ensign player on a team of VAs, you are effectively leeching whether or not that was your intent through the simple lack of available options and overall lack of capabilities you have.

    firstly an ensign character CAN'T enter fleet missions
    but even if he could he is still worth more than the VA who logged out

    No skill ranks allotted in most skills (many of which increase powers up to 50% extra effectiveness)

    as opposed to skills which make things HARDER (like threat control)

    Generally poor weapons.

    scaled to be equal to your VA weapons (and better than some of them)
    > Few to no real boosts from weak consoles and limited console stations.

    As opposed to useless pay to lose consoles which are only any good in pvp??
    Very few actual Captain skills available.

    you VA types never use them
    > Fewer weapons on ship.
    a weapon being used worth several NOT being used
    > Weaker gear for your ship.

    but being USED
    > Limited BOFF powers available, and limited to only low tier powers.
    some of which are the most important in these missions (Engineering team)

    No matter how much effort you give, you would have brought more to the team in a higher level, especially level capped, ship.

    yeah level capped to VA right ??

    you wait upwards of Two hours for a fleet alert to fill
    then you fly out

    your mission team of five VA's
    check each other out??

    Hey that guys not flying an escort
    EVERYONE quits

    or Hey that Gal isn't a TAC
    Everyone quits

    or suppose you actually Do get started

    well one of them goes AFK at once
    Another one has a rainbow cannon defiant
    and a third is a griefer

    meanwhile another instance a team of 1 cap 1 lt com 2 lts and a RA has gained 20 fleet marks and is laughing at you
    Live long and Prosper
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Maybe that Captain 30 is just there for a free lunch, fast xp and fleet marks.

    I'm not sure why "leavers" are a problem but "leeches" are not.

    If referring to AFK... I agree they are a problem... but if Cap 30 is actively trying to contribute, I have no problem with him/her... heck, could turn into a great VA one day...

    Funny story.

    Last night I decided to take your words to heart (yours, and yours alone).

    I stuck it out with a team that only had 1 lowbie, L23 captain, T3 ship.

    I watched him die, maybe 5 or 6 times? While contributing very little.

    The best part, is that Captain Spacedust earns the same fleet marks at the end as the rest of us do - while we're basically pulling extra weight for someone that might as well not even be there.

    It's bad enough when good players like yourself have to pull weight for bad players, much less bad players in lowbie ships leeching XP & Fleet Marks.

    First, thank you for trying...

    How did the team do, comparatively? Did you earn significantly fewer fleet marks? See, thats my sticking point on leavers. I've been in teams with Commanders and such, and scored approximately the same fleet marks (or the difference wasnt great enough for me to notice, or care too much about). But what I do notice with leavers is that I end up completing less <whatever goal... rescued freighters in blockade, sabs in incursion, etc>, and get a fleet mark decrease that I notice.

    If he was trying, I just dont see that as leeching. If he just sits there, does nothing... goes afk... then yes, that's leeching (in my opinion)... but i've seen plenty of VA's do that. So as long as Captain Stardust tried... he's welcome to go with me anytime.

    Sure is it easier with 5 VA's, absolutely... i'd never argue that point... and faster. But it isnt even all that difficult with LT Com, Commander, Captain, RA's in the mix...

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Uh oh.. someone got sollvax to climb on his horse... again.

    sollvax wrote: »
    as opposed to skills which make things HARDER (like threat control)

    I really don't think you understand this particular skill... it has some excellent, and welcomed benefits.
    you VA types never use them

    I generally don't see this (and I can certainly tell you, Ulti has pulled me back from the brink on more than 1 occassion)... with the exception of those not used to team dynamic play... where their focus is completely on keeping themselves alive. Frankly STO doesn't do a good job at fostering team play, and team dynamics.

    Edit: For that matter, not many fleets do this well either. Too many are concerned with just pure numbers of people grinding, and forgot that the game is about having fun.
    you wait upwards of Two hours for a fleet alert to fill
    then you fly out

    your mission team of five VA's
    check each other out??

    Hey that guys not flying an escort
    EVERYONE quits

    or Hey that Gal isn't a TAC
    Everyone quits

    or suppose you actually Do get started

    well one of them goes AFK at once
    Another one has a rainbow cannon defiant
    and a third is a griefer

    meanwhile another instance a team of 1 cap 1 lt com 2 lts and a RA has gained 20 fleet marks and is laughing at you

    Ok, so I've gone to extremes to make points, but this takes the cake...

    Seriously, there are times I think about switching sides if I find myself on the same side of an argument as you. I think you may be a mole, here to cause more people to go to the other side, and support leaving matches.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
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