Today I played two fleet actions (Fleet Defense) and they were hampered by a VAdm in a Tier 2 ship in one of the other teams that was playing with. If you want to be Billy-kick -A$$ do it somewhere else Public Fleet Actions and STFs are not the place to do this nonsense and hampers enjoyment of other players wondering why it?fs taking so long to complete some of the mission. We need to enable a Public cross team Vote to kick to get rid of these players to keep these nuisances away from the more serious players.
I'm for trying different builds and such but really a T2 ship in a T5 event? Really?!
Come on let's leave that for a private event. If you want to do that in a public event why not spam chat to see if any else wants to join in that madness.
Today I played two fleet actions (Fleet Defense) and they were hampered by a VAdm in a Tier 2 ship in one of the other teams that was playing with. If you want to be Billy-kick -A$$ do it somewhere else Public Fleet Actions and STFs are not the place to do this nonsense and hampers enjoyment of other players wondering why it?fs taking so long to complete some of the mission. We need to enable a Public cross team Vote to kick to get rid of these players to keep these nuisances away from the more serious players.
Fleet Defenses are open to everyone level 2 and up. Chances are it wasn't actually a VA, it was a LtCmdr uplevelled to a VA.
Cryptic isn't going to give you a vote-kick option just so you can kick people they allow into those fleet defenses. If you want to roll with only VAs in T5s then you're going to have to find a group to do it with and run private matches.
Today I played two fleet actions (Fleet Defense) and they were hampered by a VAdm in a Tier 2 ship in one of the other teams that was playing with. If you want to be Billy-kick -A$$ do it somewhere else Public Fleet Actions and STFs are not the place to do this nonsense and hampers enjoyment of other players wondering why it?fs taking so long to complete some of the mission. We need to enable a Public cross team Vote to kick to get rid of these players to keep these nuisances away from the more serious players.
Everyone is "bumped" to VA/LG when playing that mission. Like, just ran my LtCommander thru and their rank shows as VA. So what you think you saw might have been a legitimate player doing legitimate things. So a vote to kick legit players working to provide for their fleet? No, no to a vote system because you can kick people doing absolutely nothing wrong.
Have you ever picked up loot from one of those that was lower than Mk XI? That's because there are lower level characters in the event, and kicking them because they are lower level is wrong.
[SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC] Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
It's nice they are included, but given what we experienced with the Borg Red Alerts, sometimes bumping up isn't enough. Especially if you don't have enough VA's to make the mission a success.
It's nice they are included, but given what we experienced with the Borg Red Alerts, sometimes bumping up isn't enough. Especially if you don't have enough VA's to make the mission a success.
I can understand that.
Perhaps level 50 is it's own queue, and everything lower is a bump to 45 like how the Borg red Alerts are?
I wouldn't mind an Elite 50 also.
[SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC] Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
Fleet Defenses are open to everyone level 2 and up. Chances are it wasn't actually a VA, it was a LtCmdr uplevelled to a VA.
Cryptic isn't going to give you a vote-kick option just so you can kick people they allow into those fleet defenses. If you want to roll with only VAs in T5s then you're going to have to find a group to do it with and run private matches.
Or run the VA only events.
I am for a kick but for a different reason though. I was hoping the OP had the issue with leechers just standing at the entrance point but hitting need on everything.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
Posts/threads like this seem to appear on an almost daily basis.
It has been said time and time again - the 'kick' option is a terrible one as it would be FAR too open to abuse.
True. Might be a solution for what I think we need a kick for would be if the proposed kick player takes or gets damage in a 20 second timer, then kick is removed and player stays. That would take care of the leechers.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
or give NO drops during events at all and at the end have people given a "goody bag" based on performance
for example in incursion
Got most sabs in phase one an item of the mk higher at your current rank
got some sabs in phase one an item at the lower of your current rank
Got no sabs nothing
phase 2 got all four sabs (team award) 500 dilith
got 3 250 dilith
got 2 100 dilith
got 1 or less nothing
phase three got captain a Mk Xii purple item
did not get captain but still completed a Mk item of your ranks lower end (ideally a weapon)
did not leave start area character banned from events for 28 days
or give NO drops during events at all and at the end have people given a "goody bag" based on performance
for example in incursion
Got most sabs in phase one an item of the mk higher at your current rank
got some sabs in phase one an item at the lower of your current rank
Got no sabs nothing
phase 2 got all four sabs (team award) 500 dilith
got 3 250 dilith
got 2 100 dilith
got 1 or less nothing
phase three got captain a Mk Xii purple item
did not get captain but still completed a Mk item of your ranks lower end (ideally a weapon)
did not leave start area character banned from events for 28 days
That one has a nice hideout for leechers behind some crates. I ran through an area and this one guy was just standing between crates hitting Need on everything. I will post a message asking if they plan to leech or help to shed the light of shame on them. I once did it on zone chat because team chat was giving an error. And know what happened? Someone in another zone got mad because I called the person a leecher so I guess he was leeching too and felt shame.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
Which isn't to say that players who do sit around doing nothing other than clicking 'need' in STF's etc should be allowed to get away with it. It's downright annoying and inconsiderate.
I don't know what the answer is - there probably isn't one. In an ideal world the software would exist that would prevent said players from receiving anything - drops, loots or rewards.
Either that, or they would be prevented from leaving and the mission would, upon completion, turn PVP, with the AFK'er ship turning into a 'enemy' ship that those who actually WORKED to get the rewards could target and destroy. And only then would the AFK'er be allowed to fly their smoking debris out of the mission! Hey, I can dream!
Something close to that happened when PvP was actually populated in this game. In a match and all my Fed team bailed, leaving me alone with 4 KDF and 1 KDF guy not helping them. I asked the KDF players would they mind letting me kill him and in return I wouldn't quit the match so they would get XP. (Back when KDF was strictly PvP only). So they let me kill him a couple of times then I let them kill me to finish off the match so they could get their XP. I had a KDF toon as well so I knew how much it hurt to bail on them.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
Today I played two fleet actions (Fleet Defense) and they were hampered by a VAdm in a Tier 2 ship in one of the other teams that was playing with. If you want to be Billy-kick -A$$ do it somewhere else Public Fleet Actions and STFs are not the place to do this nonsense and hampers enjoyment of other players wondering why it?fs taking so long to complete some of the mission. We need to enable a Public cross team Vote to kick to get rid of these players to keep these nuisances away from the more serious players.
Fleet Defenses are open to everyone level 2 and up. Chances are it wasn't actually a VA, it was a LtCmdr uplevelled to a VA.
Cryptic isn't going to give you a vote-kick option just so you can kick people they allow into those fleet defenses. If you want to roll with only VAs in T5s then you're going to have to find a group to do it with and run private matches.
sorry but ive seen VA in T2 ships and yes they where VA i take the time to click on some one to make sure
sorry but ive seen VA in T2 ships and yes they where VA i take the time to click on some one to make sure
Did you check to make sure it was actually a T2 ship, and not one of the new retrofits? I keep thinking I see people flying low tier ships in fleet mark missions; but it always turns out to be a T5 version of a low tier ship.
Did you check to make sure it was actually a T2 ship, and not one of the new retrofits? I keep thinking I see people flying low tier ships in fleet mark missions; but it always turns out to be a T5 version of a low tier ship.
dont think there is a constitution retrofits or a fishbowl looking ships at RA or VA i know what i am talking about
Well I know I've gotten into some of the group things and never even knew I was starting one. Typically I was flying around trying to find patrol and other single missions and wound up in some group or other que not knowing that it was. Typically I will leave immediately so as not to cause issues for people. That's the biggest frustration I have. Please please put something that tells me what's going on. "enter TRIBBLE system" or "Patrol XXXX System" shouldn't then auto join me to a group and dump me on other's. It should say hey are you sure you want to join this group activity or some other warning. When that's happened to me I've rarely seen anyone talking in chat either. Kinda erie just to zone in and no one talk just fly off and start killing.
Well I know I've gotten into some of the group things and never even knew I was starting one. Typically I was flying around trying to find patrol and other single missions and wound up in some group or other que not knowing that it was. Typically I will leave immediately so as not to cause issues for people. That's the biggest frustration I have. Please please put something that tells me what's going on. "enter TRIBBLE system" or "Patrol XXXX System" shouldn't then auto join me to a group and dump me on other's. It should say hey are you sure you want to join this group activity or some other warning. When that's happened to me I've rarely seen anyone talking in chat either. Kinda erie just to zone in and no one talk just fly off and start killing.
i know a long time ago you could trun off auto grouping dont know if you still can
Did you check to make sure it was actually a T2 ship, and not one of the new retrofits? I keep thinking I see people flying low tier ships in fleet mark missions; but it always turns out to be a T5 version of a low tier ship.
This I fly the T5 Heavy Cruiser retrofit, With the T5 versions of the T1 and T2 it will cause a bit of confusion. Just because someone is in one of these ship dont assume check to make sure.
I've seen as low as Level 10 in those missions. It doesn't matter to me much. I kind of like seeing smaller/different ships in them, this one gets sick of seeing nothing but Odysseys and Defiants. :P
As for the kick option? No. We don't want to turn this into EVE.
Today I played two fleet actions (Fleet Defense) and they were hampered by a VAdm in a Tier 2 ship in one of the other teams that was playing with. If you want to be Billy-kick -A$$ do it somewhere else Public Fleet Actions and STFs are not the place to do this nonsense and hampers enjoyment of other players wondering why it?fs taking so long to complete some of the mission. We need to enable a Public cross team Vote to kick to get rid of these players to keep these nuisances away from the more serious players.
first, no vote kicks as others have said too easily abused.
second, doubtful that it was a VA, when players get upscaled they show as 50 (or if you click level difference shows zero)
works both ways, a lt or lt cmdr clicks on a VA in fleet events they'll show as equal as well green zero.
the events need reworked to be like sb24, tiered enemies per tier of player instead of the absolute fail of upscaling the player to 50. lt's, lt cmdr's, commanders just can't benefit enough or even help enough even upscaled. their skills, ships, weapons, just aren't up to par.
upscaling was just a bad idea. it didn't factor in ships that have fewer weapons nor players that have fewer skills and less points in the skills they do have much less fewer and weaker boff skills than 40 and up leveled players.
Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
I've seen as low as Level 10 in those missions. It doesn't matter to me much. I kind of like seeing smaller/different ships in them, this one gets sick of seeing nothing but Odysseys and Defiants. :P
As for the kick option? No. We don't want to turn this into EVE.
so you like take 20 to 40 mins longer in thes dont for get some of thes are on a time limit on them im sorry if i have got to do the good old age sto grind fest i dont need low lvls slowing it up or ppl in constitution's trying to show off
and again if cryptic dose there job to the ppl who would miss use it like they do all ready to the ppl who miss use the report spam they would get banned
Thankfully, I've only had 1 issue where I wanted a vote kick. Some guy was afk in our space STF from the start to about 3 mins before the final boss died.
The option to kick afk players would be marvelous in a situation like that. Heck, even an auto-kick for STFs would be wonderful.
Sometimes vote to kick would be nice, was doing some starbase blockading and had someone just sit there for the free ride...we only got 12 of 24 thanks to some idiot being able to sit there and let us carry them.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I'm for trying different builds and such but really a T2 ship in a T5 event? Really?!
Come on let's leave that for a private event. If you want to do that in a public event why not spam chat to see if any else wants to join in that madness.
Fleet Defenses are open to everyone level 2 and up. Chances are it wasn't actually a VA, it was a LtCmdr uplevelled to a VA.
Cryptic isn't going to give you a vote-kick option just so you can kick people they allow into those fleet defenses. If you want to roll with only VAs in T5s then you're going to have to find a group to do it with and run private matches.
Everyone is "bumped" to VA/LG when playing that mission. Like, just ran my LtCommander thru and their rank shows as VA. So what you think you saw might have been a legitimate player doing legitimate things. So a vote to kick legit players working to provide for their fleet? No, no to a vote system because you can kick people doing absolutely nothing wrong.
Have you ever picked up loot from one of those that was lower than Mk XI? That's because there are lower level characters in the event, and kicking them because they are lower level is wrong.
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
I can understand that.
Perhaps level 50 is it's own queue, and everything lower is a bump to 45 like how the Borg red Alerts are?
I wouldn't mind an Elite 50 also.
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
its VA's who Fail the missions usually
Or run the VA only events.
I am for a kick but for a different reason though. I was hoping the OP had the issue with leechers just standing at the entrance point but hitting need on everything.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
Between the "Elite" nerd-ragers and trolls wearing lollerskates, kick is a horrible idea.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
True. Might be a solution for what I think we need a kick for would be if the proposed kick player takes or gets damage in a 20 second timer, then kick is removed and player stays. That would take care of the leechers.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
hows this for a proposal
Drop "need or greed" entirely and award the drop ALWAYS to the person making the kill
Right, because we really need to encourage the DPS BEFOR EVRYTHING mentality.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
besides this would despam the system
or give NO drops during events at all and at the end have people given a "goody bag" based on performance
for example in incursion
Got most sabs in phase one an item of the mk higher at your current rank
got some sabs in phase one an item at the lower of your current rank
Got no sabs nothing
phase 2 got all four sabs (team award) 500 dilith
got 3 250 dilith
got 2 100 dilith
got 1 or less nothing
phase three got captain a Mk Xii purple item
did not get captain but still completed a Mk item of your ranks lower end (ideally a weapon)
did not leave start area character banned from events for 28 days
That one has a nice hideout for leechers behind some crates. I ran through an area and this one guy was just standing between crates hitting Need on everything. I will post a message asking if they plan to leech or help to shed the light of shame on them. I once did it on zone chat because team chat was giving an error. And know what happened? Someone in another zone got mad because I called the person a leecher so I guess he was leeching too and felt shame.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
Something close to that happened when PvP was actually populated in this game. In a match and all my Fed team bailed, leaving me alone with 4 KDF and 1 KDF guy not helping them. I asked the KDF players would they mind letting me kill him and in return I wouldn't quit the match so they would get XP. (Back when KDF was strictly PvP only). So they let me kill him a couple of times then I let them kill me to finish off the match so they could get their XP. I had a KDF toon as well so I knew how much it hurt to bail on them.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
100% agree with this
system Lord Baal is dead
sorry but ive seen VA in T2 ships and yes they where VA i take the time to click on some one to make sure
system Lord Baal is dead
and if cryptic dose there job ppl who miss use it sould be banned
system Lord Baal is dead
on the other hand he was packing anti proton weapons and it was only minefield
Did you check to make sure it was actually a T2 ship, and not one of the new retrofits? I keep thinking I see people flying low tier ships in fleet mark missions; but it always turns out to be a T5 version of a low tier ship.
dont think there is a constitution retrofits or a fishbowl looking ships at RA or VA i know what i am talking about
system Lord Baal is dead
Actually, there is an Olympic retrofit.
You're right about the Constitution though.
i know a long time ago you could trun off auto grouping dont know if you still can
system Lord Baal is dead
This I fly the T5 Heavy Cruiser retrofit, With the T5 versions of the T1 and T2 it will cause a bit of confusion. Just because someone is in one of these ship dont assume check to make sure.
As to the OP Vote to Kick? No, just no.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
As for the kick option? No. We don't want to turn this into EVE.
first, no vote kicks as others have said too easily abused.
second, doubtful that it was a VA, when players get upscaled they show as 50 (or if you click level difference shows zero)
works both ways, a lt or lt cmdr clicks on a VA in fleet events they'll show as equal as well green zero.
the events need reworked to be like sb24, tiered enemies per tier of player instead of the absolute fail of upscaling the player to 50. lt's, lt cmdr's, commanders just can't benefit enough or even help enough even upscaled. their skills, ships, weapons, just aren't up to par.
upscaling was just a bad idea. it didn't factor in ships that have fewer weapons nor players that have fewer skills and less points in the skills they do have much less fewer and weaker boff skills than 40 and up leveled players.
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
system Lord Baal is dead
so you like take 20 to 40 mins longer in thes dont for get some of thes are on a time limit on them im sorry if i have got to do the good old age sto grind fest i dont need low lvls slowing it up or ppl in constitution's trying to show off
and again if cryptic dose there job to the ppl who would miss use it like they do all ready to the ppl who miss use the report spam they would get banned
system Lord Baal is dead
The option to kick afk players would be marvelous in a situation like that. Heck, even an auto-kick for STFs would be wonderful.