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Plasma weapon procs

redfriarredfriar Member Posts: 31 Arc User
edited August 2012 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
In one of the recent updates it was said that plasma DoT procs can now be improved by skills. I've noticed that although this is true with other weapons, plasma does not seem to be effected. I've tested beams, torpedoes and mines and the DoT proc is not affected by any skill modifiers such as consoles or deflectors.
Post edited by redfriar on


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    redfriarredfriar Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    and is it just me, or does the reman set bonus on high yield plasmas not seem to be improving their speed anymore?
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    archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'll take a look and see what's going on with this.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i just leveled up a kdf from level 20 to 49 with plasma weapons, because its not like i can use them competitively at level cap pvp thanks to the stf shields everybody uses. :mad:

    as far as i could tell, weapons training and energy weapons training on the skill tree improve the weapons damage, and the proc damage like it said it was supposed too. plasma energy weapon consoles also improved both from what i saw. theres no science console type that will improve the proc though, even though particle generators proboly should like it improves the damage of eject warp plasma. flow capacitors buff the proc of tetryon and polaron weapons, so there is a precedent set for things like that.

    if anything should be looked at regarding these weapons, it should be how opace the cannon bolts are, you can barely see anything when they fire. they should be more bold, or something, so they are visible. the shape of the cannon bolts are cool and unique, just really hard to see.
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    redfriarredfriar Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I assumed science skill bonuses would affect it like tetryon and polaron. Seems strange that the proc would be affected by the weapons skills and consoles.

    Has anyone else noticed a reduction in the speed of the reman high yield plasma?
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    redfriarredfriar Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ok, so I've been experimenting with the weapon procs. The tetryon and polaron are influenced by the science skills, however the plasma procs are influenced by tactical consoles. This is kind of interesting the more I play with it. One gives a comparative advantage for escorts while the other, an advantage for science vessels.

    On the downside, the prototype plasma projectile definitely is not performing the way I remember. Even against cruiser NPCs moving slowly, the projectile misses as the cruiser turns and then it proceeds to follow, lagging behind the cruiser. The cruiser made no change in speed and was not moving quickly at all, yet the high yield plasma with the reman set could not even keep up.
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    archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My research indicates that plasma ground weapon procs are benefiting from Weapon Proficiency and Combat Specialist, and plasma space procs are benefiting Starship Weapons Training and Starship Energy Weapons Training. Basically, the same stuff that benefit your normal plasma attack damage. I can see an argument for why some people might expect the science oriented skills like Particle Generators to be used instead, but these are weapon-based procs at their core.

    I'm certainly willing to consider changes, but right now, I can confirm that they are taking skills into account - just not necessarily the same skills that some players might have expected.
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    atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My research indicates that plasma ground weapon procs are benefiting from Weapon Proficiency and Combat Specialist, and plasma space procs are benefiting Starship Weapons Training and Starship Energy Weapons Training. Basically, the same stuff that benefit your normal plasma attack damage. I can see an argument for why some people might expect the science oriented skills like Particle Generators to be used instead, but these are weapon-based procs at their core.

    I'm certainly willing to consider changes, but right now, I can confirm that they are taking skills into account - just not necessarily the same skills that some players might have expected.
    Could you tell us by how much the plasma procs can scale?
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My research indicates that plasma ground weapon procs are benefiting from Weapon Proficiency and Combat Specialist, and plasma space procs are benefiting Starship Weapons Training and Starship Energy Weapons Training. Basically, the same stuff that benefit your normal plasma attack damage. I can see an argument for why some people might expect the science oriented skills like Particle Generators to be used instead, but these are weapon-based procs at their core.

    I'm certainly willing to consider changes, but right now, I can confirm that they are taking skills into account - just not necessarily the same skills that some players might have expected.

    its certainly better then it was before, only recently did the plasma space weapons proc benefit from Starship Weapons Training and Starship Energy Weapons Training. before it only scaled with MK of the weapon.

    tetryon and polaron benefiting from flow capacitors was a relatively new thing that came about when the skill tree was overhauled. the buffing of these procs could be undone by another sci skill, power insulators, that was the justification for those 2 energy types to get their proc buffed by flow caps.

    there isn't really such a relationship with a skill getting buffed by particle generators, but frankly there doesn't need to be. a little extra damage for 15 seconds is nothing compared to procs that can offline subsystems, drain your power significantly, and even procs that help remove your enemies shields faster. the plasma fire proc you can get on things like plasma torpedoes and EWP is an order of magnitude higher then the current proc damage of plasma energy weapon. if i recall correctly, particle generators buff both of their proc, and should buff plasma energy weapons as well.

    im saying have particle generators, in addition to Starship Weapons Training and Starship Energy Weapons Training, should buff the proc, not 1 or the other.

    of course buffing the proc wont fix the fundamental problem with plasma weapons. that problem is that the 4 most used shields at end game have a 15-20% resistance to plasma damage, because they are all stf sets designed to counter the borg. in doing so player use plasma weapons arent even a usable option at end game, every shot they fire deals 20% less damage then it should.

    there are 2 solutions, 1 would be to remove that plasma resistance from the shields. the second would be to make npc plasma weapons, borg and unidine, its own energy type, exotic plasma or something. then set those shields to resist that damage so player use plasma is not effected.
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    splitboysplitboy Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    there isn't really such a relationship with a skill getting buffed by particle generators, but frankly there doesn't need to be. a little extra damage for 15 seconds is nothing compared to procs that can offline subsystems, drain your power significantly, and even procs that help remove your enemies shields faster. the plasma fire proc you can get on things like plasma torpedoes and EWP is an order of magnitude higher then the current proc damage of plasma energy weapon. if i recall correctly, particle generators buff both of their proc, and should buff plasma energy weapons as well.

    That's why only particle generator should buff both energy and kinetic damage type plasma proc but scale at a higher rate as it is now.
    And you could counter the plasma proc cleaning it with HE if you like to waste the cooldown for it.

    of course buffing the proc wont fix the fundamental problem with plasma weapons. that problem is that the 4 most used shields at end game have a 15-20% resistance to plasma damage, because they are all stf sets designed to counter the borg. in doing so player use plasma weapons arent even a usable option at end game, every shot they fire deals 20% less damage then it should.

    i don't fully agree with here the shields are good as they are and should retain the 20%.
    The problem is something diffrent imho as long as there is no equal gear that does not come from STF as a source players will always use the STF shield if they can lay hands on those.

    As soon as there are comparable shields that have a PvP background (maybe increasing
    defence or reduce crit magnitude on hit) or aim at a general or other faction defence it starts to be a none issue.

    P.S. Undine use Antiproton as energytyp and the 20% resist does not effect the dot from the torps.
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