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1000 Paper Cuts for Star Trek Online



  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    astarte05 wrote: »
    It's for the pewpew fanatics. I mean, seriously, "peace and exploration" can only get you so far, would YOU play an MMO that involved the Federation's "true" mission, i.e. "Scan This Nebula for A Week and Report To Starfleet With Findings"?

    I certainly would enjoy missions that don't involve fighting. I like that :) Besides, the absence of permanent warfare doesn't mean "weeks of scanning" - think of the shows. We didn't see the cast scan minerals for weeks. Yes, we had fighting and it's nothing wrong with that. But when there is fighting, why do we have to clear out tens of thousands of enemy ships in a blink as opposed to the long battles one-on-one encounters were in the shows? THAt get's boring, at least to me. Just because something goes "boom" doesn't mean it's exciting.
    Every franchise has its fans that are more geared towards their favorite captain/ship/etc. blowing stuff up than the whole "explore strange new worlds" thing. The exploration, diplomacy, problem-solving aspect does get tiring and tedious, as opposed to just "Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure".

    See above, to me that's whats makes a game, well a Star Trek game, boring.
    It's for those who loved every time the Enterprise fired phasers. The ones that preferred, say ST: First Contact and Nemesis to, say, ST: The Voyage Home in terms of action. That there's so many enemies ensures there's never a shortage of fighting. There's an actual war with a recurring antagonist, the Klingons. There's the Romulans, Cardassians, Jem'Hadar, Breen, so like I said, there will always be someone to blow up. This is NOT at all the Imperium, or 40k, because Star Trek would have to take quite a slide indeed to even rival 40k's overall feelings of cynicism, helplessness, and depression.

    Well, what is left of the Spirit the shows had? Nothing. In STO we are "born" in combat, forged in blood and excel in killing. The few non-combat or less-combat-heavy missions are either completely removed or pointless. If this is what it's about why does it have to be Star Trek? The devs included so much shooting, cannons, fighters, carriers, armours, grenades - this is all stuff we know from other franchises but Star Trek never worked that way. The whole mechanics of ST space combat are meant elementary different to the whole "fighter dogfight" which is so popular. To make another 40k reference, the way STO is right know is equivalent to those people who always share their thoughts on 40k-forums why the Tau should have ninja-swordsmen and CC-specialists when the basic principle of this race does exclude any form of dedicated CC. This is the concept but people just can't take it. In Star Trek, Starfleet is no army, there are no dedicated soldiers and weapons system it was never meant to be.

    In both cases, however, it would be possible to adapt in a sensible way to answer some of the righteous questions. In Star Trek, the canon-storyline did it itself when starfleet faced more conflict: They developed the Defiant class and trained some people in combat tachniques for hazardous situations. Take this and make a special tactical detachment of Starfleet, give them a bit of tech that fits the overall style and it works. Even the MACO armours look okay-ish even though calling them MACOs again is a huge step backwards for the Federation but whatever. Still, the main doctrine remains diplomacy before escalation, disable an enemy before destroying him. You had more options to accomplish your missions in the Nintendo Game Boy version of Star Trek TNG than STO has.

    In 40k, of course it doesn't make sense for Tau warriors to get slaughtered beyond any hope once the enemy closes, in a universe where that's the preffered way of fighting. But they are physically no match to any other species in the game, thus we could think about some kind of last resort energy bayonets or some kind of "hunting spear" to keep enemies at bay while the other warriors shoot them to bits. But handing katanas to fire warriors because it looks cool is the same as heavly armoured Starfleet officers with huge, automatic guns throwing frigging napalm grenades at their enemies to watch them burn and suffer when th accidental killing of an space-based entity caused a major ethical dilemma to Captain Picard, the same person that adressed the idea of military ground combat as "barbaric" and obsolete since that's how the society of the Federation works, even though they faced war but prevailed with these ideals intact.

    EDIT: I just thought about that even Star Trek Elite Force felt more "Trek" than STO and that was a friggin shooter! But the premise of the game was essentially that we played a Starfleet SWAT team for hazardous operations and even then we scanned things, people talked like sentient beings, the equipment looked more sensible and we knew that the rest of the crew did their thing while we shot some bad guys as a part of a greater plan.

    Anyway, to stay on topic: Another paper cut would probably be the behaviour/function of my BOFFs. Someone already posted that they are totally obsolete in the late game, but even before if I take them on an away mission they are just static cannon fodder / fighting drones. They never talk, never do anything, I can't even send one to push a button, get a item or scan anything. It shouldn't be too hard to have them actually DO basic things instead of just sticking to their captain and shoot bad guys.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • aestuaestu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My big contributions would be:
    -Fix the sound. Entire zones with no soundtrack is unthinkable. When I first noticed that, I assumed it was a bug. It's unfathomable to me that something that was a standard feature in 1985 (soundtracks in every zone) is still beyond the grasp of this game's designers.

    -Improve the socialization, without lameness like random group finders. There should be free-form content that encourage players to create their own social networks without the game doing it for them - that is to say, content that is difficult enough that it has to be done by fleets and not pugs.

    Honestly I think the new aggressively tuned FAs would be great, if not for the new Fleet system itself. Ironic.
  • realuniqueonerealuniqueone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1. Camera bugs (switching to free cam by itself or getting stuck in an endless swing motion) - Game breaking. A fix is coming (for the switch bug) I have been told, but why is this taking so long for such a serious (game almost unplayable) issue???

    2. The new 25 man starbase space mission seems to have a (threading?) issue, it permanently lags your computer more with each run. Seems like a thread is being started and never stopped at completion.

    3. 2.5D space?!?!?!. Space is 3D, not 2.5D - it's the laws of physics. Need I say more???

    4. When I turn off pet/mine spam in options (or anything else for that matter), it should not continue to show the spam when it's off screen.

    5. Why do npc races not sometimes (very rarely) drop special (set?) items unique to their race?

    6. More boff ability options??? Specially at the lower levels.

    7. The game has tailor and ship tailor options, why not use this to randomly generate npc races for a new exploration system? Why can't I simply fly off the known map into unknown areas filled with randomized races and systems?

    8. PVP maps are much too full of clutter... Please cryptic, watch a few matches and see how everyone is always above the arena fighting with a "out of bounds" message box on their screen... It's madness.

    >>> UniqueOne - Providing you with easy PVP kills since Feb 2012 <<<
  • beezle23beezle23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Not direct comments, just using a post to work in a few of my own complaints.
    1. Camera bugs (switching to free cam by itself or getting stuck in an endless swing motion) - Game breaking. A fix is coming (for the switch bug) I have been told, but why is this taking so long for such a serious (game almost unplayable) issue???

    I'll throw in my hatred of the ground camera. When I'm trying to back-away-shooting, it tends to jerk me around so I end up running back towards the enemies.
    2. The new 25 man starbase space mission seems to have a (threading?) issue, it permanently lags your computer more with each run. Seems like a thread is being started and never stopped at completion.

    At least for me, it's a horrible sound-buffering/looping problem that overloads my CPU.

    I avoid this mission.

    1. My computer might bog halfway through, making me useless.
    2. Minimum 15 to start? With a mission that really, really needs 4 teams?
    3. Payout vs. Time spent. I'm better off doing the much shorter, less painful Defense and Blockade missions.
    3. 2.5D space?!?!?!. Space is 3D, not 2.5D - it's the laws of physics. Need I say more???

    So maddening. I still occasionally try to pull maneuvers that are even possible in biplanes, only to be foiled by the "stall angle in space."
    4. When I turn off pet/mine spam in options (or anything else for that matter), it should not continue to show the spam when it's off screen.

    The whole "Things you can't see show up as names twitching on the edge of the screen" is annoying.

    Tack on a complaint about the minimap and actually showing enemy location. What year is STO supposed to be? I don't have reliable "space radar?"
    5. Why do npc races not sometimes (very rarely) drop special (set?) items unique to their race?

    Why are drops so horrible at end-game compared to level?

    I've said this elsewhere -- they need to split RALH and RAUH into two distinct loot tiers. Before RA, there's two loot marks per level.

    T1: I-II
    T2: III-IV
    T3: V-VI
    T4: VII-VIII
    T5: IX-XII ?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
  • andyslashandyslash Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1. decloaking through mission windows
    2. dreadnoughts cannon and middle nacelle are wonky. the cannon is off center, and the third nacelle is a copy of the port nacelle. using custom designs on the neck tab make the middle nacelle look like TRIBBLE.
    3.the weapon pimples need to go. It really bugs the hell out of me having these black and red bumps all over my ship. need to get some acne cream.
    4. Different phaser sounds for space combat. maybe add 2 more phaser samples and have the sounds rotate throught them?
    5. missing blinkers on certain ships
    6. mirror universe ships cant use terran empire logos(they probably arent even ingame)
    7. more torpedo sound effects. Atleast alternating samples. like star trek III had an awesome torp sound, tng featured different torp sounds from episode to episode.
    8. ship tailor colors are wonked. the shades of red do not display as red. they are shades of magenta to burgandy. There is no pure red.
    9. for those who own the copy of sto that has the DS9 outfit unlocked should get the unzipped version as well.
    10. you need 20$ to get a free fleet ship. was so excited for season six and this TRIBBLE happens. didnt play for 2 weeks.
    11. scaling ships. Riker says in the last episode of tng "thats one of the perks being an admiral, get to choose your ship." bare in mind it should make whatever ship you're currently using not overpowered. like using a miranda just to TRIBBLE around in have 4 forward weapons and 4 aft but make the hull have like 39k or whatever for balance.
    12. buff aegis set to be mk xi purple at least. its the weakest set out there for max characters.
  • beezle23beezle23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Empty "Red Alerts" and "Enemy Signal Contact" maps.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
  • flekhflekh Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    * on my male characters, their beards and hair beam out seconds before the rest of them. Ticks me off every time.

    * my Orion sci complains about lack of shoes. 'Hard enough to be the only Orion around that actually wears clothing, but the choice of either sandals or clunky klingon boots is driving me mad.

    * as we're already at things my Orion sci complains about: non-klingon bridges, please! Red lights might seem fine for some to go with green space hookers, but at least the tarks have to go ... and I'd prefer less martial lighing to actually sell slaves and weaponry from, not all Orion ships are flying brothels ... just most.

    * space that has "up" and "down" and does not allow you to go either of these ways.

    * the inability of my helmsman to understand these "up" and "down"s when using autopilot in sector space. "Helm, set course for the Traelus system!" - "Sir, I can't do that, I can only get us to a position 20 lightyears below the system on the Z-axis. They never tought us how to do that at academy." - "..."

    (more to come, no use wasting all of them at once :p)
  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In no particular order:

    - Get the Dilithium out of the crafting system. It has NO place there, and it makes crafting completely, totally pointless. Why craft when it costs more to make an item than it costs to buy it on the exchange? It serves no purpose whatsoever, except for the Aegis set, and that set isn't really much better than the other non-STF sets, since it's been nerfed.

    - Fix the broken windows/textures on the ships. They're the stars of the game, and they deserve more attention to detail. ESPECIALLY THE ONES FOR WHICH WE PAID REAL MONEY.

    - Stop dropping us into already-failing STF's. If we want to join an STF, we'd rather be able to join from the beginning, with a fresh start. Joining a failing team only screws us out of success, and restarts the cooldown until we can try it again. (please note that I am not talking optional; I write that off any time I pug it)

    - Tier 3 or tier 3.5 Constitution Refit available at starbases. The best version would only be on par with the original Excelsior, which makes sense...and the refit Excelsior (not to mention the Galaxy and Sovereign) would be vastly superior to it. It wouldn't break canon any more than anything else in the game, and would let us use one of the most beloved ships in Star Trek for longer than 3 days while leveling up.

    - Non-Klingon bridges for non-Klingon KDF-faction ships, please. Red everywhere makes my eyeballs sad. Not to mention, Orion bridges could be...interesting.

    - Non-Klingon ship name prefixes and ship logos for non-Klingon KDF ships, please (G.H.S. prefix and Gorn Hegemony logo for Gorn ships, for example). I don't like Klingons, but I actually enjoy that faction; it'd be nice to really represent my part of it.

    - Make the center nacelle on the Galaxy X linked to the nacelles, NOT the neck, in the ship customizer. Also, make it light up when going to warp; it seems to be dead weight at the moment.

    - Please make the Ablative Armor on the Intrepid useful. Right now, it takes so long to deploy, lasts such a short time, and has such a long cooldown, it's really pointless to waste a console slot on it.

    - Allow each piece of STF 'tech' gear able to be traded for another of the same or lesser type; for example, a 'Prototype Borg Deflector Tech' could be traded for a 'Prototype Borg Shield Tech', or even a 'Rare Borg Engine Tech' if we really wanted to take a step down to complete a Mk XI set. Requiring us to re-run the same STF hundreds of times just because that one drop is being stubborn is really, really frustrating.

    - Please increase the Dilithium Refining cap, but make it account-wide, like 30,000 per day...or base it on the number of level 50 characters on that account. That way, if I want to sit there all day on the same character and do several STF's, all the Eta Eridani missions, AND the Pi Canis Path of the Warrior, I can...and not feel like I'm wasting my time after the first few missions. It would also give people more incentive to buy more character slots, and level up their new characters to 50, which means more people playing the lower tiers at any given time.

    - Last but not least, please decouple PVP and PVE. Quite often, useful powers in PVE that were overpowered in PVP get nerfed to the point of being useless. So, give each power two stat sheets: one for PVP, and one for PVE. It seems this is already happening, to an extent (Isometric Charge's PVP version being used in STF's, for example), but I'm really tired of having to reduce my science ships to basic hold/repel abilities just because everything else keeps getting nerfed into oblivion. Spending the whole day using tractor beams, phasers, and torpedoes doesn't feel very scientific; Gravity Well is the last of the more scientific abilities I still use.

    That's all I can think of, for now...which actually surprised me; there used to be so many terribly broken things with this game, I didn't realize how many of them had been fixed...so please, keep up the good work, Cryptic. We'll make it worth your while.
  • rikevrikev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hmm papercuts:

    - Message pop-ups cause de-cloak in space.
    - Cannot automatically break out of stealth if I attack. Have to de-cloak first (both ship and ground).
    - Cannot customise ship beyond a few shelves and a bridge when it should be (or even is!) your character's home.
    - KDF ships too dark.
    -Cannot compare bridge officer applicant skills to current officer skills side by side.
    - Cannot collect all Duty Officer missions on the ship in one place. Have to run around the ship one by one to get only some of the missions to appear in the Assignments screen. Wipes if leaving bridge.
    - No confirmation that a bridge invite was successful or not.
    - Melee is not explained at all. Bat'Leth and Martial Arts use two separate control systems. No idea what attacks a tolian sword or vulcan lirpa will do because of this.
    - PWE's Zen store is utterly useless and demands payment details before even seeing what's inside.
    Hi, my name is Nigel. I'm your group's healer.
  • michaelteiguemichaelteigue Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well, I don't complain about many things. In fact, I have but one complaint and it was the previous post that urged me to mention it. So, in no particular order, here is my -- Lirpa cut :)

    I just bought the Melee Weapon Pack, kept the Bat'leth on the buying character, and mailed the Lirpa to another character on the same account. When it was taken into inventory the icon looked like a Lirpa but, when it was equipped, imagine my surprise when I found I was holding a 'Phaser Beam Pistol - Stun Beam Standard Issue' -- complete with its corresponding icon. I know it's not an error on my part as I haven't had one of those in my possession for quite a number of levels now (I'm Commander 23) as they are totally useless to me.
    Disclaimer: This post is in no way intended to be a troll or flame or slur of any other kind towards anyone or anything either directly or indirectly involved in or with, or not involved in or with, Star Trek Online and I proffer my sincerest apologies to anyone who believes it is directed to the aforementioned.
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well, I don't complain about many things. In fact, I have but one complaint and it was the previous post that urged me to mention it. So, in no particular order, here is my -- Lirpa cut :)

    I just bought the Melee Weapon Pack, kept the Bat'leth on the buying character, and mailed the Lirpa to another character on the same account. When it was taken into inventory the icon looked like a Lirpa but, when it was equipped, imagine my surprise when I found I was holding a 'Phaser Beam Pistol - Stun Beam Standard Issue' -- complete with its corresponding icon. I know it's not an error on my part as I haven't had one of those in my possession for quite a number of levels now (I'm Commander 23) as they are totally useless to me.

    Why did you not just "claim" the weapon pack on the 2nd character and toss the unused melee weaps into space or the bank?
  • clearbeardclearbeard Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1. Many bank/exchange/etc consoles, most notably KDF ones in First City and the Academy, have very small and height dependent activation zones. One of my toons is a midget, and has to actually jump on top of some consoles to activate them.

    2. Dathan once again has to be assigned to an active ground slot to replicate Ketrecel White (fixed in mid-season 5, reverted with season 6)

    3. Slider bars for commodities, etc. in vendors could stand to be replaced with a quantity entry box, so you can buy more than 20 or 50 at a time.

    4. When editing a costume at the tailor that is one of the "prestige" ones, like KHG or MACO, the existing options reset to some sort of generic uniform default. This makes doing small changes like hairstyle or cape color an exercise in frustration, as you have to write down or remember all the settings you DON'T want to change.

    5. Fleet credit rewards, particularly for duty officer contributions, are horribly inconsistent with price/value of the item being donated.

    6. KDF and Fed duty officers above common quality remain very difficult to differentiate on the exchange and elsewhere. A category filter to only list one allegiance or the other for boffs AND doffs would be great.
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The one issue that I have rarely if ever seen brought up since the beta forums:

    If my character is the captain of the ship, why then must I wait for the computer to stand down from Red Alert?

    I can understand the computer initiating a Red Alert at the first targeting by an enemy intent on doing me harm.

    But shouldn't the captain be able to override the computers commands and stand the ship down from Red Alert?
  • astarte05astarte05 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    pyryck wrote: »
    The one issue that I have rarely if ever seen brought up since the beta forums:

    If my character is the captain of the ship, why then must I wait for the computer to stand down from Red Alert?

    I can understand the computer initiating a Red Alert at the first targeting by an enemy intent on doing me harm.

    But shouldn't the captain be able to override the computers commands and stand the ship down from Red Alert?

    I'll build off that one.

    - Or if nothing else, why can't we Full Impulse at Red Alert, IMHFO that seems like the one thing you'd wanna be able to do while your ship is at peak combat readiness, as you'd need the speed to 1. Quickly move to render assistance somewhere else (Starbase Blockade, I'm looking at you), or 2. To get out of a situation as quickly as possible, and thus, preserve your ship, and crew.

    And moving on...

    - Go over Starbase Fleet Defense, just take a week and be like "OK, what's wrong with this mission, and how can we fix it?" to include:
    * How to streamline repairing starbase assets, since people are obviously too busy button-spamming to notice "Send Repair Team" in the corner of their screen,
    * The lag fest it can be some - if CCP can find a way to smooth out EVE's lag, I know PWE can, considering EVE involves HUNDREDS VS. HUNDREDS ship battles, not 15 vs....what, 50, at most?
    * The time/effort-to-reward ratio, for the most pewpew-ish fleet mission, 18 fleet marks is just insulting for how much you have to do.

    Though I will give them credit for fixing the dialogue bug, and the negative FM reward glitch. Those were two good places to start.

    - Delta Flyer pets' tachyon beam. No, it doesn't have to hit as hard as a tac cube's tach beam, but its effects on shields should still be noticeable, especially if four of them are all using it on one target.

    Almost two THOUSAND hits, guys! Great job, keep it up! Tell your fleets, tell your friends, spam it in Zone, let's make this thing happen!
  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    some additions to my earlyer papper cuts

    - overview to allow me to target what ever the hell i want without cycling through stuff or visualy trying to find and then lock on

    -allow us to zoom out MUCH further say around 50 - 100km

    - allow ships to fly in ANY direction including directly up or down even go inverted

    - give us a drone status box to allow us to check up on our own drones and throw remote repps on when needed

    - scale fleet marks to the avarage length of a mission not a standard 18 or 20 marks per one,

    - add fleet marks to episodes about 5 per person who is in a fleet or so , then at least the lower level folks can feel like they are contributing without being next to useless in fleet events.

    - add consoles to the STF store

    - remove static 10km range of weapons and give some diversity to weapon ranges and damage amounts giving torpedos longest range

    - remove torpedos shared cool down and give them separate cool downs to allow us to build torpedo boats (this ones for you snapp)
  • thyrglthyrgl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My turn:

    1. Why are there windows on the bottom of saucers on some of the ships whose saucers have flat bottoms? Are there windows in the floor of that deck?! I noticed that this is only on ships that aren't from the shows or movies; the Prometheus, Soverign, and Intrepid don't have any floor-windows, so why does the Odyssey? and several others?

    2. The Guramba Siege-Destroyer should have a 3rd impulse contrail. The Galaxy and Cheyenne have 3, so why not the Guramba too? (If it's because there are 4 impulse engines in Siege-Mode, then simply put two contrails in the bottom-central impulse engine, and split them up so that there are 4 impulse contrails in Siege-Mode.)

    3. The custom markings on Guramba disappear when in Siege Mode.

    4. Ship-wide uniform for all the NPCs walking around inside your ship, as others have already mentioned.

    5. Working replicator in the captain's quarters. It's already there, just turn it on.

    6. The interior hallways of the ships should be smaller, to better match what was seen in the shows.

    7. Non-Klingon-style bridges and interiors for the non-klingon KDF ships, even if it's limited to a single style per race. (i.e only one Nausicaan bridge style , only one Orion bridge style, and only one Gorn bridge style, that'd still be a lot better than how it is now.)

    8. (Related to #7.) Lighting Controls inside Klingon ships. Not everyone is as color-blind as klingons apparently are, and not every KDF captain is a klingon.

    9. Some bridge officers are literally on the edge of their seats. Get the chief medical officer to prescribe them some sedatives, so they can calm down a little.

    10. And lastly, I'd like to see more ship options for the little golden/emerald wall-mounted ship models. Namely, every flyable ship. Why am I restricted to only Klingon ships when I'm decorating the mess hall of my Guramba? (And I guess ideally, you could make kit-bashes, too, so that people could get a little model that exactly matches their ship.)
  • beezle23beezle23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The "Small" interior for Feds has the same problem as the KDF engineering deck for an insane number of NPC's.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
  • beezle23beezle23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thyrgl wrote: »
    10. And lastly, I'd like to see more ship options for the little golden/emerald wall-mounted ship models. Namely, every flyable ship. Why am I restricted to only Klingon ships when I'm decorating the mess hall of my Guramba? (And I guess ideally, you could make kit-bashes, too, so that people could get a little model that exactly matches their ship.)

    And why are most of the accolades I have "Floor" ones, yet I have 6 wall trophy slots, but only one floor slot?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My turn again HUZZAH :D

    Anyway, these are pretty much cosmetic issues that actually bug me most of which are to do with costumes. Didn't I have a rant about those last time?

    1. Hats. Seriously where is all the headgear? My andorian toon might struggle to get her horns in though!

    2. Scarves. I went and bought myself a nice tholian silk scarf the other day. Lovely stripey thing so it is and I now make my crew wear similar scarves :P
    But why can't I wear it on top of my maco armor?

    3. Boots and footwear (or lack thereof). I don't know about you, but when I was in the army if there was the slightest chance of taking off my boots I jumped on it and got bare. Why can't we do the same here? or if that is a little too hard to pull off mesh wise then maybe we could have different kinds of shoes etc? Heck, let us pick what kind of socks to wear if they'd be visible.

    4. Variety in the tailors. Loads of options when it comes to shirts but hardly any when it comes to trousers or skirts. Sometimes it's just too damned hot to wear trousers and in those instances I'd break out the shorts and for the benefit of those among us who consider the US their home, by shorts I don't mean "underpants".
    If I want to wear shorts, t shirt and sandals with socks then I bloody well will I'm British damn it!

    5. We have the breen and their "cold" guns, can we have some kind of fire weapon or ability?

    6. A post character limit to stop people like me going off on random rants and forcing us to ...wait, what was I talking about again?
    I need a beer.

  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Yes, bump and a double post. She made me do it! She did I tell ya!
    I need a beer.

  • s1gmadraconiss1gmadraconis Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1. The KDF is horrifically underpowered. Especially now that the Federation has its own carriers. And since you can't start with the KDF from the begining there is pretty much no reason to play with them anymore.:mad:

    2.The Oddyssey/Bortas is underpowered. I get the need for balance but these are supposed to be the flagships. My advice is to make uprated tier 6 versions of these ships at greater cost.

    3.There are too darn many Oddysseys.:confused: The uprated version should only be made available after you've played the game for 1000 days.

    4.I want universal kits. I.E tac players using turret fabrication. It's frustrating to be locked into
    using the same old skills.

    5.Slipstream should be faster. When you have assimilated engines there's no real reason to use slipstream. It should be warp 30 or something.:D
  • godemperorphooeygodemperorphooey Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Gender recognition. My lady captains should be called ma'am, not sir.
  • thyrglthyrgl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    5.Slipstream should be faster. When you have assimilated engines there's no real reason to use slipstream. It should be warp 30 or something.:D

    It is warp 30, if you've maxed out your Driver Coil skill. However, this also makes your Assimilated Engines hit nearly warp 21, so Slipstream isn't really any more useful in that instance, and the limited amount of time you can remain in SlipStream means I rarely bother with it.
    Gender recognition. My lady captains should be called ma'am, not sir.

    The pilot episode of Voyager dealt with this. Janeway didn't like it when Harry Kim called her "ma'am."
  • s1gmadraconiss1gmadraconis Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It is warp 30, if you've maxed out your Driver Coil skill. However, this also makes your Assimilated Engines hit nearly warp 21, so Slipstream isn't really any more useful in that instance, and the limited amount of time you can remain in SlipStream means I rarely bother with it.

    Ah my bad. Im still new to the game. But that's what I mean, make slipstream more useful.
  • godemperorphooeygodemperorphooey Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well, my lady captain isn't Janeway, my lady captain would've sacrificed herself to allow Voyager to go home in episode 1, part 2, and if that wasn't an option, she would at least commit a lot less genocides in the Delta Quadrant on the way back home.
  • stargate525stargate525 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    3.There are too darn many Oddysseys.:confused: The uprated version should only be made available after you've played the game for 1000 days.
    AHAHAAAA.... Wait, you're serious? That's damned near three years, man. The reason there are so many is that they gave them out like candy during the 2 year anniversary. Please don't take my Oddy.

    As an alternate suggestion, could we maybe get two additional models for it, so we can kitbash like nearly every other ship in the game?

    And a few of mine:

    1. Undershirts. There are several times in the tailor when you have a shirt underneath your jacket. I'd love to be able to choose which one that is (DS9, TNG, The Wesley Special...)

    2. A costume slot for ships and characters. I love the look of the aegis, but I prefer running MACO. If I have the aegis, please let me slot that so that it uses those special effects. Same for kits. I'd like my guy to have a utility belt, but I don't want him to have a giant metal deathcrab clinging to his back.

    3. Something to do in our quarters. Decorations, missions, ANYTHING.

    4. Please, for the love of all things holy, overhaul the exchange. Stack items which are at the same price, let us sort by price pr unit, and get us a way to search doffs by race and traits.

    5. Add some dilithium missions for the other arcs besides Deferi. I would love to run a Romulan blockade, or a resolve a hostage situation in the Fire Caves. Do like you did for Zaria, and simply re-use the maps. Please.
  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Why not..

    - The exchange of course

    - KDF; can I please have an optional skin that isn't green or brown for my starships? Maybe a nice grey one like the D-7?

    - When I'm on my ship, which is a tardis that looks like a BoP, why does my crew insist on pushing by me and moving me out of way. Can't I kill them for that?

    - We're one big happy fleet the KDF and Starfleet. We at leas seem to be, why can't we use STF stuff to purchase say a high guard set for a federation ship. It would be useful, the fakey cloak. Also face it, everyone wants MACO shields, so give it to them

    - Fleets (I'm not getting into the ship stuff with that too). Why aren't they cross faction, you made it plausible with the whole STF concept, tell me that Omega force isn't cross faction. Also isn't it about time to release an Omega force ship or two?
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    add fleet marks to missions and stf that way old content is viable still.

    kdf gets left out too often new fed ship new fed ship ....

    the biggest paper cut for me is the amount of super slow turn rate ships it takes the fun out of it maybe bump all ship turn rates or make the rcs console more effective.
  • s1gmadraconiss1gmadraconis Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    - Useful holodecks. I want it to be like elite force where you can do shooting practice in your very own holodeck. Or even better, have there be mini games like the Dixon Hill series or Fairhaven. Photons be free anyone?;)

    - 3-D space is essential for defeating the likes of Kahn.

    - Shuttle bays. Is it too much to ask to board your shuttles from the actual shuttlebay?

    - Sciency missions, like dealing with some omnipotent being or exploring a giant space organism.

    - I may be in the minority but I want the futuristic Earth Spacedock back.
    It pisses me off that some hardworking engineers went to the trouble of designing a new spacedock only to have Q zap it back to the way it was.

    - Klingons playable from the start. And pleeaasse give them something to justify seriously playing as them.

    -Playable Changelings. I have this scenario where both the Klingons and the Federation start a supersoldier program to turn huminoid officers into changelings.(something like how odo was changed back in The Begotten) This would allow players to change their appearance without a tailor, and use shapeshifting attacks. I recomend that this be reserved for extremely highlevel players.
  • catdog101catdog101 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Real use for cruisers and science? To be honest I see no benefit in getting them, while escorts can load cannons and turn much better.
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