Fleet Ships ? Fleet ships are new and typically have some of the best stats in the game. Currently, all Fleet ships are Tier 5 and typically have +10% Hull HP and +10% Shields; they also typically come with a 10th console slot.
Thats right out of the Season 6 Dev Blog #16.
I was poking around, looking at the stats for the Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit and I noticed something rather uncool. Its shield modifier was 0.9, which is exactly the same as the shield modifier of the tactical escort retrofit.
This cannot be right, as every single other Fleet ship is listed as having a shield modifier that is *at least* 10% higher than its none fleet version. Even if that ship is at the exact same tier as the Fleet version itself.
Is this a typo? A glitch? An oversight? I for one cannot imagine why it would be intended.