So I go to the C-$tore to check out how much c-points cost and get redirected to PWE's Zen site. No biggie. What is a biggie is that I am apparently unable to see prices or anything because
at least one of my characters must be level 10 or higher. Interestingly, I have four VA level characters (two of which I logged into just today).
I guess no zen buying is in my future since I can't even see how much they cost, nevermind actually being able to buy them. Hey Cryptic, preventing your customers from being able to give you their money is kind of a big glitch. Also, you might want to let PWE know that they should let people buy zen even if they don't have a level 10 character (as if people with a level 8 character are totally not worth selling zen to). :rolleyes:
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The level 10 warning is issued because PWE doesn't support STO characters (yet...) and is actually a False Positive warning...
You can ignore the warning, set up your Credit Card Purchase Profile at PWE, and make a small purchase to start the Account/Credit Card verification process.... (No doubt your STO status is checked manually during the 'review' process, which can take a day or two (or 4) to complete...)
I've read the forum thread here walking people through buying zen, and I don't get the option to select a payment processor (I get the level 10 character error instead). So, I guess until PWE is finished digesting Cryptic I won't be spending money on their game.