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  • uxvorastrixuxvorastrix Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    First off, if only one probe got past you, and if it was truly because of lag... don't give it another thought. Honestly, I play STF's with the chat window closed because of all the little kids spouting off about that which they don't know. I keep an eye out for things that need to be done, or holes in our strategy and then move to plug them.

    Second, I'm not one to bash one ship build or brag about another, but I'd much rather have 5 cruisers on an STF than 5 escorts.

    Ideally, 1 carrier, 2 cruisers, and 2 escorts are my preferred combo for space STFs - or 2 cruisers and 3 escorts (even better).

    Escorts pack a huge punch, but don't have the shields/hull for a sustained fight. When they need to fall back to heal/recharge they need the cruisers to heal them and hold the line until the escorts can return for another strafe.

    Although possible to complete STFs with all cruisers, it takes forever, so it is nice to have a couple escorts for the increased firepower.

    Whenever I've been in STFs with kids complaining that I dared to bring in a Science Odyssey with a Science character - they quickly change their tune when they see that that combo can snare a half dozen enemy ships at a time with gravity wells, tractor beams; can deal out respectible damage (not as much as an escort, but respectable nonetheless), and still have enough abilities left to use 3 hull and 2 shield heals on the damaged escorts to get them back into the fight faster... all without letting the enemy get past me. On Elite Curse, this Science Odyssey can hold off any wave until the battleships spawn. 3 raptors and 3 birds of prey = not a problem. Snare them all with gravity well, scramble their sensors so they shoot at each other, then drill them with quantum spreads and cannon rapid fire. When the lead ship blows, use tractor beam to hold the next ship next to it until its warp core blows for extra damage.

    My point is.... it doesn't matter much WHAT you play, it's HOW you play it. Find what role your build is best at, and fill that role.
    D&D DM/Player since 1982 - all versions except the despised 4e
  • neuraldamageneuraldamage Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I just got dome doing Khitomer Accord Space and I was guarding the time vortex and i lagged and wasnt able to destroy one probe in time and it got through barely and then my 'teammates' star saying I'm a noob and all Tac Cruisers are stupid noobs and Im a little kid and all this bs even when I explained what happened. So my Question is this, is everyone gonna troll people because they mess up a little and am I gonna be harrased for Running a tac Cruiser like I have been since I started playing, it took me less then a week to max out my toon, and is it wrong for me to use a Cruiser instead of an Escort?

    *points towards his sig below*

    People are broken. - Lum the Mad
  • dood98998dood98998 Member Posts: 389
    edited July 2012
    First off, if only one probe got past you, and if it was truly because of lag... don't give it another thought. Honestly, I play STF's with the chat window closed because of all the little kids spouting off about that which they don't know. I keep an eye out for things that need to be done, or holes in our strategy and then move to plug them.

    Second, I'm not one to bash one ship build or brag about another, but I'd much rather have 5 cruisers on an STF than 5 escorts.

    Ideally, 1 carrier, 2 cruisers, and 2 escorts are my preferred combo for space STFs - or 2 cruisers and 3 escorts (even better).

    Escorts pack a huge punch, but don't have the shields/hull for a sustained fight. When they need to fall back to heal/recharge they need the cruisers to heal them and hold the line until the escorts can return for another strafe.

    Although possible to complete STFs with all cruisers, it takes forever, so it is nice to have a couple escorts for the increased firepower.

    Whenever I've been in STFs with kids complaining that I dared to bring in a Science Odyssey with a Science character - they quickly change their tune when they see that that combo can snare a half dozen enemy ships at a time with gravity wells, tractor beams; can deal out respectible damage (not as much as an escort, but respectable nonetheless), and still have enough abilities left to use 3 hull and 2 shield heals on the damaged escorts to get them back into the fight faster... all without letting the enemy get past me. On Elite Curse, this Science Odyssey can hold off any wave until the battleships spawn. 3 raptors and 3 birds of prey = not a problem. Snare them all with gravity well, scramble their sensors so they shoot at each other, then drill them with quantum spreads and cannon rapid fire. When the lead ship blows, use tractor beam to hold the next ship next to it until its warp core blows for extra damage.

    My point is.... it doesn't matter much WHAT you play, it's HOW you play it. Find what role your build is best at, and fill that role.

    An excellent point. My fed is in the anniversary oddy, tanks like a beast and has omressive dps considering he's using 8 beams. My klink flies (not sure if I spelled tha right) a vo'quv and if you add the pet damage, he out dps's just about everything. Fly whatever you want, just do a good job of it.
    When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
    This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines :D
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    nynik wrote: »
    Your doing nothing wrong. They game's reward structure has conditioned them to feel and act that way.

    THe games reward system.

    Yeah, the one that has given everyone else in EVERY Elite STF I've played in rewards from the optional but screwed me entirely 45 damn times now.

    THat brilliantly balanced reward system.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    LOL at the stupidity in STFs. And people say PVP'ers can be rude? LOL! Just LOL!!! :P
  • verlaine11verlaine11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I have 2 characters i play a lot

    Tac captain in a Galor and a Tac in a Fleet Escort

    I used to use the Escort all the time in STFs but for the last month and a half 2 months ive used nothing but my Galor as i see that as being of more use, true i kill a bit slower but due to me having Eject Warp Plasma and a Theta console i can slow anything down to a crawl and deal with them at leasure while my team mates finish off what they are doing - normally in IS i lurk by the gate slowing and killing probes/spheres on my own so everyone else can concentrate elswhere.

    Despite having no threat control in my skills i can take agro from escorts due to my set up and concentrated firepower - i sit there at close range while the escorts normally "wheel" and line up attacks - not all the time obviously but enough to make me smile.

    As others have said, use what you want and find your role and a build you like, you will allways meet a few idiots who like to scream and holla like a small child at the smallest thing.
  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    A cruiser is more capable in this role than an Escort anyway
    don't let them bully you into one

    Make a note of the @handles of those who say this stuff
    keep them written down near your computer

    then if you see that handle in a PUG again

    And tell the others WHY you are doing so

    "Im sorry everyone but this Pug has picked up a Griefer (insert name) I'm warping out "

    before very long that person won't be able to bully anyone else

    Yes..I am sure that the three innocent people will not forget the "griefer" and remember to put them on ignore. :rolleyes:
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Almost all SANE people will join you in leaving rather than face off against the odds with a griefer
    Live long and Prosper
  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Op, don't let stupid remarks bother you.I have had lag, and rubberband issues on occasion. Most of the BS talkers in pugs are usually the weakest players.They spew hate in chat to compensate for their own failures.I had a guy a month ago send me"Help me take cubz stoopit n00b" Starts pewing the cube with his "carebear stare" I sent him " Sure, after I pop the Nanogens, S%@T for brains" got a few lols from the group, then he shut up.
    I pity people like that. I imagine them as a pimply little basement dweller who has a girlfriend named Rosey Palm.I also figure they were great awesome people, who had uber kewl nicknames like "wedgie" or even kewler.(sarcasm to your insulter)They are also waiting for mom to bring them their dinner of mountain dew, and hot pockets.Summer time is here in the U.S., that means all the kids are going to play here, as well. Don't let the BS get you down.Because in RL its probably some dumb@ss kid.:D
  • bladeofkahlessbladeofkahless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    so what your saying is I should use rainbows in a NX class? XD

    Don't joke. I've see it in elites.
    Seriously. :(

    To the OP, I'd agree with a few here that Elite STF's are about efficient builds.
    I run my Tacs in Escorts, as it plays to their strengths. 2 tac captains of equal skill, one in a cruiser and one in an escort, the Escort will do more damage. Likely, considerably more.
    I'm not saying a Tac in a cruiser can't do respectable damage. (but I have yet to see it happen)
    On that same mindset, I'd use sci in sci ships and Eng in cruisers.

    That being said, I'll say how I choose to play, but I do not believe in telling someone else how to play. And people attacking you for any mistake is just wrong. There is no excuse to abuse another player for anything. (even trolls/griefers. That's what ignore is for, heh)

    Myself, if I were running a less than optimal setup, I would reserve it for solo play. (if it's effective, maybe normal STF's)
    The one thing that would, and does, urk me... is when someone brings T1-T4 ships into Elite STF's.
    At that point, the team is carrying that person's dead weight and it's not fair to them.

    Ignore people who are abusive. It's a game and you don't need to put up with that kind of behavior in an activity you do for FUN.

    It's me, Chrome. [Join Date: May 2009]

    "Oh, I may be captain by rank... but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer." ~Montgomery Scott~
  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Almost all SANE people will join you in leaving rather than face off against the odds with a griefer

    Yes absolutely correct! Everyone will love taking a two hour leaver penalty so you can be right! It would be INSANE not too !Gee I bet everyone will think"Hey, Ive only been grinding for this gear for months..but I think I can go back to DS9 and wait for two hours .Because one person rage quit and ruined my only three hours I have this week. YES!WHAT A WAY to win people to your reasoning! TRIBBLE the whole group! You right ! :P
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Lots of people, say lots of things.
    Don't let the TRIBBLE get ya down.
    Chin up, Old Boy.
    Sticks and Stones.

    Can't think of any other cliche' statements to make at the moment. Truth is , a F2P game is gonna be full of haters. Haters gonna hate.


    Ignore such people.
    Get on with your bad self.
    Play that Funky music, White Boy.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    lordfuzun wrote: »
    I'll counter with, if you are in an Escort why aren't you taking out the gates and Borg Spheres ASAP. DSP that's isn't being used is wasted DPS.

    If he's a proper Tac escort he can solo an entire side and do probes. No wasted damage.
  • ebeneezergoodeebeneezergoode Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    A tactical officer on a cruiser is the worst build ever, and people are telling you - without any respect, admittedly - that they don't like non optimal builds because it puts the mission at risk. It's like someone with one leg telling he wants to play in the national soccer team, some people can be very rude when they see that. I don't say they're right to behave like that but you should understand the word "elite", it's really for the best builds. If they complain you can also tell them that when they play with pugs, they take a risk they have to accept. Just don't be aggressive too when you read some angry feelings about what you do.

    You shouldn't play stfs in a cruiser with someone esle but your fleetmates, they will be more tolerant. And there is plenty of pve content you can do with whatever ship you want with no one to provoke you. :)

    While I agree there phrasing was rude, I disagree with everything else you said. Granted, a Star Cruiser with a Tac Captain leaves me scratching my head in wonder, but the Galor, Excelsior and Vor'cha all work perfectly well with Tac Captains.

    They all have enough firepower to be a threat in their own right, and can not only buff escorts with stuff like extend, but keep up with them more easily so they have a safe engagement zone without their movement being overly restricted thus preserving their defense value and the benefits of being more agile. It also provides most of the benefits of a cruiser (i.e. heals and something that can take hits), but with the addition the team gets another FOMM and Tactical Fleet, which in STF can be very helpful in bringing down the targets with big hitpoint pools which are a DPS sink and thus honk up time.

    Also, in general, a Tac Captain can make better use of Go Down Fighting in a cruiser, as it's much easier to keep a cruiser's hull in the 30% range (what I consider a good trade off between being too close to death and getting the most out of it) while buffing it's shields like mad (stacking resists, or RSP for short term emergencies and instant top up) for a sort of "rope-a-dope" to maximize your firepower, this is decidedly trickier in an escort as you have far fewer means at your disposal to halt the incoming damage at a certain point.

    All in all, while it may not have worked for you, and is sadly not always done well, Tactical Cruisers can more than pull their weight in STF or PVP.
  • shakesfistatskyshakesfistatsky Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The cookie cutter escort build is entirely too boring at this point. Everything I point my nose at dies so fast there's just no fun in it anymore. So I built a Polaron beamscort and it's a blast.

    I caught grief for bringing polarons and beams into an STF but I got my job done. One guy told me to take my "******" beams somewhere else, said I ruined the STF (we hadn't even started yet) and rage quit. I put him on ignore and we moved on short handed. We didn't get the optional as were short but we did finish it.

    I play this game for fun not because I'm trying to measure my epeen against anyone else.

    While I would never fly an NX skittle boat, even in PVE, the whole idea that STF's should only be run in the archetypal builds is elitist foolishness. It promotes this mass conformity at VA that reminds me of Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall...rows of faceless uniform Vice Admirals marching mindlessly into the meat grinder...no thank you.
    I survived the 2012 Forum Merge - Join Date 11/2008
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cptjhunter wrote: »
    Yes absolutely correct! Everyone will love taking a two hour leaver penalty so you can be right! It would be INSANE not too !Gee I bet everyone will think"Hey, Ive only been grinding for this gear for months..but I think I can go back to DS9 and wait for two hours .Because one person rage quit and ruined my only three hours I have this week. YES!WHAT A WAY to win people to your reasoning! TRIBBLE the whole group! You right ! :P

    presence of these people is worse than a mild time penalty

    and costs much more than that

    but then anyone who is "grinding for gear" is probably in a premade team anyway
    Live long and Prosper
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,903 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    OP, TRIBBLE 'em. people have said, bow out gracefully. I say stay and stick it out. if you remember him, he damn sure remembers YOU. and if you don't respond, and remain respectful to the more tolerant members of the PUG, he will either start to leave when he sees you, or will earn the rep. one reason i have not started doing STF's is exactly the scenario you posted. I've played since beta, I'm hardly a "n00b" however, anyone doing anything for the first time is going to make errors. and to have some self righteous jackwad spew horsesqueeze my way.. hell I have other things to do.
  • thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I don't like anyone telling another person in this game that a certain build is wrong, and they shouldn't play it. This game is about the individual player enjoying the game, the end-user has the freedom to construct a build of his desire, however he wants it, and no one should criticize him for that. This game is about fun, and if you aren't having fun in it, then there isn't a point. So run whatever career/ship build you want, and enjoy the game. Other players need to be tolerant of what is fun for other people. If someone is rude about it, tell em to STFU it's none of their business.
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