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Fleet Leadership and Taking Fleet Control

wraithcywraithcy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I was reading on some threads about the option coming to take control of the fleet if the current leader on the system had been absent for what ever reason....

However on all the Season 6 release notes and on tribble I fail to see any mention regarding this...

Our fleet has been waiting months anxiously waiting this option and as far as i see so are many other fleets who have come under the unfortunate circumstance where they have been left without a leader.

In our fleet the instance that created this issue was a mistake in transferring command leaving our over 100 members 'System' leaderless...

We have sent tickets to Cryptic/Perfectworld only to shrugged off by their standard ' Wait for the system assigned leader to come online (probably never) or reform.. We have spent millions on our fleetbank and also could loose 10s if not hundreds of members if we reform which is really unfair.

We have a voted leadership system, but come season 6, WILL we be able to have our starbase under these circumstances... are we going to be forced to disband??????

OR IS THE FLEET COMMAND option being release??????

I think Cryptic/Perfect world HAS to take this point seriously due to the fact that this is an MMO and built with communities and is not only about content, content, content... but people and the friendships created.

Anyway instead of ranting... I'd like to know IS THIS OPTION being released on season 6 for fleet Leadership control??????
Post edited by wraithcy on


  • cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes. We were told that a fleet leadership change system would be taking place in season 6 or before where if someone was not logged in for x amount of time then the next highest rank could use a special take over function.

    Branflakes can you help with some advice with this or tell us when the take over system will come and how to use it please.


    Red Dawn 8th Wing.
  • rickpaaarickpaaa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The fleet with all of my Federation characters has been leaderless since April 2010. For a while, I was the only one in it, and have been enjoying the fleet bank for easy transfers. Today there are three of us in it.

    I have been thinking about joining a real fleet with some of my characters. I guess I haven't been thinking too hard though. :rolleyes:
    Member since December 2009

  • wraithcywraithcy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hi Rickpaaa, and thanks for taking the time to post here... as you may see we're having a small issue with the command system, but your more than welcome to join us ingame.. we have an active fun international fleet with members from all walks of life... feel free to pm me in game wraith@searchlite

    Wither we are forced to reform the fleet due to Cryptics/Perfectworlds failure to assist the loyal people who keep them in business we have set up our own fleet channel therefore enabling us to cross communicate with our klingon counterparts.. therefore if reform is the way we have to go... at least we will minimize any outlaying people issues... its just a shame we'd have too loose all the work we have taken into building the fleet... but hey...
  • sroansroan Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    this is why in my fleet I have multiple people in charge if myself or co-founder are unavailable
    Proud Co-founder of Caitian Fleet a Caitian only fleet
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    They are going to have to put this ingame. If they dont all the fleets that are in this situation are NOT going to be able to do anything with the new Starbases.

    The patch today added in a setting to allow people to contribute to the Starbases. Its default is apparently off. Which means that only the Fleet Leader can contribute and purchase anything from the Fleet Starbase. So the Fleet Leader has to go into the setting and turn it on for the membership to be able to interact with the SB. Exactly like setting the permissions for the Fleet bank.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • anthonyxmas1anthonyxmas1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    wraithcy wrote: »
    However on all the Season 6 release notes and on tribble I fail to see any mention regarding this...

    Season 6 is not out on Holodeck, so there are no release notes for it yet.

    Anything you read about what is in Season 6 is unofficial or not finalized, and therefore can be changed ... it's only official and finalized upon the actual launch of Season 6 AND NOT BEFORE.

    And anything on Tribble or Red Shirt is a work in progress and new features are released there in a piece meal fashion. So there may not be any release notes for a given feature for some time, or even at all. Not all released new features are in the Tribble or Red Shirt release notes (and sometimes not even in the Holodeck release notes).
    LAUREN RULZ !!!!!!!!
  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    in EVE if a leader had been away for a certain amount of time you can petition for the reassignment of your CEO, think cryptic needs to move to that kinda system if a leader has been absent (not logged into account ) for say a month or so. cause just turning a blind eye to one of the few things that actually make this game more than just a very large co-op game is very bad for buisness
  • cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Our fleet leader left a few months back and in haste transfered leadership to someone who had not logged in since march i believe so we are pretty much up ... creek when starbases come unless the transfer leadership function comes and works for us or support actually replies to our tickets and changes the leader in our fleet as request which we are still waiting to hear back and its been awhile now.

    Too many members and too much invested EC wise to reform as well.
  • yonriltorlinyonriltorlin Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Someone has taken control of my fleet as well. I can't promote myself back again and the controller is refusing to give me control again. I don't know why this has happened. I am on STO at least once a week. Hardly inactive. Please help me get my fleet back again.

    ~Yonril Torlin (username)
    (Founder of the Seventh Omega Fleet)
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Someone has taken control of my fleet as well. I can't promote myself back again and the controller is refusing to give me control again. I don't know why this has happened. I am on STO at least once a week. Hardly inactive. Please help me get my fleet back again.

    ~Yonril Torlin (username)
    (Founder of the Seventh Omega Fleet)

    Seriously? A 2 year old thread?
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Someone has taken control of my fleet as well. I can't promote myself back again and the controller is refusing to give me control again. I don't know why this has happened. I am on STO at least once a week. Hardly inactive. Please help me get my fleet back again.

    ~Yonril Torlin (username)
    (Founder of the Seventh Omega Fleet)

    1) Im sorry to say that there is not a way for you to regain control without reaching an agreement with said person, cryptic cannot interfere. EDIT: Yes, if you have another leader toon you can save your other toon from demotion.

    2)For fleet leadership, once per week is inactive IMO
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Someone has taken control of my fleet as well. I can't promote myself back again and the controller is refusing to give me control again. I don't know why this has happened. I am on STO at least once a week. Hardly inactive. Please help me get my fleet back again.

    ~Yonril Torlin (username)
    (Founder of the Seventh Omega Fleet)

    Think that were the most recent changes from 2013:

    Fleet Leader Adjustments
    If there is a Single Leader of a Fleet, and that Leader has not logged in for 30 days, that Leader is considered Inactive.
    If a Single Leader is inactive, a new Leader is automatically Promoted:
    Member must be online to become new Leader
    New Leader gets a pop up telling them they just become the new Leader.
    New Leader is not Provisional ? they are full Leaders with full Kick/Rescue privileges. They can initiate a Kick if they wish following Ruleset 2 below.
    Any "non-flagged" or "non-provisional" Leader can initiate a "Kick" on another active Leader.
    A ?Kick? lasts 2 weeks.
    If you are flagged as "Kicked", you cannot use any Fleet Powers.
    Any "non-flagged" or "non-provisional" Leader can remove a Kick. Let's call this a "Rescue".
    Only one Kick can be in progress at a time.
    No members can be promoted during a Kick.
    Provisional Leaders:
    New Leaders are considered Provisional for 2 weeks after they are promoted to Leader.
    Provisional Leaders have all Leader Powers except Kick or Rescue.
    Provisional Leaders can be kicked instantly by any "non-flagged" or "non-provisional" Leader
    Fleet Creator is not considered Provisional when the Fleet is first formed. He is a full Leader with full Kick/Rescue privileges.

    I suspect a fellow fleetleader has demoted one of ur chars. Have you still other toons in 7/7 fleetposition? He can only do so with one at a time and the process takes 2 weeks each. You can only stop the 2 weeks demotion protocol with one of your chars who has not yet been demoted or on whom this process isnt running.

    General advisement for fleetleaders with co-leaders. Only those with 2 or more toons in 7/7 position have control over the fleet or cannot simply be dismissed.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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