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Anyone seeing odd Console Prototype results?

anagrojanewayanagrojaneway Member Posts: 48 Arc User
edited November 2012 in Duty Officer System and R&D
The last 3 consoles I have made since the last patch have been Rare (Blue) Diburnium Hull Consoles.


Could just be coincidence, but it seems rather odd - I have never even gotten two in a row that matched before, and now I've gotten three of the exact same one with the exact same rarity.

Anyone else seeing anything odd in their console making?
Post edited by anagrojaneway on


  • mikewendellmikewendell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Anyone else seeing anything odd in their console making?

    A search should pull up a couple threads on the topic. But yes, I've stopped making them as I got like 6 greens in a row. The first console was a purple that I sold for 35m as a joke as the lowest one listed on the exchange at the time was 70m. Was very surprised that I got that.

    I just buy the strange alien artifacts and nuke them. Make about 300-500k each time. Not that I need to do so but gives me a use for the particle traces.

    Do remember that most of the time, the doffs suggested by your first officer or the department heads are not the best choices for the assignment. You may want to review your doffs to see if you find anyone better.

    Hope this helps.
  • anagrojanewayanagrojaneway Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yeah, I know how it goes, LOL, I have made 100's of consoles. ;) Sold some up to 90M before.

    I'm asking if anyone has seen any thing odd this weekend in particular - and I don't see any threads that recent.

    The last three I have had this weekend have been the same exact console - which has never happened in the 100's I have made. I've never even gotten two in a row before, let alone three. And of the same rarity.

    Something seems very odd since the last patch.
  • mikewendellmikewendell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    To me it's been like that since it was first introduced.

    Good luck to you :)
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited July 2012
    Selection bias: your brain only remembers cases that stand out.
    Combined with a low sample size, this guarantees your perception is wildly incorrect, as would anyone's.

    In truth, it's a lot less hassle to program purely random results than making the system unecessarily complicated. And programmers hate unecessary complications.
  • anagrojanewayanagrojaneway Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Selection bias: your brain only remembers cases that stand out.
    Combined with a low sample size, this guarantees your perception is wildly incorrect, as would anyone's.

    In truth, it's a lot less hassle to program purely random results than making the system unecessarily complicated. And programmers hate unecessary complications.

    Wow, over think much? LOL.

    My perception of what is wildly incorrect?

    I keep seeing replies where I don't think anyone actually read the post, LOL.

    I've made 100's of these things.


    Out of all the consoles available, I've gotten 3 of the exact same one, exact same quality, IN A ROW.

    That's odd.

    It stands out to me because I've never gotten 2 of the same one in a row, let alone 3.

    I was just asking a freaking question if anyone else had seen anything strange like this since the last patch. I was not making up a conspiracy theory, I was not saying it was some programmer doing it on purpose, but I just found it very odd.
  • anagrojanewayanagrojaneway Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    To me it's been like that since it was first introduced.

    Good luck to you :)

    You've had 3 in a row come out identical since it was introduced? ;)

    I was not complaining about what rarity, or what was coming out - just that I've had three identical ones - I would have thought the same if they were three purples.

    It's not what I got, it's that I got the same exact console three times in a row - same name, same type - which is very odd based on my experiences making 100's of these things.
  • darin73darin73 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    i had the same thing happen last week got 2 indentical consoles in a row.
    I've also had the assignment finish and say i got a blue console but on collect it was a green. I did submit a ticket but haven't heard anything back.

    I reckon there's been a significant drop in purple consoles going back 3-4 weeks.
    I've upgraded doffs to all purple with traits and seem to get less than i was with a mix of blue and purple.
  • rayezillarayezilla Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    you veteran console-makers, where can I get doffs that will help me crit on the console fabrication?

    Are there any tricks to getting more alien artifacts? they're currently 800k on the exchange.
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    rayezilla wrote: »
    you veteran console-makers, where can I get doffs that will help me crit on the console fabrication?

    Are there any tricks to getting more alien artifacts? they're currently 800k on the exchange.

    Doff mission "Return artifacts From Archaeological Site" can drop Alien Artifact on crit.
    Available only in 2 sectors:
    Fed - Omega Leonis Sector
    Kli - Sirius Sector

    Edit: Main mission "Negotiate delivery of rare commodities" of course....No matter outcome (Fail or Succsess)you get the Alien Artifact.
    Im stockpiling them until I have the right doffs.
  • obertheromulanobertheromulan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I got quite a few of those Diburnium Hull Platings too, but not so much as for it to stand out.
    Though the odds are still messed up. I've done around 40 fabricate console missions, with 24% chance for purple. Yet I only received 3 purples.
    (With one being Variable Geometry Detonators :( )
    Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
  • technician1954technician1954 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The last 3 consoles I have made since the last patch have been Rare (Blue) Diburnium Hull Consoles.


    Could just be coincidence, but it seems rather odd - I have never even gotten two in a row that matched before, and now I've gotten three of the exact same one with the exact same rarity.

    Anyone else seeing anything odd in their console making?

    Well, I am not the only one. Yes, I received the same console three times in a row. I figure the odds were five digits to 1 of that happening. I reported it, but they said they could not explain it. My new problem I see now is the high number of Green consoles. The number I am getting is twice the percentage (28%) that is quoted at the beginning of the mission. I documented 20 of the made consoles, and got 10 green. Let them explain that
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    3 identical consoles in a row can definitely happen, if you play the game long enough. You should rather get worried if that didn't happen, since the number of consoles in this game is really limited. It's like 3 identical coins in your wallet, you should worry about it if it doesn't happen a lot. :D

    It's not weird, it's an expected outcome of randomness.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • abcde123123abcde123123 Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    well... loot tables and loot rolls in this game are somewhat sticky, I think depending on a time of day. May be the new random is generated at the beginnning of a day pdt time or something?

    but seriously. 2 hour mission with 20 possible outcomes. I get *the same* outcome on a same day, 5 times on a row, all other inputs being the same. Odds of that are what? right. very small. Usually you get 2 or 3 same items.

    Same with doff grinder mission. Well I'm not complaining about that, cause you can sample the output and move to another grinder. but never the less, the mighty STO rng is somewhat sticky.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    well... loot tables and loot rolls in this game are somewhat sticky, I think depending on a time of day. May be the new random is generated at the beginnning of a day pdt time or something?

    but seriously. 2 hour mission with 20 possible outcomes. I get *the same* outcome on a same day, 5 times on a row, all other inputs being the same. Odds of that are what? right. very small. Usually you get 2 or 3 same items.

    Same with doff grinder mission. Well I'm not complaining about that, cause you can sample the output and move to another grinder. but never the less, the mighty STO rng is somewhat sticky.

    If you knew about statistics, you would know that any outcome has a very low probability. You're just noticing this one.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    There seem to be about 3 consoles it just repeats over and over and over. Getting a purple is still useless since there are just so many and no one really wants them in the first place.

    My expierence has been that that its about 1/10 thats actually useful.

    With the sheer number of consoles there are its obvious that there is something wrong (intentional or unintentional) with the odds of getting any particular one. 3-4 have a much higher drop rate.

    Ive actually found that I get BETTER consoles from the engineer mission. They arent MXIII but at least they tend to be things that are useful. And really a 2% difference isnt that much.

    As far as quality is concerned, I find the odds to be working fine. I only get greens about 1/3 times which is what it should be. The odds favor blues and thats what I mostly get. You have about 2/3 chance of getting a blue or purple quality and thats how it works out for me. Problem is the purples are just trash 9/10.
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    the mighty STO rng is somewhat sticky.

    I posted about this before the forum change.....

    IMO we are getting "stuck" with certain "odds". Ive noticed it over multiple characters. It varies slightly by character. What I mean is that each character has a different set of "stuck" outcomes.

    A good example are the Instigate defections. Each character will get the same couple over and over. One toon gets Aliliea or what ever the diplo or advisor is. Another gets Sur the klingon security office over and over.

    Sometimes I go thru my roster to look for locked doffs I can grind and need to dismiss and find I have 4-5 of something.

    Im no statistician but its pretty obvious than many of the odds just dont work.
  • eldioraeldiora Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I am getting a ton of those dirt useless sif generators lately :( they are worth TRIBBLE and I got 3 blues, 2 greens and 1 purple of those in the last week. Have yet to see any good purple that i could sell for a decent amount of money.

    Wish i would produce Mag regulator consoles as much as I do sif genrator ones.

    I sorted my army for white doffs for the upcoming starbases that was from my main. I had a ton of advisors, diplomats, nurses, doctors and energy weapon officers. I had next to no engineering doffs.

    (batch size was around 300)

    Do you remember that luck machine from the ds9 episode?

    I guess my characters are simply stuck with really bad luck XD
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've seen decent results, so I'm not convinced the RNG is actually broken.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • abcde123123abcde123123 Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    eldiora wrote: »
    I am getting a ton of those dirt useless sif generators lately :( they are worth TRIBBLE and I got 3 blues, 2 greens and 1 purple of those in the last week. Have yet to see any good purple that i could sell for a decent amount of money.

    Wish i would produce Mag regulator consoles as much as I do sif genrator ones.

    I guess my characters are simply stuck with really bad luck XD

    Lol, yeah :) I opened about 400 lock boxes already... did I ever see a dkora? Nope :)

    Anyhoo, I run instigate defection over 8 toons usually starting at the roughly the same hour, using mostly the same set of boffs, usually I get the same boff back on most of the toons.

    I don't usually bother with console crafting, a friend got a decent set of doffs, I give him some artefacts, sell the rest. Once a week we get something decent in a 5M range, that barely covers the cost of infusion particles.
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've seen decent results, so I'm not convinced the RNG is actually broken.

    like i said above, the quality odds seem fine to me and the results all fall into what would be a classic bell curve if I plotted them.

    The issue IMO is that the is very little variety in the actual console. I can tell that other people are having the same results because it isnt even worth trying to sell some of them anymore. No one wants them in the first place and there are like 200 listed at any time.

    There are about 3 that come up for me over and over and over and they come in all three colors.

    On the other hand I do the engy console mission and there is variety. It just XII.

    I feel I can say in confidence that either some consoles have been weighted higher than others to appear or there is some kind of bug with the odds. It could be on purpose to keep us chasing the carrot.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The last time my Doffs made a console it was a Phaser Relay, so the odds of useful consoles don't seem that bad... (although this was a regular console mission not the Artifact mission)
    My character Tsin'xing
  • vinru821vinru821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    for as much as you console crafters charge you should get a nice streak of crappy consoles :)
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have crafted over 30 artifacts with purple Eng doffs with resolve and stubborn and cunning at %24-%51-%24 (wheres the other %1 Cryptic?) and I keep getting green Pre-fire chambers and directed energy modulators. Not a single Tac console that boosts an energy type. Something seems off. I have received a few blue Eng consoles. But so far 16 green directed energy modulators. The number seem way off and its seems that the drop is not random but purposefully dropping junk consoles.
  • criss11criss11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    1.Assignment: Negotiate Additional Delivery of Rare Commodities is not spawning anymore in the last 5 days and i've searched in specified locations. (Uncommon ? , it's more like Very rare assignment.)
    2. Since i finished Assignment chain: Children's Toys i got only 8 (eight) strange alien artifacts.
    3. The first console was a purple one (something about recovering shields) so the chance for 1st console is purple 100%, confirmed by many players. (sold on exchange for 5 mil- i needed money to buy some doffs)
    4. The other 2 console were Green and both were Pre-fire chambers :mad: (in a row ofc, at few days difference )
    5. 2 strange Artifacts i sold them fast on exchange and now i have saved 3 artifacts in my inventory...
    6. I'm thinking it's better to sell strange/powered artifacts on exchange, trying to craft them it's a waste of time and resources, also i Might ignore this assignment and stop wasting time to search it in the next future..
    Or i might save a good stack of powered artifacts then i'll start the crafting assignment for chance test and i will make a table on wikia ,same as Fleet_Engineering_Personnel-Common Quality Duty Officer pack chances
    <br>(i'll give it one more try to craft ,soon,and if still Pre-fire green then TRIBBLE it -might be bugged - lots of assignments are bugged , for example klingon interior chef assignments when if you try to start assignment then close interface ,the assignments gets cooldowns - crafting assignments from Tribble tufflis )

    A (dissapointed) wikia contributor..
    Seems there is a high chance for pre-fire chamber green consoles..
    I feel I can say in confidence that either some consoles have been weighted higher than others to appear or there is some kind of bug with the odds. It could be on purpose to keep us chasing the carrot.
    There are 19 Engineering Consoles
    There are 12 Science Consoles
    There are 16 Tactical Consoles
    (normal ,not special ones)

    and from all these , ppl gets mostly Pre-fire chambers or same consoles ?? This is "weird" don't you think ?? the obtaining pecentage is not random, it is pre-made :)
    The issue IMO is that the is very little variety in the actual console. I can tell that other people are having the same results because it isnt even worth trying to sell some of them anymore. No one wants them in the first place and there are like 200 listed at any time.
    well ~40 consoles it's not low ( The Commodities are fewer but you don't receive same commodity from ""Disable freighter"" assignment everytime..that i call it real Random chance) but we will see in chat, ppl offering for free , some purple mk12 consoles due to the higher percentage drops and other (rarer) consoles types being on auction for more than 50 mil..and lots of ppl will use inferior consoles..

    Edit: I needed 2 purple tacti console and i bought them from exchange for 1 mil. each :) with the money from selling first purple console .Other equipped consoles right now are normal blue MK11 :)
    open beta player of some PWE games - north america launched versions:
    - PWI - November, 2008 (2 months after North-America-West Coast open beta)
    - Forsaken World - open beta
    - BOI - open beta
    - Star Trek Online - ftp January, 2012 and rank 14 STO Wiki contributor
    - Neverwinter open beta June, 2013

    Daily Foundry "Canyon of the Dead" ( NW-DBPJYKMRE ) - dungeon
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's a misunderstanding of how probabilities work. Two people getting similar and undesired result doesn't mean the system is unfair or has hidden elements.

    30 consoles is clearly too few to gives a good %. Considering the number of consoles existing in game (at least 50), you'll need to craft 10.000 of them to get reliable stats. Stats based on smaller samples have no meaning at all. Good luck! :)
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I asked everyone in my fleet to donate artifacts to me for an experment. I collected 60 so far. I ran the mission non-stop, as soon as it finished I started a new one. Did this for 3 days. My mission is set to %24 purple %51 Blue and %24 Green and here are the results: 24 consoles crafted. 16 science consoles. 3 purple, 7 Blue, 6 Green. 5 Eng colsoles: 1 purple, 1 Blue, 3 Green. 3 Tac consoles: all Green Pre-fire chambers. Thats %50 green not %24. And there is a obvious leaning toward junk science consoles 4 were Bio function and 3 Force fields generators. Take what you will from these results. I am going to get upto 100 artifact and craft them all should take 2 weeks to craft 100 consoles and then post the results. My guess is it will be mostly Green science consoles.
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Here is every console I have done so far, in order from the first to the last one.

    Purple [Console - Science - Sensor Probes Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Engineering - SIF Generator Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Tactical - Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Science - Field Generator Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Engineering - Emergency Force Fields Mk XII]
    Purple [Console - Tactical -Polaron Phase Modulator Mk XII]
    Purple [Console - Engineering - Tetraburnium Hull Armor Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Tactical - Ambiplasma Envelope Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Tactical - Phaser Relay Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Science - Emitter Array Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Science - Shield Emitter Amplifier Mk XII]
    Purple [Console - Tactical - Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Tactical - Zero Point Quantum Chamber Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Tactical - Zero Point Quantum Chamber Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Engineering - Plasma Distribution Manifold Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Science - Field Generator Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Tactical - Polaron Phase Modulator Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Tactical - Transphasic Compressor Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Tactical - Directed Energy Distribution Manifold Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Engineering - Parametallic Hull Plating Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Science - Flow Capacitor Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Science - Sensor Probes Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Engineering - Injector Assembly Mk XII]
    Blue [Console - Engineering - EPS Flow Regulator Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Tactical - Chroniton Flux Regulator Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Tactical - Prefire Chamber Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Engineering - Plasma Distribution Manifold Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Engineering - RCS Accelerator Mk XII]
    Green [Console - Engineering - Injector Assembly Mk XII]
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Wow you are getting way more tac consoles that me. I have crafted 6 more since my last post and all 6 were science consoles. 1 purple, 2 blue 3 green.
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Thats 22 out of 30 Consoles being SCI. I dont know if it is the DOFF's im assigning or what. All very rare Fab Eng's with Resolve, Stubborn, or Cunning, For %24-%51-%24. I wonder where the other %1 is? Crazy!
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The last 3 consoles I have made since the last patch have been Rare (Blue) Diburnium Hull Consoles.


    Could just be coincidence, but it seems rather odd - I have never even gotten two in a row that matched before, and now I've gotten three of the exact same one with the exact same rarity.

    Anyone else seeing anything odd in their console making?

    i dont even bother anymore all ive ever got from it is TRIBBLE and so many on exchange its not worth the time and effort.

    ps. most of the consoles i get are the same armor console over and over.
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