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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *The Federation ships start engaging the bit systems which start ripping through the shields like hornets and causing hull breaches all over the ship. Their defense bits take the shots without much harm thanks to shield generators. *

    *Agent 3 watches from a surveilence bit and puts it on in front of Drake. *

    Agent 3: It looks like The Republic picked the wrong fight, did you intend to send those bit equipped starships?

    Drake: It doesn't matter.

    *R.S.S. Republic.*

    T'mar: Report!

    John: Shields are at 79%.

    The frigate at 084 Mark 27 is losing shields.

    T'mar: Good morning gentlemen. This is your wake-up call!

    *T'mar fires three transphasic quantum torpedoes at the frigate, which phase through her shields and detonate inside the ship, tearing it apart.

    She then fires on the lead cruiser with the multi-frequencial phasers, managing to knock out her shield generator with a few well-placed shots which managed to phase through the shield. Two photon torpedoes slam into the port nacelle strut and knock her out of action.

    A Federation Cruiser deploys bits directly in front of the Republic, and T'mar isn't able to evade before they slam through the primary shield and into the secondary shield.

    Another Cruiser then fires a quantum-focused phaser beam and knocks out the forward shield before her omega cannons slam into the Republic's starboard nacelle. T'mar slams the Republic into a hard-right bank and lets rip with the ZPCs, which smash through the cruiser's shields with ease and tear through her hull (remember, the Republic was built to fight the Iconians).*

    John: We've lost warp drive!

    *Another set of bits impacts the deflector dish. On the bridge, sparks fly and a fire breaks out at the aft stations. A crewman leaves his post to extinguish it.*

    T'mar: How are the Feds doing?

    John: 7 ships down, 4 still fighting but heavily damaged. We've got another wave coming in though, 10 ships, led by...

    The Enterprise.

    T'mar: Hail them, there's still time!

    John: They're blocking my comm signal.

    T'mar: Then batter through! I want Captain Denvers on my screen now!

    *An explosion rocks the bridge.*

    John: T'mar, if we take another hit to the Deflector--

    T'mar: Setting course for the planet! Divert everything we have, plus the kitchen sink, to shields and the ZPCs!

    John: Are you...?!

    *T'mar puts the Republic at full speed heading for the planet.*

    You are!

    *He opens the intercom.*

    All hands, brace for atmospheric turbulence!
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *Federation captain of the attacking USS. El Dorado Aputs them on the viewscreen.*

    Fruska: Republic Vessel, your ship is compromised. Your weapons are disabled, your shields are gone, and your life support is failing. You cannot survive without assistance we are willing to do so if you will surrender. No more harm will come to your ship.

    OOC: How inferior do you think Republic ships are?! Their weapons have a good chance of bypassing shields! Energy technology means their shields are at least as good as yours. The Republic itself has about 60-70 Matter-Antimatter Modules which supply power to secondary systems, which allows the Reactors and Warp Drive to power the weapons, shields, and engines. The ZPCs were designed to fight the ICONIANS (evidenced by these things being able to ruin a Synthesiser ship's day, which practically one-shotted a Republic Titan-Class Battleship (the Odyssey-C's opposite number, effectively), and has an arsenal of quantum transphasic warheads, combining the explosive yield of a quantum torpedo with the capability to phase through shields and hull. She's also got a fold-jump drive with a range that spans half the Galaxy. She can handle a few Federation ships (at any rate, she would NOT go down THIS quickly! She has THREE Shield Generators to power a Primary, secondary, and tertiary shield (each powering the exposed shield first!)).

    Sorry for the rant. Getting sick of the Republic being made out to be inferior... especially when they came up with Multi-frequencial phasers before the Feds started using new-type tech, with the resources of ONE SPACE STATION compared to the whole Federation.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Optimus vessel soon warps in near the federation battle group.

    Optimus: provide covering fire for the republic. Rat het get there warp drive back online.
    Optimus: federation fleet this is optimus prime. Either stand down or I will not hesitate to fore on your vessels.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: How inferior do you think Republic ships are?! Their weapons have a good chance of bypassing shields! Energy technology means their shields are at least as good as yours. The Republic itself has about 60-70 Matter-Antimatter Modules which supply power to secondary systems, which allows the Reactors and Warp Drive to power the weapons, shields, and engines. The ZPCs were designed to fight the ICONIANS (evidenced by these things being able to ruin a Synthesiser ship's day, which practically one-shotted a Republic Titan-Class Battleship (the Odyssey-C's opposite number, effectively), and has an arsenal of quantum transphasic warheads, combining the explosive yield of a quantum torpedo with the capability to phase through shields and hull. She's also got a fold-jump drive with a range that spans half the Galaxy. She can handle a few Federation ships (at any rate, she would NOT go down THIS quickly! She has THREE Shield Generators to power a Primary, secondary, and tertiary shield (each powering the exposed shield first!)).

    Sorry for the rant. Getting sick of the Republic being made out to be inferior... especially when they came up with Multi-frequencial phasers before the Feds started using new-type tech, with the resources of ONE SPACE STATION compared to the whole Federation.

    OOC: How do you get past the AT Shielding considering that it is using the users mind keeping its individuality. I did say that it was close to impossible unless another vessel had it which would nullify it. If it is the same force there is not the nullifying knack just a bit of a strong shielding. Multi frequncial phasers are quite a bit useless. Phasics may do it but there is defense bits. The Federation is no slouch either I was thinking it would be even one on one given the Captain. But even numbers would strategically wipe them all over the floor. Plus Omega weaponry and a fair arsenal. Hence why it is an even fight if one on one. But here the numbers are a problem. Just saying the Federation has much bigger resources and an incorporated Klingon Empire. Just trying say it is an even fight.

    Federation based on numbers would drive that ship into the floor based on numbers and weapons that are a bit better including a bit system and AT shielding and 3 more sets of shielding normal types. No way 7 go down. 2-3 I can see. 4 heavy damage doubtful. Just saying the Federation is an entire nation that covers more than 200 worlds and nations. Of course there is some parity. Not trying to offend. Just a bit realistic because of 10 ships with Newtype tech, fold space drives, omega frame work, omega weaponry, Omega disruptors. Just an even fight if one on one. But if its ten to 1 that is not quite there. No matter how skilled.

    I think a bit of in depth look at the Federation tech would be needed. If that would be fine. Like I did say did not mean to offend.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *The Lead Federation vessel hails.*

    Fed. Captain: Unknown vessel this vessel was invading sovereign territory and they were given every opportunity to surrender or leave immediately. You may pick up survivors but I will have to that you leave as well. We do not wish a fight with you.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    OOC: How do you get past the AT Shielding considering that it is using the users mind keeping its individuality. I did say that it was close to impossible unless another vessel had it which would nullify it. If it is the same force there is not the nullifying knack just a bit of a strong shielding. Multi frequncial phasers are quite a bit useless. Phasics may do it but there is defense bits. The Federation is no slouch either I was thinking it would be even one on one given the Captain. But even numbers would strategically wipe them all over the floor. Plus Omega weaponry and a fair arsenal. Hence why it is an even fight if one on one. But here the numbers are a problem. Just saying the Federation has much bigger resources and an incorporated Klingon Empire. Just trying say it is an even fight.

    Federation based on numbers would drive that ship into the floor based on numbers and weapons that are a bit better including a bit system and AT shielding and 3 more sets of shielding normal types. No way 7 go down. 2-3 I can see. 4 heavy damage doubtful. Just saying the Federation is an entire nation that covers more than 200 worlds and nations. Of course there is some parity. Not trying to offend. Just a bit realistic because of 10 ships with Newtype tech, fold space drives, omega frame work, omega weaponry, Omega disruptors. Just an even fight if one on one. But if its ten to 1 that is not quite there. No matter how skilled.

    I think a bit of in depth look at the Federation tech would be needed. If that would be fine. Like I did say did not mean to offend.

    OOC: That's fine.

    The Republic is a Battleship - the flagship of the Republic Navy. Most of the ships it's taken down so far have been frigates or support ships.

    And, from what I can tell, the bit system is essentially dropping tons of metal chunks in front off an enemy ship (i.e. chaff) but a lot more dangerous. If the Republic's shields were down, that would be deadly, but the Republic's shields are up, and can be supplemented by the MAMs or the Fusion Reactors if needed.

    Also, zero point energy is theoretically infinite, so the ZPCs are releasing about 10 times the power of a quantum warhead (which use zero-point btw) with each shot at standard power. Like I said, they were built to fight the Iconians.

    Multi-Frequencial Phasers essentially just rotate the frequency after each shot randomly. That gives it an inherent chance of matching the shield frequency of the target (and since every form of energy in known physics using frequencies, that would include AT shields) and phasing through the shield. That was developed by DS61 to fight the Borg before the Republic was even formed, with the resources of a single space station. Republic Ships also utilise Sub-Space Coils, which tap the energy of subspace to increase a ship's warp core output drastically, increasing Warp Core efficiency (which is good as Dilithium is running out by this point. MUST BE FUEL ECONOMIC! lol, sorry).
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *The Lead Federation vessel hails.*

    Fed. Captain: Unknown vessel this vessel was invading sovereign territory and they were given every opportunity to surrender or leave immediately. You may pick up survivors but I will have to that you leave as well. We do not wish a fight with you.

    *A squadron of Klingon Warships warp in.

    The Republic enters the planetary atmosphere, its shields getting battered by an ion storm T'mar deliberately flies into. Three Federation Frigates follow her in.*

    T'mar: They just don't know when to quit! Photons, full spread. Firing.

    *T'mar fires a spread of photon torpedoes, blinding the frigates' sensors for a few seconds while the Republic flies above the storm. Due to the storm's EMP output, the frigates can't re-acquire the Republic with sensors. The Republic, now above them, fires her ZPCs and forces a frigate's shields down. She then starts losing power and starts to fall into the atmosphere before the Republic locks a tractor beam and pulls her out of the gravity well. Rinse, repeat for the other two ships before she dives back into the atmosphere, below the worst of the storm, and lands on the North Magnetic Pole, making detection even harder.*

    Phew. Begin repairs.

    John: Already on it.

    Nicely done, lieutenant.

    T'mar: Thanks. You're in charge now, Commander.

    *In space. The Klingon Vessels move closer towards the battle area.*
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *The Lead Federation vessel hails.*

    Fed. Captain: Unknown vessel this vessel was invading sovereign territory and they were given every opportunity to surrender or leave immediately. You may pick up survivors but I will have to that you leave as well. We do not wish a fight with you.

    Optimus: you will stand down and let them retrieve here people on the planet or will answer to me.

    a tone of anger creeps into his voice.

    Optimus: but i will not stand by and wath you attack a ship that is defending itself. Do not test me. I may be patient but when lives are being put at risk i will not tolerate that kind of action.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *A squadron of Klingon Warships warp in.

    The Republic enters the planetary atmosphere, its shields getting battered by an ion storm T'mar deliberately flies into. Three Federation Frigates follow her in.*

    T'mar: They just don't know when to quit! Photons, full spread. Firing.

    *T'mar fires a spread of photon torpedoes, blinding the frigates' sensors for a few seconds while the Republic flies above the storm. Due to the storm's EMP output, the frigates can't re-acquire the Republic with sensors. The Republic, now above them, fires her ZPCs and forces a frigate's shields down. She then starts losing power and starts to fall into the atmosphere before the Republic locks a tractor beam and pulls her out of the gravity well. Rinse, repeat for the other two ships before she dives back into the atmosphere, below the worst of the storm, and lands on the North Magnetic Pole, making detection even harder.*

    Phew. Begin repairs.

    John: Already on it.

    Nicely done, lieutenant.

    T'mar: Thanks. You're in charge now, Commander.

    *In space. The Klingon Vessels move closer towards the battle area.*

    optimus: republic vessel this is optimus prime i have a engineer who could help speed up your repairs. I will deal with the federation ships.

    optimus turns back to the screen.

    Optimus: i give you one chance captain let the republic go or we will have a fight on our hands and one i do not think you will win.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Optimus: you will stand down and let them retrieve here people on the planet or will answer to me.

    a tone of anger creeps into his voice.

    Optimus: but i will not stand by and wath you attack a ship that is defending itself. Do not test me. I may be patient but when lives are being put at risk i will not tolerate that kind of action.

    *OOC: Peter Cullen's voice to those lines...

    Oh my...

    Okay, I've finished having a little blissful moment now.

    Okay, the Avengers was pushing it, but how did we get to Transformers? (How does it work that I think Transformers, which are actual technology, are more far-stretched than superheroes? That makes little-to-no sense!)

    That doesn't mean stop. I wanna see how this goes. *Jokingly* Just don't expect me to turn Drake into Megatron.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Peter Cullen's voice to those lines...

    Oh my...

    Okay, I've finished having a little blissful moment now.

    Okay, the Avengers was pushing it, but how did we get to Transformers? (How does it work that I think Transformers, which are actual technology, are more far-stretched than superheroes? That makes little-to-no sense!)

    That doesn't mean stop. I wanna see how this goes. *Jokingly* Just don't expect me to turn Drake into Megatron.

    OOC : lol had you not noticed that or read what i had posted awhile ago lol i had stated i wanted to make a optimus toon. so i did and dont call my transformers technology lol. but if you had read some previous post i had ade it quite clear what i was doing.

    ok carry on
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Peter Cullen's voice to those lines...

    Oh my...

    Okay, I've finished having a little blissful moment now.

    Okay, the Avengers was pushing it, but how did we get to Transformers? (How does it work that I think Transformers, which are actual technology, are more far-stretched than superheroes? That makes little-to-no sense!)

    That doesn't mean stop. I wanna see how this goes. *Jokingly* Just don't expect me to turn Drake into Megatron.

    OOC: I was thinking along those same lines. wow. But hey don't stop keep going lets see where this leads.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    OOC : lol had you not noticed that or read what i had posted awhile ago lol i had stated i wanted to make a optimus toon. so i did and dont call my transformers technology lol. but if you had read some previous post i had ade it quite clear what i was doing.

    ok carry on

    OOC: I know, I've been wanting to say it since you did it, but only just decided to actually do so.

    P.S. I'm sorry. *Jokingly* Is "Toasters" better?

    *Runs away and hides*
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: I know, I've been wanting to say it since you did it, but only just decided to actually do so.

    P.S. I'm sorry. *Jokingly* Is "Toasters" better?

    *Runs away and hides*

    lol ill so you a toaster lol net time say something sooner before i start it lol
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: That's fine.

    The Republic is a Battleship - the flagship of the Republic Navy. Most of the ships it's taken down so far have been frigates or support ships.

    And, from what I can tell, the bit system is essentially dropping tons of metal chunks in front off an enemy ship (i.e. chaff) but a lot more dangerous. If the Republic's shields were down, that would be deadly, but the Republic's shields are up, and can be supplemented by the MAMs or the Fusion Reactors if needed.

    Also, zero point energy is theoretically infinite, so the ZPCs are releasing about 10 times the power of a quantum warhead (which use zero-point btw) with each shot at standard power. Like I said, they were built to fight the Iconians.

    Multi-Frequencial Phasers essentially just rotate the frequency after each shot randomly. That gives it an inherent chance of matching the shield frequency of the target (and since every form of energy in known physics using frequencies, that would include AT shields) and phasing through the shield. That was developed by DS61 to fight the Borg before the Republic was even formed, with the resources of a single space station. Republic Ships also utilise Sub-Space Coils, which tap the energy of subspace to increase a ship's warp core output drastically, increasing Warp Core efficiency (which is good as Dilithium is running out by this point. MUST BE FUEL ECONOMIC! lol, sorry).

    OOC: AT shielding is a tad bit out of physics as it is the barriers of the Newtype mind. Like what makes us us. Psycho frequency. Like I said the only known thing to crack it is another field at the same frequency. Given that drawback they do have 2 layers of shields under it. When they interact with others of different frequencies they can pull a maneuver to make the shielding bigger and more powerful causing more blocks.

    Omega weapons

    Omega Disruptors: These are keyed at rotational frequency that can rip through shields like butter, as it is attached by the Omega warp core things are running quite efficiently and are powerful. The torpedoes are quite a tad different with the yield of a tricobalt torpedo but with a faster moving speed giving them a higher damage output. Then the complement of more advanced quantum anti matter torpedoes.

    Omega Frame work- Given the resonance the frame given the amount of will present at the area causes unknown phenomenon that cause unspeakable things that moot physics.

    The Bit system. The bit system has 1-3 newtypes with headsets linking them to the system either attack or defense mode. These bits are powered by a laced warp core with Omega. Giving them a long active fielding rate. Their small generator of anti shield tech weasel through and start hitting the enemy with Omega disruptors and anti matter torpedoes. They are also capable of ramming into the target causing a small warp core breach causing a pretty good explosion. The Defense system bits are bit different and are made to counter the blows the Newtype can sense for the longevity of the material the armor is made of.

    Outside the of the other weapons there are different weapons on most classes of ship.

    Cruisers pack arrays and torpedos and quad cannons with the bit system.

    Escorts carry a bit system, rapid fire cannons, and etc

    The Federation ships also match the speeds and efficiency of most Iconian and Republic tech.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    OOC: Gonna be off to catch up on my class reading.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *OOC: Caught up. *

    Fed. Captain: We will grant you a rescue operation but just know that you will need to leave this space as per interstellar law. The Federation has no qualm with you. You have less than 45 minutes. I personally am just following orders I have no qualms with anyone here. I do agree with you it angers me too.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *OOC: Caught up. *

    Fed. Captain: We will grant you a rescue operation but just know that you will need to leave this space as per interstellar law. The Federation has no qualm with you. You have less than 45 minutes. I personally am just following orders I have no qualms with anyone here. I do agree with you it angers me too.

    Optimus: very well. We will have them moved by then.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    OOC: You know what i have a better long term idea for my team ao delete any knowledge of the previous post ok just make something up for them. I am going to go back to an original idea i had awhile ago and i doudt anyone here will know much about it. I hope not anyways so im changing everything ok. So please read this post all the way so you will know what i changed ok.just replace all the stuff with my previous toon with this one okglad we all agreed man im glad im on this late at night i can just ramble on lol ok now to get serious.

    Agent Colorado walks onto the frigates bridge. takes a quick look around and heads for the captains chair.

    schematics for the F.S.S. ( Freelance Starship) Mother Of Intervention

    Crew: 150
    Shields: state of the art prototype shields
    Engines: Quantunm Slipspace Manifold
    Sensors: Mk XIV advance sensor grid
    Cloak: Installed
    Weapons: Phased Tetyron arrays Mk XV x12
    Tranphasic torpedoes Mk XV 5 bays ( 2 aft 1 port 1 starbord 1 fore )
    photon torpedoes prototype model 3 bays ( all forward )
    1 MAC Gun fore
    8 Guass Canoons spread out
    Armor: Neutronian alloy ( a specially made alloy capable of withstanding multiple hits to the bare hull.
    Ablative hull: the entire main hull is made out of ablative armor.

    the ship is made for stealth missions but is fully equipped to deal with any situation that should arrise. many weapons like her canoons are hidden beneath the armor till deployed to make her look vanurable. after a few shots these canons are able to rotate to any non new type frequancy.but are also made to be able to deal substantial damaget to any shiled type. he MAC gun can tear through any unshielded ship.and the torps well i leave them for the right moment.the ship has a fold jump drive but is also capable of slipspace normal flight instead of warp. all her power comes from the warp engines as the act also as the impulse engines as well.She is quite capable of engaging almost any type of vessel.

    As he moves to sit in the chair

    Colorado: helm keep us here until the republic ship leaves i dont want the federation getting any ideas.

    helm: yes sir

    Colorado: comm any word from nova team yet

    comm officer: no sir nothing yet

    colorado: damn well lets hope they find drake soon. Hail the republic see if she needs any repairs.

    Agent Colorado Bio:
    Age 29
    species augmented Human
    Affiliation: Freelancer organization
    Specializtion: space combat tactics and ground combat
    weapons of choice: Mk XV phaser rifle and a ballistic pistol
    Armor: Mk XV Mojinor combat armor

    Agent colorado is a top operative of the Freelancer organizition a by federation standereds a rogue group that engages hostile targets at their whim. They have worked with shield on accassion and are now vigiriously tracking down section 31 and drake. Colorado is one of the few to have this combat armor and commands the frigate Mother Of Intervention. Current location is classified to un autherized personel as is his current assignment.

    OOC well i think this will work better ok lets carry on> And dont make fun of my ships name lol
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *Republic Bridge.*

    T'mar: Republic to Unidentified Starship, we appreciate the assist.

    *The Klingon Vessels enter orbit and raise shields.*

    Markon: This is Captain Markon of the Imperial Klingon Ship Bat'rak, to Republic Starship. A Bird of Prey is approaching your position.

    If you require our help, we are here.

    Markon to Federation Starships. My vessels are not the only vessels of the Empire within communications range. We will be watching the situation carefully. The protectorate treaty is still infantile, remember that. Markon out!

    *OOC: The Klingons are a Warrior Race. Nothing the Federation can do will ever change that. They value honour above all else. So when the Federation does something dishonourable, the Klingons won't react kindly to it.*

    *S31 base. Turani VII.*

    Drake: The Klingons are outnumbered. Markon's lying, he won't risk open conflict between the Federation and the Empire for the Republic.

    Sam 2: Still, Fruska will need a valid reason before accelerating his deadline.

    Drake: Well, the Republic ARE setting up a listening post on the planet to spy on Federation territory.

    *Turns to Agent 3*


    *On the surface, the Bird-of-Prey lands next to the Republic, which is being repaired as quickly as possible.*

    T'mar: We're not gonna be able to leave before our time's up. It'll be a miracle if we can just complete repairs in time, we've still got to get our people back on board.

    John: Alright. Where's the Captain's party?

    T'mar: Don't know. Somewhere near the eastern plateau.

    John: Send Echo One to look for them.

    Hail the Federation Commander.

    T'mar: You're on.

    *Fruska's screen changes to display John on the viewscreen.*

    John: This is Lieutenant Commander John DeFalco of the R.S.S. Republic to Federation Fleet, we request an extension to the deadline. We've taken heavy damage and won't even be able to take off in 45 minutes. We need at least 2 hours to get our people back on board.

    And, Captain, if you had no quarrel with us, why did your ships fire first?
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Agent colorado listens to the republics message.

    Colorado: coloado to federation vessels. You will give the republic an extension so she can finish repairs and retrieve her people.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Another agent walks into the bridge.

    Agent tex: well we nay have a hit on drake. Nothing confirmed yet. But we leave now we could find him.

    Colorado: no not until the republic is away. Then we go after drake.

    Tex: the director isn't going to be happy if he hears about this.

    Colorado : I will deal with him.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    John: Anything?

    T'mar: Negative. Echo One is returning to base for repairs. Echo 2 is relieving him now.

    *Eastern Plateau. Echo Two is flying through the air as the ion storm is lightening up.*

    Echo 2: Search Team Alpha, can you hear me? This is Echo 2.

    Repeat, Search Team Alpha, can you hear me? This is Echo 2. This is Echo 2.

    *He looks down and sees an ATEV buried in snow.*

    Echo 2 to base, I've found an ATEV near Team Alpha's last known position. It's been abandoned. EM interference from the storm is still interfering with sensors, I can't locate them.

    T'mar *Over comm*: Copy that Echo 2. Do you want to land and check it out?

    Echo 2: Preferably not sir. If I land and shut down I may not be able to take off again if the storm rolls back in. I'll keep looking.


    T'mar: Understood Echo 2. Good luck. Republic out.

    *She closes the channel.*

    John: We're over the deadline now. We're still waiting on several of our Search Teams, and only one of those are in contact. The ion storms must be interfering with comms.

    T'mar: That's our typical luck.

    John: Worse still, that Federation Cruiser's Omega Cannons hit the starboard power conduit as well as the nacelle. The repair teams are having to rebuild the warp engine completely. The Deflector's going to take a few more hours as well, and the structural integrity field's only at 47%. If we were in space--

    T'mar: That'd be good enough. But since we have to make it out of the atmosphere, through ion storms...

    John: You see the problem.

    Inform Command of what's happening, ask for assistance.

    T'mar: Isn't that provocative?

    John: Ask for a Medical ship. We need S&R and after the Feds attacked us in orbit, I don't trust them to bring our people home.

    T'mar: What about the Klingons?

    John: They'll be the first to admit they don't have the facilities. We're talking about moving 2,300 people. 6 Klingon Warships aren't going to carry that.

    T'mar: So we're abandoning ship?

    John: If we don't get that extension, yes. But only when a Republic Evacuation Ship arrives.

    *T'mar turns back to her console and sends the distress call to Republic Command on an encoded frequency.*

    T'mar: Signal away.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Agent Colorado : republic vessel we will stay in system to ensure that you get the support you need. We have another cruiser on its way as well.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Colrado: how long until they can get air born again

    Officer: it will take awhile still sir.

    Colorado: inform the federation that the republic vessel is under our protection until they can leave the system. And attempt to attack it will be met with deadly force.

    Officer: yes sir.

    Nova: so what is your plan.

    Colorado looks at her a moment and smiles.

    Colorado: I'm making it up as I go along.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    OOC: Now going offline, so don't do too much without me.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Now going offline, so don't do too much without me.

    Ooc. Don't worry I will lol.

    Colorado: any update in those fed ships.

    Officer: no sir.

    Colorado: well then let's see how long they behave.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Republic Bridge.*

    T'mar: Republic to Unidentified Starship, we appreciate the assist.

    *The Klingon Vessels enter orbit and raise shields.*

    Markon: This is Captain Markon of the Imperial Klingon Ship Bat'rak, to Republic Starship. A Bird of Prey is approaching your position.

    If you require our help, we are here.

    Markon to Federation Starships. My vessels are not the only vessels of the Empire within communications range. We will be watching the situation carefully. The protectorate treaty is still infantile, remember that. Markon out!

    *OOC: The Klingons are a Warrior Race. Nothing the Federation can do will ever change that. They value honour above all else. So when the Federation does something dishonourable, the Klingons won't react kindly to it.*

    *S31 base. Turani VII.*

    Drake: The Klingons are outnumbered. Markon's lying, he won't risk open conflict between the Federation and the Empire for the Republic.

    Sam 2: Still, Fruska will need a valid reason before accelerating his deadline.

    Drake: Well, the Republic ARE setting up a listening post on the planet to spy on Federation territory.

    *Turns to Agent 3*


    *On the surface, the Bird-of-Prey lands next to the Republic, which is being repaired as quickly as possible.*

    T'mar: We're not gonna be able to leave before our time's up. It'll be a miracle if we can just complete repairs in time, we've still got to get our people back on board.

    John: Alright. Where's the Captain's party?

    T'mar: Don't know. Somewhere near the eastern plateau.

    John: Send Echo One to look for them.

    Hail the Federation Commander.

    T'mar: You're on.

    *Fruska's screen changes to display John on the viewscreen.*

    John: This is Lieutenant Commander John DeFalco of the R.S.S. Republic to Federation Fleet, we request an extension to the deadline. We've taken heavy damage and won't even be able to take off in 45 minutes. We need at least 2 hours to get our people back on board.

    And, Captain, if you had no quarrel with us, why did your ships fire first?

    Fruska: If I remember right our viewscreen records show you did after we gave you warning to leave sovereign territory after the Turani government disallowed you military access. I do have to ask why you are here Commander. If it is for a military action you cannot do so as it is an act of war against the Turani. I am sure the Klingons would not appreciate it if that is the case. If you wish aid we will grant it but under supervision and we will treat your wounded.

    As per your situation you will have a extension but not longer than and hour and a half. If you need assistance just say so. If it is to get your people back from their away mission then I suggest you hurry. I am dispatching aid nonetheless, we are not monsters.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *Fruska's away teams arrive and start giving aid to the crew and ship, and are keeping an eye on them. Soon Fruska arrives himself a little later.*

    Fruska: Commander. Again I must ask what were you doing out here and why did you not leave when the Turani government rescinded your access.
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Colorado beams down in full armor with his pistol holstered at his side.

    Colorado : captain ill say this nicely shut up. They are retrieving there people. You don't like that well tough.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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