OOC: But he was willing to accept violence as a means of achieving change, even if he decried it personally.
OOC: Did he ever advocate it? He hated it and wanted it to stop, he was merely acknowledging it's effectiveness for achieving change, of which no one can argue. Now, good or bad change, that's debatable.
Handler: Yup. Hey, wanna play Monopoly? It gets kinda boring waiting for the shuttle to get here.
*Jean looks at them and mouths 'Is she serious?'*
Clara: Are you serious? You tried to blow us up half an hour ago!
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Tara C: They wanted... I think they wanted an army...
Tara: An army of me?
*Her blood burns a little at that.*
So why were you locked in a cell?
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Handler: Guess that's a no then.
*There's some slurping.*
Handler: Guess I can just wait for the shuttle to get here.
Tara C: I was too nice, but they didn't want to kill me just because of that. 'Too much wasted'...
Clara: Is this the shuttle bringing Liss back, or the shuttle taking you away?
*Tara A sends Jean a telepathic message to find an entry point.*
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Handler: Take a guess.
*He starts casually looking around, and soon slips off.*
Tara: So I'm guessing you'd object to a quick dust-up.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Clara: Hmm... The shuttle bringing Liss back?
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Handler: Eh! Nope, no comprendo por favor. Try again.
*Jean disappears from New Type ability senses.*
Tara C: I've already gotten punched in the face...
*She holds her face, where it's already bruising.*
*Tara A taps Clara's shoulder, pointing her in the direction Jean went in. Clara follows that direction, looking for a way in.*
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Tara: Yeah... sorry...
I'll let you take the first punch. Promise.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Handler: Hey! Where ya goi-
*Theres a smack.*
Handler: How'd you get in here?!
Jean: Shut up.
*He punches her. Meanwhile, Tara A and Clara find an open shuttle bay, with the shuttle landing.*
Clara: Think you can fly that thing?
Tara A: Yeah. Gillian taught me.
*She kills the two pilots and heads inside while Clara goes into the facility and over to Jean-Luc and the Handler.*
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
*She finds Jean-Luc standing next to a... strangely beautiful girl wearing glasses and in a wheelchair.*
Jean: Hey Clara.
Tara: I'll restrict myself to what she taught us.
*She stands up, helping her up.*
OOC: Shall we just say basic kickboxing?
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Clara: Hey.
*She walks over to the Handler.*
So, how about we have a chat about where Liss is, huh girlie?
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Optimus: firefly leave this path you have started down and help me and the others defeat ultron here before there is any more loss of life.
Firefly: what if he's right though.
Optimus: any one willing to kill in order to achieve his goals is never in the right.
OOC: Sure.
*Tara C looks unsure.*
Tara C: I haven't really fought before.
Handler: How about you, me, and your boyfriend have a threesome?
*Jean sighs.*
Jean: She's been spouting sexual stuff since I got here.
OOC: *Cough* George Washington *Cough* Abraham Lincoln *Cough* Ghandi *Cough* Optimus Prime himself *Cough*.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
OOC: *Cough.* Ghandi was non-violent. *Cough.*
Tara: Yes you have - Dani.
Besides, perfect time to learn.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
OOC: But he was willing to accept violence as a means of achieving change, even if he decried it personally.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Tara C: In perspective of things, you fought Dani, I just remember fighting Dani...
*She assumes the form perfectly though.*
Clara: How about you tell me what I want to know, and I don't give you to Tara and let her dance on your corpse?
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
OOC: Did he ever advocate it? He hated it and wanted it to stop, he was merely acknowledging it's effectiveness for achieving change, of which no one can argue. Now, good or bad change, that's debatable.