I can already now see myself using my Bortas as a super death machine now that can dominate escorts by just jumping in behind them and opening up with my 4x DHC and 4x turrets on them....
Only thing that gives them even a fighting chance against this monster is their greater maneuvrability, which would be pretty much negated by this console.
But its pretty clear now that Cryptic does not really care about PvP.
As its now all about consoles and their fancy gimmicks rather than actual skill.
and once they move out of your 45 degree range you have given yourself then you are in trouble, or you're in trouble for the 3 minute cooldown while everybody is running rings round your bortas and attacking the rear.
not to mention if they then jump in behind you, right after you jump in behind them. (KvK only obviously)
any Combination of mutliple kdf consoles are OP, thats why this is not the greatest Idea. Saying nothing about AMS on sci ships and escorts...:eek:
^this. Bird of Preys have already demonstrated just how frustrating it can get. Vent Theta Radiation, Aceton Assimilator, Graviton Pulse Generator, Plasmonic Leech, Barrier Field Generator. It's seriously out of control, and should be curtailed rather than expanded to every KDF ship type. That, combined with every Fed ship bringing Antimatter Spread and Nadeon Detonator (aka Photonic Shockwave Torpedo), is going to make PvP thoroughly unenjoyable for everyone involved.
I really think some sort of preventative measure should be taken to steer PvP away from Mutually Assured Frustration. Some alternatives:
Balance console powers against regular consoles. Right now, it's a no-brainer to go for the extra powers rather than the passive bonuses. Make these powers less effective, or make regular consoles more worthwile, or both.
Introduce a hard limit: no more than 2 universal consoles equipped on a ship. Including the Assimilated Module. It's supposed to be a tough choice.
Put the console powers on a global cooldown so that players at least can't spam them. It should be long enough to make rotating more than 2 different ones ineffective .
Do what Champions Online does with its C-Store devices:
Cannot be activated in PVP zones.
This way, PvE players get to keep their toys without lmitations, without any adverse effect on PvP.
the gorn barrier field is set for science ships only still. not sure if that is intentional or a bug.
the bio neural warhead is now available to everyone. is that intentional? i assume it is but as its not a console i wanted to check.
can subspace jump for the klingons get an actual icon rather then just the klingon symbol.
on holodeck there is a slight cooldown of about 8 seconds if you fire off two abilities, such as the isometric charge and the magnetometric charge. on tribble there is no cooldown at all. you can fire these all of one straight after the other. i think that is either not working or needs looking at if it is.
i dont think there needs to be a three minute cooldown on them or anything but perhaps 30 seconds or something just to people dont chain them all off in one go.
i have no problem with ships having multiple consoles as what you give up can be significant to fit them all in, but chaining them all together in quick succession seems over powered.
while i have not tested this to see if they work, i agree the shuttles can not have the thunderchild point defence console, and probably should not have access to anything like the bio-neural warhead.
and once they move out of your 45 degree range you have given yourself then you are in trouble, or you're in trouble for the 3 minute cooldown while everybody is running rings round your bortas and attacking the rear.
not to mention if they then jump in behind you, right after you jump in behind them. (KvK only obviously)
Believe it or not, But I can actually outmaneuver Defiant's in my Bortas.
They never get a chance to attack the rear.
Theta Radtion console cannot be mounted on Cruisers. :rolleyes:
Anyway, Its sad to see that Cryptic is only re-affirming that they do not care one bit about PvP.
I'm surprised they have not just shut the PvP segment down already, since they are completely throwing any kind of balance out the window.
STO is truly becoming pay to win, and anyone without a C-Store console will be a liability to his team in any serious PvP.
+1 ships are becoming MUST HAVE's, in order to remain competitive. :mad:
Theta Radtion console cannot be mounted on Cruisers. :rolleyes:
Anyway, Its sad to see that Cryptic is only re-affirming that they do not care one bit about PvP.
I'm surprised they have not just shut the PvP segment down already, since they are completely throwing any kind of balance out the window.
STO is truly becoming pay to win, and anyone without a C-Store console will be a liability to his team in any serious PvP.
+1 ships are becoming MUST HAVE's, in order to remain competitive. :mad:
the real problem, i think, is PW
they say to love PvP, and want more of it... but either ordering these changes, or letting Cryptic change them (whichever it is, don't assume without proof) shows they don't really
Theta Radtion console cannot be mounted on Cruisers. :rolleyes:
Anyway, Its sad to see that Cryptic is only re-affirming that they do not care one bit about PvP.
I'm surprised they have not just shut the PvP segment down already, since they are completely throwing any kind of balance out the window.
STO is truly becoming pay to win, and anyone without a C-Store console will be a liability to his team in any serious PvP.
+1 ships are becoming MUST HAVE's, in order to remain competitive. :mad:
We would really love balance testing on the consoles.
Nail in the PVP coffin.
If anything these consoles should be more restricted, not less. As someone who PVPs on both sides, I thought it was bad enough when a BoP could equip several, but now you're allowing pretty much any ship to do it.
There's far more offensive potential from the KDF consoles than the Fed Consoles.
The max on any ship should be 2 consoles, imo.
Here's how the new balance will look for PVP: Ground > Space, FvF/KvK > FvK
We would really love balance testing on the consoles.
If this were true you'd have posted this request in the Holodeck PvP forums w/at least a week notice. You'd have also read the numerous posts in that forum w/people pointing out current console imbalances and already taken some steps.
Well seeing as how all the consoles/weps from the cstore BOPs, orion, nausicaan and gorn ships can all be equipped together how is this any different?? My B'rel refit already has all of them on it and i still die the same against a defiant, or kill the same as before, It just sounds like some people are making excuses for not being very good at PVP IMO..........
Well seeing as how all the consoles/weps from the cstore BOPs, orion, nausicaan and gorn ships can all be equipped together how is this any different?? My B'rel refit already has all of them on it and i still die the same against a defiant, or kill the same as before, It just sounds like some people are making excuses for not being very good at PVP IMO..........
This isn't correct. Sci Vessels/Carriers/Cruisers coudn't equip what was reserved for BoP/Raptor/Destroyers and visa versa. You are correct in BoPs could equip so much, this was one of the many issues raised about console balace for the last couple of months or so.
I have had the console on my odyssey for 2 days
and once they move out of your 45 degree range you have given yourself then you are in trouble, or you're in trouble for the 3 minute cooldown while everybody is running rings round your bortas and attacking the rear.
not to mention if they then jump in behind you, right after you jump in behind them. (KvK only obviously)
^this. Bird of Preys have already demonstrated just how frustrating it can get. Vent Theta Radiation, Aceton Assimilator, Graviton Pulse Generator, Plasmonic Leech, Barrier Field Generator. It's seriously out of control, and should be curtailed rather than expanded to every KDF ship type. That, combined with every Fed ship bringing Antimatter Spread and Nadeon Detonator (aka Photonic Shockwave Torpedo), is going to make PvP thoroughly unenjoyable for everyone involved.
I really think some sort of preventative measure should be taken to steer PvP away from Mutually Assured Frustration. Some alternatives:
the bio neural warhead is now available to everyone. is that intentional? i assume it is but as its not a console i wanted to check.
can subspace jump for the klingons get an actual icon rather then just the klingon symbol.
on holodeck there is a slight cooldown of about 8 seconds if you fire off two abilities, such as the isometric charge and the magnetometric charge. on tribble there is no cooldown at all. you can fire these all of one straight after the other. i think that is either not working or needs looking at if it is.
i dont think there needs to be a three minute cooldown on them or anything but perhaps 30 seconds or something just to people dont chain them all off in one go.
i have no problem with ships having multiple consoles as what you give up can be significant to fit them all in, but chaining them all together in quick succession seems over powered.
it would make a mess of shuttle pvp.
Believe it or not, But I can actually outmaneuver Defiant's in my Bortas.
They never get a chance to attack the rear.
Rear? Thats why you carry theta obviously. :P
Theta Radtion console cannot be mounted on Cruisers. :rolleyes:
Anyway, Its sad to see that Cryptic is only re-affirming that they do not care one bit about PvP.
I'm surprised they have not just shut the PvP segment down already, since they are completely throwing any kind of balance out the window.
STO is truly becoming pay to win, and anyone without a C-Store console will be a liability to his team in any serious PvP.
+1 ships are becoming MUST HAVE's, in order to remain competitive. :mad:
It's beyond the developer concern to balance these consoles for pvp, so just put them in pve and make them as spammy and broken as you like.
they say to love PvP, and want more of it... but either ordering these changes, or letting Cryptic change them (whichever it is, don't assume without proof) shows they don't really
unless you were being sarcastic or something that im not getting
oh my mistake silly me thought i was in the tribble section.
Nail in the PVP coffin.
If anything these consoles should be more restricted, not less. As someone who PVPs on both sides, I thought it was bad enough when a BoP could equip several, but now you're allowing pretty much any ship to do it.
There's far more offensive potential from the KDF consoles than the Fed Consoles.
The max on any ship should be 2 consoles, imo.
Here's how the new balance will look for PVP: Ground > Space, FvF/KvK > FvK
If this were true you'd have posted this request in the Holodeck PvP forums w/at least a week notice. You'd have also read the numerous posts in that forum w/people pointing out current console imbalances and already taken some steps.
This isn't correct. Sci Vessels/Carriers/Cruisers coudn't equip what was reserved for BoP/Raptor/Destroyers and visa versa. You are correct in BoPs could equip so much, this was one of the many issues raised about console balace for the last couple of months or so.