There is nothing 'broken' about this ship... it works just fine. You personally, and many otehrs ust happen not to like it. I am perfectly glad of that - it does notsuit your style and there is no reason it should.
To delcare it as broken is just another piece of overstating a point. Many people are perfectly happy to fly it. It has limitations and so it should. The alternative would be to build a ship that reduced all other vessels to being utterly pointless. That would be worse.
I am in that group of people that find BoPs don't suit my playstyle... I never felt it important to wail that BoP are broken... I endorse the idea that it is not for me.
Clearly you don't PvP. If you did, then you would know that the cloak is broken. Either that or its just TRIBBLE. If the c-store ship has even one of these gimped features, I won't spend a cent on it. I can can honestly say this, I am not alone.
I was expecting an Advanced Heavy Battlecruiser. Not a Toyota Prius.
The fact that the ship imploded during trials ... left me ... doubtful as to its convictions.
Clearly you don't PvP. If you did, then you would know that the cloak is broken. Either that or its just TRIBBLE. If the c-store ship has even one of these gimped features, I won't spend a cent on it. I can can honestly say this, I am not alone.
I was expecting an Advanced Heavy Battlecruiser. Not a Toyota Prius.
The fact that the ship imploded during trials ... left me ... doubtful as to its convictions.
I do PvP, quite a bit actually, and I don't do it in a Borta. I don't see any reason why it should be perticularly useful in PvP either. I use a variety of ships rigged for different circumstances. One for missions, one for STFs and one for PvP.
Both ships are just badly designed and boring to play! They are indeed Negh'Var, Excelsior and Vor'cha downgrades.
The Odyssey works as Super-Starcruiser, which is kinda boring.
Captain Geko wanted to design massive ships that feel like massive battleships.
But we only got the bad things about huge warships: sluggish, bad turnrate.
Battleships in WW2 didn't fire with cruiser sized cannons - but Odyssey and Bortas do.
Following zeuxidemus line of thought we should have HUGE cannons on the Bortas - in a triple-turret array or something like that. But that would require a complete rebalancing of all ships in the game, as a battleship class didn't exist so far.
But STO seems limited to a 4 slots maximum for whatever. Then this is what you get, battleships with cruiser firepower but worse turnrate, speed and not that much more armor.
That right there. One of the few restrictions remaining in the game is firing arcs versus turn rate. These vessels should be able to mount a huge amount of weaponry or a small amount of HUGE weaponry. They really are the only VA cruisers where a DHC build is viable, but once you do that all you really achieve is a rather bloated escort. Being caught in the frontal arc of a cruiser needs to be a punishing experience. Right now its more of a "Safety Zone". It's the same thought as behind the two lance weapons. Except the Garumba gets the added bonus of multiple tactical buffs. So forget the Garumba. Cruisers don't get those buffs so lets give them narrow arc high damage weapons a cut above what escorts mount.
That right there. One of the few restrictions remaining in the game is firing arcs versus turn rate. These vessels should be able to mount a huge amount of weaponry or a small amount of HUGE weaponry. They really are the only VA cruisers where a DHC build is viable, but once you do that all you really achieve is a rather bloated escort. Being caught in the frontal arc of a cruiser needs to be a punishing experience. Right now its more of a "Safety Zone". It's the same thought as behind the two lance weapons. Except the Garumba gets the added bonus of multiple tactical buffs. So forget the Garumba. Cruisers don't get those buffs so lets give them narrow arc high damage weapons a cut above what escorts mount.
On the subject of big guns, the point is well made about primary armament on dreadnought battleships.
Whilst the DHC is a viable option, and I do employ those myself, you are quite right that this results in making a bloated escort.
May I sugest a new category of weapon that would not necessarily be 'just better' than existing ones in DPS but perhaps more useful functionally. Super Heavy Cannon, or whatever. Delivering similar DPS to existing weapons but with a considerably greater cooldown thereby resulting in much greater spike damage. This, of course, would make them very powerful weapons indeed and potentially quite punishin for those caught in a volley of them - as indeed it should be.
possible off-sets to this might include
- accuracy penalty
- vast drain on weapon and other pwoer systems
- slotting limitations (one or to frontal only for example)
- limited availability (craftable only and type limited to faction)
- recfoil effect on player
That right there. One of the few restrictions remaining in the game is firing arcs versus turn rate. These vessels should be able to mount a huge amount of weaponry or a small amount of HUGE weaponry. They really are the only VA cruisers where a DHC build is viable, but once you do that all you really achieve is a rather bloated escort. Being caught in the frontal arc of a cruiser needs to be a punishing experience. Right now its more of a "Safety Zone". It's the same thought as behind the two lance weapons. Except the Garumba gets the added bonus of multiple tactical buffs. So forget the Garumba. Cruisers don't get those buffs so lets give them narrow arc high damage weapons a cut above what escorts mount.
If you practice well enough, you can use its lack of turning as an advantage. People like to dance around something they think that can't catch them. Throw that boat in reverse and throw the wheel in the other direction, you can keep many in your arc. As many of the experienced Galaxy-X captains.
I don't see any reason why it should be perticularly useful in PvP either.
There's the problem right there - thanks for making my point. Most Advance Heavy Battlecruisers the empire has to offer, and in your own words you don't think its of any particualr use.
If Cloak worked in the game the way it works in the shows it would be a heck of a lot more usefull, even on this brick of a Klingon Starship.. IMHO all KDF cloaks on all ships should be battle cloak.
All KDF cloaks in the series were battle cloaks. Not enhanced, mind you, but I thought it was a ridiculous undeeded nerf not to make them all battle cloaks. A Voyager episode features an old outdated K'tinga firing, cloaking, uncloaking, firing, cloaking, etc.
All KDF cloaks in the series were battle cloaks. Not enhanced, mind you, but I thought it was a ridiculous undeeded nerf not to make them all battle cloaks. A Voyager episode features an old outdated K'tinga firing, cloaking, uncloaking, firing, cloaking, etc.
If the game had no PvP aspect, the game could probably do that. But since it does, it'll never happen. The PvP outrage would just be insane.
I would guess anyway. I don't touch PvP with a 50 light year pole, because I feel PvP is what tends to ruin everything for everyone because things have to be balanced for their particular brand of min-maxing and metagame - not for the fun of PvE.
If the game had no PvP aspect, the game could probably do that. But since it does, it'll never happen. The PvP outrage would just be insane.
I would guess anyway. I don't touch PvP with a 50 light year pole, because I feel PvP is what tends to ruin everything for everyone because things have to be balanced for their particular brand of min-maxing and metagame - not for the fun of PvE.
Thats ok.Being effective at PVP is requires deep thinking. You should probably stick to PVE.
I have been fighting for more than two years now. I am tired. Time and again, I risk standing up for the KDF, only to get shot down. The sad thing is, its my own faction that's doing this.
I didn't shut you down. I just don't see the logic in being upset over something freely given. Gift horses and all, that. Its true, Freebie BortaS is not the vessel we tested, was nerfed right at the wire and is subpar. Most likely made that way to sell the +1 version that we tested.
The Bortas, ...well ya know.. it was free.. its a taste.. The "Real" Bortas will be a C-Stor ship.
And if the +1 cstore money version is lacking the Ensign U-slot, has 80% cloaking and still misses that +5 engine power - then I will not buy it and complain loudly at that point at its obviuos Nerfing.
Clearly you don't PvP. If you did, then you would know that the cloak is broken. Either that or its just TRIBBLE. If the c-store ship has even one of these gimped features, I won't spend a cent on it. I can can honestly say this, I am not alone.
I was expecting an Advanced Heavy Battlecruiser. Not a Toyota Prius.
The fact that the ship imploded during trials ... left me ... doubtful as to its convictions.
And if the +1 version is also a BortaSs with the same weaknesses, I would not spend my money on it iether.
It only took two PvP matches to convince me that this ship/ configuration does not suit my game style.
For me it was a complete and utter let down. Even before the ship was Cryptified, I was already somewhat ambivalent. After the direction Cryptic decided to go, I was convinced.
Tried it. Tossed it. If this is how you entice your c-store customers, then there is nothing more to say really. I won't be buying it. I don't care if it is the next best thing - this experience has soured my exprience of STO, and especially in my interpretation of some of the developers attitude of "it is so because we say so". I got better performace from my carrier or Negh'Var in all respects.
In my reality games are supposed to be fun. Whats fun about nearly every single ship chaining RSP, Eject Warp Core and endless circles of FAW ... yawn.
Well done on raising the dead in PvP. Zombie Cruisers Online - all this may do is further alienated some of the community towards certain aspects of the game. Not going to mention what, because that would just cause another pointless debate of the "thems" vs. "us".
Just to clear up a few points. One: You say it's not to your play style, thats totally fine, there's plenty of ships out there to try, Unless you thought Cryptic had centred on YOU for their ships? Think again. I don't really like the Oddy OR the Bortas, I don't really do big ships. But they do look rather good. Two: The Bortas is FREE. You could have played the game for 24min, or 24 months, you'd get it for free. So you are moaning about not only a free ship, but a free ship that will give you some inside into what the expected varients will be like in the C-Store at some point. So rest easy - you know you don't like it so you won't have to buy one to be disappointed.
Just to clear up a few points. One: You say it's not to your play style, thats totally fine, there's plenty of ships out there to try, Unless you thought Cryptic had centred on YOU for their ships? Think again. I don't really like the Oddy OR the Bortas, I don't really do big ships. But they do look rather good. Two: The Bortas is FREE. You could have played the game for 24min, or 24 months, you'd get it for free. So you are moaning about not only a free ship, but a free ship that will give you some inside into what the expected varients will be like in the C-Store at some point. So rest easy - you know you don't like it so you won't have to buy one to be disappointed.
I've been paying a subscription since Beta. I've earned the right to expect quality for my money, so nothing in the game is free in terms of my bank balance.
Secondly, I don't fly ships because they look good, I fly them because I expect them to perform well.
Perhaps Cryptic should not have advertised: "When Chancellor J'mpok demanded a new, more powerful flagship to lead the Empire, they were ready with the Bortas, a ship that will bring swift vengeance to enemies of the Empire. The Bortas Battle Cruiser is the largest, most powerful battle cruiser in the Klingon arsenal. " - How could my expectations have been any less?
"I just don't see the logic in being upset over something freely given. Gift horses and all, that"--Emperor Roach, from the Years of Exile.
"But after reading this thread I'm going to hop back in game and rename my Bortas "Gyfft' oarse" --Anonymous
Its like these are the same guys, sorta like Jimmy Olsen and Bruce Wayne! There is something going on here for sure. But seeing as how these guys preempted my idea I guess I'll have to go with Sea Biscuit.
The real genius was the guy that pointed out the incongruity of equipping the same weapons on a 'battleship" as on an "escort". Give me wave motion guns on all these bad boys and I promise to stop posting for at least a week.
What is a plus one ship anyway? Plus one console? BO slot? Plus one special ability? Or just plus one something extra of anything?
The Bortas is a fine ship. If it gives those players that got it a sample of what store ships are like where's the harm? Like. Not an exact and definitive representative sample. Just "like".
I didn't test the tribble version. I am unfamiliar with this process. Is it common for tribble versions to go live with unannounced changes? You folks that have done this sort of thing know better than I do what that may mean for the store version.
If it gives those players that got it a sample of what store ships are like where's the harm? Like. Not an exact and definitive representative sample. Just "like".
I didn't test the tribble version. I am unfamiliar with this process. Is it common for tribble versions to go live with unannounced changes? You folks that have done this sort of thing know better than I do what that may mean for the store version.
I completely agree. But, in my exprience of how things play out, if you do not come right out and say what is not working on the "sample"-ship, then how on earth are the devs going to know what to look at with the real thing?
What is a plus one ship anyway? Plus one console? BO slot? Plus one special ability? Or just plus one something extra of anything?
+1 is used to refer to Cstore purchased vessels that have the perception of being better than those vessels found ingame for free.
The Bortas is a fine ship. If it gives those players that got it a sample of what store ships are like where's the harm? Like. Not an exact and definitive representative sample. Just "like".
For a gift freely given it is a fine ship for PvE and very light PvP.
I didn't test the tribble version. I am unfamiliar with this process. Is it common for tribble versions to go live with unannounced changes? You folks that have done this sort of thing know better than I do what that may mean for the store version.
The Tribble version had a full 100% working cloak like avery other KDF vessel that could cloak and like the Defiant-R/Galaxy-X. The nerfed free version has a 80% effective cloak
The tribble version had a +15 weapons power buff and a +5 engines power buff. The nerfed free version has no +5 to Engines
Both tribble version of teh flagships (BortaS and Odysses) had Universal LT Commander slot and a Universal Ensign slot. The Free versions have only the LTC uiniversal slot.
All ships ingame have had to adjust to the changes brought by the changing of the Field Generator and Shield Emiiter Amplifier engineering consoles changes to science. The BortaS suffered from this change and a loss of higher shielding due to its single science console slot.
My hopes is that teh +1 version of teh BortaS will have the +5 engines power, the Ensign U-slot and a 100% effective cloak again just like teh tribble version we tested.
Heres something to ponder from way up there in your cloud castle, why not.
Why has Cryptic repeatedly introduced things into the game that were broken for the KDF, and remained broken for months before it was bumped up their list of priorities.
How long was it before the B'Rel enhanced cloak was fixed?
How long did it take them to look at fixing the carrier pet logic for the BOP issue.
How long will it be before the 80% cloak even works 80% ...
To be fair, I didn't mean to be cutting or condescending, and I realise that's how it came across, so firstly, my apologies for that.
The point I was trying to make is that you stated yourself that it doesn't suit your playstyle, therefore your critique is less relevant than someone who enjoys the playstyle of the ship. At the end of the day, if you don't like it because it doesn't suit you, the devs can't really do anything about that. Now if the MAJORITY of players said that they were unable to find a playstyle that worked with this ship that they enjoyed, then that would be another matter, but that's not the feedback I'm seeing.
To be fair, I didn't mean to be cutting or condescending, and I realise that's how it came across, so firstly, my apologies for that.
The point I was trying to make is that you stated yourself that it doesn't suit your playstyle, therefore your critique is less relevant than someone who enjoys the playstyle of the ship. At the end of the day, if you don't like it because it doesn't suit you, the devs can't really do anything about that. Now if the MAJORITY of players said that they were unable to find a playstyle that worked with this ship that they enjoyed, then that would be another matter, but that's not the feedback I'm seeing.
Apology accepted, and you have made a valid observation.
My playstyle has always been a sci/ eng healer slant - I love keeping my team alive. I was somewhat hoping, that the latest Battlecruiser to roll out of the shipyards, would enable me to effectively do that.
In hindsight, it was naive of me to hope that I would be able to do it better, than in the Negh'Var or the Vo'qov.
Something else though, in my opinion the free version of the Bortas suffered much more from the cuts than the Odyssey?
Your spot on there Dark one. And thank you Roach for summarizing the changes for me again. That made it very clear. I know its likely very silly but seeing the list you made makes me feel, at this point in time, that I would never buy any ship from the store named Bortas regardless of the abilities. I have a Bortas and that's the end of it. If they didn't intend to give us a Bortas at this time they should have renamed it with some sort of prototype designation. This would allow me to feel dandy testing out the new ship and if at some point in the future we had shaken out all the design flaws and a store ship was issued then fine. As it is now I feel somewhat put upon that if I'm flying this ship and the "new and improved Bortas" comes out and it is better and I don't get one I'm a Dork.
I'm still happy with the free ship. That hasn't changed. I just feel that much of this angst could be avoided in the future if the designers intent was transparent. Heck the developers may have had this in mind the entire time. They are carefully monitoring our feedback and observing the ships in game as a much more thorough testing than tribble was able to garner. But if so that's information you would think needs to be shared.
Here's a prototype guys. And that's not just extraneous npc mission chat. It's really a prototype go test it out under all conditions and get back to us.
Like that.
EDIT: I'm a Dork in any case but I thank you, gentle readers, for not pointing that out.
It only took two PvP matches to convince me that this ship/ configuration does not suit my game style.
For me it was a complete and utter let down. Even before the ship was Cryptified, I was already somewhat ambivalent. After the direction Cryptic decided to go, I was convinced.
Tried it. Tossed it. If this is how you entice your c-store customers, then there is nothing more to say really. I won't be buying it. I don't care if it is the next best thing - this experience has soured my exprience of STO, and especially in my interpretation of some of the developers attitude of "it is so because we say so". I got better performace from my carrier or Negh'Var in all respects.
In my reality games are supposed to be fun. Whats fun about nearly every single ship chaining RSP, Eject Warp Core and endless circles of FAW ... yawn.
Well done on raising the dead in PvP. Zombie Cruisers Online - all this may do is further alienated some of the community towards certain aspects of the game. Not going to mention what, because that would just cause another pointless debate of the "thems" vs. "us".
I agree about the Bortas, not conviced me to part from my Raptor
Your spot on there Dark one. And thank you Roach for summarizing the changes for me again. That made it very clear. I know its likely very silly but seeing the list you made makes me feel, at this point in time, that I would never buy any ship from the store named Bortas regardless of the abilities. I have a Bortas and that's the end of it. If they didn't intend to give us a Bortas at this time they should have renamed it with some sort of prototype designation. This would allow me to feel dandy testing out the new ship and if at some point in the future we had shaken out all the design flaws and a store ship was issued then fine. As it is now I feel somewhat put upon that if I'm flying this ship and the "new and improved Bortas" comes out and it is better and I don't get one I'm a Dork.
I'm still happy with the free ship. That hasn't changed. I just feel that much of this angst could be avoided in the future if the designers intent was transparent. Heck the developers may have had this in mind the entire time. They are carefully monitoring our feedback and observing the ships in game as a much more thorough testing than tribble was able to garner. But if so that's information you would think needs to be shared.
Here's a prototype guys. And that's not just extraneous npc mission chat. It's really a prototype go test it out under all conditions and get back to us.
Like that.
EDIT: I'm a Dork in any case but I thank you, gentle readers, for not pointing that out.
That's what I was trying to say
Though somewhere along the wild, and "Weird Al" Yankovic track of my mind ended up at Rantville, where the ... is watered down and the ... ponies.
For a gift freely given it is a fine ship for PvE and very light PvP.
Exacty, and its amazing in STF's too. Although the cloaking device is craptacular, either it cloaks, or it doesnt. I'd trade that cloaking device for +5 engine power (or even weapons power) any day of the week.
Exacty, and its amazing in STF's too. Although the cloaking device is craptacular, either it cloaks, or it doesnt. I'd trade that cloaking device for +5 engine power (or even weapons power) any day of the week.
I still hope the +1 has that Ensign U-slot returned.
Frankly it is fun but not something seriuos for PvP as it still gets burned down fairly quick. Though I imagine thats just me and my builds.
I still hope the +1 has that Ensign U-slot returned.
they have to give it a LOT more than that if they expect me to pay for it.
I have bought every Klingon ship so far except the Garumba, & I'm saving for that. But i have no interest in paying for a Bortas unless they add one hell of a console to it.
Honestly I want the whole pre-last-minute-changes returned to it in the +1 to be the ship I enjoyed testing.
Is it just me or does everything just seems to work better on Tribble?
It is all the tribbles working on that server ... They power it without fear of cannibal tribbles ... the latter of which have invaded the holodeck server and fouled up our ships!
It is all the tribbles working on that server ... They power it without fear of cannibal tribbles ... the latter of which have invaded the holodeck server and fouled up our ships!
I killed the cook. What else you want? He's the one that baked the Tribble to begin with.
I wanted roasted prime rib.
they have to give it a LOT more than that if they expect me to pay for it.
I have bought every Klingon ship so far except the Garumba, & I'm saving for that. But i have no interest in paying for a Bortas unless they add one hell of a console to it.
Console. I like what we have so far but I really do not wish to see another console added to the gasme just yet (unless it is really unique and thoughtful).
Seriuosly the BortaS freebie is a great PvE and plinkering around vessel, but the +1 needs to be a real beast in DPV/DPS and a tank to back it up.
Right now the BortaS is a .50 desert eagle being carried by a 98 weakling in full plate armor. The stats on paper says it should be deadly and well fortified but we just end up with a hard to aim gun that moves horribly making the threat of its weapons less so becuase it is easy to topple.
Is it too much to ask to want a flagship that actually strikes fear in the enemy
The Ensign Universal slot, the +5 to engines and a working cloak. Thats all I ask.
No console needed and we have a an excellent non-over powered vessel just like we tested.
Console. I like what we have so far but I really do not wish to see another console added to the gasme just yet (unless it is really unique and thoughtful).
Seriuosly the BortaS freebie is a great PvE and plinkering around vessel, but the +1 needs to be a real beast in DPV/DPS and a tank to back it up.
Right now the BortaS is a .50 desert eagle being carried by a 98 weakling in full plate armor. The stats on paper says it should be deadly and well fortified but we just end up with a hard to aim gun that moves horribly making the threat of its weapons less so becuase it is easy to topple.
Is it too much to ask to want a flagship that actually strikes fear in the enemy
The Ensign Universal slot, the +5 to engines and a working cloak. Thats all I ask.
No console needed and we have a an excellent non-over powered vessel just like we tested.
My guess is the console will be a multi-vector assault mode that will separate off a forward section of the ship and the BoP she is suppose to carry. ... and the console likely will only work on this class ship.
My guess is the console will be a multi-vector assault mode that will separate off a forward section of the ship and the BoP she is suppose to carry. ... and the console likely will only work on this class ship.
And I will not spend my money on it if it does not have the old stats that it possessed pre-release. What would be the point? I already own a voQ and a Kar'fi. I do not need another pet using warship and still desire the battle ship we hoped it would be.
Seriuosly the more I look at the KDF and play with our new toy the more it seems that we are in a bad relationship with Cryptic, going through the motions of trying to make it work and falling short even for all the efforts put into it.
The BortaS nerfs and the slight of the console changes are good evidence of this. We still get the shaft while the feds get the gold, it seems.
My passion for the KDF and Cryptics treatment is at an all time low. Doubly apparent to me when I will take time of to go to the Dentist and aproach it with more excitement than the prospect of spending half a day playing my fan favorite race in STO.
And worth every penny!
Clearly you don't PvP. If you did, then you would know that the cloak is broken. Either that or its just TRIBBLE. If the c-store ship has even one of these gimped features, I won't spend a cent on it. I can can honestly say this, I am not alone.
I was expecting an Advanced Heavy Battlecruiser. Not a Toyota Prius.
The fact that the ship imploded during trials ... left me ... doubtful as to its convictions.
I do PvP, quite a bit actually, and I don't do it in a Borta. I don't see any reason why it should be perticularly useful in PvP either. I use a variety of ships rigged for different circumstances. One for missions, one for STFs and one for PvP.
That right there. One of the few restrictions remaining in the game is firing arcs versus turn rate. These vessels should be able to mount a huge amount of weaponry or a small amount of HUGE weaponry. They really are the only VA cruisers where a DHC build is viable, but once you do that all you really achieve is a rather bloated escort. Being caught in the frontal arc of a cruiser needs to be a punishing experience. Right now its more of a "Safety Zone". It's the same thought as behind the two lance weapons. Except the Garumba gets the added bonus of multiple tactical buffs. So forget the Garumba. Cruisers don't get those buffs so lets give them narrow arc high damage weapons a cut above what escorts mount.
On the subject of big guns, the point is well made about primary armament on dreadnought battleships.
Whilst the DHC is a viable option, and I do employ those myself, you are quite right that this results in making a bloated escort.
May I sugest a new category of weapon that would not necessarily be 'just better' than existing ones in DPS but perhaps more useful functionally. Super Heavy Cannon, or whatever. Delivering similar DPS to existing weapons but with a considerably greater cooldown thereby resulting in much greater spike damage. This, of course, would make them very powerful weapons indeed and potentially quite punishin for those caught in a volley of them - as indeed it should be.
possible off-sets to this might include
- accuracy penalty
- vast drain on weapon and other pwoer systems
- slotting limitations (one or to frontal only for example)
- limited availability (craftable only and type limited to faction)
- recfoil effect on player
If you practice well enough, you can use its lack of turning as an advantage. People like to dance around something they think that can't catch them. Throw that boat in reverse and throw the wheel in the other direction, you can keep many in your arc. As many of the experienced Galaxy-X captains.
There's the problem right there - thanks for making my point. Most Advance Heavy Battlecruisers the empire has to offer, and in your own words you don't think its of any particualr use.
All KDF cloaks in the series were battle cloaks. Not enhanced, mind you, but I thought it was a ridiculous undeeded nerf not to make them all battle cloaks. A Voyager episode features an old outdated K'tinga firing, cloaking, uncloaking, firing, cloaking, etc.
If the game had no PvP aspect, the game could probably do that. But since it does, it'll never happen. The PvP outrage would just be insane.
I would guess anyway. I don't touch PvP with a 50 light year pole, because I feel PvP is what tends to ruin everything for everyone because things have to be balanced for their particular brand of min-maxing and metagame - not for the fun of PvE.
Thats ok.Being effective at PVP is requires deep thinking. You should probably stick to PVE.
Exactly, and its too late to be upset.
And if the +1 cstore money version is lacking the Ensign U-slot, has 80% cloaking and still misses that +5 engine power - then I will not buy it and complain loudly at that point at its obviuos Nerfing.
And if the +1 version is also a BortaSs with the same weaknesses, I would not spend my money on it iether.
Just to clear up a few points. One: You say it's not to your play style, thats totally fine, there's plenty of ships out there to try, Unless you thought Cryptic had centred on YOU for their ships? Think again. I don't really like the Oddy OR the Bortas, I don't really do big ships. But they do look rather good. Two: The Bortas is FREE. You could have played the game for 24min, or 24 months, you'd get it for free. So you are moaning about not only a free ship, but a free ship that will give you some inside into what the expected varients will be like in the C-Store at some point. So rest easy - you know you don't like it so you won't have to buy one to be disappointed.
I've been paying a subscription since Beta. I've earned the right to expect quality for my money, so nothing in the game is free in terms of my bank balance.
Secondly, I don't fly ships because they look good, I fly them because I expect them to perform well.
Perhaps Cryptic should not have advertised: "When Chancellor J'mpok demanded a new, more powerful flagship to lead the Empire, they were ready with the Bortas, a ship that will bring swift vengeance to enemies of the Empire. The Bortas Battle Cruiser is the largest, most powerful battle cruiser in the Klingon arsenal. " - How could my expectations have been any less?
"But after reading this thread I'm going to hop back in game and rename my Bortas "Gyfft' oarse" --Anonymous
Its like these are the same guys, sorta like Jimmy Olsen and Bruce Wayne! There is something going on here for sure. But seeing as how these guys preempted my idea I guess I'll have to go with Sea Biscuit.
The real genius was the guy that pointed out the incongruity of equipping the same weapons on a 'battleship" as on an "escort". Give me wave motion guns on all these bad boys and I promise to stop posting for at least a week.
What is a plus one ship anyway? Plus one console? BO slot? Plus one special ability? Or just plus one something extra of anything?
The Bortas is a fine ship. If it gives those players that got it a sample of what store ships are like where's the harm? Like. Not an exact and definitive representative sample. Just "like".
I didn't test the tribble version. I am unfamiliar with this process. Is it common for tribble versions to go live with unannounced changes? You folks that have done this sort of thing know better than I do what that may mean for the store version.
I completely agree. But, in my exprience of how things play out, if you do not come right out and say what is not working on the "sample"-ship, then how on earth are the devs going to know what to look at with the real thing?
To be fair, I didn't mean to be cutting or condescending, and I realise that's how it came across, so firstly, my apologies for that.
The point I was trying to make is that you stated yourself that it doesn't suit your playstyle, therefore your critique is less relevant than someone who enjoys the playstyle of the ship. At the end of the day, if you don't like it because it doesn't suit you, the devs can't really do anything about that. Now if the MAJORITY of players said that they were unable to find a playstyle that worked with this ship that they enjoyed, then that would be another matter, but that's not the feedback I'm seeing.
Apology accepted, and you have made a valid observation.
My playstyle has always been a sci/ eng healer slant - I love keeping my team alive. I was somewhat hoping, that the latest Battlecruiser to roll out of the shipyards, would enable me to effectively do that.
In hindsight, it was naive of me to hope that I would be able to do it better, than in the Negh'Var or the Vo'qov.
Something else though, in my opinion the free version of the Bortas suffered much more from the cuts than the Odyssey?
I'm still happy with the free ship. That hasn't changed. I just feel that much of this angst could be avoided in the future if the designers intent was transparent. Heck the developers may have had this in mind the entire time. They are carefully monitoring our feedback and observing the ships in game as a much more thorough testing than tribble was able to garner. But if so that's information you would think needs to be shared.
Here's a prototype guys. And that's not just extraneous npc mission chat. It's really a prototype go test it out under all conditions and get back to us.
Like that.
EDIT: I'm a Dork in any case but I thank you, gentle readers, for not pointing that out.
I agree about the Bortas, not conviced me to part from my Raptor
That's what I was trying to say
Though somewhere along the wild, and "Weird Al" Yankovic track of my mind ended up at Rantville, where the ... is watered down and the ... ponies.
I still hope the +1 has that Ensign U-slot returned.
Frankly it is fun but not something seriuos for PvP as it still gets burned down fairly quick. Though I imagine thats just me and my builds.
they have to give it a LOT more than that if they expect me to pay for it.
I have bought every Klingon ship so far except the Garumba, & I'm saving for that. But i have no interest in paying for a Bortas unless they add one hell of a console to it.
Honestly I want the whole pre-last-minute-changes returned to it in the +1 to be the ship I enjoyed testing.
Is it just me or does everything just seems to work better on Tribble?
It is all the tribbles working on that server ... They power it without fear of cannibal tribbles ... the latter of which have invaded the holodeck server and fouled up our ships!
I killed the cook. What else you want? He's the one that baked the Tribble to begin with.
I wanted roasted prime rib.
Console. I like what we have so far but I really do not wish to see another console added to the gasme just yet (unless it is really unique and thoughtful).
Seriuosly the BortaS freebie is a great PvE and plinkering around vessel, but the +1 needs to be a real beast in DPV/DPS and a tank to back it up.
Right now the BortaS is a .50 desert eagle being carried by a 98 weakling in full plate armor. The stats on paper says it should be deadly and well fortified but we just end up with a hard to aim gun that moves horribly making the threat of its weapons less so becuase it is easy to topple.
Is it too much to ask to want a flagship that actually strikes fear in the enemy
The Ensign Universal slot, the +5 to engines and a working cloak. Thats all I ask.
No console needed and we have a an excellent non-over powered vessel just like we tested.
My guess is the console will be a multi-vector assault mode that will separate off a forward section of the ship and the BoP she is suppose to carry. ... and the console likely will only work on this class ship.
And I will not spend my money on it if it does not have the old stats that it possessed pre-release. What would be the point? I already own a voQ and a Kar'fi. I do not need another pet using warship and still desire the battle ship we hoped it would be.
Seriuosly the more I look at the KDF and play with our new toy the more it seems that we are in a bad relationship with Cryptic, going through the motions of trying to make it work and falling short even for all the efforts put into it.
The BortaS nerfs and the slight of the console changes are good evidence of this. We still get the shaft while the feds get the gold, it seems.
My passion for the KDF and Cryptics treatment is at an all time low. Doubly apparent to me when I will take time of to go to the Dentist and aproach it with more excitement than the prospect of spending half a day playing my fan favorite race in STO.