Yea, I bet they wanna "show us". Then eff them, I'll sticky bump the thread till I'll fill up their server storage. Or probably they see a lot of lolcryptic and TRIBBLE-tic and they don't want to promote that either in a sticky. Anyways, immature from a mod to behave with such ignorance.
After playing around on the planner and the skill point effects I am strongly considering this. It gives me 125 weapon power allowing for EPTA and better heals. I have 10.5k points left so maybe you gurus can help me prioritize out of the following:
Attack Patterns - I have seen APD on some heal cruiser builds. Also I do not see why my build couldn't fly an escort (3-4 dhc, 0-1x dbb???) and this would help with that.
Threat Control/Hull Plating/Armor Reinforcements - I feel like this is enough resist for either PvP or PvE (it is as much as I have seen anyone else use) but maybe something like an Assault Cruiser could benefit from more Threat in PvE. I would actually consider dropping some unless you think I need more. Incidentally I would have thought one of these should have unlocked ASIF3...oh well.
Starship Batteries - one more point would buy me one more sec, seems okay for 1k.
Efficency/Potential/Electro-Plasma/4x Performances - I suppose I could use some points to eek out some more power but is no more than 2 in shields, 3-4 in engines, and aux is expensive. The EPS skill is the only one that really tempts me since I favor all beam arrays.
Hull Repair/Shield Emitters - The last three do not seem that great but are still about a 5% increase. On something like a healing SC that is a 5% to 7 of my 13 boff skills and a couple captain skills.
Flow Capacitors - Strongly tempted but I feel like the Phaser proc + 6000 sp saved + sci console slots not used on Flow Caps are enough to close the gap. I like Phasers just fine but what do I know, maybe I will try it and respec if I am not wowed.
Sci Resists - Could up these more and while maybe a smart choice it seems boring.
Other Sci - not really into control but I guess possible.
Mav I had a question about consoles. I went back to look at the Star Cruiser post and you mention using the standard heal bot consoles but I could not find where you listed those. In fact after browsing most of the table of contents links again I still had a vague idea about (non-tac) consoles. Would you mind discussing a little more about consoles or directing me to it if I missed it? I mean I feel like since the mods are going to sticky this thread (RIGHT MODS!) then it should hit all the important topics.
After playing around on the planner and the skill point effects I am strongly considering this. It gives me 125 weapon power allowing for EPTA and better heals. I have 10.5k points left so maybe you gurus can help me prioritize out of the following:
Attack Patterns - I have seen APD on some heal cruiser builds. Also I do not see why my build couldn't fly an escort (3-4 dhc, 0-1x dbb???) and this would help with that.
Threat Control/Hull Plating/Armor Reinforcements - I feel like this is enough resist for either PvP or PvE (it is as much as I have seen anyone else use) but maybe something like an Assault Cruiser could benefit from more Threat in PvE. I would actually consider dropping some unless you think I need more. Incidentally I would have thought one of these should have unlocked ASIF3...oh well.
Starship Batteries - one more point would buy me one more sec, seems okay for 1k.
Efficency/Potential/Electro-Plasma/4x Performances - I suppose I could use some points to eek out some more power but is no more than 2 in shields, 3-4 in engines, and aux is expensive. The EPS skill is the only one that really tempts me sRince I favor all beam arrays.
Hull Repair/Shield Emitters - The last three do not seem that great but are still about a 5% increase. On something like a healing SC that is a 5% to 7 of my 13 boff skills and a couple captain skills.
Flow Capacitors - Strongly tempted but I feel like the Phaser proc + 6000 sp saved + sci console slots not used on Flow Caps are enough to close the gap. I like Phasers just fine but what do I know, maybe I will try it and respec if I am not wowed.
Sci Resists - Could up these more and while maybe a smart choice it seems boring.
Other Sci - not really into control but I guess possible.
Mav I had a question about consoles. I went back to look at the Star Cruiser post and you mention using the standard heal bot consoles but I could not find where you listed those. In fact after browsing most of the table of contents links again I still had a vague idea about (non-tac) consoles. Would you mind discussing a little more about consoles or directing me to it if I missed it? I mean I feel like since the mods are going to sticky this thread (RIGHT MODS!) then it should hit all the important topics.
First, I'll let Mav tell u what to do, he can give you better advices than me. But I want to highlight few things. Batteries, go with 3 points. It's enough to get those few secs extra. Attack patterns for an engi are not so important since you won't have the tac abilities and also more than likely not more than an apb or apd, so put max 3 points in that. Electro plasma (EPS) - put as much as u can bc it helps to regenerate lost power u have from 8 beams (or 7 if you go with a torpedo launcher) and also when you switch power modes-from attack to aux. Asif3 is the ****, especially I'd u are puging, so keep it. Flow capacitor is great only if you use tet glider or as kdf, use plasmonic leech. I would add 3 in subsystem repair and you only Need 3 in batteries. I would add 6 to dampners with the to be released 50% resists and 6 in power insulators. But overall the skill tree is good.
I'm not sure about the weapon power, there is a never ending question about the 135 cap to energy, cruiser used to have the 135 energy cap, even though you only see max 125 to weapon power, in fact you can go at 135 power and have a lower energy drain, since you in fact have 135. It seems after this last patch power drain got back to normal, but I advise you to test how the power drain is with 125 weapon power and with 135 weapon power.
Probably the mods won't sticky this thread bc we bashed them multiple times and they wanna show us who's in charge. Lol. Immature, but that's the reality. We have to also show them that this is our forum and well do what we want and "sticky" this thread with our continuous posts.
After playing around on the planner and the skill point effects I am strongly considering this. It gives me 125 weapon power allowing for EPTA and better heals. I have 10.5k points left so maybe you gurus can help me prioritize out of the following:
Attack Patterns - I have seen APD on some heal cruiser builds. Also I do not see why my build couldn't fly an escort (3-4 dhc, 0-1x dbb???) and this would help with that.
Threat Control/Hull Plating/Armor Reinforcements - I feel like this is enough resist for either PvP or PvE (it is as much as I have seen anyone else use) but maybe something like an Assault Cruiser could benefit from more Threat in PvE. I would actually consider dropping some unless you think I need more. Incidentally I would have thought one of these should have unlocked ASIF3...oh well.
Starship Batteries - one more point would buy me one more sec, seems okay for 1k.
Efficency/Potential/Electro-Plasma/4x Performances - I suppose I could use some points to eek out some more power but is no more than 2 in shields, 3-4 in engines, and aux is expensive. The EPS skill is the only one that really tempts me since I favor all beam arrays.
Hull Repair/Shield Emitters - The last three do not seem that great but are still about a 5% increase. On something like a healing SC that is a 5% to 7 of my 13 boff skills and a couple captain skills.
Flow Capacitors - Strongly tempted but I feel like the Phaser proc + 6000 sp saved + sci console slots not used on Flow Caps are enough to close the gap. I like Phasers just fine but what do I know, maybe I will try it and respec if I am not wowed.
Sci Resists - Could up these more and while maybe a smart choice it seems boring.
Other Sci - not really into control but I guess possible.
Mav I had a question about consoles. I went back to look at the Star Cruiser post and you mention using the standard heal bot consoles but I could not find where you listed those. In fact after browsing most of the table of contents links again I still had a vague idea about (non-tac) consoles. Would you mind discussing a little more about consoles or directing me to it if I missed it? I mean I feel like since the mods are going to sticky this thread (RIGHT MODS!) then it should hit all the important topics.
Odd about the consoles. Yeah if you are fairly careful you can easily fly an escort and still have a good solid cruiser build right now.
I would probably get Power insulators and Dampeners up to Gold spec. (should have enough to get dampeners up to 6 and power insulators up to 5)
This gives you that extra little bit of anti sci capability. You could also consider ranking up Particle Generators as that will buff warp plasma should you decide to use it. Should the cryptic decide to make sci ships viable again too, it would open up sci ships for you as well as most of their good skills rely on particle generators.
I think they were linked in my OP or one of my earlier posts, I'll double back shortly, but the standard loadout for me tends to be 2SIF Generators, 2 Armors (ablative or the one that covers AP, Pol, Plas and Tet + Neutronium). Or I'll try 3 SIF Generators, and a Neutronium depending on how much I'm being fired at.
Sci consoles, Borg, and Field generator are the obvious choices, with the extra slot of a star cruiser I'd probably run a shield emitters console.
Ahh I left the console advice in my DOFF Post which I need to edit anyway. Till I edit that post I updated the TOC to clear up any confusion.
i thought i'd share my latest cruiser experiment, because it works quite well. im a fan of cruisers not only with eng captains, but also with tactical captains. being able to deal much more damage then your average beam array wielding cruiser and being able to heal yourself and others 90% as well is why i like the tac cruiser combo. the only thing you lose compared to an engineer is a self only engineering team 4.5 + shield heal, and an extra shield heal. thanks to the effect limit on power levels of 125, eps power transfer doesn't give you much of an advantage, nadion immersion just lets you fire a few more max damage shots by taking away energy drain, it doesn't help your wimpy 500-700 damage shots deal more damage then before. im really having a hard time figuring out what the point of engineers are at all, besides teaching tac officers ET3 and being easy mode for pve.
oh ya, i was going to talk about a build, not regurgitate my engineering captains are absolutely worthless speel.
anyway, i took my kdf tactical captain out of his free bortas and put him in the oh so maneuverable vorcha. having been getting nowhere trying to get my kdf engineer to deal damage in a vorcha, wile doing a ton of healing, was turning out to be basically hopeless, but i thought if i did all these things with a tac caption there would be noticeable results. i had 8 good beam arrays i could always switch too, but i also tried 4 disruptor acc3 dual beam banks, 4 acc2 single cannons, and then 4 acc2 duel cannons. those acc2 duel disruptor cannons are actually available in the dilithium store, the rest of that stuff was mkX and dirt cheap on the exchange, i spent less then 2 million total on all the exchange equipment.
i found that with 2 RCS thrusters, it was easier to use a dual cannon vorcha then it is to use a single cannon excelsior, with no rcs consoles because they barley do anything for an excelsior. with engines see to 25, the ui says my vorcha has a turn rate of ~22, so plenty. so from all the experimenting with the kdf engineer, i got myself some duel cannons, to go with the 8 good acc2 beam arrays i could switch to if needed. this character uses tetryon, so back to the exchange i look. wouldn't you know it, more cheep as hell mkX acc2 and even acc3 tetryon duel cannons, and 4 blue acc2 mkx turrets, good enough, they just need to hit. DHC seem to be prohibitively expensive no mater what, and with the glider dealing damage per shot, plane old duel cannons were a perfect fit. plus it looks cool when a vorcha fires from its front fork.
line this sucker up, decloak, and let fly. just drive the thing like an escort, it very nearly is, only instead of CRF3 it has ET3. with the all cannon build you end up with 2 ensign slots for TT1 and a single CRF1. saves you needing expensive as hell conn officer doffs, but this is not ideal for dealing damage unfortunately, but tactical initiative does help get you through situations that require high up time. your duel cannons are already dealing more damage then any other beam array cruiser could hope to deal even with FAW to a single target, so your still coming out ahead. you can seriously keep these thing trained on even escorts pretty easily with 2 RCS, as long as they arent at point blank range.
specifically, the build includes 2 RCS, 2 neutronium, borg, field projector, and 3 energy tac consoles. glider is a must, iceing on the cake here. my targets all seem to have not even a red sliver of shields in any facing by the time i kill them, if you don't have at least 1 character using tetryon your missing out. other station powers include 2xEptS1, 2xEptW2 (due to the current weapon energy cap situation) ET3, RSP2, and A2S3. to pull this off you really need ET3, theres no room for an ET at ENS or LT level. you could fly a negvar and trade a TT for a ET at ENS, but your turnrate is that much less, and your a$$ is twice as fat. you could do without ET completely, and run EWP1 or ES1, even DEM2 would be useful. prepare to not be able to out heal the damage your receiving though.
scoreboard results from today, tommy@dontdrunkimshoot
this isn't just bs FAW damage ether, the score board is a bit more accurate to how well you did when your using escort weapons. i thought the build could use a finisher, or an opener, or something, so i went to see if i could find an acc3 DBB for cheap, and i did! its mkIX, but it still accurately delivers BO1, kind of :rolleyes:
TL,DR; a dual cannon vorcha with a tac captain is a bit more viable then the common knowledge thinks.
Electro plasma (EPS) - put as much as u can bc it helps to regenerate lost power u have from 8 beams (or 7 if you go with a torpedo launcher) and also when you switch power modes-from attack to aux.
The weapon energy drain mechanic will be changing once this build goes to Holodeck. Weapon Power drain is now instantly refunded at the end of a weapons firing cycle, instead of a slow return as was previously implemented. Multiple weapons being fired at the same time will still produce a significant drain and will affect their damage proportionately, but once the weapons stop firing, the weapon power level will immediately return to normal.
Weapons power is gained instantly and not affected by EPS consoles. EPS consoles help with the regaining power from beam overload, tykens rift and polaron, as well as transferring from one power setting to another.
Weapons power is gained instantly and not affected by EPS consoles. EPS consoles help with the regaining power from beam overload, tykens rift and polaron, as well as transferring from one power setting to another.
In theory, you are correct. But with every patch, there is a list of hidden surprises craptic has for us. Few builds ago there was no cruiser 135 weapon power soft cap. Now apparently it's back. How is normal? I would say with 135 cap, but I'll be damn in I know for sure, lol. Same with eps, I'm not sure at this point how it works, but again I understand what you are saying and I agree.
Edit: I got the ferengi console, the one that gives you 17 flow and eps and 11 for torps. It "seems" the drain from my 7 beams is less while using it (maybe bc the comeback is faster-which would be in contradiction with the purpose of eps as stated by cryptic). Not sure if that's just my eyes playing games or is for real, need more testing.
it is amazing just how bad some of the ody builds are, some people are just really good at creating horrible build combinations. not just odys too, wile i mop the floor with people i always try to notice what they are doing wrong.
ive even pm'ed people with advice but... only once or twice was i thanked for my friendly and completely not condescending advice. mostly i was given advice back on what to go do with myself. i'll just be helpful on the forums, the chat window is a lost cause. :rolleyes:
My standard power setting gives me 22.6 turn rate which helps a great deal on the DHC and buffs up quite nicely on the weap/shield power.
The build it a bit squishy for a cruiser because of the armor loss and the Boff slotting but I think it's worth it to basically get a unique heavy escort.
My standard power setting gives me 22.6 turn rate which helps a great deal on the DHC and buffs up quite nicely on the weap/shield power.
The build it a bit squishy for a cruiser because of the armor loss and the Boff slotting but I think it's worth it to basically get a unique heavy escort.
Sorry for the delay. been rather busy tonight.
Might want to try raising your Gun power so you will be hitting cap. (40 into engine instead of 60), and ditch an EPTW1 for An EPTS1, remove one of your EPTS2s and put in Aux to Damp. You'll have a better turn rate, speed and 50 percent stun and repel immunity going then
Maybe change out a shield dist. officer for the one that reduces EPTX skill cooldowns as well.
15 second duration, 30 second cool down. 50 percent up time
I can't remember it's name at the moment if I log in tonight I'll update on the name.
Checked it out, damage control engineer. They do stack upto 3. I had a peculiar thought as to whether it would be possible to run one copy of EptX reliability with near 100% uptime. Might be viable with the MACO 2x set bonus.
When the DOFF proc activated the cool down was just a second or two off. Will update if I can get the CD to the global.
Update: Confirmed. If you use the Damage Control DOFF with the MACO 2 Piece Set Bonus you can (more often than not) chain 1 emergency power near indefinitely. Tested with 3 green 25% chance doffs. The Purple ones have a 35% chance to Proc.
Tried it with 2 Emergency Powers, chains more or less perfectly (sometimes a second or two off due to UI lag/cooldown reset). As long as you keep proc'n the DOFF you'll be good to go. More powers = more chances so:
I'd say that for those captains that want to capitalize on your Emergency powers that you should get 1 copy of the two powers you want to run, 3 purple Damage control engineers and enjoy.
OR if you're a healer cruiser you can use emergency powers and get two slots for heals, Aux2ID etc.
that is absolutely absurd. so the doff lowers the cooldown then? ya i can see this freeing up both LT stations, could run DEM1/A2D1 and rsp1 instead of 2 and EWP1/ES2 along with the normal ET3 and A2S3 on something like a vorcha, assault cruiser, star cruiser, or orian. would also make the flagships with non engineering LTC stations even more viable. to say nothing of escorts with full uptime on EPtS and EPtW,E,A, to take advantage of the lack of weapons power cap or flying around at hyper speed or getting bigger heals from TSS, A2S and HE.
of course none of my characters could ever afford a set of these doffs. i pvp, i don't farm EC, that is really not fun to do at all. did i mention how much i dislike this active roster thing bypassing station ability rules and flushing the current fragile balance down the toilet? giving those with the right doffs an at least 50% increase in survivability over someone EC poor? i think i did mention that before actually. :mad:
If you level up your Engineering Doff skill you can replicate Damage Control Doffs (one of each color). A purple one is a million EC. I haven't used this particular Doff on Active Duty but this sounds kind of awesome. Can't believe I missed it...
to say nothing of escorts with full uptime on EPtS and EPtW,E,A, to take advantage of the lack of weapons power cap or flying around at hyper speed or getting bigger heals from TSS, A2S and HE....
Just so everyone knows, the way the shared cooldown works there is no possible way to run more than 2 emergency powers simultaneously. What you get is the ability to run 2 different powers with only 1 copy of each with an approximate 94% uptime.
With only 1 power your chance of reliably hitting the proc is about 74% (ish). With 2 powers it goes up to 94 or so. Anything after that there is no advantage as the cool downs start interfering with each other.
I could see however a defiant running EptS 2 and EptA 1 or a "Tac cruiser" doing the same thing. This would greatly benefit their heals.
Another Caveat is that if the doff doesn't PROC the rotation gets screwed up for about 1 minute or so. For reliability the classic method is best, but if you've got premade support you could use this to field extra heals or Aux2ID, extends etc.
Personally I use doffs for tactical team and engineering team. With that I can have one onstand by at all times save for the global cool down. With that I add in a few copies of hazzzrd emitters tss2 and 3 and aux to sif 3. Add in two emerg to shields and you can survive almost anything and keep team mates alive. Also I run the 2nd aniversary oddy and no c store consoles. No need for them with my build.
Just so everyone knows, the way the shared cooldown works there is no possible way to run more than 2 emergency powers simultaneously. What you get is the ability to run 2 different powers with only 1 copy of each with an approximate 94% uptime.
With only 1 power your chance of reliably hitting the proc is about 74% (ish). With 2 powers it goes up to 94 or so. Anything after that there is no advantage as the cool downs start interfering with each other.
I could see however a defiant running EptS 2 and EptA 1 or a "Tac cruiser" doing the same thing. This would greatly benefit their heals.
Another Caveat is that if the doff doesn't PROC the rotation gets screwed up for about 1 minute or so. For reliability the classic method is best, but if you've got premade support you could use this to field extra heals or Aux2ID, extends etc.
i should have put 'or' instead of a comma between them. EPtS is a given, but you could use any one of those other versions too.
i stocked up on 3 blue damage control engineers, they have a 30% chance and purple have 35%, so not to much of a difference. i found it isn't really a 90% chance that it procs with 3 of them, instead its 3 roles with a 30% chance it happens. but you get 2 opportunities for these roles to succeed when you cycle your 2 different EMtX powers. if you like living dangerously, this setups for you.
Attack Patterns - I have seen APD on some heal cruiser builds. Also I do not see why my build couldn't fly an escort (3-4 dhc, 0-1x dbb???) and this would help with that.
Threat Control/Hull Plating/Armor Reinforcements - I feel like this is enough resist for either PvP or PvE (it is as much as I have seen anyone else use) but maybe something like an Assault Cruiser could benefit from more Threat in PvE. I would actually consider dropping some unless you think I need more. Incidentally I would have thought one of these should have unlocked ASIF3...oh well.
Starship Batteries - one more point would buy me one more sec, seems okay for 1k.
Efficency/Potential/Electro-Plasma/4x Performances - I suppose I could use some points to eek out some more power but is no more than 2 in shields, 3-4 in engines, and aux is expensive. The EPS skill is the only one that really tempts me since I favor all beam arrays.
Hull Repair/Shield Emitters - The last three do not seem that great but are still about a 5% increase. On something like a healing SC that is a 5% to 7 of my 13 boff skills and a couple captain skills.
Flow Capacitors - Strongly tempted but I feel like the Phaser proc + 6000 sp saved + sci console slots not used on Flow Caps are enough to close the gap. I like Phasers just fine but what do I know, maybe I will try it and respec if I am not wowed.
Sci Resists - Could up these more and while maybe a smart choice it seems boring.
Other Sci - not really into control but I guess possible.
Mav I had a question about consoles. I went back to look at the Star Cruiser post and you mention using the standard heal bot consoles but I could not find where you listed those. In fact after browsing most of the table of contents links again I still had a vague idea about (non-tac) consoles. Would you mind discussing a little more about consoles or directing me to it if I missed it? I mean I feel like since the mods are going to sticky this thread (RIGHT MODS!) then it should hit all the important topics.
First, I'll let Mav tell u what to do, he can give you better advices than me. But I want to highlight few things. Batteries, go with 3 points. It's enough to get those few secs extra. Attack patterns for an engi are not so important since you won't have the tac abilities and also more than likely not more than an apb or apd, so put max 3 points in that. Electro plasma (EPS) - put as much as u can bc it helps to regenerate lost power u have from 8 beams (or 7 if you go with a torpedo launcher) and also when you switch power modes-from attack to aux. Asif3 is the ****, especially I'd u are puging, so keep it. Flow capacitor is great only if you use tet glider or as kdf, use plasmonic leech. I would add 3 in subsystem repair and you only Need 3 in batteries. I would add 6 to dampners with the to be released 50% resists and 6 in power insulators. But overall the skill tree is good.
I'm not sure about the weapon power, there is a never ending question about the 135 cap to energy, cruiser used to have the 135 energy cap, even though you only see max 125 to weapon power, in fact you can go at 135 power and have a lower energy drain, since you in fact have 135. It seems after this last patch power drain got back to normal, but I advise you to test how the power drain is with 125 weapon power and with 135 weapon power.
Probably the mods won't sticky this thread bc we bashed them multiple times and they wanna show us who's in charge. Lol. Immature, but that's the reality. We have to also show them that this is our forum and well do what we want and "sticky" this thread with our continuous posts.
Odd about the consoles. Yeah if you are fairly careful you can easily fly an escort and still have a good solid cruiser build right now.
I would probably get Power insulators and Dampeners up to Gold spec. (should have enough to get dampeners up to 6 and power insulators up to 5)
This gives you that extra little bit of anti sci capability. You could also consider ranking up Particle Generators as that will buff warp plasma should you decide to use it. Should the cryptic decide to make sci ships viable again too, it would open up sci ships for you as well as most of their good skills rely on particle generators.
I think they were linked in my OP or one of my earlier posts, I'll double back shortly, but the standard loadout for me tends to be 2SIF Generators, 2 Armors (ablative or the one that covers AP, Pol, Plas and Tet + Neutronium). Or I'll try 3 SIF Generators, and a Neutronium depending on how much I'm being fired at.
Sci consoles, Borg, and Field generator are the obvious choices, with the extra slot of a star cruiser I'd probably run a shield emitters console.
Ahh I left the console advice in my DOFF Post which I need to edit anyway. Till I edit that post I updated the TOC to clear up any confusion.
oh ya, i was going to talk about a build, not regurgitate my engineering captains are absolutely worthless speel.
anyway, i took my kdf tactical captain out of his free bortas and put him in the oh so maneuverable vorcha. having been getting nowhere trying to get my kdf engineer to deal damage in a vorcha, wile doing a ton of healing, was turning out to be basically hopeless, but i thought if i did all these things with a tac caption there would be noticeable results. i had 8 good beam arrays i could always switch too, but i also tried 4 disruptor acc3 dual beam banks, 4 acc2 single cannons, and then 4 acc2 duel cannons. those acc2 duel disruptor cannons are actually available in the dilithium store, the rest of that stuff was mkX and dirt cheap on the exchange, i spent less then 2 million total on all the exchange equipment.
i found that with 2 RCS thrusters, it was easier to use a dual cannon vorcha then it is to use a single cannon excelsior, with no rcs consoles because they barley do anything for an excelsior. with engines see to 25, the ui says my vorcha has a turn rate of ~22, so plenty. so from all the experimenting with the kdf engineer, i got myself some duel cannons, to go with the 8 good acc2 beam arrays i could switch to if needed. this character uses tetryon, so back to the exchange i look. wouldn't you know it, more cheep as hell mkX acc2 and even acc3 tetryon duel cannons, and 4 blue acc2 mkx turrets, good enough, they just need to hit. DHC seem to be prohibitively expensive no mater what, and with the glider dealing damage per shot, plane old duel cannons were a perfect fit. plus it looks cool when a vorcha fires from its front fork.
line this sucker up, decloak, and let fly. just drive the thing like an escort, it very nearly is, only instead of CRF3 it has ET3. with the all cannon build you end up with 2 ensign slots for TT1 and a single CRF1. saves you needing expensive as hell conn officer doffs, but this is not ideal for dealing damage unfortunately, but tactical initiative does help get you through situations that require high up time. your duel cannons are already dealing more damage then any other beam array cruiser could hope to deal even with FAW to a single target, so your still coming out ahead. you can seriously keep these thing trained on even escorts pretty easily with 2 RCS, as long as they arent at point blank range.
specifically, the build includes 2 RCS, 2 neutronium, borg, field projector, and 3 energy tac consoles. glider is a must, iceing on the cake here. my targets all seem to have not even a red sliver of shields in any facing by the time i kill them, if you don't have at least 1 character using tetryon your missing out. other station powers include 2xEptS1, 2xEptW2 (due to the current weapon energy cap situation) ET3, RSP2, and A2S3. to pull this off you really need ET3, theres no room for an ET at ENS or LT level. you could fly a negvar and trade a TT for a ET at ENS, but your turnrate is that much less, and your a$$ is twice as fat. you could do without ET completely, and run EWP1 or ES1, even DEM2 would be useful. prepare to not be able to out heal the damage your receiving though.
scoreboard results from today, tommy@dontdrunkimshoot ship name change
this isn't just bs FAW damage ether, the score board is a bit more accurate to how well you did when your using escort weapons. i thought the build could use a finisher, or an opener, or something, so i went to see if i could find an acc3 DBB for cheap, and i did! its mkIX, but it still accurately delivers BO1, kind of :rolleyes:
TL,DR; a dual cannon vorcha with a tac captain is a bit more viable then the common knowledge thinks.
Wasnt the weapons power/EPS thing dealt with in 2010?
Weapons power is gained instantly and not affected by EPS consoles. EPS consoles help with the regaining power from beam overload, tykens rift and polaron, as well as transferring from one power setting to another.
Also, this is cryptic... they'll break eps again. They've broken it twice since the alleged fix.
In theory, you are correct. But with every patch, there is a list of hidden surprises craptic has for us. Few builds ago there was no cruiser 135 weapon power soft cap. Now apparently it's back. How is normal? I would say with 135 cap, but I'll be damn in I know for sure, lol. Same with eps, I'm not sure at this point how it works, but again I understand what you are saying and I agree.
Edit: I got the ferengi console, the one that gives you 17 flow and eps and 11 for torps. It "seems" the drain from my 7 beams is less while using it (maybe bc the comeback is faster-which would be in contradiction with the purpose of eps as stated by cryptic). Not sure if that's just my eyes playing games or is for real, need more testing.
ive even pm'ed people with advice but... only once or twice was i thanked for my friendly and completely not condescending advice. mostly i was given advice back on what to go do with myself. i'll just be helpful on the forums, the chat window is a lost cause. :rolleyes:
Ferengi D'Kora Ship
Rapid Fire Missile Launcher
3x Polaron DHC
3x Polaron Turrets
Concentrated Tachyon Mine Launcher
Maco Shield
Jem Hadar Engine
Jem Hadar Deflector
Eng: 2x RCS
Sci: Battle Module 3000, Borg, Rule 62 Multipurpose Console
Tac: 3x Polaron Phase Modulator
Lt. Com. Tac: TT, CRF1, CRF2
Ensign Tac: HYT1
Com. Eng: EPTW1, EPTS2, ET3, ASIF3
Lt. Eng: EPTW1, EPTS2
Lt. Sci: HE1, TSS2
2x Shield Distribution Officer
2x Maintenance Engineer
Warp Core Engineer
65/50/60/25 -> unbuffed = 104/73/86/48
My standard power setting gives me 22.6 turn rate which helps a great deal on the DHC and buffs up quite nicely on the weap/shield power.
The build it a bit squishy for a cruiser because of the armor loss and the Boff slotting but I think it's worth it to basically get a unique heavy escort.
Might want to try raising your Gun power so you will be hitting cap. (40 into engine instead of 60), and ditch an EPTW1 for An EPTS1, remove one of your EPTS2s and put in Aux to Damp. You'll have a better turn rate, speed and 50 percent stun and repel immunity going then
Maybe change out a shield dist. officer for the one that reduces EPTX skill cooldowns as well.
Great thread. That there isn't a sticky is a shame.
Couple questions:
It's been a long time since I used aux2damp, how is it that a single copy can grant 50% uptime? DOFF sorcery?
What's the EptX DOFF? Anyone know if they stack?
Despite the general Galaxy X loathing I'm tempted to post up a comprehensive Tac build for it.
Again, for everyone that contributed, this is awesome work.
I can't remember it's name at the moment if I log in tonight I'll update on the name.
Checked it out, damage control engineer. They do stack upto 3. I had a peculiar thought as to whether it would be possible to run one copy of EptX reliability with near 100% uptime. Might be viable with the MACO 2x set bonus.
When the DOFF proc activated the cool down was just a second or two off. Will update if I can get the CD to the global.
Update: Confirmed. If you use the Damage Control DOFF with the MACO 2 Piece Set Bonus you can (more often than not) chain 1 emergency power near indefinitely. Tested with 3 green 25% chance doffs. The Purple ones have a 35% chance to Proc.
Tried it with 2 Emergency Powers, chains more or less perfectly (sometimes a second or two off due to UI lag/cooldown reset). As long as you keep proc'n the DOFF you'll be good to go. More powers = more chances so:
I'd say that for those captains that want to capitalize on your Emergency powers that you should get 1 copy of the two powers you want to run, 3 purple Damage control engineers and enjoy.
OR if you're a healer cruiser you can use emergency powers and get two slots for heals, Aux2ID etc.
of course none of my characters could ever afford a set of these doffs. i pvp, i don't farm EC, that is really not fun to do at all. did i mention how much i dislike this active roster thing bypassing station ability rules and flushing the current fragile balance down the toilet? giving those with the right doffs an at least 50% increase in survivability over someone EC poor? i think i did mention that before actually. :mad:
Just so everyone knows, the way the shared cooldown works there is no possible way to run more than 2 emergency powers simultaneously. What you get is the ability to run 2 different powers with only 1 copy of each with an approximate 94% uptime.
With only 1 power your chance of reliably hitting the proc is about 74% (ish). With 2 powers it goes up to 94 or so. Anything after that there is no advantage as the cool downs start interfering with each other.
I could see however a defiant running EptS 2 and EptA 1 or a "Tac cruiser" doing the same thing. This would greatly benefit their heals.
Another Caveat is that if the doff doesn't PROC the rotation gets screwed up for about 1 minute or so. For reliability the classic method is best, but if you've got premade support you could use this to field extra heals or Aux2ID, extends etc.
i should have put 'or' instead of a comma between them. EPtS is a given, but you could use any one of those other versions too.
Tick0 made a directory thread with links to the helpful build threads. It got a sticky instead.
Lt Tac: TacTeam 1, AP: Delta 1/FAW 2
Cmdr Eng: EPtS 1, EngTeam 2, Extend 2, Aux to SIF 3
LtC Sci: HE 1, TSS 2, TSS 3
Lt Sci: HE 1, TBR 1
Ens Sci: SciTeam 1