"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
Have not linked in any screens for a while but here is one I took a while back thought I'd share: (I will use demo record to get more in the coming weeks and post them on my blog)
how do I get the images to show up without the links in my post?
While composing your Art post use the icon at the top which looks like a yellow square with a mountain image in it. Paste your image url in the window that pops up.
(/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
While composing your Art post use the icon at the top which looks like a yellow square with a mountain image in it. Paste your image url in the window that pops up.
Does anyone know why the guild recruitment thread doesn't have this feature?
*Me*Why don't you just step away from the weapons console. You and I both know that you couldn't hit that cube, even if it was right in front of us. *Junior Tactical Officer* But sir the cube IS right in front of us. *Me* EXACTLY! Its right in front of us and you still missed it! Just step away from the console.
got myself a mirror universe sci ship for one of my fed toon's.. it'll last untill I eather get dead lucky and score either the wells or it mirror universe counterpart. None of the fleet ships are layed out in a way that compliments my play style.
a little bit of customization later, and the I.S.S. Finity's End take to the stars..
The nacelles look like the standard Bellerophon ones.
PS: can now post photos of wells class without deleting the thread
Yep, everyday Bellerophon nacelles.
Here's a new set with my Sovereign.
U.S.S. Silurian arriving at the Unrepentant Fleet starbase for Regent Refit
U.S.S. Silurian being brought into drydock for Refit
U.S.S. Silurian during the Refit
U.S.S. Silurian post Regent Refit
To Boldly Go...
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
Another Odyssey Shot
Captain's Log...Stardate 44803.92...
Welcoming Morn back to Quark's Bar
Letheans at the Gates of Gre'thor
Showing up to a Bat'leth fight with a Tegolar
Taking a walk on DS9
Vice Admiral W and the ladies of the Spector.
A Voyager like shot
You guys aren't going to jump off a cliff are you?
it's relativity impossible that I was on sensors
Clear all stations, take us out.
The Vorta
The Prometheus Upgrades
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
Twitter | Blog | Original Join Date: Dec 2007 | Gaming Setup | Raptr Profile | Gamer DNA
The opinions expressed in my posts are my own views and do not reflect on any other entity(s) or person(s) I may or may not represent at the time.
Star Trek Online Enlistment Date: February 2010
Fleet website: www.stoacademy.com
I used '/Renderscale 2' before taking the picture (which is the most my machine can handle near the busy space dock) and I think it came out well.
Larger file:
Star Trek Online Enlistment Date: February 2010
Fleet website: www.stoacademy.com
Old and New.
Click for larger version.
My Baby "U.S.S. Cutty Sark"
Fixed it, its above your post now "Twitpic is TRIBBLE everthing I've linked seems to dissapear after a while "
Friday Screenshot Available (full)
U.S.S. Endeavour on drydock for refit
U.S.S. Endeavour during refit
U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-170150 now a fully capable starship refited
U.S.S. Esseles arriving for refit.
U.S.S. Esseles on drydock for refit
U.S.S. Esseles during refit
U.S.S. Esseles refited
** Bonus**
There are giants....
Mirror Universe latest tech.
Thx daiouvegeta2 for the inspiration
While composing your Art post use the icon at the top which looks like a yellow square with a mountain image in it. Paste your image url in the window that pops up.
Does anyone know why the guild recruitment thread doesn't have this feature?
(aquarius and oddy 1) http://s1291.beta.photobucket.com/user/joshlewis7889/media/STO%20shots/AquariusandOddy3.png.html?sort=3&o=4
(aquarius and Oddy 2) http://s1291.beta.photobucket.com/user/joshlewis7889/media/STO%20shots/Aquariusandoddy2.png.html?sort=3&o=5
(aquarius and oddy 3) http://s1291.beta.photobucket.com/user/joshlewis7889/media/STO%20shots/aquariusandoddy.png.html?sort=3&o=6
(my aquarius 1) http://s1291.beta.photobucket.com/user/joshlewis7889/media/STO%20shots/Aquarius2.png.html?sort=3&o=7
(my aquarius 2) http://s1291.beta.photobucket.com/user/joshlewis7889/media/STO%20shots/aquarius1.png.html?sort=3&o=8
*Junior Tactical Officer* But sir the cube IS right in front of us.
*Me* EXACTLY! Its right in front of us and you still missed it! Just step away from the console.
those are AWESOME!
Is it still possible to do this? And if so how?
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Afraid not. Those pictures were taken on the Tribble Test Shard prior to the Academy zone going live.
a little bit of customization later, and the I.S.S. Finity's End take to the stars..