I live in europe
Long time ago I bought a ship in the Cstore and could pay in Dollars (1eur were 1,4 dollars back then)
and as I remember I got 100CP for one Dollar
So now I have to pay 1,2eur for 100CP (20%VAT, and again eur/dollar is 1,4 ^^)
so that would mean ~1,7 Dollar for 100CP
Is that the same scam as on steam ?
Or has every American customer to pay
34$ for a 2.000cp Ship ???
or do Americans pay 20$ and just all EU countries are scammed ?
(70% increased prices)
Easy Sollution: Rebel against the Goverment, throw them out of the Land and join the USA .
even with VAT excluded its 28$ for a 2.000cp Ship !
Cryptics set their exchange from USD/EUR at 1:1
even when its 1.4:1 at the Bank
And not letting Europeans pay with Dollar.
That means as European you pay still 40% more.
Cryptic already indicated that it's not feasible for them to review the exchange rates on a daily basis. Personally I don't think we have anything to complain about when it comes to this. Americans get their C-points for more Dollars than we pay Euros, so it's not a 1:1 exchange rate. Never was either.
But changing the overpricing for europeans from 60% to 40%
(which isnt that true by the way, since a year ago you could pay with dollars.)
is still overpricing.
It is up to Cryptic to decide if they want to focus solely on the US market and scare away potential customers by neglecting and overcharging them.
Isn't that a self contradiction, as USA means United States of America as in the continent of America?
Hawaii, Guam
Guam isn't a state, just a territory.
hmm, well, I read that and thought "Immigration..." guess I'm just not that imaginitive...
Actually its a contradiction in the fact that the USA is rapidly devolving into a police state.
tell them that...