I continue to test the doff system as hard as I can every day, to see where it takes the game, and I'm starting to wonder if doff missions should award any levelling xp at all.
Even though Cryptic cut back the amount of levelling xp and raised the other reward payouts (thanks, devs!), I'm still finding that if I play the doff minigame to the max, I'm still outlevelling in-game content faster than seems comfortable or logical.
Given that playing the doff minigame is the equivalent of James T' Kirk signing electronic clipboards brought to him by pretty female yeomen -- or of Jean-Luc Picard sitting in his Ready Room drinking Earl Grey while reading padd reports -- it seems weird that my front-ine captain can get promoted to full Commander largely from doing doff work.
I realize that the levelling curve is slated to be steeper once all the test stuff goes live, but I return to my original point: why not save the levelling xp rewards for /actively/ playing the game content, and make the doff rewards all about dilithium, energy credits, and mission buffing instead?
I just recently started messing around with this new DOFF system and I think its pretty cool so far...with the time some of the missions take, I'm now wondering how fast someone could level off them w/o doing any other content...
Its a Star Trek game. You are the captain of a ship, and 9/10 of that is paperwork. The system is, in my estimation, a nice way to bring it a little closer to "reality" or closer to a sim for people who want that.
As much as it may seem to make more sense that someone who goes out and personally executes every Klingon they meet has earned their promotion, why doesn't it make sense that the one who delegates that also gets their promotion?
It is about as much fun as paperwork and delegation can get. I would say the reward of playing actual content is playing actual content, and faster leveling, faster currency and equipment gain, and more interaction. Someone who wants to sit back and play armchair captain is just playing the game the way they want to play it.
Yep what the previous poster said. I have a feeling the skill points you get (to level) will go down significantly when f2p goes live. We also have to remember that when it goes live you will be spending a lot more time between ranks...so the skill points are almost guarenteed to go down.
Oh, and the Klingons will finally have another way to earn XP other than mission replay. Even starting at Commander, I do not believe that there is enough story content to make LG. The Borg invasion, STF, and DOFF will help a lot with that.
The ultimate goal as far as skill points and the duty officer system is that if you were to spend 100% of your time with the system and were smart about how you did it, you could conceivably level at mildly better than half the speed you could if you were leveling through other methods. Note, this 100% of your time refers to you being actively logged in, checking the Exchange for better officers, traveling back to Qo'noS or Starfleet Academy, checking sector blocks for various assignments, and so on.
The current allocation of skill points very well may need to be reined in again to hit this goal; due to bugs and balance issues the initial several weeks the system was live saw a progression rate that was in excess of these goals. Once we get some additional hard numbers, we will be in a better position to determine what needs still to be done to approach these targets more closely than is currently the case.
We do, however, wish for it to remain to be a viable, albeit not optimal, method of leveling.
In practice, we expect most players who engage in the system to use it as an auxiliary to their normal play rather than a substitute, although some will certainly choose to use it as a substitute, and we're fine with that as well given the above considerations.
The ultimate goal as far as skill points and the duty officer system is that if you were to spend 100% of your time with the system and were smart about how you did it, you could conceivably level at mildly better than half the speed you could if you were leveling through other methods. Note, this 100% of your time refers to you being actively logged in, checking the Exchange for better officers, traveling back to Qo'noS or Starfleet Academy, checking sector blocks for various assignments, and so on.
The current allocation of skill points very well may need to be reined in again to hit this goal; due to bugs and balance issues the initial several weeks the system was live saw a progression rate that was in excess of these goals. Once we get some additional hard numbers, we will be in a better position to determine what needs still to be done to approach these targets more closely than is currently the case.
We do, however, wish for it to remain to be a viable, albeit not optimal, method of leveling.
In practice, we expect most players who engage in the system to use it as an auxiliary to their normal play rather than a substitute, although some will certainly choose to use it as a substitute, and we're fine with that as well given the above considerations.
I think in most cases when it goes live it will be used for one main purpose which more than likely will include using it to xp for leveling purposes. The issue is that being that missions as standardized as they are the only true difference between them is the reward for completion which some either break down in the categories of xp, speed of gathering xp, and specific items for reward. The issue with the doff system is that all of the other aspects of STO are the same thing as everything tasting like water or chicken doing it so many times and the doff system is the new steak and cake. I'm just hoping other than the system being new that it will be providing more than root resistance shields and starship devices for rewards. I know a lot of work was put into it but in a lot of ways I was expecting a bit more from all the hype of the system.
I agree that the Doff system is giving too much captain skill points, after all, the captain did not work, the doffs did all. Note that skill points under the doff system can be awarded for players being offline.
One thing that tends to happen is that some players will lvl to 51 with doff, and have 80% of the story missions still locked (e.g. Romulan, Breen). So then they get bored and want to play missions, but they have to start with LC level missions. Basically they'll have to level all over again.
It is weird to imagine that a captain can get promoted to admiral just by sending his officers to do his dirty work :P
Honestly, I love the Doff system as is. I really hope they don't nerf the hell out of the XP. There should be multiple routes to end-game. STO was supposed to give us multiple ways to level; Guns-a-blazing Kirk, diplomatic Picard, explorer Janeway, all over the map Archer.
The question should not be "What if someone levels this way and then want's to do missions?", the question should be "Is it fun, is it fair?" If someone chooses to do nothing but Doff missions all the way to VA, what's wrong with that? If they choose to play that way, then they'll have to fly around in their T5 ship doing lowbie stuff when they decide to do story. Why should that bother anyone?
I really hope they keep the Doff system exactly how it is now. It's the only F2P change I've LOVED on tribble.
The ultimate goal as far as skill points and the duty officer system is that if you were to spend 100% of your time with the system and were smart about how you did it, you could conceivably level at mildly better than half the speed you could if you were leveling through other methods. Note, this 100% of your time refers to you being actively logged in, checking the Exchange for better officers, traveling back to Qo'noS or Starfleet Academy, checking sector blocks for various assignments, and so on.
i don't know man. put your numbers in an excel spreadsheet and pivot table it and maybe I can understand......
I agree the system SHOULD be allowed for people to level, though slowly. There are other reasons to run missions like you can't do the FEs until you complete the chain of missions. There are already way way way way too many restrictions on how we level.
Leave the xp in place, if you'd rather not level this way, just don't run doff missions.
Do not remove the skill points from the Doff system. This was advertised as an alternate way to level up...a couple guys saying it shouldn't isn't a good enough reason to take back one of its raison d'etre. I'm still amazed at some folks who don't feel like a game is fun unless they're being punished in some way.
The missions level with you now. Only the patrols don't, and if you can't keep up with patrols while doing the doff system, I don't know what they're doing. Of course, if the patrols levelled with you too that would be better, since I found myself doing patrols in one area and story missions in a very distant area.
Honestly, I love the Doff system as is. I really hope they don't nerf the hell out of the XP. There should be multiple routes to end-game. STO was supposed to give us multiple ways to level; Guns-a-blazing Kirk, diplomatic Picard, explorer Janeway, all over the map Archer.
The question should not be "What if someone levels this way and then want's to do missions?", the question should be "Is it fun, is it fair?" If someone chooses to do nothing but Doff missions all the way to VA, what's wrong with that? If they choose to play that way, then they'll have to fly around in their T5 ship doing lowbie stuff when they decide to do story. Why should that bother anyone?
I really hope they keep the Doff system exactly how it is now. It's the only F2P change I've LOVED on tribble.
+1 for this. It adds a new dimension to leveling that i actually prefer. Micromanaging in a sims game is what i've always enjoyed about that genre. This gives me a little of that genre in STO. If i have to go do low level missions when i want to that's my problem, not Cryptic's. Keep it as is.:)
It is weird to imagine that a captain can get promoted to admiral just by sending his officers to do his dirty work :P
I take it you have never served in the military before. That is pretty much the definition of a unit commander. He sets policies and implements the orders of his superiors.
Hey now, I enjoyed this game a lot, and in my support to this game to boldly-continue on furthur down the lines in years to come, I have 24 toons. 12 feds and 12 klinks. Crazy to have that many? Maybe, but I can't imagine running all of them without the soon to be very helpful works of my DoFF's. Think about it, for those that have similiar numbers of char's, and reason that you can only play 2-5 of them at most per week, so the rest needs their Captain's XP's, etc. by doff's. I mean, my goals, though maybe daunting, is to get all 24 well equiped, at VA's and LG's level and always ready to answer any calls PvP's/STF's/PvE's notices.
But I digressed, I do want these very helpful Doff's XP's to continue to be helpful as they are from tirbble on to live. Thanks, Dev's.
Honestly, I love the Doff system as is. I really hope they don't nerf the hell out of the XP. There should be multiple routes to end-game. STO was supposed to give us multiple ways to level; Guns-a-blazing Kirk, diplomatic Picard, explorer Janeway, all over the map Archer.
The question should not be "What if someone levels this way and then want's to do missions?", the question should be "Is it fun, is it fair?" If someone chooses to do nothing but Doff missions all the way to VA, what's wrong with that? If they choose to play that way, then they'll have to fly around in their T5 ship doing lowbie stuff when they decide to do story. Why should that bother anyone?
I really hope they keep the Doff system exactly how it is now. It's the only F2P change I've LOVED on tribble.
For many people the DOFF system will BE the game. The story lines will just be something they do, if at all, while waiting for assignment rollover hour. There's no reason people who primarily play this aspect of the game should be prevented from leveling, any more than there is a reason to take SP rewards off the PvE missions that everyone facerolls through on the way to VA. People who are primarily playing the DOFF system don't feel "uncomfortable" passing up PvE content, any more than those who play the story line system would feel "uncomfortable" playing missions and getting no commendations.
thoguh i think that the DOFF system has another added benifit.... means Klingons never have to touch PvP to level up unless they absolutely want to.
It's definitely a boost for Klingon PvEer's. Really it's a boost to end game as well. I have no plans to do much of anything else except hang out talking to friends and doing DOff missions with my VA's!:D
Leveled so far 6 chars to VA and promised myself to never level another one. However with the doff system I'm already thinking about to add the missing KDF Eng...
For new players the doff system with leveling xp is a nice addition that helps them to smooth gameplay; for existing players it's a great opportunity to rise another char without too much pain.
Honestly, I love the Doff system as is. I really hope they don't nerf the hell out of the XP. There should be multiple routes to end-game. STO was supposed to give us multiple ways to level; Guns-a-blazing Kirk, diplomatic Picard, explorer Janeway, all over the map Archer.
The question should not be "What if someone levels this way and then want's to do missions?", the question should be "Is it fun, is it fair?" If someone chooses to do nothing but Doff missions all the way to VA, what's wrong with that? If they choose to play that way, then they'll have to fly around in their T5 ship doing lowbie stuff when they decide to do story. Why should that bother anyone?
I really hope they keep the Doff system exactly how it is now. It's the only F2P change I've LOVED on tribble.
I think its important to keep XP in too. The fact is if your hardcore about anything you'll level to the max quickly, QQing isnt going the change the fact its the players problem if they are pushing it to the max and leveling fast. You can do the same thing with PvE, Explore Missions or even PvP, its all about how YOU play.
Nothing should ever be nerfed based on a hardcore players leveling rate, to everyone else that uses the system like they are suppose to, as a casual mini game will barely level from it thanks to the heavy nerfs already imposed on the system.
I have a Federation toon that has leveled purely through the doff system since "She" recieved her doffs.
She is now at Captain 5 with a huge compliment of doffs and can expect to make Admiral at this rate fairly soon. My Federation toon has gained DOFF's at a signinicantly faster rate them my KDF. to the point where I have actually mailed off two packs of Kederation Junior officer cadre's to my Klingon..
Yes a bit of an exploit at this point , but I have a story justification for it. The Klingon Empire is not the monolithic entity that it appears from the outside. Klingon planetar, system and regional govorners have a great deal of autonomy, and the great houses of the empire even more so. They are essentially private fleets and armies and are known to enguage in activities not always in line with the chancellors wishes. House Khemaraa is not at war with the Federation.. more of the ultimate live fire exercise from time to time. Thse officers have been seconded to service on ships of House Khemaraa to gain experience and will eventually after a year be returning to Federation duties with a uniqe viewpoint, and vast experience with the Klingon and a deep understanding of Klingon culture and mores. The Federation Diplomatic Corp has fully endorsed these actions as has Imperial Intelligence with the understanding that these officer will be treated no differently the any klingon warrior. They are fully subject to Klingon diseplinary practices.. Including execution for incompatance if it proves needed. Two officer have been dismissed from the ships of house Khemaraa and returned to the federation in disgrace.
Federation Diplomacy I hope is addressed in the next build. Its a bit of a hot issue to us KDF players to be having Fed players running around our home sector that have gotten Diplomacy 3 rank in around 3% yes 3"3" 003/100th the amount of time it will take KDF to make t3 marauding.. I'm pretty sure I have a toon at T-2 maruding now but I cannot tell for ceration and have no idea how close I am to T3. My lead KDF unfortunatly LOST several of her best DOFF due to issues within the DOFF system, and they have yet to be replaced....
Considering just how hard it is for KDF characters to recruit doffs in the first place with only the two social zone social zones (one of which is brand spanking new)....
A pack of green and blue DOFF's would be a plesent gift to replace losses KDF side. Our Doff Marauding missions as a rule are going to be more dangerous the Federation Diplomatic missions of which there are a very great many of them. My lead toon is apparently starved for them right now with only a ahndfull having been offered in the last 4 days.
I continue to test the doff system as hard as I can every day, to see where it takes the game, and I'm starting to wonder if doff missions should award any levelling xp at all.
Even though Cryptic cut back the amount of levelling xp and raised the other reward payouts (thanks, devs!), I'm still finding that if I play the doff minigame to the max, I'm still outlevelling in-game content faster than seems comfortable or logical.
Given that playing the doff minigame is the equivalent of James T' Kirk signing electronic clipboards brought to him by pretty female yeomen -- or of Jean-Luc Picard sitting in his Ready Room drinking Earl Grey while reading padd reports -- it seems weird that my front-ine captain can get promoted to full Commander largely from doing doff work.
I realize that the levelling curve is slated to be steeper once all the test stuff goes live, but I return to my original point: why not save the levelling xp rewards for /actively/ playing the game content, and make the doff rewards all about dilithium, energy credits, and mission buffing instead?
My take, anyway,
Actively playing the DOFF minigame is actively playing the game. There are some players who don't see all the combat as very 'Trek', while micromanaging the day to day operations of their ships *is* Trek to them. I'd think having more options for players to play the game how they want to and not be penalized for it should be encouraged.
As an aside, I knew one player who did nothing with one character but level up via Diplomacy Missions. Was it slow? Yes, but his character was supposed to be a diplomat, not a warfighter. Being able to get Exp via the DOFF system is ideal for those types of players.
As much as it may seem to make more sense that someone who goes out and personally executes every Klingon they meet has earned their promotion, why doesn't it make sense that the one who delegates that also gets their promotion?
It is about as much fun as paperwork and delegation can get. I would say the reward of playing actual content is playing actual content, and faster leveling, faster currency and equipment gain, and more interaction. Someone who wants to sit back and play armchair captain is just playing the game the way they want to play it.
The current allocation of skill points very well may need to be reined in again to hit this goal; due to bugs and balance issues the initial several weeks the system was live saw a progression rate that was in excess of these goals. Once we get some additional hard numbers, we will be in a better position to determine what needs still to be done to approach these targets more closely than is currently the case.
We do, however, wish for it to remain to be a viable, albeit not optimal, method of leveling.
In practice, we expect most players who engage in the system to use it as an auxiliary to their normal play rather than a substitute, although some will certainly choose to use it as a substitute, and we're fine with that as well given the above considerations.
I think in most cases when it goes live it will be used for one main purpose which more than likely will include using it to xp for leveling purposes. The issue is that being that missions as standardized as they are the only true difference between them is the reward for completion which some either break down in the categories of xp, speed of gathering xp, and specific items for reward. The issue with the doff system is that all of the other aspects of STO are the same thing as everything tasting like water or chicken doing it so many times and the doff system is the new steak and cake. I'm just hoping other than the system being new that it will be providing more than root resistance shields and starship devices for rewards. I know a lot of work was put into it but in a lot of ways I was expecting a bit more from all the hype of the system.
Yeah, I'm not too fussed about anything other than C-XP with the DOFF system. Well, that and the item and dilithium rewards!
One thing that tends to happen is that some players will lvl to 51 with doff, and have 80% of the story missions still locked (e.g. Romulan, Breen). So then they get bored and want to play missions, but they have to start with LC level missions. Basically they'll have to level all over again.
It is weird to imagine that a captain can get promoted to admiral just by sending his officers to do his dirty work :P
I take it you haven't worked in a corporate environment...
Honestly, I love the Doff system as is. I really hope they don't nerf the hell out of the XP. There should be multiple routes to end-game. STO was supposed to give us multiple ways to level; Guns-a-blazing Kirk, diplomatic Picard, explorer Janeway, all over the map Archer.
The question should not be "What if someone levels this way and then want's to do missions?", the question should be "Is it fun, is it fair?" If someone chooses to do nothing but Doff missions all the way to VA, what's wrong with that? If they choose to play that way, then they'll have to fly around in their T5 ship doing lowbie stuff when they decide to do story. Why should that bother anyone?
I really hope they keep the Doff system exactly how it is now. It's the only F2P change I've LOVED on tribble.
i don't know man. put your numbers in an excel spreadsheet and pivot table it and maybe I can understand......
Leave the xp in place, if you'd rather not level this way, just don't run doff missions.
The missions level with you now. Only the patrols don't, and if you can't keep up with patrols while doing the doff system, I don't know what they're doing. Of course, if the patrols levelled with you too that would be better, since I found myself doing patrols in one area and story missions in a very distant area.
Please, the latest change to sp is fine.
+1 for this. It adds a new dimension to leveling that i actually prefer. Micromanaging in a sims game is what i've always enjoyed about that genre. This gives me a little of that genre in STO. If i have to go do low level missions when i want to that's my problem, not Cryptic's. Keep it as is.:)
I take it you have never served in the military before. That is pretty much the definition of a unit commander. He sets policies and implements the orders of his superiors.
But I digressed, I do want these very helpful Doff's XP's to continue to be helpful as they are from tirbble on to live. Thanks, Dev's.
This sums up my feelings exactly.
It's definitely a boost for Klingon PvEer's. Really it's a boost to end game as well. I have no plans to do much of anything else except hang out talking to friends and doing DOff missions with my VA's!:D
For new players the doff system with leveling xp is a nice addition that helps them to smooth gameplay; for existing players it's a great opportunity to rise another char without too much pain.
Therefore : Leave the xp in the reward mix.
Indeed, yes. Agrees. Well spoken.
I like your Analogy, But were not even reading those.....The only reports we get is "Complete" or "Failure" or "Critical Success"
Nothing should ever be nerfed based on a hardcore players leveling rate, to everyone else that uses the system like they are suppose to, as a casual mini game will barely level from it thanks to the heavy nerfs already imposed on the system.
I have a Federation toon that has leveled purely through the doff system since "She" recieved her doffs.
She is now at Captain 5 with a huge compliment of doffs and can expect to make Admiral at this rate fairly soon. My Federation toon has gained DOFF's at a signinicantly faster rate them my KDF. to the point where I have actually mailed off two packs of Kederation Junior officer cadre's to my Klingon..
Yes a bit of an exploit at this point , but I have a story justification for it. The Klingon Empire is not the monolithic entity that it appears from the outside. Klingon planetar, system and regional govorners have a great deal of autonomy, and the great houses of the empire even more so. They are essentially private fleets and armies and are known to enguage in activities not always in line with the chancellors wishes. House Khemaraa is not at war with the Federation.. more of the ultimate live fire exercise from time to time. Thse officers have been seconded to service on ships of House Khemaraa to gain experience and will eventually after a year be returning to Federation duties with a uniqe viewpoint, and vast experience with the Klingon and a deep understanding of Klingon culture and mores. The Federation Diplomatic Corp has fully endorsed these actions as has Imperial Intelligence with the understanding that these officer will be treated no differently the any klingon warrior. They are fully subject to Klingon diseplinary practices.. Including execution for incompatance if it proves needed. Two officer have been dismissed from the ships of house Khemaraa and returned to the federation in disgrace.
Federation Diplomacy I hope is addressed in the next build. Its a bit of a hot issue to us KDF players to be having Fed players running around our home sector that have gotten Diplomacy 3 rank in around 3% yes 3"3" 003/100th the amount of time it will take KDF to make t3 marauding.. I'm pretty sure I have a toon at T-2 maruding now but I cannot tell for ceration and have no idea how close I am to T3. My lead KDF unfortunatly LOST several of her best DOFF due to issues within the DOFF system, and they have yet to be replaced....
Considering just how hard it is for KDF characters to recruit doffs in the first place with only the two social zone social zones (one of which is brand spanking new)....
A pack of green and blue DOFF's would be a plesent gift to replace losses KDF side. Our Doff Marauding missions as a rule are going to be more dangerous the Federation Diplomatic missions of which there are a very great many of them. My lead toon is apparently starved for them right now with only a ahndfull having been offered in the last 4 days.
Actively playing the DOFF minigame is actively playing the game. There are some players who don't see all the combat as very 'Trek', while micromanaging the day to day operations of their ships *is* Trek to them. I'd think having more options for players to play the game how they want to and not be penalized for it should be encouraged.
As an aside, I knew one player who did nothing with one character but level up via Diplomacy Missions. Was it slow? Yes, but his character was supposed to be a diplomat, not a warfighter. Being able to get Exp via the DOFF system is ideal for those types of players.