With all the requests for them, what is holding up purchasable costume slots for boffs? Is it a tech thing?
It's probably more of a space issue than a tech issue. I'd put money on it. As much as I'd love it, when you break it down, it's not hard to see why they haven't released them yet and would be reluctant to do so at all.
BOffs have nearly all the customization of a player-character Captain from the get-go. I believe this was one of the original reasons for so few character slots starting out, but don't quote me on that.
So, each BOff costume you're using takes up nearly as much memory, at least purely on a customization level, as your character.
The reason we have to pay so much for character slots is, you guessed it, to cover storage.
So, say you have three Captains, each with nine BOffs. That's thirty character costumes saved to your name alone, not even considering saved alternate Captain outfits.
Buying even one character-only BOff costume slot pack (one new slot per BOff) would increase that data by another nine saved costumes. Account-wide would cause that to jump to twenty-seven (27), meaning a total number of saved costumes coming up to fifty-seven (57). And that's assuming you only have three characters. I have thirteen characters myself, and have heard of folks who have more than that.
Now, they could always make it per-character and/or charge out the *** to cover it, sure. But it's not hard to see why they'd be reluctant to do it at all. This is one of the things in this game where I completely understand why they wouldn't do it despite heavy demand.
It's probably more of a space issue than a tech issue. I'd put money on it. As much as I'd love it, when you break it down, it's not hard to see why they haven't released them yet and would be reluctant to do so at all.
So, say you have three Captains, each with nine BOffs. That's thirty character costumes saved to your name alone, not even considering saved alternate Captain outfits.
Buying even one character-only BOff costume slot pack (one new slot per BOff) would increase that data by another nine saved costumes. Account-wide would cause that to jump to twenty-seven (27), meaning a total number of saved costumes coming up to fifty-seven (57). And that's assuming you only have three characters. I have thirteen characters myself, and have heard of folks who have more than that.
Now, they could always make it per-character and/or charge out the *** to cover it, sure. But it's not hard to see why they'd be reluctant to do it at all. This is one of the things in this game where I completely understand why they wouldn't do it despite heavy demand.