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The House of Kular - A {UFP} Division



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    oracle54oracle54 Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Looking for a dedicated Star Trek fleet with a great staff and awesome community? Look no further than ufplanets.com. We're a great fleet, with a dedicated Klingon staff intent on bringing members things to do together in STO every day.
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    silynn1silynn1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Fleet Day this Saturday!
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    rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Fleet day?
    What is that?

    Go to www.ufplanets.com

    To see
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Brother's and Sister's of the Klingon Empire join us in our Great fight!!

    Be it from Battleing the Federation Peta'qs who cross our boarder's and attack our colonies!!

    To the Borg who wish to take all that make's us Klingon's and deny us an Honorable death in battle!!! We are The House of Kular we are out there fighting this battle for you do you have the gut's to stand beside us in Glorius BATTLE?!?!? Go to this website to to request a tranfer to our Glorius House i look forward to fighting beside you!!! Qa'pla!!



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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    We Are the Brother's and Sister's of the House of Kular we are the BIG DOG's on Qo'nos!! When we roll into Spacedock other Fleet's run and hide like Baby Targ's!!! They crawl to our feet and beg for there life!! Do you have what it take's to roll with us go to this website to find out!!!! www.ufplanets.com

    :D House Of Kular Rule's!! :D

    :cool: F.S.O.G. Forever!!! :cool:
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just giving a BUMP before i head into battle at work got my Bat'leth sharpened and ready for war!!! Qa'pla go to this website to join our great House


    Long Live The Empire! :)

    Long Live The House Of Kular!! :D

    Long Live The Warrior's Of F.S.O.G.!!! :cool:
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    ufpdodgersufpdodgers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The House of Kular test fleet has reached Tier 1 of Military and is constructing the Shipyard, once that is done the T1 Base will begin construction tomorrow :)

    And Cryptic's KDF test fleet doesn't have T1 in anything apparently :P
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    rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Been without Internet and STO for 2 weeks now!!!!

    Think I'm going crazy!!!!

    Ok maybe not that bad

    But can't wait to see the new tribble starbase

    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    We are House Of Kular Know Us, Fear Us, Respect Us!!! Join the House of Kular today and Come on tribble and get a look at our awesome StarBase(Which totally owns any Federation Starbase Ever!!!) Go to this Website to get Started!!


    Long Live The Empire! :)

    Long Live The House Of Kular!! :D

    Long Live The Warrior's Of F.S.O.G.!!! :cool:
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    rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Mr. Mopar knows what he's talking about.

    Go to

    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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    ufpdodgersufpdodgers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The Fleet Starbase on Tribble has reached T1 http://i.imgur.com/EegUK.jpg that also means we have beaten Cryptic's Klingon Test Fleet to T1 :P

    I wonder if any other Klingon fleets got a T1 base on Tribble.
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ufpdodgers wrote: »
    The Fleet Starbase on Tribble has reached T1 http://i.imgur.com/EegUK.jpg that also means we have beaten Cryptic's Klingon Test Fleet to T1 :P

    I wonder if any other Klingon fleets got a T1 base on Tribble.

    Ah sound's good Sir can't wait till we get our starbase on Holodeck gonna be a great addition to the game and help promote this great Fleet and House!!

    Join our Glorius House and earn your Honor among some of the greatest Warrior's on Qo'nos and the rest of the Universe!! Go to this website to become great www.ufplanets.com

    Long Live The Empire! :)

    Long Live The House of Kular!! :D

    Long Lithe Warrior's of F.S.O.G.!!! :cool:
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    mistressssinssmistressssinss Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Vith- the White Witch

    Here is me all ^^, so I looking for a KDF home. While I have went to your impressive sight, goodness its a touch umm... busy... and does not make applying very easy.

    Hopefully I did that all correctly, if not, please get in touch with me and I will see about reapplying.
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    mertyolmertyol Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    To fight with honor. one must have a great house with great honor and tradition.

    Q'apla to warriors of House of Kular

    {UFP}'s STO Klingon Division.
  • Options
    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Vith- the White Witch

    Here is me all ^^, so I looking for a KDF home. While I have went to your impressive sight, goodness its a touch umm... busy... and does not make applying very easy.

    Hopefully I did that all correctly, if not, please get in touch with me and I will see about reapplying.

    Hope you got all the info ya needed from Commander Mugato we are alway's looking for new Warrior's to join this awesome House and our Fed Fleet!!

    http://ufplanets.com/index.php?pageid=apply Go here to get started!!

    Long Live The Empire! :)

    Long Live The House Of Kular!! :D

    Long Live The Warrior's Of F.S.O.G!!! :cool:
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    bludaggerbludagger Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    mugat0 wrote: »
    wow. A lot of PINK or purple. Hmm, I know of someone who will like you.

    Anyway, go to this link,


    If your wanting to join our Klingon division, you must do an app for our overall fleet. Then once in, we will sort you out.

    Thank you for your interests.

    When I get home tonight I will go to the site with her and help her through it.
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    redeviledna999redeviledna999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Do you have what it takes to be a true Klingon warrior hell bent on the Glorification of the Klingon Empire?

    Achieve you're dreams of Battle and Glory here :


    All Hail the House of Kular

    F.S.O.G. 'til i die

    "A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye".
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    silynn1silynn1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The UFP website can be... daunting at first. (More so when it gets infested with Borg nanites).

    Nevertheless, you quickly get used to using LCARS and are able to find things easily. It might seem like a lot of forms and process, but it works well. Especially with fleets our size, across numerous timezones.

    Go Kular! :)
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    mistressssinssmistressssinss Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    silynn1 wrote: »
    The UFP website can be... daunting at first. (More so when it gets infested with Borg nanites).

    Nevertheless, you quickly get used to using LCARS and are able to find things easily. It might seem like a lot of forms and process, but it works well. Especially with fleets our size, across numerous timezones.

    Go Kular! :)

    hmmm a sticking point with me dears....


    No. You all do not pay for our accounts, as such you do not get to dictate to us whom and where we go. My husband and I have a couple of private fleets that are basically storage and close personal friend who play irregularly.

    Due to reading that statement, I think it best to withdraw my application to your fleet. Thank you all for responding, and for the consideration

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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yeah that part is a little Vage i do know many member's who have alt's that they have a personal fleet for just for storage reason. I will bring this to an admiral's attention and see if they could post some more info on this subject. But we understand thank's for the intrest in our House/Fleet. :)

    Sry to see you change your mind this Fleet/House is by far the Best one in either side fed/klingon i've been in many as i'm now approaching my 800th day in game i've been in 8 on fed side and 3 on the klingon till i joined this fleet/House now for almost a year ago.

    Join the House of Kular today got to this Website to apply


    Long Live The Empire! :)

    Long Live The House Of Kular!! :cool:

    Long Live The Warrior's of F.S.O.G.!!! :cool:
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    silynn1silynn1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Starbase construction online! Projects go!!!

    Looking forward to getting some 20-man fleet defense action this weekend! ;)
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    johnhathawayjohnhathaway Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    No. You all do not pay for our accounts, as such you do not get to dictate to us whom and where we go. My husband and I have a couple of private fleets that are basically storage and close personal friend who play irregularly.

    Due to reading that statement, I think it best to withdraw my application to your fleet. Thank you all for responding, and for the consideration


    Hello mistressssinss

    I'm the lead administrator for the UFP. Just to clarify on the issue you raise, the message there is only relevant if you hold membership in another organised group/clan etc. The reasons for which are to both protect you and the UFP community.
    In terms of sharing other fleets with friends, feel free to invite them along! The UFP has a fantastic setup to keep people busy and entertained and some of the best facilities for any STO fleet - all of which is available in return for a quick and painless monthly sign in (with email reminders for added convenience). We're a passionate and dedicated bunch when it comes to Star Trek gaming :)

    I hope you will reconsider, and if you have any questions regarding the issues you raise or anything else, I'd be happy to answer them for you.

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    akumakaxakumakax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Good day!

    A friend of mine and I are looking for an RP or RP Friendly Klingon Fleet. The pickings seem rather slim, and we were wondering what your RP community looks like within your fleet?

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    ufpdodgersufpdodgers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Red Alert, All Hands to Battlestations!

    The {UFP} website is Under Siege http://ufplanets.com/index.php
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ufpdodgers wrote: »
    Red Alert, All Hands to Battlestations!

    The {UFP} website is Under Siege http://ufplanets.com/index.php

    Qa'pla!! I have arrived on good time from my LoA to join in on some Fight's i can't wait my Teeth are sharpened and my Bat'leth is thirsty for Blood Let the Battle Begin!! Are you a warrior in need of battle or Honor then got to this website to join our Glorius House!!!


    Long Live The Empire! :)

    Long Live The House Of Kular!! :D

    Long Live The Warrior's Of F.S.O.G.!!! :cool:
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    rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Oh no the Borg are back!!!!

    Help celebrate Borg week

    go to:

    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Qa'pla My brother's and Sister's of the House of Kular I got to take on a few Tholian's today they were worthy of there name but they fell at the tip of my blade. They will rue the day They attacked us!!! Do you want to join in and take out a few Tholian's?!?! Then Join the House Of Kular Today!! Go to this Website to apply!!


    Long Live The Empire! :)

    Long Live The House Of Kular!! :D

    Long Live The Warrior's Of F.S.O.G!!! :cool:
  • Options
    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Brother's and Sister's of the Klingon Empire join us in our Great fight!!

    Be it from Battleing the Federation Peta'qs who cross our boarder's and attack our colonies!!

    To the Borg who wish to take all that make's us Klingon's and deny us an Honorable death in battle!!! We are The House of Kular we are out there fighting this battle for you do you have the gut's to stand beside us in Glorius BATTLE?!?!? Go to this website to to request a tranfer to our Glorius House i look forward to fighting beside you!!! Qa'pla!!

    Go to this website to apply!!!




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