i am not impressed. you put like 5000 missions into the federation. then you put 100 missions into klingons then, 10 missions that can be repeated every 30min during a day!
you could make SO many story missions for klingons why were they not added?
i mean... you can only do the same quests so many times in one day before you loose interest...
Welcome to the KDF its a grind for sure but its worth it, sure the FEDs have it eaiser but it just makes
them soft and eaiser to kill in PvP,
There are a lot of good players KDF side and a lot of the FED great players are just KDF alts not to say
there are not a good number of FED only great players because there are.
I know the KDF side is lite on the content but its worth it.
And to borrow a line from the movie DUNE "God created Arakis for the faithful"
Well Cryptic created the KDF for the Faithful
So in response to you thread We the KDF are not a waste of time we are the Faithful and hopefully
one day cryptic will see that and reward us.
The Klingon faction is a worthwhile AND needed part of the game (and fun to play).
Sadly though it has been grossly neglected by Cryptic since launch, which has resulted in a relatively low player population when compared to the Federation side.
I can only hope Cryptic give the Klingons some much needed support, while there are still some players left that play them.
I know the KDF side is lite on the content but its worth it.
And to borrow a line from the movie DUNE "God created Arakis for the faithful"
Well Cryptic created the KDF for the Faithful
So in response to you thread We the KDF are not a waste of time we are the Faithful and hopefully
one day cryptic will see that and reward us.
I am satified with the basics (ships to fly and things to kill), but more is always apreciated. As long as every new faction has a ship for me to use, and variety of species to play, I am happy.
Leveling without moving heh, very boring but you get good xp, its sad this is all we really have plus exploration. I just don't know what to do with my 500+ level 2 and level 1 badges though, so I didn't even bother to do the exploration grind at Commander.
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Throw in the occasional Skirmish for personal shields for all.
On a side note I now have enough Miniguns and Armor to equip all the Freman
i am not impressed. you put like 5000 missions into the federation. then you put 100 missions into klingons then, 10 missions that can be repeated every 30min during a day!
you could make SO many story missions for klingons why were they not added?
i mean... you can only do the same quests so many times in one day before you loose interest...
Well the game was developed in under two years so the Klingon faction got the short end of the stick; we'll see if anything changes now that Atari is out of the picture....
With the staggering number of bugs which make KDF playing hard I'm short before leaving AGAIN .
I doubt Cryptic will do much to hammer them out and they seem to fail to understand that keeping KDF happy might be better for the entire game. Instead I see Fed goddies and ueberthings like the new RI coming out or have come out since I came back .
i am not impressed. you put like 5000 missions into the federation. then you put 100 missions into klingons then, 10 missions that can be repeated every 30min during a day!
you could make SO many story missions for klingons why were they not added?
i mean... you can only do the same quests so many times in one day before you loose interest...
well, for one, this is a video game and therefore a "waste of time"
A: is KDF a waste of time? No.
B: Are there far fewer missions to do for KDF compared to FED? Yes
A: Is KDF being ignored? No
B: Does it feel like it takes forever for new stuff the be released for KDF in a healthy state? yes
It is easy to be dramatic considering how long STO has been running with the KDF still very much a shell faction. The KDF faction is most certainly not a waste of time, if it was then nobody would care so much about it's current state. Keep the faith and keep it constructive please. With any luck the mission writers and designers will see what Klingons, Gorn, Nausicaans, and Orions really want to see for missions.
A: is KDF a waste of time? No.
B: Are there far fewer missions to do for KDF compared to FED? Yes
A: Is KDF being ignored? No
B: Does it feel like it takes forever for new stuff the be released for KDF in a healthy state? yes
It is easy to be dramatic considering how long STO has been running with the KDF still very much a shell faction. The KDF faction is most certainly not a waste of time, if it was then nobody would care so much about it's current state. Keep the faith and keep it constructive please. With any luck the mission writers and designers will see what Klingons, Gorn, Nausicaans, and Orions really want to see for missions.
Sorry but the game been out for over a year know. Every other beta issue has been resolve expect the klingons. To date the klingons have been Last minute after thoughts in this game.
And the devlopers have said nothing more new for klingon unless there more players. So really as far as I see can klingon faction is pretty much dead. I know I have only log into my KDF character once since season 4. I have no desire to play a bug faction (Cloak bug), with very litte content made less with gate FE only for KDF, No new content since season 2 other then gate FE which are written with starfleet player in mind and not KDF, NO ship customization below General without C-store purchase, and every little in outfit customization.
Personl gave up hope after we saw what we got so far with season 4.
Heck in march we told we be able to start with klingon character in season 4. Well that has yet to happen.
Take this little example last month the release Star Fleet Academy. Would it really have hurt to wait to release that till Klingon Counter part was done?
Nor do i have intrested in play in faction that every time get forget about by the devlopers every time they add something new to game. And if not forget we get thing later. I am we still have no counter for Diplomatic. Sure we rumor to get with DOFF but that if the DOFF system launch and if KDF side Launch with FEd. Past track record say NOPE.
Unfortunately the KDF are being rather well ignored. Luckily for diehard KDF players ... the way this game has been developed for the past 6 months, the federation is feeling the effects of being ignored as well.
I've given up on Cryptic and their Federation first stance, after Season 4 and that the KDF shall pay through C-Store for new ship skins. Trying to squeeze money out of the already poor faction ist not fair treatment.
Weh ave been ignrored for new PVE content for a long time, heck even the FEs are favour Federation gameplay.
Sorry but the game been out for over a year know. Every other beta issue has been resolve expect the klingons. To date the klingons have been Last minute after thoughts in this game.
And the devlopers have said nothing more new for klingon unless there more players. So really as far as I see can klingon faction is pretty much dead. I know I have only log into my KDF character once since season 4. I have no desire to play a bug faction (Cloak bug), with very litte content made less with gate FE only for KDF, No new content since season 2 other then gate FE which are written with starfleet player in mind and not KDF, NO ship customization below General without C-store purchase, and every little in outfit customization.
Personl gave up hope after we saw what we got so far with season 4.
Heck in march we told we be able to start with klingon character in season 4. Well that has yet to happen.
Take this little example last month the release Star Fleet Academy. Would it really have hurt to wait to release that till Klingon Counter part was done?
Nor do i have intrested in play in faction that every time get forget about by the devlopers every time they add something new to game. And if not forget we get thing later. I am we still have no counter for Diplomatic. Sure we rumor to get with DOFF but that if the DOFF system launch and if KDF side Launch with FEd. Past track record say NOPE.
The following "launch issues" afflicting the Klingons have been fixed.
At launch the Klingons did not have an end game cruiser, they now have 3.
At launch the Klingons did not have a pure science vessel, they now have one.
At launch the Klingons had no exploration missions, they now have exploration options throughout levelling.
At launch the Klingons only had three ships available at end game, they now have 10.
At launch the Klingons had no story driven missions, they now have 8 faction exclusive missions and 3 Featured Episode chains with more on the way.
The list actually goes on but I've pretty much lost patience with this discussion. The short of it is, the Klingons are not on par with the Federation in terms of content but they are alot better than they used to be, they are being worked on and improved constantly. Now, you can harp endlessly on the things that have yet to be fixed, or need to be fixed, or should be fixed. And there will always be things that need to be fixed or should be fixed so if that's how you get your jollies you've got a jolly life ahead of you. But don't say they are being ignored when there is ample evidence to the contrary, it cheapens the discussion into one about your hurt feelings.
Take this little example last month the release Star Fleet Academy. Would it really have hurt to wait to release that till Klingon Counter part was done?
And this would have just been silly and illogical. If something is finished it should get added to the game. Waiting until they could add a Klingon version at the same time would have done nothing, it wouldn't even have made you feel better because the Cloak is still broken and you've already discounted FE's and New Qonos missions as "new content" so I know you're not going to count Academy missions.
I've given up on Cryptic and their Federation first stance, after Season 4 and that the KDF shall pay through C-Store for new ship skins. Trying to squeeze money out of the already poor faction ist not fair treatment.
Weh ave been ignrored for new PVE content for a long time, heck even the FEs are favour Federation gameplay.
If you're leaving can I have your stuff? If you're not leaving, then what do you mean by 'giving up?'
The fact of the matter is, it seems whenver the schedule gets tight, KDF are the first to feel the pinch. From what I can gather, they're enthusiastic about making the KDF better, but for whatever reason, haven't been able/willing to prioratize it. The responses from various Devs don't seem to tally with what's happened so far.
If Cryptic is saying "no new content until more players", that's a cop out. If you make the content, the players will come. But as it is now, they're not giving people an incentive to come, wether this is on purpose or not so less content has to be developd, I'm not sure. But it is unpleasant.
The fact of the matter is, it seems whenver the schedule gets tight, KDF are the first to feel the pinch. From what I can gather, they're enthusiastic about making the KDF better, but for whatever reason, haven't been able/willing to prioratize it. The responses from various Devs don't seem to tally with what's happened so far.
If Cryptic is saying "no new content until more players", that's a cop out. If you make the content, the players will come. But as it is now, they're not giving people an incentive to come, wether this is on purpose or not so less content has to be developd, I'm not sure. But it is unpleasant.
Personl gave up hope after we saw what we got so far with season 4.
Heck in march we told we be able to start with Klingon character in season 4. Well that has yet to happen.
They did say that yes, you'd be able to start with them in Season 4. But Season 4 isn't done yet, not until Season 5 comes out. So there's still time. I think that the sheer scope of what they want to accomplish in Season 4 was too big to be finished all at once, so they're doing what they can, when they can.
Patience. It's not a Klingon's strong suit, but sometimes it's needed.
The fact of the matter is, it seems whenver the schedule gets tight, KDF are the first to feel the pinch. From what I can gather, they're enthusiastic about making the KDF better, but for whatever reason, haven't been able/willing to prioratize it. The responses from various Devs don't seem to tally with what's happened so far.
If Cryptic is saying "no new content until more players", that's a cop out. If you make the content, the players will come. But as it is now, they're not giving people an incentive to come, wether this is on purpose or not so less content has to be developd, I'm not sure. But it is unpleasant.
Well said.
I have given up on Cryptic that they can make a right KDF. They can make Starfleet as many many developers before them, but they can't make KDF. If they could they would have released more content.
And please stop with the "Can I have your stuff" thing :mad:
They did say that yes, you'd be able to start with them in Season 4. But Season 4 isn't done yet, not until Season 5 comes out. So there's still time. I think that the sheer scope of what they want to accomplish in Season 4 was too big to be finished all at once, so they're doing what they can, when they can.
Patience. It's not a Klingon's strong suit, but sometimes it's needed.
I say 1 and 1/2 years of Patience is more then enough. Time and time again developers have shown that Klingons get items scrapped, delay or just out canceled and that if they even brother to consider the klingon in first place.
We promise before game was launch two FULL PVE Faction. One year and six month later has 1 full PVE Faction and 1//3 of Faction.
About the only thing that cryptic has done quickly for Klingon was gate the FE so we have less chose of mission when leveling. Something that was not done to Federation side.
I have given up on Cryptic that they can make a right KDF. They can make Starfleet as many many developers before them, but they can't make KDF. If they could they would have released more content.
And please stop with the "Can I have your stuff" thing :mad:
But we wants it my precious, we wants it we does!:eek:
As for giving up on the KDF, I haven't given up as such, but I did delete my KDF sci the other week to make room for a toon I could level less painfully Fedside, which is at VA now by the way. Levelling a KDF toon is a repetetive process with a desireable end result but unpleasant in itself. Normally when we do this in our lives, we have a paycheque to go with it. When a game we pay for gets like that, perhaps it's time to stop and think "Well hey now, what's gone wrong here?".
I'm just glad I have one toon at LG. I may have another crack at it just so I can have me some Sci-bop and put my Tac in a Raptor, maybe.
I'm hoping the new Perfect World overlords, lock up the development team unitl they generate more KDF content.
They can borrow my very rare Mk XIV whip, to keep those developers in line.
Is it like the Ferengi one's from "The Last Outpost"? Those'd be cool to have in game. I'm not sure wether or not Dev abuse would help create a quality product though.
Is it like the Ferengi one's from "The Last Outpost"? Those'd be cool to have in game. I'm not sure wether or not Dev abuse would help create a quality product though.
There's only 1 way to find out if Dev abuse, will lead to some KDF content.
The whip you can only get on the KDF side, but not from a mission, because can you guess why?
have you not seeing the other 100 threads discussing this very issue?
them soft and eaiser to kill in PvP,
There are a lot of good players KDF side and a lot of the FED great players are just KDF alts not to say
there are not a good number of FED only great players because there are.
I know the KDF side is lite on the content but its worth it.
And to borrow a line from the movie DUNE "God created Arakis for the faithful"
Well Cryptic created the KDF for the Faithful
So in response to you thread We the KDF are not a waste of time we are the Faithful and hopefully
one day cryptic will see that and reward us.
And raktajino is very spicy...
@ topic:
Welcome to the KDF, the massivly neglected faction of the game.
Perhaps they come with shiny new consoles as the new Feddy I-Win ship ?
No its not!
The Klingon faction is a worthwhile AND needed part of the game (and fun to play).
Sadly though it has been grossly neglected by Cryptic since launch, which has resulted in a relatively low player population when compared to the Federation side.
I can only hope Cryptic give the Klingons some much needed support, while there are still some players left that play them.
I am satified with the basics (ships to fly and things to kill), but more is always apreciated. As long as every new faction has a ship for me to use, and variety of species to play, I am happy.
This is the best thing I've read all day! Thank you. :cool:
And...yes, it is very hard to level a Klingon - but I'm still having a blast with him. It's just agonizingly slow going.
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Spin the Wheel > What Lies Beneath
Throw in the occasional Skirmish for personal shields for all.
On a side note I now have enough Miniguns and Armor to equip all the Freman
Well the game was developed in under two years so the Klingon faction got the short end of the stick; we'll see if anything changes now that Atari is out of the picture....
I doubt Cryptic will do much to hammer them out and they seem to fail to understand that keeping KDF happy might be better for the entire game. Instead I see Fed goddies and ueberthings like the new RI coming out or have come out since I came back .
well, for one, this is a video game and therefore a "waste of time"
B: Are there far fewer missions to do for KDF compared to FED? Yes
A: Is KDF being ignored? No
B: Does it feel like it takes forever for new stuff the be released for KDF in a healthy state? yes
It is easy to be dramatic considering how long STO has been running with the KDF still very much a shell faction. The KDF faction is most certainly not a waste of time, if it was then nobody would care so much about it's current state. Keep the faith and keep it constructive please. With any luck the mission writers and designers will see what Klingons, Gorn, Nausicaans, and Orions really want to see for missions.
Sorry but the game been out for over a year know. Every other beta issue has been resolve expect the klingons. To date the klingons have been Last minute after thoughts in this game.
And the devlopers have said nothing more new for klingon unless there more players. So really as far as I see can klingon faction is pretty much dead. I know I have only log into my KDF character once since season 4. I have no desire to play a bug faction (Cloak bug), with very litte content made less with gate FE only for KDF, No new content since season 2 other then gate FE which are written with starfleet player in mind and not KDF, NO ship customization below General without C-store purchase, and every little in outfit customization.
Personl gave up hope after we saw what we got so far with season 4.
Heck in march we told we be able to start with klingon character in season 4. Well that has yet to happen.
Take this little example last month the release Star Fleet Academy. Would it really have hurt to wait to release that till Klingon Counter part was done?
Nor do i have intrested in play in faction that every time get forget about by the devlopers every time they add something new to game. And if not forget we get thing later. I am we still have no counter for Diplomatic. Sure we rumor to get with DOFF but that if the DOFF system launch and if KDF side Launch with FEd. Past track record say NOPE.
Unfortunately the KDF are being rather well ignored. Luckily for diehard KDF players ... the way this game has been developed for the past 6 months, the federation is feeling the effects of being ignored as well.
Weh ave been ignrored for new PVE content for a long time, heck even the FEs are favour Federation gameplay.
The following "launch issues" afflicting the Klingons have been fixed.
At launch the Klingons did not have an end game cruiser, they now have 3.
At launch the Klingons did not have a pure science vessel, they now have one.
At launch the Klingons had no exploration missions, they now have exploration options throughout levelling.
At launch the Klingons only had three ships available at end game, they now have 10.
At launch the Klingons had no story driven missions, they now have 8 faction exclusive missions and 3 Featured Episode chains with more on the way.
The list actually goes on but I've pretty much lost patience with this discussion. The short of it is, the Klingons are not on par with the Federation in terms of content but they are alot better than they used to be, they are being worked on and improved constantly. Now, you can harp endlessly on the things that have yet to be fixed, or need to be fixed, or should be fixed. And there will always be things that need to be fixed or should be fixed so if that's how you get your jollies you've got a jolly life ahead of you. But don't say they are being ignored when there is ample evidence to the contrary, it cheapens the discussion into one about your hurt feelings.
And this would have just been silly and illogical. If something is finished it should get added to the game. Waiting until they could add a Klingon version at the same time would have done nothing, it wouldn't even have made you feel better because the Cloak is still broken and you've already discounted FE's and New Qonos missions as "new content" so I know you're not going to count Academy missions.
If you're leaving can I have your stuff? If you're not leaving, then what do you mean by 'giving up?'
If Cryptic is saying "no new content until more players", that's a cop out. If you make the content, the players will come. But as it is now, they're not giving people an incentive to come, wether this is on purpose or not so less content has to be developd, I'm not sure. But it is unpleasant.
Very well Said.
They did say that yes, you'd be able to start with them in Season 4. But Season 4 isn't done yet, not until Season 5 comes out. So there's still time. I think that the sheer scope of what they want to accomplish in Season 4 was too big to be finished all at once, so they're doing what they can, when they can.
Patience. It's not a Klingon's strong suit, but sometimes it's needed.
Well said.
I have given up on Cryptic that they can make a right KDF. They can make Starfleet as many many developers before them, but they can't make KDF. If they could they would have released more content.
And please stop with the "Can I have your stuff" thing :mad:
I say 1 and 1/2 years of Patience is more then enough. Time and time again developers have shown that Klingons get items scrapped, delay or just out canceled and that if they even brother to consider the klingon in first place.
We promise before game was launch two FULL PVE Faction. One year and six month later has 1 full PVE Faction and 1//3 of Faction.
About the only thing that cryptic has done quickly for Klingon was gate the FE so we have less chose of mission when leveling. Something that was not done to Federation side.
But we wants it my precious, we wants it we does!:eek:
As for giving up on the KDF, I haven't given up as such, but I did delete my KDF sci the other week to make room for a toon I could level less painfully Fedside, which is at VA now by the way. Levelling a KDF toon is a repetetive process with a desireable end result but unpleasant in itself. Normally when we do this in our lives, we have a paycheque to go with it. When a game we pay for gets like that, perhaps it's time to stop and think "Well hey now, what's gone wrong here?".
I'm just glad I have one toon at LG. I may have another crack at it just so I can have me some Sci-bop and put my Tac in a Raptor, maybe.
They can borrow my very rare Mk XIV whip, to keep those developers in line.
Is it like the Ferengi one's from "The Last Outpost"? Those'd be cool to have in game. I'm not sure wether or not Dev abuse would help create a quality product though.
There's only 1 way to find out if Dev abuse, will lead to some KDF content.
The whip you can only get on the KDF side, but not from a mission, because can you guess why?
Because warp 10 is lizards?
I was going for the 'lack of KDF missions' thing.
"Crack's Whip !!!!!"
Sorry seen a Dev reading, and not programming.