Cryptic said they fixed the BOff-popup-decloaking bug on all Maps, i did not imagine reading that, right?
Just not on the Maps *
where it makes sense for the Story to decloak you*?
So i played a few dailies yesterday and... guess what... every time i pressed on the cloak button almost instantly some BOff Popup or Flyby Text notifcation thingy decloaked my little Bird of Prey instantly.
Question: Can somebody please tell me some missions where this actually was fixed?
Does anybody feel like cloak was actually fixed and works reliable now?
...or did somebody forget to put the actual fix on Holodeck and it is just not here yet?

...well at least the visual FX has been fixed, decloaking finally LOOKS right, so kudos to whoever fixed that FX
If a dialogue spawns enemies, it decloaks you. If it's a pure story dialogue or PvP dialogue, it doesn't.
I'd like some clarification on this though.
Isn't that the point of having a cloak in the first place? *facepalm*
My personal 'skeptical' color: Lime Green ... Mainly due to my evil alter ego... LittleGreenSith! :eek:
-Big Red :cool:
They said a few days ago that they flipped the fix into S4 and had finished going through thousands of missions correcting it.
However, I remain skeptical, having discovered no instances wherein dialogue did not pull a ship out of cloak. (Frankly, unless there is some specific, story-driven reason or mechanic that is forcibly de-cloaking my ship, there really should never be any contact dialogs that pull a ship out of cloak.)
I seem to remember that cloak was broken the moment the message came. At least once when testing it on Tribble, it seems that the message was not immediately displayed and I had to manually open it. This allowed me to stay cloaked, until I wanted to read the message. Then my ship was still forcibly decloaked.
Which would certainly be an improvement over the current state... Still wouldn't eliminate the underlying problem, but would definitely be a step in the right direction (and, from all indications, was working this way on Tribble... Hopefully, it is just a hotfix away from being implemented on Holodeck.)
-Big Red
It was said that the very first build of Season Four to Tribble had the fix for this, but no such fix seems to have ever been in place. I was decloaking in every build Tribble saw.
It's still thoroughly broken. :mad:
The patch notes weren't very clear here, let me elaborate.
When the game was shipped, pop-up dialogs and informational inter-actables did not force ships that were cloaked to decloak. The only thing that would force you out of cloak were mission objective inter-actables.
This was by design. If you could just stay cloaked you could basically just fly to a mission objective, use it, and leave without ever having to fight anything that might be there to protect it.
Somewhere between Season 2 and Season 3 all pop-ups and informational inter-actables were reclassified in the Engine to all work off the same internal engine feature, prior to this change there were separate systems for each . This change was a good thing for those of us that use the tools daily because it simplified our work flow. However, it had the side effect of breaking people out of cloak whenever you use any inter-actable or get any pop-up etc...etc..
There has been new tech added to this system as with the latest build that allows us to flag this stuff now on a case by case basis. We also ran a game wide "fix" script that should have caught most of these with Season 4.
I'm sure that the script probably missed a bunch of edge cases as well, so just report them when you see them and we will crush them as we get the reports.
Unless I am mis-understanding how it is supposed to work.
My assumption is: I do not necessarily have to decloak when a Bridge Officer or other Contact speaks to me, and even if I deliberately open that pop-up, I remain cloaked?
That's what I would expect, but it's not what I see happening.
Is it really hurting anyone?
Thank you for the elaboration! I was always wondering a bit more about the cloaking mechanics as to the uncloak on popup "bug"
Enter system.
10 Bad guys all within 10 KM of the anomaly.
Fly in cloaked, farm mission, leave and repeat.
The above is why you have to decloak to hit an anomaly. In canon you could say to get the most accurate data possible you need to not have a device like a cloak on due to power/interference/etc.
What type of missions are you farming anomolies in? If you are doing exploration sector farming just don't ever respond to the first dialog when you warp in and the bad guys won't spawn. It's how I did my Delta Flyer dailies.
Um, are you sure you remembered to run said script? Or that is worked on any level?
Mostly I've been running Cluster missions and I haven't found any where cloaking works appropriately, and in the story missions I've run, well, it hasn't worked there either.
I honestly have yet to find a single instance where it's fixed. Which leads me to believe that bug reporting all of the instances where cloaking doesn't work would be a waste of time and just ticket spam. Essentially it seems like you should just assume they're all broken and start going through each one at a time, since if it's not the case that they're all still busted I haven't seen a single shred of evidence to support it.
Not farming anomalies in any mission.
As a KDF, I am doing the patrol missions, after I defeat this one node, i cloak to get the 'buff' for my next encounter, only to find out I have an anomalie beforehand. All about efficiency, man.
All I know is that when my Gorn goes into nebula clusters and does exploration missions ... In space combat where you are defending an outpost or ship .... Every time my BO decides to tell me that we have another enemy on sensors, my BoP decloaks.
THAT ... is not the way it should be, so I would say yes .... the system definitely missed more than a few.
... uhm... can it be, that this script was the reason that the Foundry Missions got all screwed up and is now offline? ...that would suck
Anyway i don't get what the Dev's are talking about, i did read it now a few times in Dev posts that people could cloak and use interactables while cloaked?
From my experience that was never the case, every singe interactable (like scanning, repairing, beaming) allways decloaked me.
If anything i rather had some rare cases in the game where an interactable was overseen and people could exploit that, instead of making the decloaking the default for everything unless a Dev presses a special button that allows you to stay cloaked?
Since almost nothing is really supposed to decloak you, that sound like 100 times the work for the Dev's.
Anyway i have yet to hear of a single mission that was actually FIXED?
Somebody give me a name of a mission so i can see for myself, please?
Gozer, I was told that the decloaking on dialog in B'Tran was intentional. I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. With all due respect, it was bad spin for an unfixed bug, and I felt lied to. I hope you can understand our frustrations with that. *At no time in canon* did communications or sensor scans drop a cloak; only taking weapons fire, the need to fire your weapons, and using the transporter did (yes, picking up item drops or delivering requessted goods *should* count as using the transporter). Please take a look at how things are done re: the game engine and fix it once and for all.
Actually, using the transporter did not force decloak.
See ST 4 The Voyage Home
I'm not sure who told you this, but it wasn't anyone who works for Cryptic on the Content Team. There are exactly 3 people at Cryptic that know the history of the issue and I am one of them.
I'll check again tomorrow and find out what's going on. I'm giving you the exact information that was given to me by the Programmer that "fixed" the issue. No one is trying to spin anything, no one is lying to you.
Also, Unification. Among other episodes.
It also suggests that once the problem was diagnosed, there might have been ways Cryptic could have backed out those global changes and tagged or reclassified new events so the engine could process them correctly for that single mission. But they didn't.
Sometimes, it doesn 't matter, other times it makes all the difference...
Sure would be nice to get it back to the way it used to work, no issues at all other than bringing you to a stop.