That is under consideration for the Marauder, actually.
I would actually be interested in specific feedback for the D'kyr - I haven't heard many details.
Well the support shuttle seems rather useless as I wonder if it is treating its heals as if it was healing a shuttle instead of a ship for example when I fly the support shuttle on a shuttle mission it's innate SIF transfer skill is passable healing around 10-15% of a shuttle's hull in one usage depending on skill point allocation which is reasonable, but if that is the same strength of the skill that the support shuttle uses when launched by a D'kyr it is not even healing ~2% of a ship's hull spread out over 10 seconds of usage. And this is what appears to be going on except now it isn't even getting skill point allocation bonuses.
From my usage of the support shuttle, a ship's natural regen rates are faster than the hull and shield healing it gives and a single hit from anything negates the benefits, the hull heal is so trivial that anything hitting the hull with shields down once exceeds the healing the shuttle gives over 10 seconds. The shuttle's shield heal seems to be just as trivial as the hull heal. There was already testing done in other threads where they confirmed that the healing you can get from the Borg item set for hull and shields is significantly greater than the capabilities of the support shuttle but even without the Borg item set, the shield and hull heals of the support shuttle seem trivial during the fight as I have no control over when the shuttle uses them and they aren't noticeable (other than the graphic) for when they are even being used as the effects are that small.
Also it would be nice if the D'kyr's turret functioned more like the automatic defense turret so it prioritized targeting destructible mines and torpedoes and fighters before shooting at ships since it does trivial damage (especially since the support shuttle's stats don't seem to be affected by our skill point allocation.) Often I see it just targeting ships or just ignoring mines or HY torps while I have to rely on my own Automated defense turret to take down incoming HY torps or mines. I get more useful support from a pre-order item that is only useful to dealing with mines and destructible torps (and it can easily be overwhelmed with its 1 shot per several seconds firing rate) than I do from the D'kyr's support craft...that is kind of pathetic that the pre-order item prevents more damage to a ship equipped with it than the D'kyr's support shuttle can restore (or prevent). Hell just giving the support shuttle an Automated Defense Turret in addition to it's normal plasma turret/shuttle 360 beam or whatever it is would be nice and useful. The ability to occasionally plop down single mines might be a good variant for those wanting to be offensive mine-layers but I think the support shuttle would be better as defense support, but that is my opinion. Both options should be viable when you consider how modular ships are. The D'Kyr shuttle when used as a shuttle has 2 weapon slots and 2 device slots. When launched by the D'kyr it acts as if it only has 1 weapon. (Too bad it has no tactical consoles or we could equip it with an automated defense turret, but could easily consider the 2nd weapon slot to function as that, or have that be something else and let the defense turret be treated as a device or something.) For the Supprt shuttle maybe it would use the equipment we place on out support shuttle when we launch it from the D'kyr (instead of only using that equipment when we are operating the shuttle for a shuttle mission.) I find it hilariously strange that when I launch the shuttle from my D'kyr it uses plasma weapons, but when I go on a shuttle mission, I have it equipped with a phaser weapon and a torpedo, although sometimes i swap out the torpedo for a second beam weapon.
It would also be nice if we had a way to control the type of damage for our support shuttle/MVAM modules could rig up a single 'hangar slot' for the D'Kyr and other pet using ships and allowed us to plop in different forms of the 'pet' to change up its focus a bit without needing new art for that pet at all as these variants would only be things like swapping phaser for plasma or disruptor, or photon torpedoes with quantums, etc..., or by changing the effectiveness of the various support skills it uses possible at some other balancing cost elsewhere for the pet. It doesn't make sense for a ship equipped with say anti-proton weapons along with quantum torpedoes to separate and suddenly parts of the ship are using phaser weapons and photon torpedoes that they don't have when joined together.
For MVAM, could simply have multiple versions of the MVAM console with the existing version being the MVAM (Phaser & Photon), for example.
If a new slot is made for such 'ship equipment' it wouldn't allow for ships to have different pets like carriers do, but it would allow us some control over our pets, as well as a way to see the base stats for our pets so we can better judge how to use them.
That is under consideration for the Marauder, actually.
I would actually be interested in specific feedback for the D'kyr - I haven't heard many details.
The D'kyr's support shuttle craft's healing beam never seems to activate, or if it does it doesn't seem to heal for much. The Extend shields is nice. It would be more useful if the shuttle was abit more durable then it is currently. Also, there seems to be an issue with deploying it on an allied target, and then going to full impulse. It removes it's self from the target you placed it on and returns to you. After that your unable to redeploy it anywhere else until you de summon and resummon it.
Actually, BoP's are getting buffed. The only thing that isn't getting buffed to compensate for reduced waves is the Kar'fi frigate, since the Kar'fi is getting an extra hanger bay meaning the overall number of frigates out is actually higher.
As for the Varanus, we just did a massive overhaul of its special ability. It's much, much better now on the internal builds. It won't be going out just yet, but it is coming.
This is for all carriers, yes.
Not sure if this is commenting on something I posted or not, but if it is, the deployable speed is going to be as good or faster in all cases. Duty officers will also be able to improve this even more when that system is rolled out.
As for carrier pets and what affects them, as far as I can tell from digging through the data or Geko can recall offhand, Auxiliary only affects recharge for launching ships from your bays, and that is the same for both types of carriers. The actual deployables do not benefit in damage capability or resistance from energy levels.
Thank you for the clarifications sir. Looking forward to this.
As for the part about deployable speed, also thanks. I could have sworn that Kar'Fi deploy speed was it's own thing and only the Vo'quv deploy speed could be improved by Auxiliary. I remember that in the patch note, that the Kar pet deploy was not listed as being Aux scaling. Also recall the note saying that Voq bays could be taken entirely offline if Aux goes offline, but nothing about the Kar being affected the same way. Are you sure about this?
I still think the Kar shouldn't have a second bay, because that makes the jack of two trades and master of none much closer to the regular Carrier. Besides the specs differences, it would just be missing the Targeting because it is not a full on Sci ship and shouldn't be.
If permitted, can we get a break down as to what our Frigate and Fighter stats are for the carrier? If not can you let us know if there are player skills that mod this stats? And if so what those might be? This would be much appreciated.:D
Geko would be the better person for this than I, but I can assure you they are completely different tables that are balanced separately.
As for the player skills modifying stats, I have been digging through things to confirm this, but I am fairly certain than n the vast majority of cases player stats do not, in fact, affect deployable stats. I found a couple of fairly minor exceptions, but thus far I haven't found any player skill effects in anything important other than hanger bay recharge time - certainly, weapons and shields do not appear to be affected as far as I can tell.
As for the part about deployable speed, also thanks. I could have sworn that Kar'Fi deploy speed was it's own thing and only the Vo'quv deploy speed could be improved by Auxiliary. I remember that in the patch note, that the Kar pet deploy was not listed as being Aux scaling. Also recall the note saying that Voq bays could be taken entirely offline if Aux goes offline, but nothing about the Kar being affected the same way. Are you sure about this?
As mentioned above, I am still investigating this, but my initial examination seemed to support that the Kar'fi hanger seems to work the same way as the Vo'quv. The original designer is no longer working at Cryptic, so I am having to reverse engineer the way he built some of this, which is why I am not willing to definitively state that at the moment.
Heretic, I know a bit off topic again, but any thoughts on what we posted about the D'kyr?
Also on the Kar'fi, I don't personally feel this ship needs changes. It's a Tactical Carrier, I don't expect it to be as sturdy as the Vo'quv, I would be really disappointed if their pets are changed to be affected by Aux level. This would eliminate them as being a tact carrier, no sense having four weapons forward if I have focus my power on aux. I know this isn't on the plate atm for changes, but, wanted to voice my opinion on a possible change.
Heretic, I know a bit off topic again, but any thoughts on what we posted about the D'kyr?
Also on the Kar'fi, I don't personally feel this ship needs changes. It's a Tactical Carrier, I don't expect it to be as sturdy as the Vo'quv, I would be really disappointed if their pets are changed to be affected by Aux level. This would eliminate them as being a tact carrier, no sense having four weapons forward if I have focus my power on aux. I know this isn't on the plate atm for changes, but, wanted to voice my opinion on a possible change.
I will look into the D'kyr and see if there are some changes that make sense. Right now Geko and I are up to our necks in ship work, so we're having to prioritize very aggressively...but I will see what I can do.
As for the Kar'fi, the only thing affecting the fighters as far as I can tell is the recharge time - which you will also be able to impact with duty officers.
Nothing we are doing to the Kar'fi should mandate an Aux-only configuration, so if you are currently successful running a Weapons-dominant energy configuration, there is nothing to prevent you from continuing this.
That being said, the general expectation is that all ships will find it advantageous to shift energy distribution configurations in various situations. Some may, it is true, have less need to do this than others, but shifting energy levels mid-combat is a generally expected mechanic.
I will look into the D'kyr and see if there are some changes that make sense. Right now Geko and I are up to our necks in ship work, so we're having to prioritize very aggressively...but I will see what I can do.
As for the Kar'fi, the only thing affecting the fighters as far as I can tell is the recharge time - which you will also be able to impact with duty officers.
Nothing we are doing to the Kar'fi should mandate an Aux-only configuration, so if you are currently successful running a Weapons-dominant energy configuration, there is nothing to prevent you from continuing this.
That being said, the general expectation is that all ships will find it advantageous to shift energy distribution configurations in various situations. Some may, it is true, have less need to do this than others, but shifting energy levels mid-combat is a generally expected mechanic.
Sounds good man, I understand you're swamped. Good to hear doffs will affect recharge of pets, or is it an overall recharge of all powers? Good to hear the Kar'fi won't be changed in regards to aux. I mainly do run my weapons high, I only run Aux high when supporting a fleet during an STF. Most of my ships have 3 saved presets, so I agree on the advantages.
...As for the player skills modifying stats, I have been digging through things to confirm this, but I am fairly certain than n the vast majority of cases player stats do not, in fact, affect deployable stats. I found a couple of fairly minor exceptions, but thus far I haven't found any player skill effects in anything important other than hanger bay recharge time - certainly, weapons and shields do not appear to be affected as far as I can tell...
This is disappointing, but acceptable. Could you guys please edit/fix the Tooltips then? They describe player skills as increasing pet effectiveness.
The idea is, that the ship is as sluggish as a high tier cruiser (maybe size wise it would be similar to a negh'var), but not completely crippled like the Vo'quv, meaning that players can get a taste of carrier style playing before they get to the cap levels, since as it is right now, you are kind of thrown into the deepend when you decide to fly carriers. Not sure what other players think, i just remember when I got my first carrier I was thrown off by how different a playstyle it was, it would of been nicer to of been gradually introduced to that type of gameplay.
The idea is, that the ship is as sluggish as a high tier cruiser (maybe size wise it would be similar to a negh'var), but not completely crippled like the Vo'quv, meaning that players can get a taste of carrier style playing before they get to the cap levels, since as it is right now, you are kind of thrown into the deepend when you decide to fly carriers. Not sure what other players think, i just remember when I got my first carrier I was thrown off by how different a playstyle it was, it would of been nicer to of been gradually introduced to that type of gameplay.
I like this, and it gives a rough idea on how to scale it down to T2 type carriers. Another idea is limit how many and what these carriers can launch. Say the T2 carrier can only launcher fighters not frigates or BoPs. T2 can launch maybe two fighters, T3 can launch either 4 fighters (two waves) or one BoP. Something along those lines, I guess we'll see when Heretics team applies the balance numbers.
its a shame you cant launch fighters you equip , id be all over having upgardable slots on my fighters and bops . especially as it seems we are about to suffer a heavy nerf on the amount we can call .
also carriers should get a special title (big boy) , the ladies understand =p
I like this, and it gives a rough idea on how to scale it down to T2 type carriers. Another idea is limit how many and what these carriers can launch. Say the T2 carrier can only launcher fighters not frigates or BoPs. T2 can launch maybe two fighters, T3 can launch either 4 fighters (two waves) or one BoP. Something along those lines, I guess we'll see when Heretics team applies the balance numbers.
Limiting lower tier carriers to been able to carry only righters, not frigates, would be a great way to limit thier abilities.
Limiting lower tier carriers to been able to carry only righters, not frigates, would be a great way to limit thier abilities.
And it would allow the adoption of a ship I drew some time ago.
I actually designed it as an "expeditionary" ship that could carry some ground troops and assault shuttles in the upper deck but it could be adjusted to serve as a small carrier provided it takes on only fighters since frigates don't fit into the hangar of a converted D7.;)
why is it that so many people cry over the aux power thing? i only have about 80 and my fighters only take about 1.2 sec longer. to me it sounds like most carrier pilots dont know what their doing.
As stated in another thread, we are currently planning to make most of the new consoles - including this one - accessible to both factions, though the mechanics are still under discussion.
As BoP are the current de facto lower-tier "Science" ship of the KDF, our current thinking is to allow BoP to equip this console, assuming all goes as planned and we figure out a good way to make this available to the KDF.
As stated in another thread, we are currently planning to make most of the new consoles - including this one - accessible to both factions, though the mechanics are still under discussion.
As BoP are the current de facto lower-tier "Science" ship of the KDF, our current thinking is to allow BoP to equip this console, assuming all goes as planned and we figure out a good way to make this available to the KDF.
Just reskin the RI & make it a Nausican or Gorn ship or something & sell it to us in the c-store.:D
As stated in another thread, we are currently planning to make most of the new consoles - including this one - accessible to both factions, though the mechanics are still under discussion.
As BoP are the current de facto lower-tier "Science" ship of the KDF, our current thinking is to allow BoP to equip this console, assuming all goes as planned and we figure out a good way to make this available to the KDF.
The BoP can already setup a cruiser tank or a science debuffing setup not to mention a tactical dps load-out. Not to mention the interaction with various captain powers just what is it supposed to be?
I fly cruisers myself and think its already insane enough that a BoP can dish out crippling damage levels and shrug off counter attacks. Giving them more power?
While on the Subject I thought the general breakdown was supposed to be Escorts DPS science buff/debuff cruisers tank in very general terms on strength. Right now Escorts DPS Science ships can tank with extreme effectiveness and without even going into carriers and birds of prey Cruisers seem to be flying targets. Yeah they have more hull HP which is good for about a cannon round or a torpedo or 2. Is this something you notice internally?
Reposting here as well, since it is actually more relevant here:
Initially, at least, we're planning for a pair of new lower-tier KDF Gorn science vessels, one available at Commander and another at Captain.
As well, we are planning for a similar pair of lower-tier KDF Orion carriers, each probably with a single hanger bay and capable of launching a modified version of Orion interceptors and possibly Tod'uj fighters as well. These will be based off of existing ship art.
All of the above are planned to be on par with the Rhode Island for their respective tiers.
Three of the four of the above ships' consoles were among those I built last week. Geko is mostly done with determining the new bridge officer allocations for each these ships as of yesterday. That being said, these will probably come out towards the end of this new run of ships.
When the resources and internal priorities line up, we would like to provide additional ones at Lieutenant Commander at well, but no promises here - getting even these has been a major effort, as the cloning experiments on Captain Logan and Captain Geko haven't, um, turned out quite as well as we had hoped.
Well the support shuttle seems rather useless as I wonder if it is treating its heals as if it was healing a shuttle instead of a ship for example when I fly the support shuttle on a shuttle mission it's innate SIF transfer skill is passable healing around 10-15% of a shuttle's hull in one usage depending on skill point allocation which is reasonable, but if that is the same strength of the skill that the support shuttle uses when launched by a D'kyr it is not even healing ~2% of a ship's hull spread out over 10 seconds of usage. And this is what appears to be going on except now it isn't even getting skill point allocation bonuses.
From my usage of the support shuttle, a ship's natural regen rates are faster than the hull and shield healing it gives and a single hit from anything negates the benefits, the hull heal is so trivial that anything hitting the hull with shields down once exceeds the healing the shuttle gives over 10 seconds. The shuttle's shield heal seems to be just as trivial as the hull heal. There was already testing done in other threads where they confirmed that the healing you can get from the Borg item set for hull and shields is significantly greater than the capabilities of the support shuttle but even without the Borg item set, the shield and hull heals of the support shuttle seem trivial during the fight as I have no control over when the shuttle uses them and they aren't noticeable (other than the graphic) for when they are even being used as the effects are that small.
Also it would be nice if the D'kyr's turret functioned more like the automatic defense turret so it prioritized targeting destructible mines and torpedoes and fighters before shooting at ships since it does trivial damage (especially since the support shuttle's stats don't seem to be affected by our skill point allocation.) Often I see it just targeting ships or just ignoring mines or HY torps while I have to rely on my own Automated defense turret to take down incoming HY torps or mines. I get more useful support from a pre-order item that is only useful to dealing with mines and destructible torps (and it can easily be overwhelmed with its 1 shot per several seconds firing rate) than I do from the D'kyr's support craft...that is kind of pathetic that the pre-order item prevents more damage to a ship equipped with it than the D'kyr's support shuttle can restore (or prevent). Hell just giving the support shuttle an Automated Defense Turret in addition to it's normal plasma turret/shuttle 360 beam or whatever it is would be nice and useful. The ability to occasionally plop down single mines might be a good variant for those wanting to be offensive mine-layers but I think the support shuttle would be better as defense support, but that is my opinion. Both options should be viable when you consider how modular ships are. The D'Kyr shuttle when used as a shuttle has 2 weapon slots and 2 device slots. When launched by the D'kyr it acts as if it only has 1 weapon. (Too bad it has no tactical consoles or we could equip it with an automated defense turret, but could easily consider the 2nd weapon slot to function as that, or have that be something else and let the defense turret be treated as a device or something.) For the Supprt shuttle maybe it would use the equipment we place on out support shuttle when we launch it from the D'kyr (instead of only using that equipment when we are operating the shuttle for a shuttle mission.) I find it hilariously strange that when I launch the shuttle from my D'kyr it uses plasma weapons, but when I go on a shuttle mission, I have it equipped with a phaser weapon and a torpedo, although sometimes i swap out the torpedo for a second beam weapon.
It would also be nice if we had a way to control the type of damage for our support shuttle/MVAM modules could rig up a single 'hangar slot' for the D'Kyr and other pet using ships and allowed us to plop in different forms of the 'pet' to change up its focus a bit without needing new art for that pet at all as these variants would only be things like swapping phaser for plasma or disruptor, or photon torpedoes with quantums, etc..., or by changing the effectiveness of the various support skills it uses possible at some other balancing cost elsewhere for the pet. It doesn't make sense for a ship equipped with say anti-proton weapons along with quantum torpedoes to separate and suddenly parts of the ship are using phaser weapons and photon torpedoes that they don't have when joined together.
For MVAM, could simply have multiple versions of the MVAM console with the existing version being the MVAM (Phaser & Photon), for example.
If a new slot is made for such 'ship equipment' it wouldn't allow for ships to have different pets like carriers do, but it would allow us some control over our pets, as well as a way to see the base stats for our pets so we can better judge how to use them.
The D'kyr's support shuttle craft's healing beam never seems to activate, or if it does it doesn't seem to heal for much. The Extend shields is nice. It would be more useful if the shuttle was abit more durable then it is currently. Also, there seems to be an issue with deploying it on an allied target, and then going to full impulse. It removes it's self from the target you placed it on and returns to you. After that your unable to redeploy it anywhere else until you de summon and resummon it.
As for the part about deployable speed, also thanks. I could have sworn that Kar'Fi deploy speed was it's own thing and only the Vo'quv deploy speed could be improved by Auxiliary. I remember that in the patch note, that the Kar pet deploy was not listed as being Aux scaling. Also recall the note saying that Voq bays could be taken entirely offline if Aux goes offline, but nothing about the Kar being affected the same way. Are you sure about this?
I still think the Kar shouldn't have a second bay, because that makes the jack of two trades and master of none much closer to the regular Carrier. Besides the specs differences, it would just be missing the Targeting because it is not a full on Sci ship and shouldn't be.
Geko would be the better person for this than I, but I can assure you they are completely different tables that are balanced separately.
As for the player skills modifying stats, I have been digging through things to confirm this, but I am fairly certain than n the vast majority of cases player stats do not, in fact, affect deployable stats. I found a couple of fairly minor exceptions, but thus far I haven't found any player skill effects in anything important other than hanger bay recharge time - certainly, weapons and shields do not appear to be affected as far as I can tell.
As mentioned above, I am still investigating this, but my initial examination seemed to support that the Kar'fi hanger seems to work the same way as the Vo'quv. The original designer is no longer working at Cryptic, so I am having to reverse engineer the way he built some of this, which is why I am not willing to definitively state that at the moment.
Also on the Kar'fi, I don't personally feel this ship needs changes. It's a Tactical Carrier, I don't expect it to be as sturdy as the Vo'quv, I would be really disappointed if their pets are changed to be affected by Aux level. This would eliminate them as being a tact carrier, no sense having four weapons forward if I have focus my power on aux. I know this isn't on the plate atm for changes, but, wanted to voice my opinion on a possible change.
I will look into the D'kyr and see if there are some changes that make sense. Right now Geko and I are up to our necks in ship work, so we're having to prioritize very aggressively...but I will see what I can do.
As for the Kar'fi, the only thing affecting the fighters as far as I can tell is the recharge time - which you will also be able to impact with duty officers.
Nothing we are doing to the Kar'fi should mandate an Aux-only configuration, so if you are currently successful running a Weapons-dominant energy configuration, there is nothing to prevent you from continuing this.
That being said, the general expectation is that all ships will find it advantageous to shift energy distribution configurations in various situations. Some may, it is true, have less need to do this than others, but shifting energy levels mid-combat is a generally expected mechanic.
Sounds good man, I understand you're swamped. Good to hear doffs will affect recharge of pets, or is it an overall recharge of all powers? Good to hear the Kar'fi won't be changed in regards to aux. I mainly do run my weapons high, I only run Aux high when supporting a fleet during an STF. Most of my ships have 3 saved presets, so I agree on the advantages.
A tier 4 carrier, with only one hanger bay could be a good way to try a further fill in the science gaps, maybe something like:-
Consoles - 3 science, 2 tactical, 2 engineering
Bridge Officer slots - lt Engineer, lt Science, cmdr Science, lt Tactical
Weapons - 3 fwd, 2 aft
Hull - 14,000
Turnrate - 9 degrees
Hanger Bay - one
The idea is, that the ship is as sluggish as a high tier cruiser (maybe size wise it would be similar to a negh'var), but not completely crippled like the Vo'quv, meaning that players can get a taste of carrier style playing before they get to the cap levels, since as it is right now, you are kind of thrown into the deepend when you decide to fly carriers. Not sure what other players think, i just remember when I got my first carrier I was thrown off by how different a playstyle it was, it would of been nicer to of been gradually introduced to that type of gameplay.
I like this, and it gives a rough idea on how to scale it down to T2 type carriers. Another idea is limit how many and what these carriers can launch. Say the T2 carrier can only launcher fighters not frigates or BoPs. T2 can launch maybe two fighters, T3 can launch either 4 fighters (two waves) or one BoP. Something along those lines, I guess we'll see when Heretics team applies the balance numbers.
also carriers should get a special title (big boy) , the ladies understand =p
Limiting lower tier carriers to been able to carry only righters, not frigates, would be a great way to limit thier abilities.
And it would allow the adoption of a ship I drew some time ago.
I actually designed it as an "expeditionary" ship that could carry some ground troops and assault shuttles in the upper deck but it could be adjusted to serve as a small carrier provided it takes on only fighters since frigates don't fit into the hangar of a converted D7.;)
I'd rather be able to get the RI console for the Varanus.. or the Vor'quv.. but the Kar'Fi would be nice too.
Nah, my Intrepid needs it more.
What if I've told you you already got too much shields:
I'm hoping this was just a simple oversight and a case of accidentally using the wrong modifiers... Right?
Exactly which ships on the KDF side will be able to equip this particular console is still being discussed, but right now it looks like it will be:
Carriers would just wrong with this power. Just wrong. :cool:
Wait, Klingons can use the RI console?
Wait your thinking of allowing the BoP to use it?
As stated in another thread, we are currently planning to make most of the new consoles - including this one - accessible to both factions, though the mechanics are still under discussion.
As BoP are the current de facto lower-tier "Science" ship of the KDF, our current thinking is to allow BoP to equip this console, assuming all goes as planned and we figure out a good way to make this available to the KDF.
Just reskin the RI & make it a Nausican or Gorn ship or something & sell it to us in the c-store.:D
The BoP can already setup a cruiser tank or a science debuffing setup not to mention a tactical dps load-out. Not to mention the interaction with various captain powers just what is it supposed to be?
I fly cruisers myself and think its already insane enough that a BoP can dish out crippling damage levels and shrug off counter attacks. Giving them more power?
While on the Subject I thought the general breakdown was supposed to be Escorts DPS science buff/debuff cruisers tank in very general terms on strength. Right now Escorts DPS Science ships can tank with extreme effectiveness and without even going into carriers and birds of prey Cruisers seem to be flying targets. Yeah they have more hull HP which is good for about a cannon round or a torpedo or 2. Is this something you notice internally?
Initially, at least, we're planning for a pair of new lower-tier KDF Gorn science vessels, one available at Commander and another at Captain.
As well, we are planning for a similar pair of lower-tier KDF Orion carriers, each probably with a single hanger bay and capable of launching a modified version of Orion interceptors and possibly Tod'uj fighters as well. These will be based off of existing ship art.
All of the above are planned to be on par with the Rhode Island for their respective tiers.
Three of the four of the above ships' consoles were among those I built last week. Geko is mostly done with determining the new bridge officer allocations for each these ships as of yesterday. That being said, these will probably come out towards the end of this new run of ships.
When the resources and internal priorities line up, we would like to provide additional ones at Lieutenant Commander at well, but no promises here - getting even these has been a major effort, as the cloning experiments on Captain Logan and Captain Geko haven't, um, turned out quite as well as we had hoped.