Whatever the Devs do, at some point they need to add more Klingon stations. Klingons need an equivalent to the transwarp capabilities of the diplomacy system and it'd be great to add some bases to accomodate it. Plus, they double as social hubs, which the Klingons need more of.
Whatever the Devs do, at some point they need to add more Klingon stations. Klingons need an equivalent to the transwarp capabilities of the diplomacy system and it'd be great to add some bases to accomodate it. Plus, they double as social hubs, which the Klingons need more of.
Well, they did double the size of Qo'Nos...so in that, they have done more to help the social areas...I do however think that we should have another base...perhaps in Pi Canis......
The only part that really troubles me is where do we actually need a base now?
We have the Fist City. We have Drozana in Eta Eridani. We have Batle Group Omega.
Maybe we really only need two more: Beta Ursae and Alpha Centauri/ Psi Velorum?
Ether way, I think Drozana Station rokz!!!
We should turn to the Ferengi. They believe in the "Great Material Continum" so let's turn that into a tool for us.
*Hears the ignitor assembly on the flamethrows powering up*
The only part that really troubles me is where do we actually need a base now?
We have the Fist City. We have Drozana in Eta Eridani. We have Batle Group Omega.
Maybe we really only need two more: Beta Ursae and Alpha Centauri/ Psi Velorum?
Ether way, I think Drozana Station rokz!!!
We should turn to the Ferengi. They believe in the "Great Material Continum" so let's turn that into a tool for us.
*Hears the ignitor assembly on the flamethrows powering up*
Considering that those bases/stations pretty much only cover a third of the Galaxy available in the game, I don't think they're nearly enough.
I think we need another base in Alpha Trianguli or Zeta Andromedae, and another in either Alpha Centauri or Iota Pavonis.
Wherever you are in the galaxy at the moment, you're one sector block away from a Fed installation, I think the same kind of access needs to happen on the Klingon side.
While taking Empok Nor is my first choice, both for it's canon associations and it's location, another Nor-class Station (to capitalize on any improvements to the Nor model in game when the next FE hits) would be acceptable.
I still think the KDF needs a cloaked asteroid base though.
The only part that really troubles me is where do we actually need a base now?
We have the Fist City. We have Drozana in Eta Eridani. We have Batle Group Omega.
Maybe we really only need two more: Beta Ursae and Alpha Centauri/ Psi Velorum?
Ether way, I think Drozana Station rokz!!!
We should turn to the Ferengi. They believe in the "Great Material Continum" so let's turn that into a tool for us.
*Hears the ignitor assembly on the flamethrows powering up*
You are correct about the last statement...lol....
I would suggest we have a base in Pi Canis...as for the blue space...having bases there would certainly not be feasable...think of the map where it changes color as the war front...why would we have a base in enemy land way in the rear behind the front?...... Perhaps if we were given access to DS9...that would be all we really need to make a base in that area....
Well, they did double the size of Qo'Nos...so in that, they have done more to help the social areas...I do however think that we should have another base...perhaps in Pi Canis......
Just making one area bigger doesn't solve a problem. They didn't really add any variety. Look at the other side of it. Federation players have ESD, Vulcan, DS9, Andoria, Risa, and at least two Starbases as social zones. The Klingons have Qo'Nos and one space station. There isn't much variety in that. Some might argue that with the Klingon population being what it is, you'd want to keep them in the same place. However, some players like to explore. Some players like to set up social events. The bases are used as Hubs for the Diplomatic transwarp abilities. The Klingons don't have anything that compares. Not that I think the Devs should drop everything and make more social zones, but I hope with future content, they could work in new space stations and the such that are used in missions but that can be visited outside the mission the way many Federation starbases are.
With the upcoming Feature Episode coming after Season 4 release. The Klingons need a Base or Space station near Beta Ursae and I think we could put a neutral port in at Defera System in the Orellius Sector Block. This cold be use by both the Federation and Klingons to be able to use the Exchange and Bank system, either run by the Deferi or Ferengi's. All the Dev's need to do is make a Building for both to use on Dereri Prime.
With the upcoming Feature Episode coming after Season 4 release. The Klingons need a Base or Space station near Beta Ursae and I think we could put a neutral port in at Defera System in the Orellius Sector Block. This cold be use by both the Federation and Klingons to be able to use the Exchange and Bank system, either run by the Deferi or Ferengi's. All the Dev's need to do is make a Building for both to use on Dereri Prime.
Anyone know if new bases will be added if the Klingons get more sectors available to them?
Will they be Drozana-like stations? Or places exclusive to the KDF?
Also, will the KDF be able to access the current exploration zones (IE: Rolor, B'tran, Khazan, et al)? And if so, what happens to the Exploration Zones surrounding Omega Leonis?
Will we eventually see the Klingon Empire expanding southwards as well?
Id like to see a new KDF Space Station setup in the Bier patch and another setup in Romulan space.
This might be a bit off topic; however, Id like to see a mobile version of a KDF Star Base, something like an NPC Carrier that appears randomly in various parts of sector space.
This moving station could be used to access Mail and the Exchange, make repairs and heal crewmembers.
Id like to see a new KDF Space Station setup in the Bier patch and another setup in Romulan space.
This might be a bit off topic; however, Id like to see a mobile version of a KDF Star Base, something like an NPC Carrier that appears randomly in various parts of sector space.
This moving station could be used to access Mail and the Exchange, make repairs and heal crewmembers.
The idea sounded better in my head
Since German is my native language, I must say the Bier (which is German for "beer") Patch sounds interesting, where is that wonderful place?;)
Anyway your idea is quite interesting, instead of the static NPC carrier I propsed, one that travels like a DSE or the freighter convoy in Pi Canis we can prey upon, one that we can fly up to when we search in a specific area is quite cool.
It could also give the Feds a daily "drive off the carrier"...which would of course not make the ship disappear just like the transports don't disappear but it would make the contested zones more alive.
alot of the early fed patrols have you attacking a variety of Nausicaan and Orion pirate bases. These locations would be ideal for klingon bases and give some of those systems a use again. Can use some of the interior maps that are already in game probably aswell.
Put an NPC carrier that is escorted by a bunch of NPC ships into a new section in the newly-opened sector blocks that is available to KDF players only.
Have the smaller ships patrol the area around the carrier where you can dock.
Use the existing interior for Klingon ships and place several NPC vendors and possibly Quest Givers throughout the interior.)
This is a great idea that i am 110% behind. I hope Cryptic listens to you.
alot of the early fed patrols have you attacking a variety of Nausicaan and Orion pirate bases. These locations would be ideal for klingon bases and give some of those systems a use again. Can use some of the interior maps that are already in game probably aswell.
this is a great idea on many levels, it would make it so that new people coming into kdf level in basically the same areas of feds at the same level making open pvp dse's more viable as the people who are in those zones would be the approriate level.
Whatever the Devs do, at some point they need to add more Klingon stations. Klingons need an equivalent to the transwarp capabilities of the diplomacy system and it'd be great to add some bases to accomodate it. Plus, they double as social hubs, which the Klingons need more of.
Well, they did double the size of Qo'Nos...so in that, they have done more to help the social areas...I do however think that we should have another base...perhaps in Pi Canis......
We have the Fist City. We have Drozana in Eta Eridani. We have Batle Group Omega.
Maybe we really only need two more: Beta Ursae and Alpha Centauri/ Psi Velorum?
Ether way, I think Drozana Station rokz!!!
We should turn to the Ferengi. They believe in the "Great Material Continum" so let's turn that into a tool for us.
*Hears the ignitor assembly on the flamethrows powering up*
Considering that those bases/stations pretty much only cover a third of the Galaxy available in the game, I don't think they're nearly enough.
I think we need another base in Alpha Trianguli or Zeta Andromedae, and another in either Alpha Centauri or Iota Pavonis.
Wherever you are in the galaxy at the moment, you're one sector block away from a Fed installation, I think the same kind of access needs to happen on the Klingon side.
While taking Empok Nor is my first choice, both for it's canon associations and it's location, another Nor-class Station (to capitalize on any improvements to the Nor model in game when the next FE hits) would be acceptable.
I still think the KDF needs a cloaked asteroid base though.
You are correct about the last statement...lol....
I would suggest we have a base in Pi Canis...as for the blue space...having bases there would certainly not be feasable...think of the map where it changes color as the war front...why would we have a base in enemy land way in the rear behind the front?...... Perhaps if we were given access to DS9...that would be all we really need to make a base in that area....
Just making one area bigger doesn't solve a problem. They didn't really add any variety. Look at the other side of it. Federation players have ESD, Vulcan, DS9, Andoria, Risa, and at least two Starbases as social zones. The Klingons have Qo'Nos and one space station. There isn't much variety in that. Some might argue that with the Klingon population being what it is, you'd want to keep them in the same place. However, some players like to explore. Some players like to set up social events. The bases are used as Hubs for the Diplomatic transwarp abilities. The Klingons don't have anything that compares. Not that I think the Devs should drop everything and make more social zones, but I hope with future content, they could work in new space stations and the such that are used in missions but that can be visited outside the mission the way many Federation starbases are.
You need to ask? To attack them from behind, of course. Also to launch attacks on other powers, like Romulans and Cardassians.
Good suggestion.
Id like to see a new KDF Space Station setup in the Bier patch and another setup in Romulan space.
This might be a bit off topic; however, Id like to see a mobile version of a KDF Star Base, something like an NPC Carrier that appears randomly in various parts of sector space.
This moving station could be used to access Mail and the Exchange, make repairs and heal crewmembers.
The idea sounded better in my head
Since German is my native language, I must say the Bier (which is German for "beer") Patch sounds interesting, where is that wonderful place?;)
Anyway your idea is quite interesting, instead of the static NPC carrier I propsed, one that travels like a DSE or the freighter convoy in Pi Canis we can prey upon, one that we can fly up to when we search in a specific area is quite cool.
It could also give the Feds a daily "drive off the carrier"...which would of course not make the ship disappear just like the transports don't disappear but it would make the contested zones more alive.
This is a great idea that i am 110% behind. I hope Cryptic listens to you.
This is hilarious and so true.
/Seconded for sure.
After all how else can I get my supply of Romulan ale?
this is a great idea on many levels, it would make it so that new people coming into kdf level in basically the same areas of feds at the same level making open pvp dse's more viable as the people who are in those zones would be the approriate level.