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Lets get serious: a REAL solution to the Klingon PvE issue



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    TrentTyler wrote: »
    While the idea in and of itself has merit, they are not allowed to use player made content for official in game content. I believe it has to do with compensation for the authors. While episodes in the foundry are player made( means free) they cant include it in game for numerous labor laws.

    At least that is what i have gleamed from various discussions, and seeing as they are located in California, and the states quagmire of labor laws, i can understand it.

    The 2nd best option, if they truly cannot be official content, is to have selected missions be given official rewards and xp levels. They can create a new section of "Klingon Spotlight" missions and advertise these missions on the web site and in game. Either way it accomplishes the same goal.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The 2nd best option, if they truly cannot be official content, is to have selected missions be given official rewards and xp levels. They can create a new section of "Klingon Spotlight" missions and advertise these missions on the web site and in game. Either way it accomplishes the same goal.

    Either way to think about it the way you suggest is a logical answer..... :eek: :D for a Ferengi...lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Lionheart wrote: »
    As noted in another thread, they can't use player-created content as "live" content.

    How about 'remastered' foundry missions? Like, the devs take a foundry mission, the general story progression, characters, etc., and 'run with it', just turn it into a full-blown live mission.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    How about 'remastered' foundry missions? Like, the devs take a foundry mission, the general story progression, characters, etc., and 'run with it', just turn it into a full-blown live mission.

    You could show your support for this idea in this thread.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Darren, do you still support your "Klingon Experience Project"? And still use that as a platform to promote all these KDF missions?

    Aside from that, I like this idea and wish some of these missions can be integrated in the "live" progression of a Klingon warrior.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    How about this?
    • The highest rated KDF Foundry missions get vetted by the devs.
    • The winners get made into a Foundry Featured Series
    • Each mission selected for the weekly series gets its own item rewards
    • These missions get integrated into standard PvE progression.

    Some of the existing Foundry missions are as good as dev offering, especially since you can create binary endings. :)


    I've ran through some Foundry missions that were very well crafted and better than even some of the Featured Episodes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Personally, I don't know why they don't allow the Klingons to do the Romulan space mission, with some modifications. There is no love loss between the Romulans and Klingons. Then you have the gap between Romulans and the Borg to figure out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Then you have the gap between Romulans and the Borg to figure out.

    Which is about the time the Federation starts doing missions against the True Way and Jem'Hadar
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Personally, I don't know why they don't allow the Klingons to do the Romulan space mission, with some modifications. There is no love loss between the Romulans and Klingons. Then you have the gap between Romulans and the Borg to figure out.

    Spoon heads, dominion, mirror klingons... Breen ? :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I don't see why they can't use player made quest and turn them into live quest. As long as the creator agrees and doesn't use any names or stories from the movies of shows.

    I do. unfortunately there are far too many legal and copyright issues to deal with in order to do something like this, otherwise it would be a good idea. if they did it, they would be running a serious risk of the author one day deciding they don't like what cryptic is doing with the mission and trying to sue them. to say nothing of whether or not cbs would approve of those missions to start with.
    I support this idea. Take a look at my post and see if that would work. The author's would have to donate their work and give up any "rights" to it but may get a byline in the final product (original concept by XXXXX, or something similar).

    the thing about this is that its not as easy for authors to completely 'give up their rights' as you might think. it could backfire on cryptic real easy. not to mention theres still the issue of royalties. even supposed 'volunteers' doing things for game companies are not legally volunteers. several lawsuits have been filed by such players in the past and won.
    According to the agreements we click to use the Foundry and the game itself, authors already give up all rights

    don't believe everything you read nagus. just because it says that doesn't mean its true, or even legally enforcable. the same goes with tos agreements, wills and things of that nature.
    How about 'remastered' foundry missions? Like, the devs take a foundry mission, the general story progression, characters, etc., and 'run with it', just turn it into a full-blown live mission.

    thats when an annoyed foundry author would have the right to go after cryptic for doing that without their permission. they don't want to be on the wrong end of a copyright violation claim.

    realistically this isn't going to happen. we will unfortunately have to wait for he devs to create content, and that looks like its going to be awhile
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    For all the good and innovative things Crpytic has done it never ceases to amaze me how badly they drop the ball on multiple factions.

    No other MMO company has this problem. Only Cryptic. they had it with City of Villains and now they have it with STO. Why does Cryptic have such a hard time dealing with multiple factions? Answer that and we might be able to find a solution.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Inquizitor wrote: »
    For all the good and innovative things Crpytic has done it never ceases to amaze me how badly they drop the ball on multiple factions.

    No other MMO company has this problem. Only Cryptic. they had it with City of Villains and now they have it with STO. Why does Cryptic have such a hard time dealing with multiple factions? Answer that and we might be able to find a solution.

    What was wrong with CoV? o.o
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Inquizitor wrote: »
    For all the good and innovative things Crpytic has done it never ceases to amaze me how badly they drop the ball on multiple factions.

    No other MMO company has this problem. Only Cryptic. they had it with City of Villains and now they have it with STO. Why does Cryptic have such a hard time dealing with multiple factions? Answer that and we might be able to find a solution.

    A better question would be, are there currently any MMOs with multiple factions that both A) have equal content for each faction and more importantly as far as this discussion goes B) have unique(not shared) content for each faction? If there arent, then its no surprise Cryptic is having a hard time doing it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Inquizitor wrote: »
    For all the good and innovative things Crpytic has done it never ceases to amaze me how badly they drop the ball on multiple factions.

    No other MMO company has this problem. Only Cryptic. they had it with City of Villains and now they have it with STO. Why does Cryptic have such a hard time dealing with multiple factions? Answer that and we might be able to find a solution.

    I agree. Honestly. Dual factions are Not cryptics strong point. COV always felt half done to me. it was poorly managed and rather bland. Klingon content seems to emulate this. they get primary factions done beautifully. I think the appeal of CO itself is a strong faction. no dual stuff. most mmos Honestly flounder with dual factions unless the games entire focus is around that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The Foundry could be used to create good leveling content for all current and future factions in STO.

    Missions chosen to be add has offical content could get a little Cryptic touch up and be plugged in and scaled to provied content for all levels of progression for all Toons.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    This idea has merit.

    For those afraid of the Foundry, the worst foundry missions are mob grinds or broken ones. That said, this is no different than most exploration, DSE, and Empire Defense content.

    At its best, KDF Foundry content is better than the majority of developer created missions for either faction.

    To summarize my position:
    • Many who are opposed to the Foundry have been burned by the first set and don't want to wade through a large list to get to the good stuff.

    • Having a "Featured Series"-style suite of dev-vetted Foundry missions would be invaluable toward KDF players.
      • Tack on a suitable item reward and SP/Honor/BOSP reward nad you've got compelling content for KDF players.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    This idea has merit.

    For those afraid of the Foundry, the worst foundry missions are mob grinds or broken ones. That said, this is no different than most exploration, DSE, and Empire Defense content.

    At its best, KDF Foundry content is better than the majority of developer created missions for either faction.

    To summarize my position:
    • Many who are opposed to the Foundry have been burned by the first set and don't want to wade through a large list to get to the good stuff.

    • Having a "Featured Series"-style suite of dev-vetted Foundry missions would be invaluable toward KDF players.
      • Tack on a suitable item reward and SP/Honor/BOSP reward nad you've got compelling content for KDF players.


    I can understand lists in big posts, but I'm noticing you are doing it in most of your posts now. For what its worth though, I agree with this idea.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    A better question would be, are there currently any MMOs with multiple factions that both A) have equal content for each faction and more importantly as far as this discussion goes B) have unique(not shared) content for each faction? If there arent, then its no surprise Cryptic is having a hard time doing it.

    Anarchy Online, Warhammer Online, Earth and Beyond had 3, WoW, EQ2, EVE if you actually choose to stick with a faction, Star Wars Galaxies, KOTORO In theory will have, DAOC. Do you need more examples?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Inquizitor wrote: »
    Anarchy Online, Warhammer Online, Earth and Beyond had 3, WoW, EQ2, EVE if you actually choose to stick with a faction, Star Wars Galaxies, KOTORO In theory will have, DAOC. Do you need more examples?

    The only one I have played out of those is SWG, but it did not have very much faction specific content; 90% of the content was shared between the factions, and that is what the person you are replying to was asking about. So do those other games actually have much faction specific content, or did you misunderstand what was being asked?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Inquizitor wrote: »
    Anarchy Online, Warhammer Online, Earth and Beyond had 3, WoW, EQ2, EVE if you actually choose to stick with a faction, Star Wars Galaxies, KOTORO In theory will have, DAOC. Do you need more examples?

    I'm familiar with WoW which does have more or less equal content for each faction. On the other hand, WoW also has so many subscribers that, if Cryptic gained 1/10th the same number for STO, we'd be talking about the Romulan faction because the Klingon faction would be done.

    After that, Warhammer Online suffers from an equal lack of compelling PVE content in both factions, but, in the same vein, also lacks a significant degree of faction exclusive content.

    Earth and Beyond had three factions, but no significant degree of faction unique content.

    EQ2, a Sony MMO, has unique content and a bigger budget.

    EVE's "faction" set up is so different from the other MMO's that it can't really be considered at all.

    Never played Star Wars Galaxies

    KOTORO is a huge question mark.

    Don't know anything about Dark Age of Camelot.

    Less than half of your examples meet the criteria you are responding too.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You threw 2 of them out because you didn't like their budgets.
    EQ2. I dont remember very well but I do remember two very different factions.

    WoW. Each side is pretty much a unique experience with a few pirces of shared missions here and there. IT doesn't become completely shared until you get into the late 40's and start heading into the 70's Compared to STO. WoW had content unique content that got each faction to "Borg space" and then went shared. In fact alot of the games on this list does that. Eventually you start facing threats that are so large that both factions have to take notice, although they don't necessarily need to ally together. What sets them apart from STO is the Klingons lack this foundation. Shared content isn't a big deal as long as the foundation is sound.

    For some insane reason you threw out Warhammer Online, the one actual Gold standard on that list followed closely by Dark Age of Camelot, VERY different progression paths. Hell, Not only does each side have very different progression paths you had Three entirely different paths you could take each side. The only content that was homogenous was the PvP content. Weather or not you thought that PvE content was TRIBBLE is another issue altogether. All factions had it's own content and if it was bad, I didn't really think it was, all factions had to deal with it. You didn't have a dev favorite faction.

    Earth and Beyond had Unique and equal experiences for Each faction to start before throwing you into the void. See the note above concerning WoW.

    EVE was a stretch yes and it only recently has delved into unique faction specific content. If you choose to ally yourself with that faction then it is a unique experience. Each side is equal and each side has a unique story.

    Galaxies had very unique content when you joined a faction. The missions, areas, and items differed. At the start you are just a citizen of the Galaxy. Once you join a faction it is unique and equal content for each side.

    KOTORO is apparently all about the story and choices we make. It's a single player game with a larger scope than Mass effect or the original KOTOR that they want to charge us Subscription fees to play.

    Oh and you forgot to mention Anarchy Online.

    Every single one of those games match the criteria listed. Only three do I see as a stretch and one of those is because it isn't out yet.

    Games that meet only one of the above listed criteria.

    Planetside - Unique factions but no real story to speak of. Each faction has a unique abilities that let them behave slightly different from one another. No real content though. It's PvP only. Thes tends not to be a problem because noone was expecting there to be a unique story.

    Ultima Online - Technically it has factions although the Grandfathers Faction system is tied to PvP exclusively. Equal factions but no real unique content. All stories in UO are player driven so this isn't really a problem

    LOTRO - VERY similar to what we have here. One faction is delegated to being Player controled enemies for the Heroes. They have Unique PvP missions but most of their content is contained in one zone and it primarily PvP oriented. Very unique content but by no stretch of the imagination equal. This does annoy a small group of players but LOTRO has never proclaimed Monster play to be anything more than it is.

    Matrix Online - I remember two factions but I'm pretty sure they did the same missions. IIRC The factions were basically just a way of picking sides for PvP. Similar to how you would choose a red team or Blue team.

    City of Villains - Cryptics Original baby. Each side has a unique play experience. Where you run into a problem is the Villain path is very linear while you had a lot of options leveling up as a Hero. They had their own content but it was not equal. IT was however a damn sight better than how it is on STO. With Going Rogue they started homogenizing the AT's but the content on each side is still unique. Very little of it is shared. Villains lost their unique playstyle but not their unique storyline and missions.

    The linear path Villains had tended to be a problem. Especially if you were used to the options you had as a Hero. If you didn't like the story line you were stuck. As a hero there were enough stories and missions around that allowed you to be any kind of Hero you wanted. Your progression was also part of your characters history and backstory. For a villain you couldn't really be any villains you wanted to be. Every villain had the same backstory and missions. It took a couple years for them to finally add more content options to redside.

    STO - Like City of Villains Klingons have a unique playstyle about them. At least in space. Their ship selection sets them apart from the Federation. At launch they also had a unique playstyle, the ability to PvP with one another in addition to against the Federation. The Federation since has been given the ability to PvP one another and given a Cloak, not a big deal mind you but it is true. Even so Klingon play in Space is still unique.

    Content wise. The federation has a problem similar to the problem the villains had is City of Villains. There is only one real content path. This makes leveling up alts potentially frustrating. Of course in STO you don't have as much reason to roll up an alt anyway. When we go to Klingon side the one content path they have has huge gaps in it.

    There are a few stories on the Klingon side that delve into a factions storyline. Most of the Klingon missions are PVP missions, "DSE" missions, and Exploration missions. Repeatable and very light on story if it has any at all. These are missions Federation players don't even like to play on their side.

    There is no foundation on which to build a Klingon character. At "End Game" a players priorities change. At this point to are working on badges or min maxing. Before then you are just trying to level up and enjoy the ride.For Klingons there is no real ride. There is no immersion. There is no real sense of belonging to a different faction.

    We don't need to have unique Klingon content from now until the End of time. We just need the foundation to be finished. We need stories that draw a player in. We need XP and Quest rewards to help us along the way. When I'm leveling up I should be looking at my mission log to see what the next mission is. I shouldn't be looking around seeing nothing or worse, a list of missions I've already done. Once a Klingon gets to BG this is no longer a problem. We have Borg and Fluidic space, We even have some more unique Klingon Specific missions to do.

    The problem is and always has been the foundation. This core experience that brings you into the faction. All of these other games have that. STO does not. I don't need to hear about what new choice of wallpaper you have for my walls. I don't need to know what new set of Furniture you've brought to help furnish the place. I don't even care how you are finishing up one of my walls by expanding my neighbors house whos house just happens to connect with mine now. Finish building our damn house and stop blaming us that no one is living in it yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Inquizitor wrote: »
    Galaxies had very unique content when you joined a faction. The missions, areas, and items differed. At the start you are just a citizen of the Galaxy. Once you join a faction it is unique and equal content for each side.

    Can you please give some examples of this? Actual faction specific mission content. Because I played SWG for quite some time, and aside from the faction "themeparks" all of their content was the same.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    @. Inquisitor- I've been following ToR for going on 3 years now, and from what I've seen from screenshots and vids, not only does the gear look completely different for each faction (as well as each class) , but also the missions are different.

    In fact, ToR features faction-exclusive 'stf's' ( they call em flashpoints)

    Also, there' a different pve storyline progression for each of the 8 classes.
    ToR is not just about each faction having a unique experience, but each class as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    @. Inquisitor- I've been following ToR for going on 3 years now, and from what I've seen from screenshots and vids, not only does the gear look completely different for each faction (as well as each class) , but also the missions are different.

    In fact, ToR features faction-exclusive 'stf's' ( they call em flashpoints)

    Also, there' a different pve storyline progression for each of the 8 classes.
    ToR is not just about each faction having a unique experience, but each class as well.

    That's kinda what I was thinking. I've not been following it as closely but I was pretty sure there were two factions. It doesn't surprise me to learn that they have completely different items and missions for each faction. I've come to expect quality like that from Bioware. I didn't know that the classes themselves were also separated.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    nagus whilst i do agree with you 99.9% of the time the blame is entirly at the devs and lead's feet, when this game shipped at launch the number 1 priority beyond bug fixes should have been kdf content. but no they went down the route of polishing ships for the feds, creating pimp outfits for the feds, diplomacy for the feds.......................

    there single mindedness was there for all to see when RAF when out and there was only a fed ship as a reward, that screamed one thing, recruit a friend and play startfleet. welcome to starfleet online.

    an just go on the new qu'nos, very pritty indeed but do the starter missions, its like they were done by a drunk monkey scratchin his butt an didnt know how to set up direction headings. most new players who have never touched sto before will get lost, log off and just play fed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I agree, elevating appropriate and well made KDF foundry missions to full 'live' missions would be a creative and helpful solution to the KDF content drought.
    [*]Tack on a suitable item reward and SP/Honor/BOSP reward nad you've got compelling content for KDF players.

    I'd add to that the need to hookup the mission contact to the regular missions screen instead of leaving it in the foundry tab.

    Essentially make the mission as visible and accessible as any 'regular' one.
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