Actually, I find this being exploited mostly by gold farmers who don't speak English. I don't really do farming myself, but I WILL get in their face when I see them and annoy them by competing with them. You can tell who they are. They have names like "DHGUW" or "twyui", and they are all level 6. When you try to ask how they are doing, they reply with statements that don't make sense.
I never could understand it myself. I tried it once and like after the 5th time got so bored I nearly fell asleep!
Problem with the gold farmers, and the campers of that spot, generally have this magic ability to scan the anomaly before it even appears.
I've seen that to! And they appear to be entirely unselectable. I reported it and was told they would look into it. In the meantime I remained there faithfully honging my horn .
I've grown a beard in the meanwhile, the Empire is crumbling around me, and my crew are looking at me as though I'm a deep-fried chicken-wing.
drkfrontiers, I can appreciate where you're coming from.
Fair-Play is one of the guiding principles I aspire to. I agree that it's not right for people to abuse their teammates or fleetmates or otherwise ruin their game experience out of selfish behavior. And I don't want to see offensive names out there either.
That's game-wide, though. It's not just a KDF phenomenon. And, being the kind of game that it is, we are going to encounter selfish, childish, and boorish players.
Some of 'em were born to be Naausicans, if you get my drift.
I think you're noticing it a lot more because the core KDF players were off on their own and got to be a close-knit community. You guys had to work together if you were going to level at all. Then the neighbors moved in and parked a broken-down B'Rel on the front lawn.
But some of the new neighbors might not be so bad once you get to know them better.
Maybe you could petition Wishstone to change the title of the thread, or just ask to have it closed down now that you've had your say?
I think for the most part the OP was lamenting the lack of teamwork and pvp skills of the people he's seen come over to KDF from Federation. He has a reason to be upset about that, but of course the Fed game doesn't really teach this. You can play pretty much the whole game as a Fed solo. Then you try to pvp or do an STF and the player is completely unprepared for the difference. PvP is a team sport while the rest of the game (STFs and some fleet actions excepted) is basically a solo RPG. The skillset for these two types of play are very different and the types of players attracted to them are often different as well.
Of course, the KDF isn't just Klingons. Playing Klingon means (or should mean) using a Klingon name for your ship for the most part, and buying into the whole Bushido style culture of their race. But if you're Gorn things are different. If you're Orion or Nausicaan things are REALLY different, being more of a pirate style culture rather than based on honor and glorious death. And I don't think anyone really knows what it is to be a Lethean. Much of the KDF hasn't been fleshed out except for the shows and films portrayal of Klingons themselves. My hope is the devs kill two birds with one stone by devoting some of their Featured Episodes to these races to flesh them out and give more content directed at KDF, while still making faction-neutral content as they've decided to do with their limited resources.
I think one way to get players to better learn teamwork is to increase the rewards for fleet actions and pvp. Give people more of an incentive to do it early on as they level up. Season 4's addition of native voice chat should help a lot in this regard as well. You simply don't have time to teach by typing during the fighting. You do have time to say things to rally your team though.
The KDF players also have a role to play. They were so good at pvp (from being self-selected into the pvp faction then getting nothing to do for months except pvp) that they ran off a lot of people who didn't like being cannon fodder for months. I think the top tier of pvp players need to take it on themselves to become teachers so that they will have people to fight against besides themselves. PvP will die if they don't. New games will draw away the few hundred avid pvp'ers who are left, with few replacements prepared properly to join their ranks.
Whatever has become of the call to bring in new Klingon players? We have a sticky here inviting people to come try out the faction and teaching them. Has this effort stopped?
It would be a crying shame if, instead of embracing the new players, it becomes custom to ridicule and shun them. I'm happy to see that this was just "spur of the moment" in posting and hope that was made out of anger.
Are there possibilities to make an Academy fleet perhaps? If you see a player who seems a bit helpless, ping them. "Hey there! That didn't go too well, eh? Say, are you new to your ship/rank/the Klingon faction? There is this fleet we made for new folks to join in so we can show them the ropes a bit, wanna join perhaps? It would be fun to learn with others about...."
Most of the KDF players would welcome any new members to the Empire and even try to show them the ropes. Even the OP had admitted to being a bit too...passionate and has since voiced his opinion in a more calm fashion.
My KDF characters are all members of an KDF offshoot of my Fed fleet, which basically has about 1% of the active playing that the Fed side does. Only a small percentage of the Fed fleet has KDF characters, and they're only rarely on at the same time. My guess is a lot of Fed fleets do the same rather than have their members go off and join some other fleet unrelated to their own. This doesn't help KDF characters team up much. Maybe we need a better way to ally fleets so that we get some critical mass of players in the same chat.
What happened to the really great Klingon players? Those guys you knew were watching your back. PvP was all about tactics in those days when warriors were proud of naming their ships "Yowvl' atleth" and "Qlb vo' Hegh". Our lineage and proud glory is overshadowed by the "Daisies Tugboat's" or some other slanderous insult to a ship of the empire, by Feds rolling a KDF for the fun-of it, and not caring about the faction at all.
PvP enthusiasts don't grow on trees. PvPers will alway be a small group of players, and the only reason why the KDF was full of PvPers is because PvP was all it got. Now it got more, making it interesting for more players. Which brings all kinds of people to it. And that includes good as bad. It's the nature of things, I suppose.
That is overall a good thing. Even for PvP. Because it means that both sides are more balanced in skill levels, and the myth of the KDF OPness will eventually be forgotten, and only PvP fleets and their premades will be "OP".
Well yes, the lack of Player-Skills on KDF side is the downside of the increasing player numbers. But I definitly prefer it the way it is.
Reasons for that a prety simple: In the "old days" there was nothing but PVP, the usual "fed-ball"-fed on KDF side had given up leveling before hitting Commander or had learned real tactis (=became a "good player") when he hit Commander because of simply doing PVP again and again.
Now there are a. other ways to level and b. there isnt any low-level pvp left, so newer KDF players simply CANT learn2play the way we did and go with what is closest to "work" on fed side... wich is a Fed-ball for them.
The alternative is to look out and build groups BEFORE going into a PVP map, but sadly, at last for me, thats harder then it sounds...
I had avoided this topic because I'm a firm believer in letting posts who's potential for harm or outrage outweighs any good they may bring find their way to the oblivion of page2 and beyond, but I make this response now while this post is not just inexplicably still on page 1, but at the top of the forum.
Please, let this post fade away. The original poster has already conceded that, while his sentiment was genuine, his words were poorly chosen and did not do well to convey them. He has already apologized publicly for it so no response you make to him will have any additional effect and truly, no additional effect should be expected.
But what about other arguments that can be made extoling the virtues of a population increase? Lovely, they should be given a voice on any of the other positive threads on this forum, I think there are two threads welcoming new KDF players on the front page still.
What if you want to say a few words in support of the original poster? Well, that's cool, it's not like he doesn't have some valid points and there are good things to say in favor of a smaller and more united faction, please find or make a less inflamatory thread to do it in.
There's always more crime in the city than in the country side because there's more people.
This thread is nothing but a good sign that the KDF population is growing.
A very good thing, despite anything bad that may come to someone's PvP match, one anomaly somewhere that is perma farmed, or an offensive ship name.
I think a agree with you - there are alot more ships in sector space even when I'm grinding my teeth at the "Big Bertha's" and "Honk if your behind me" ships
I had avoided this topic because I'm a firm believer in letting posts who's potential for harm or outrage outweighs any good they may bring find their way to the oblivion of page2 and beyond, but I make this response now while this post is not just inexplicably still on page 1, but at the top of the forum.
Please, let this post fade away. The original poster has already conceded that, while his sentiment was genuine, his words were poorly chosen and did not do well to convey them. He has already apologized publicly for it so no response you make to him will have any additional effect and truly, no additional effect should be expected.
But what about other arguments that can be made extoling the virtues of a population increase? Lovely, they should be given a voice on any of the other positive threads on this forum, I think there are two threads welcoming new KDF players on the front page still.
What if you want to say a few words in support of the original poster? Well, that's cool, it's not like he doesn't have some valid points and there are good things to say in favor of a smaller and more united faction, please find or make a less inflamatory thread to do it in.
Thanks Jermbot - my sentiment exactly! Lets talk about how we (esp. me) can make the KDF the best faction yet, and lets do it on another thread. I would appreciate it if this one was closed
I never could understand it myself. I tried it once and like after the 5th time got so bored I nearly fell asleep!
I've seen that to! And they appear to be entirely unselectable. I reported it and was told they would look into it. In the meantime I remained there faithfully honging my horn
I've grown a beard in the meanwhile, the Empire is crumbling around me, and my crew are looking at me as though I'm a deep-fried chicken-wing.
Fair-Play is one of the guiding principles I aspire to. I agree that it's not right for people to abuse their teammates or fleetmates or otherwise ruin their game experience out of selfish behavior. And I don't want to see offensive names out there either.
That's game-wide, though. It's not just a KDF phenomenon. And, being the kind of game that it is, we are going to encounter selfish, childish, and boorish players.
Some of 'em were born to be Naausicans, if you get my drift.
I think you're noticing it a lot more because the core KDF players were off on their own and got to be a close-knit community. You guys had to work together if you were going to level at all. Then the neighbors moved in and parked a broken-down B'Rel on the front lawn.
But some of the new neighbors might not be so bad once you get to know them better.
Maybe you could petition Wishstone to change the title of the thread, or just ask to have it closed down now that you've had your say?
Of course, the KDF isn't just Klingons. Playing Klingon means (or should mean) using a Klingon name for your ship for the most part, and buying into the whole Bushido style culture of their race. But if you're Gorn things are different. If you're Orion or Nausicaan things are REALLY different, being more of a pirate style culture rather than based on honor and glorious death. And I don't think anyone really knows what it is to be a Lethean. Much of the KDF hasn't been fleshed out except for the shows and films portrayal of Klingons themselves. My hope is the devs kill two birds with one stone by devoting some of their Featured Episodes to these races to flesh them out and give more content directed at KDF, while still making faction-neutral content as they've decided to do with their limited resources.
I think one way to get players to better learn teamwork is to increase the rewards for fleet actions and pvp. Give people more of an incentive to do it early on as they level up. Season 4's addition of native voice chat should help a lot in this regard as well. You simply don't have time to teach by typing during the fighting. You do have time to say things to rally your team though.
The KDF players also have a role to play. They were so good at pvp (from being self-selected into the pvp faction then getting nothing to do for months except pvp) that they ran off a lot of people who didn't like being cannon fodder for months. I think the top tier of pvp players need to take it on themselves to become teachers so that they will have people to fight against besides themselves. PvP will die if they don't. New games will draw away the few hundred avid pvp'ers who are left, with few replacements prepared properly to join their ranks.
Most of the KDF players would welcome any new members to the Empire and even try to show them the ropes. Even the OP had admitted to being a bit too...passionate and has since voiced his opinion in a more calm fashion.
That is overall a good thing. Even for PvP. Because it means that both sides are more balanced in skill levels, and the myth of the KDF OPness will eventually be forgotten, and only PvP fleets and their premades will be "OP".
This thread is nothing but a good sign that the KDF population is growing.
A very good thing, despite anything bad that may come to someone's PvP match, one anomaly somewhere that is perma farmed, or an offensive ship name.
Okay, so.... You're a Klingon heh,
I suppose that makes me a Vulcan then......
How many fingers do I have up?
I'm NOT REALLY a Vulcan, (I only PLAY one in the GAME) and I'm NOT giving you the Vulcan salute either
Reasons for that a prety simple: In the "old days" there was nothing but PVP, the usual "fed-ball"-fed on KDF side had given up leveling before hitting Commander or had learned real tactis (=became a "good player") when he hit Commander because of simply doing PVP again and again.
Now there are a. other ways to level and b. there isnt any low-level pvp left, so newer KDF players simply CANT learn2play the way we did and go with what is closest to "work" on fed side... wich is a Fed-ball for them.
The alternative is to look out and build groups BEFORE going into a PVP map, but sadly, at last for me, thats harder then it sounds...
Please, let this post fade away. The original poster has already conceded that, while his sentiment was genuine, his words were poorly chosen and did not do well to convey them. He has already apologized publicly for it so no response you make to him will have any additional effect and truly, no additional effect should be expected.
But what about other arguments that can be made extoling the virtues of a population increase? Lovely, they should be given a voice on any of the other positive threads on this forum, I think there are two threads welcoming new KDF players on the front page still.
What if you want to say a few words in support of the original poster? Well, that's cool, it's not like he doesn't have some valid points and there are good things to say in favor of a smaller and more united faction, please find or make a less inflamatory thread to do it in.
I think a agree with you - there are alot more ships in sector space even when I'm grinding my teeth at the "Big Bertha's" and "Honk if your behind me" ships
Thanks Jermbot - my sentiment exactly! Lets talk about how we (esp. me) can make the KDF the best faction yet, and lets do it on another thread. I would appreciate it if this one was closed