To preface, I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for this but understand, this is not a suggestion I am seriously making, more a thought exercise that I enjoyed and that I'd like to get a sounding from the community about. As I lay out the explanation below I want to know your answer to three questions, Why are you for, or more likely, against this idea? What would you do as a player if this became a reality? What do you think the overall effect on the game would be?
During the past three days I've had two post exchanges on this forum with different users regarding the death of the Klingon faction. During the first it was suggested that the KDF in its current form was merely monster play and if the developers were not going to do it right, they should just scrap the faction entirely. During the second short exchange, it was suggested that without the KDF the STO MMO in its entirety would shrivel on the vine and die. Two very opposite points of view from two posters passionate about the KDF and demanding more KDF content. I'd also think these two very extreme points of view were detached from reality.
So today I'm looking for realistic insight regarding the possible long term effects of a full faction scrap. For the sake of setting parameters our hypothetical situation is that your "KDF" characters are simply moved into the same faction as Starfleet. All missions and sectors become available to all characters in their current form with the only exceptions being the ones that directly reference the Klingon/Federation war, these will be modified to a minimum degree to bring them in line with current states of affair. All outfits, except the race specific ones, become available to all characters. All ships in game remain sold at their respective vendors but are available to all characters. All PVP queue's get consolidated as there is no longer a reason to split it into KvK or KvF. The in-game explanation for this can be an alliance forged between the two great powers in response to the growing Borg/Undine/Iconian/Whatever We're Killing This Week threat. In game each side still has their separate governments but they're largely irrelevant to the actions of our captains.
Me, personally, I'd LIKE to say I take a stand and walk away, but I've got a lifetime sub so any 'walking away' I do can be undone months down the road. I buy things sparingly from the C-Store so the game as a whole is unaffected by my 3 months of inactivity. However, I'm not even sure I'd actually take that much of a stand. I enjoy this game, I enjoy my ship, and I have friends who I play with and this scrap wouldn't actually change any of those things.
The game itself will see a drop in subscribers. Most people care more about canon than I and I expect many people will have a more violent reaction. Will the entire KDF side of the game walk out though? How many Federation players walk out aswell?
The cons are obvious so I'll start there, loss of faction diversity in terms of storyline and content. Loss of an authentic Star Trek feel. Loss of that competitive 'us versus them' mentality that drives human interaction. Combining of the factions could kill, or at least lessen the priority of adding additional Klingon themed missions, even more than we see right now. It can be seen as an insult to the faith, frustration, and patience shown by those who stuck with this half faction since Beta. It will create greater exposure to jerks playing exclusively on the Federation side. Put the future of any new factions in a tenuous place. You weigh these cons on the scale of your own judgment and decide how big an impact this will have, mention more or elaborate on the ones you feel passionate about.
The pros are a bit less clear and will require more explaining. Removing two factions removes the need for 'faction balance' which has the dual benefit of saving a little bit of effort currently invested in catering to the KDF and stopping alot of complaints on the forums. It opens up a whole wide range of game play experience for those who currently only play one faction or the other. It would allow Klingon players to level exclusively on PVE content without wanting to scratch their eyes out at the monotony. It would give Klingon's access to a full range of science vessels and Humans access to carriers, granted neither of these are the science vessels or carriers that supporters from both factions want but that just makes it less of a pro. It makes Admiral Black happy. It will create greater exposure to cool people playing exclusively on the Federation side. You weigh these pros on the scale of your own judgment and decide how big an impact this will have, mention more or elaborate on the ones you feel passionate about.
you must be brave to post this... what's the word? oh yeah... ambitious idea.
do i think it should happen? maybe... if they can put the klingons back in fully-fleshed out later. it's clear that it's not going forward much now... and people won't wait forever.
i just wonder how long it would take to put them back in, fully-fleshed out?
(for the record, my stance on this idea is neutral, so i'm not for or against it)
you must be brave to post this... what's the word? oh yeah... ambitious idea.
do i think it should happen? maybe... if they can put the klingons back in fully-fleshed out later. it's clear that it's not going forward much now... and people won't wait forever.
i just wonder how long it would take to put them back in, fully-fleshed out?
(for the record, my stance on this idea is neutral, so i'm not for or against it)
I'm softly against it myself but I made this post because I think there's value to getting a realistic idea for what will happen if the Klingon faction is scrapped.
So, how would it effect your personal game experience? Do you primarily play Klingon or Federation? If Klingon it's clear you won't stop playing because of this in the short term, but does your answer change if this is a permanent solution? If you play on the Federation side of the game, would you find any personal value in access to previously Klingon exclusive ships, missions and costume slots?
I'd quit. By combining the factions, I think you damage them both. Star Fleet wouldn't be Starfleet. The Klingon Empire wouldn't be the Klingon Empire. They would both be dwatered down versions of themselves. It would feel less like a Star Trek universe to me. I don't want my Klingon General taking missions from Star Fleet. I don't want my Klingon General attempting to address Federation concerns. I don't want PvE missions just for the sake of having PvE missions if the mission is one that makes no sense for the Klingon Empire.
And, I don't believe they'd ever flesh out the Klingons if the did this. Why would they need to? Klingons would have the same stuff as the Federation.
um well i have 2 lifer subs one for myself & my son & neither of us have more than logged in to get updates in over a month.
Why because we were both klingon players & are sick to the back teeth of the klingons getting the shaft.:mad:
As much as I agree with the notion that combining the factions would open up more content to the Klingon players, my reasons for disagreeing with it are as follows:
Everything unique about a player toon will be irrelevant save for a different skin.
I play KDF only because I like the idea of having a culture that is my own. This idea seems like something more like pillaging the few remaining strengths the Klingons have left, their ships. Its carpetbagging.
If the KDF position is bad now, imagine how shocking it will be when Klingons are relegated to third-class status (we are already second-class), under the protective yoke of the Federation. What happened to the culture of the Prime Directive Starfleet.
What makes me love the KDF so much is, despite the odds we keep coming-up against, at the end of it all, I can say I was there. Hell, they should hand out awards just for that.
I can't support the idea that any true KDF player that has been around since Beta, would support the idea of scrapping the faction or combining it with Feds. Absolutely not - this sounds much like many disgruntled Feds I hear all the time, who has given KDF a try and realised they just haven't mastered the play style.
I'd quit. By combining the factions, I think you damage them both. Star Fleet wouldn't be Starfleet. The Klingon Empire wouldn't be the Klingon Empire. They would both be dwatered down versions of themselves. It would feel less like a Star Trek universe to me. I don't want my Klingon General taking missions from Star Fleet. I don't want my Klingon General attempting to address Federation concerns. I don't want PvE missions just for the sake of having PvE missions if the mission is one that makes no sense for the Klingon Empire.
And, I don't believe they'd ever flesh out the Klingons if the did this. Why would they need to? Klingons would have the same stuff as the Federation.
Thank you, the belief that this would kill any content growth with that Klingon feel was not a downside I had considered but certainly a valid one. And you actually addressed the point of the exercise by clarifying your faction loyalty and stating your response. I would, just to be contrary, point out that a Starfleet Captain, at least, could level perfectly fine without taking a single Klingon mission so his personal experience need not be watered down. I suppose a Klingon Captain could do the same on faction agnostic replays and defense of the empire missions, but really, asking someone to do that all the way to LG is simply not reasonable.
um well i have 2 lifer subs one for myself & my son & neither of us have more than logged in to get updates in over a month.
Why because we were both klingon players & are sick to the back teeth of the klingons getting the shaft.:mad:
But would you consider a faction merge or scrap to be a bigger slap to the face, or would the possibility of a full range of off flavor leveling content bring you back?
As much as I agree with the notion that combining the factions would open up more content to the Klingon players, my reasons for disagreeing with it are as follows:
Okay, I understand that you're against the idea. And to be perfectly fair I hadn't considered that people might feel pride at the masochism of staying true to this faction but if it's true to you we can add, "Can be seen as a betrayal of the pain, tears and faith that Klingon players have shown through the trying times since beta." And while I was around at Beta, I can certainly say I did not have the strength of will to stick around, so for that, my hats off to you.
But what would be your personal response to this if it happened? Would you leave and never look back? Would you continue to play under protest and campaign for faction separation when the KDF has a full game play experience, as has been suggested by an earlier respondent?
IF Mr Stahl did what he said he was going to do this would not even be an issue, I think the quote was something like making the KDF whole, happy or complete. I guess I could go look but seriously why bother?
Do you wonder why we have this state of affairs? Why no one wants to roll a KDF toon? We are BORING, we get next to nothing from the developers, (Shoot even our Uber cool planet killing Torpedoes are taken from us and given to the Feds), granted, we have more content than we had in the beginning but for every 15 things the Federation gets we get 1. PVP has no added content for what seems like light years,even though pvp is an integral part of the game. (We did not create it, we just play whats given to us)
What would happen if we actually got some real love from STO. Lots of things (no idea what here guys/gals help me out) that would make our Faction more interesting from a Federation point of view. Maybe more players would want to play as a Klingon. GIve em a reason to play the other side.
When I first rolled my KDF toon I felt like I was a traitor, little did I know it was the best thing I did as the KDF side turned out to be more supportive (as a player based faction) in doing things together. This built gameplay on the KDF side that I did not get on the Fed side. When going into pvp maps (back then this was the ONLY way to level a toon) I actually got invited to a team, given pointers on my build, heck one guy actually sat down with me at the end of the game and TOLD ME exactly what I had to do to my build as a Klingon toon and as a KDF ship. I remember this (And thanks to that player, you know who you are) took about an hour in gameplay after the match. Never had anything like this on the Fed side in 4 months of gameplay. Shoot, I actually got invited to a team as a KDF player in a C&H match, was wondering who was stupid enought to invite an unknown noob to a team let alone that this feature was an ingame function. Guess it was someone that actually cared about the game and possibly maybe about other players.
I remember in zone chat on Qo'noS recently a new convert from the Federation side (he left for obvious reasons) was ranting about the lack of SIGNS in our Facility. He was not ranting, he was LIVID, calling us names, telling us how we were worthless, asking questions why we would even play such a stupid faction when we did not even have signs to direct him where to go. This went on for 15 minutes or so when everyone in Zone chat finally told him to leave if he was so unhappy. (Frankly I think most of the players ended up ignoring him it was so bad) His actions sum up exactly how the Federation and the KDF gameplayers are different. One cares about the Skin of the game, one cares about the content of the game. Which one would you support? I believe that as a lifetime subscription based member of STO that ANY faction I so CHOOSE to play should get EQUAL opportunity and rewards/missions/items from the Developers. Too much to ask for? I paid for the whole game.
What would happen if we (KDF) got a bit of respect from STO? Heaven knows, but I guess in the mean time the Devs will keep putting out costume packs for the Feds.
I would be strongly opposed to this idea.
I bought this game to play as a Klingon because I believed the opening statements ofa fully developed Empire.
I have zero desire to play as a smooth head.
IF Mr Stahl did what he said he was going to do this would not even be an issue, I think the quote was something like making the KDF whole, happy or complete. I guess I could go look but seriously why bother?
I don't want this to turn into a thread where people unload a laundry list of complaints about how much attention Klingons receive, these are valid complaints, I share them myself, but there are already multiple threads on this board for that.
Onto the rest of your post. I'm certainly happy to hear you've had such a positive experience with the players in our small little niche, and I will certainly add potential exposure to jerks as a con against the idea, I'm also obligated to add exposure to nice guys as a pro. I'm a bit leary of this line of reasoning though as what you are describing is the result of us being a small faction who stands together, sorta, and whether the KDF is better off as a small faction or a large one is an interesting discussion to have, it's not really the purpose of this thread.
So now I have to ask you the same thing, while being against the idea how would you respond as a player? Would you quit entirely, would you accept it but petition for a faction separation immediately, would you accept it but petition for a faction separation at a later period when there's enough faction agnostic and Klingon themed stuff to allow a full leveling experience?
I would be strongly opposed to this idea.
I bought this game to play as a Klingon because I believed the opening statements ofa fully developed Empire.
I have zero desire to play as a smooth head.
I understand that you're opposed and that you feel betrayed by the current state of the game. But how would you respond as a player if this became a reality? Would you leave? Would you stay but refuse to engage in the missions made available as imported from the Fed side of things?
Keeping our other disagreements aside, I paid for two factions. If they short me one, I would expect a refund of half my LTS ($175+1/2 the tax). On top of that, I would log off in protest until they restored the KDF.
I understand that you're opposed and that you feel betrayed by the current state of the game. But how would you respond as a player if this became a reality? Would you leave? Would you stay but refuse to engage in the missions made available as imported from the Fed side of things?
Yes, I would leave completely.
If there was no ability to play as a Klingon in the Klingon Empire I would have nothing more to do with STO.
I'd quit. By combining the factions, I think you damage them both. Star Fleet wouldn't be Starfleet. The Klingon Empire wouldn't be the Klingon Empire. They would both be dwatered down versions of themselves. It would feel less like a Star Trek universe to me. I don't want my Klingon General taking missions from Star Fleet. I don't want my Klingon General attempting to address Federation concerns. I don't want PvE missions just for the sake of having PvE missions if the mission is one that makes no sense for the Klingon Empire.
And, I don't believe they'd ever flesh out the Klingons if the did this. Why would they need to? Klingons would have the same stuff as the Federation.
You say Starfleet wouldn't be Starfleet and the Klingon Empire wouldn't be the Klingon Empire, but where does it say that by joining factions to the same cause they lose their individual identities?
If you don't want your general taking missions from Starfleet, obviously don't take them from Starfleet. Nobody forces you to accept any offered mission. Ultimately you should expect some kind of story-driven collaboration at end-game, because that sort of thing works well in story-telling, but I doubt anyone would expect or even allow you to do your character's low level grinding at Starfleet Academy, unless you made a Starfleet Klingon of course.
You shouldn't expect every little mission to have a drastic effect on the Empire or any other faction. Missions like that in MMOs should be reserved for difficult, literally epic storylines. The bulk of the day-to-day will be much the same as it is now - go to a sector and patrol for enemies. Just you won't be firing on Federation ships automatically, you'll be harassing them with unnecessary search and seizure, and then we'll have to come and investigate, and ... you know .. other stuff could happen. Peel the onion and see what's inside.
A peace treaty between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets fleshes out each faction so well it practically writes content itself. Now if I have to do all y'alls work for ya I want a desk and a paycheck, ok? You know how to get in touch with me.
You say Starfleet wouldn't be Starfleet and the Klingon Empire wouldn't be the Klingon Empire, but where does it say that by joining factions to the same cause they lose their individual identities?
If you don't want your general taking missions from Starfleet, obviously don't take them from Starfleet. Nobody forces you to accept any offered mission. Ultimately you should expect some kind of story-driven collaboration at end-game, because that sort of thing works well in story-telling, but I doubt anyone would expect or even allow you to do your character's low level grinding at Starfleet Academy, unless you made a Starfleet Klingon of course.
You shouldn't expect every little mission to have a drastic effect on the Empire or any other faction. Missions like that in MMOs should be reserved for difficult, literally epic storylines. The bulk of the day-to-day will be much the same as it is now - go to a sector and patrol for enemies. Just you won't be firing on Federation ships automatically, you'll be harassing them with unnecessary search and seizure, and then we'll have to come and investigate, and ... you know .. other stuff could happen. Peel the onion and see what's inside.
A peace treaty between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets fleshes out each faction so well it practically writes content itself. Now if I have to do all y'alls work for ya I want a desk and a paycheck, ok? You know how to get in touch with me.
I don't see it playing out that way though. A peace treaty is one thing. I'm not talking about a peace treaty. Sure, you could have a peace treaty and have plenty of distinct content for both factions. But, I don't think that is what the OP is getting at. The OP is talking about doing away with faction differences. He specifically says that every player gets access to all the missions (with the only changes being made to missions that reference the Klingon/Starfleet war), costumes, and ships.
Beyond that, I think you are putting words in my mouth and your response ignores some of the OP's proposal. I didn't say every single mission should have a drastic effect on the Empire. If they simply disposed of the Klingon Empire as a separate faction and absorbed it into the Federation, with both factions getting access to each other's PvE, then I think you are watering down both factions. The Federation isn't going to be conducting Path of the Warrior missions. That doesn't make sense. The Klingon Empire isn't going to help repel ithe Gorn, which are part of their Empire. The Klingons don't share the Federation's concern with violating the Prime Directive. Sure, you could do some rewrites and sub in different enemies, but if you are going to go to that trouble, you might as well just make new content for everyone.
If the idea is that the Klingon players will have more to do if the distinct factions are abolished, and I then took your suggestion by not ever doing the Federation missions, then I'm no better off than I am now.
The OP suggested that all players of either faction would have access to all costumes, except for race specific ones (I'm not sure what that includes--would the normal Klingon outfits be available to Star Fleet?), and all ships. While I don't require rigid compliance with canon, that is too far a departure for me. I think it is a slippery slope to have that much intermingling between the two factions. What is next? Players want a Romulan faction. Do we just scrap that too and make them part of this new Federation/Klingon faction? Are all their costumes and ships playable by anyone? How about Cardassians? The Borg Collective? The Undine? The OP pointed out one of the cons--the game loses it's Star Trek feel.
i personally wanted from day 1 to have the fed/klingon alliance from tng/ds9 to remain in tact.
That would have meat the game started with one faction, but the feds and klingons could still use their own ships, costumes and starting locations. every mission would have been written as neutral and from the point of view that the alliance was still going strong so it would make sense to klingons and feds (i know it would lose a bit of the uniqueness but i would have seen that as a small sacrifice.)
later on when the game has been out for a year or two, they would create a paid romulan/cardassian expansion pack, then later on a dominion/breen expansion to have a total of 3 factions.
however that did not happen and i dont think you can just go back and mix it all up now. the advantage of the way it is, is that the klingons can still get their unique content, it will just take a very, very long time, and probably more dependant on the foundry now.
in a nutshell, yes IMO they should have integrated the klingons and feds together from the start, but its too late to scarp the klingons now, and i have to say i do enjoy being my klingon characters more than my feds. what's done is done, and Id like to expand on that uniqueness now rather than going backwards.
I am against this idea. I too bought this game because it was advertised with a full Klingon faction. I have no desire to play Fed. If they scrap the KDF I will expect a LTS refund x2, one for my and one for me.
I started a KDF toon with a buddy of mine when he bought the game. He kept his fed toon long enough to get access to the KDF then deleted his Fed toon. We both knew the KDF had little PvE content and that the only good way to level up was from PvP. We didn't mind that since we wanted to get good at PvP. We both leveled our toons to Brig General from PvP alone and leveled them the rest of the way to Lt Gen from a combination of PvE content, FES, and PvP.
I am used to grinding to level up my toons. I play the Final Fantasy games and most of my time is spent grinding a few levels between story points. I think KDF PvE content is fine the way it is. I would like to see more ships, customization for ships, and costume options though.
Keeping our other disagreements aside, I paid for two factions. If they short me one, I would expect a refund of half my LTS ($175+1/2 the tax). On top of that, I would log off in protest until they restored the KDF.
Thank you, that was pleasantly to the point and exactly what I was asking for.
I've had similar thoughts to the OP while reading the whole selling-off drama through the forums and elsewhere.
I came to the conclusion that I only know my own mind, and I only ever intended to play a Starfleet character.
Okay, considering it from the point of view of a Federation player, since you obviously don't despise the idea I assume you'd keep playing. Would your play experience be at all improved by the access to Klingon exclusive content such as missions, ships or outfits or is that something you could just never see yourself making use of?
The Klingon Empire isn't going to help repel ithe Gorn, which are part of their Empire.
Those missions would be modified as little as possible to bring them in line with the new factionless nature. In this case they'd go from Gorn to "Gorn Terrorists" or "Gorn Seperatists."
except for race specific ones (I'm not sure what that includes--would the normal Klingon outfits be available to Star Fleet?
Pretty much if it can be worn by one of the generic 'aliens' available to both factions, it's not race specific. At the moment some Nausicaan pieces, Orion pieces, and some upcoming Gorn pieces are the only costume pieces I can think of that fit the bill. Yes, normal Klingon outfits would be available to Star Fleet and visa versa. Possibly the game might go so far as to limit the clothing options available at each of the tailors to what was previously faction specific.
Players want a Romulan faction.
Anything about other factions goes beyond the scope of this thread... but since we're playing with hypotheticals anyway...
Say this is done as a stop gap measure until there is enough faction agnostic and Klingon specific material to make leveling for that faction feasible, at which point they then split the factions off. It then becomes a template for the gradual introduction of a third or fourth faction at the speed Cryptic seems to like to do these things.
in a nutshell, yes IMO they should have integrated the klingons and feds together from the start, but its too late to scarp the klingons now, and i have to say i do enjoy being my klingon characters more than my feds. what's done is done, and Id like to expand on that uniqueness now rather than going backwards.
Okay, you're against the idea softly, not hating the concept but thinking it's a wrong way to go given what's already occured and the way the player base has already formed. But what would you do as a player if it were implemented? Quit all together, or ride it out and see what happens?
I am used to grinding to level up my toons. I play the Final Fantasy games and most of my time is spent grinding a few levels between story points. I think KDF PvE content is fine the way it is. I would like to see more ships, customization for ships, and costume options though.
So, I'm going to figure you are not tempted by the possibility of PVE level grind material and so are against the idea. But as before, what would you do as a player if it were implemented? What effect do you think it will have on the game as a whole?
Okay, considering it from the point of view of a Federation player, since you obviously don't despise the idea I assume you'd keep playing. Would your play experience be at all improved by the access to Klingon exclusive content such as missions, ships or outfits or is that something you could just never see yourself making use of?
No, but I could see it improving from having an army of Klingon veterans on our side. Content-wise, I'm against so much development time being spent on new, non-canon Starfleet costume additions to the C-Store and as Veteran rewards. I think there could be a big boost in content generation by having the Federation and Klingon Empire working together.
Each side could retain it's own starting areas, but with new areas appearing for levels 10-20, 20-30, 30-50 then 50+ eventually. The stories that could be plucked from any major conflict resolution in history and adapted to Trek lore are limitless. If they'd pay me to do it I would literally spend 20 hours a day doing it but it's too late now, just as I get the means to be sponsored by overseas companies for employment.
So, I'm going to figure you are not tempted by the possibility of PVE level grind material and so are against the idea. But as before, what would you do as a player if it were implemented? What effect do you think it will have on the game as a whole?
Scrap the KDF? I don't think it'll happen. If they combine the factions, maybe the complainers will shut up? I'd still play my KDF toon either way.
Originally Posted by MinosOne
The Klingon Empire isn't going to help repel ithe Gorn, which are part of their Empire.
Those missions would be modified as little as possible to bring them in line with the new factionless nature.
In this case they'd go from Gorn to "Gorn Terrorists" or "Gorn Seperatists."
Fine, you could do that, but how many Gorn Terrorists, Nausican Seperatists, Orion Freelancers, etc. are you willling to put up with? How about the Klingon missions where you are busting Klingon prisoners of war out of a Federation prison? It seems to me that it is too late to redo all of this. If you are going to spend that much time changing everything, I'd prefer you just make new content.
except for race specific ones (I'm not sure what that includes--would the normal Klingon outfits be available to Star Fleet?
Pretty much if it can be worn by one of the generic 'aliens' available to both factions, it's not race specific. At the moment some Nausicaan pieces, Orion pieces, and some upcoming Gorn pieces are the only costume pieces I can think of that fit the bill. Yes, normal Klingon outfits would be available to Star Fleet and visa versa. Possibly the game might go so far as to limit the clothing options available at each of the tailors to what was previously faction specific.
It seems to me that either you make everything available to everyone, or you don't. If the Klingon Empire and Federation are going to wear each other's uniforms and fly each other's ships, why are we suddenly limiting some of the costume options? I'm not in favor of any of it.
Players want a Romulan faction.
Anything about other factions goes beyond the scope of this thread... but since we're playing with hypotheticals anyway...
Say this is done as a stop gap measure until there is enough faction agnostic and Klingon specific material to make leveling for that faction feasible, at which point they then split the factions off. It then becomes a template for the gradual introduction of a third or fourth faction at the speed Cryptic seems to like to do these things.
I still don't support it, and I still wouldn't play it. I can't see the Devs doing all this work as a stop gap measure only to undue it later. (Then again, I could be wrong, they have spent a ton of time redesigning so many aspects of the game: ESD, Qo'nos, Ground Combat, Sector Space, Gorn, Deep Space Encounters, etc.). Not to mention, I don't believe for a minute they'd develop a whole bunch of new Klingon content once they combined the factions. At most, they'd develop more agnostic missions, but Klingon players are clamoring for more Klingon content. Not to mention, you already have players from both "factions" using each other's ships and costumes and running each other's missions. You would just undue all of that? It seems pointless to me.
The Romulan discussion might go beyond the scope of your intent for this thread, but I think the point still stands. You proposed disposing of factions and making everything available to everyone of both factions (nearly everything). Once you do that, why wouldn't you make Romulan, Cardassian, Ferengi, etc. gear to everyone regardless of faction? You've already disposed of most of the uniqueness of the Federation and Empire, why leave the Romulan stuff out?
That is why I don't like the proposal. I want a Klingon experience. Once you combine everything, you ruin that in my opinion. You asked what I would do, and my answer is I would stop playing. Fortunately, I don't think I have to worry about this coming to pass.
When I started playing STO I ran a FED toon all the way to top tier it was good experience but as soon as I
rolled my first KDF toon my fed was toast and have not been back to fed side since.
Im the type of person who likes to play the antogonist, in EVE i went to -10 and played a pirate, in WOW
I played horde here I play KDF and Im sure there are a lot of us on the KDF side who play this way.
So in my opinion scraping or rolling the KDF into the Fedaration is a bad idea and on a side note I
wonder how many people with my type of personality who like to play the antogonist have came to the
STO website excited and ready to join only to come to the forums and read the posts on the plight
of the KDF and decide not join up because of it, I dont know and would not hazard a guess but Im
sure cryptic has lost some revenue because of it.
Id like to see the figures for when new klingon content comes out and i bet it is not as bad as they make out ok on a regular basis i log in as my fed but when im fed up and just want to kill in PVP i us my Bop because its fun
Id like to see the figures for when new klingon content comes out and i bet it is not as bad as they make out ok on a regular basis i log in as my fed but when im fed up and just want to kill in PVP i us my Bop because its fun
Me too, but in the meantime, as a mostly Fed but sometimes Klingon player, what would your reaction be if this came about?
Would you stop playing entirely or would your own play habits be largely unaffected?
Okay, I understand that you're against the idea. And to be perfectly fair I hadn't considered that people might feel pride at the masochism of staying true to this faction but if it's true to you we can add, "Can be seen as a betrayal of the pain, tears and faith that Klingon players have shown through the trying times since beta." And while I was around at Beta, I can certainly say I did not have the strength of will to stick around, so for that, my hats off to you.
But what would be your personal response to this if it happened? Would you leave and never look back? Would you continue to play under protest and campaign for faction separation when the KDF has a full game play experience, as has been suggested by an earlier respondent?
I would try and best orientate myself to the change. I would probably throw a tantrum or two, until I realised that there is nothing I could do to change the status quo. But, I think if I was repeatedly taking down by Starfleet in Klingon Ships, I might move along.
But, one thing that would be difficult to fit into this notion would be PvP. If we all belong to the same faction, how would we reconcile the nature of PvP - two foes pitted against one another?
I believe that even a two-faction MMO is the bare minimal for somewhere as grand as Star Trek. One? And I might think the whole "linear-playing-exprience-jinx" in STO, would be fatal to the game as a whole. What would happen to the other playable factions further along the path? How could Cryptic justify any further development on those if they have amalgamated the classic arch-enemy of the Federation?
If they did not decide to offer up the Klingons as a faction from the get-go and just introduced the game as a single Federation faction I would have had no problems with it. However, they stated early on that the KDF would be a fully fleshed out faction with plenty of PvE. I went into the game expecting to have my Klingon as my main and my Federation character as a sort of secondary main. Unfortunately, Cryptic screwed the pooch on this one.
I do not want to see the KDF scrapped or merged or anything at this point. The Targ's out of the bag, so to speak, and if Cryptic ever decided to do this I would most likely quit out of frustration than anything else. The Klingons are my favorite Trek race and I jumped at the chance to play one. I love the Klingon culture and it's why I still fight for more for the KDF. If they homogenized the factions (like the OP suggested in another thread) or merged the KDF into the Federation it would destroy that uniqueness that I had looked forward to.
I would rather see the factions as they are now, even if it meant little future development for my beloved faction. It's better than the alternatives presented here.
If they did not decide to offer up the Klingons as a faction from the get-go and just introduced the game as a single Federation faction I would have had no problems with it. However, they stated early on that the KDF would be a fully fleshed out faction with plenty of PvE. I went into the game expecting to have my Klingon as my main and my Federation character as a sort of secondary main. Unfortunately, Cryptic screwed the pooch on this one.
Thank you. You answered the most important question raised in your response and I can ask for nothing more than that.
I will mention that my view on homogenization is more along the lines of, "It's happening regardless, so you might as well look for the silver lining."
I will answer your question -- without Klingons, there is no Star Trek, and I would quickly lose interest and take a leave of absence until Klingons were restored...if the KDF was merged into starfleet..that leave of absence would likely become permenant.
But on to another question that has me curious. What on earth are YOU trying to do?
In the Fed forums you rant and rave about getting the Battlecloak for Federation ships. You also rant and rave about Carriers. In these forums you start thread after thread about merging factions, doing away with Klingons, or homogenizing the factions so that each faction has exactly the same types of ships and capabilities as the other. You state that this is for the good of the KDF -- that by merging factions you increase the experience for the KDF player, and open up new PvE content.
It almost sounds as if your theory is simply that if Cryptic would remake the KDF in the Starfleet image, then all of us dire captains in our Vo'Qovs, Vorchas, Birds of Prey, and Raptors will simply realize the error of our ways, and be happy with all this stuff that we were missing out on the Fed side...
You know...I play KDF for a reason...and that reason is NOT to be a Starfleet officer in any way, shape or form.
I am proudly unrepentant, and I stand resolute. The only "negotiation" that Starfleet will see from me will be punctuated with the distinctive sounds of a disruptor discharging. The whine of disruptors is far more honest than the deceitfull murmurings of Federation targs.
ZTempest-I only mind a little that the bulk of your response is a dramatic oversimplification of off topic comments I've made in other threads. But I mind alot that you apparently didn't fully read the original post that you are addressing. Lets classy this up and keep it on target, okay?
I will answer your question -- without Klingons, there is no Star Trek, and I would quickly lose interest and take a leave of absence until Klingons were restored...if the KDF was merged into starfleet..that leave of absence would likely become permenant.
This proposal would not remove the Klingon race OR any of it's content from the game. I'm going to have to mark you down as "nonresponsive" until you can show you understand the question being asked.
But on to another question that has me curious. What on earth are YOU trying to do?
So today I'm looking for realistic insight regarding the possible long term effects of a full faction scrap.
To expound. I want to find out how people will respond and I also find value in the actual information being out here for everybody. That way when someone says "If they're not going to do it right they should scrap the KDF" I can point out that the majority of people I've asked would prefer the KDF in it's current form, warts and all, to even the least intrusive faction scrap. On the other side, if someone says, "Without the KDF the game will die." we will have some actual insight into the kinds of effects this will have.
In the Fed forums you rant and rave about getting the Battlecloak for Federation ships. You also rant and rave about Carriers. In these forums you start thread after thread about merging factions, doing away with Klingons, or homogenizing the factions so that each faction has exactly the same types of ships and capabilities as the other. You state that this is for the good of the KDF -- that by merging factions you increase the experience for the KDF player, and open up new PvE content.
Rant and rave? Glad to see we're keeping this objective and impersonal. I'm just going to do the polite thing, and to save you the embarrassment of having your total lack of etiquette pointed out repeatedly, I will call attention to it this once so you can have this opportunity to learn, and then automatically translate mindless invective and rhetoric into reasonable discussion. And, it looks like you're not going to be able to maintain an accurate view of history are you? That's actually pretty insulting, but I will try to fact check you as politely as possible.
Yes, I do post lengthy and repeated arguments in favor of Bird of Prey equivalent ships, Carrier equivalent ships and even Science Vessel equivalent ships being made available to both factions. I do believe this is for the good of the KDF for various reasons outlined in my previous posts and good for the game as a whole, for various reasons outlined in my previous posts. If you wish to discuss those views in more detail, I suggest posting a reply on one of those other threads or creating a new thread.
Fact check.
1 Thread about merging factions that is also my 1 thread about scrapping the Klingon faction so do those become .5 thread factions because you want to count them separately? Nah, that's just silly.
1 Thread about homogenizing the factions so they have ships with similar abilities
0 Threads about homogenizing the factions so they have exactly the same kinds of ships
also you missed
1 Thread about allowing characters to faction switch.
Each of these threads were made a day or more apart so "thread after thread" is hardly accurate.
It almost sounds as if your theory is simply that if Cryptic would remake the KDF in the Starfleet image, then all of us dire captains in our Vo'Qovs, Vorchas, Birds of Prey, and Raptors will simply realize the error of our ways, and be happy with all this stuff that we were missing out on the Fed side...
Well, you have dramatically misunderstood, oversimplified if you will, my theory. Given your shaky grasp of the facts and overall negative opinion of lengthy, well thought out posts, I'm not surprised that some nuance got misinterpreted. I do not have the time to fully explain my position here, but if you are interested in giving it a fair hearing with an open mind, I'd be happy to PM you. This thread though is not for protracted discussion on off topic matters.
You know...I play KDF for a reason...and that reason is NOT to be a Starfleet officer in any way, shape or form.
I am proudly unrepentant, and I stand resolute. The only "negotiation" that Starfleet will see from me will be punctuated with the distinctive sounds of a disruptor discharging. The whine of disruptors is far more honest than the deceitfull murmurings of Federation targs.
Happy to hear it, and glad I could give you such a rewarding soap box. Now, assuming you've read my opening paragraph and gone back over my proposal to see how you misunderstood it, tell me, does your opinion change when you realize there would still be Klingon content, ships, and the Klingon race after the faction scrap goes through?
If you find that your next post can not stay within the realm of the idea discussed I would rather you send it to me as a PM or create a new thread on this forum.
do i think it should happen? maybe... if they can put the klingons back in fully-fleshed out later. it's clear that it's not going forward much now... and people won't wait forever.
i just wonder how long it would take to put them back in, fully-fleshed out?
(for the record, my stance on this idea is neutral, so i'm not for or against it)
I'm softly against it myself but I made this post because I think there's value to getting a realistic idea for what will happen if the Klingon faction is scrapped.
So, how would it effect your personal game experience? Do you primarily play Klingon or Federation? If Klingon it's clear you won't stop playing because of this in the short term, but does your answer change if this is a permanent solution? If you play on the Federation side of the game, would you find any personal value in access to previously Klingon exclusive ships, missions and costume slots?
And, I don't believe they'd ever flesh out the Klingons if the did this. Why would they need to? Klingons would have the same stuff as the Federation.
Why because we were both klingon players & are sick to the back teeth of the klingons getting the shaft.:mad:
Thank you, the belief that this would kill any content growth with that Klingon feel was not a downside I had considered but certainly a valid one. And you actually addressed the point of the exercise by clarifying your faction loyalty and stating your response. I would, just to be contrary, point out that a Starfleet Captain, at least, could level perfectly fine without taking a single Klingon mission so his personal experience need not be watered down. I suppose a Klingon Captain could do the same on faction agnostic replays and defense of the empire missions, but really, asking someone to do that all the way to LG is simply not reasonable.
But would you consider a faction merge or scrap to be a bigger slap to the face, or would the possibility of a full range of off flavor leveling content bring you back?
Okay, I understand that you're against the idea. And to be perfectly fair I hadn't considered that people might feel pride at the masochism of staying true to this faction but if it's true to you we can add, "Can be seen as a betrayal of the pain, tears and faith that Klingon players have shown through the trying times since beta." And while I was around at Beta, I can certainly say I did not have the strength of will to stick around, so for that, my hats off to you.
But what would be your personal response to this if it happened? Would you leave and never look back? Would you continue to play under protest and campaign for faction separation when the KDF has a full game play experience, as has been suggested by an earlier respondent?
Do you wonder why we have this state of affairs? Why no one wants to roll a KDF toon? We are BORING, we get next to nothing from the developers, (Shoot even our Uber cool planet killing Torpedoes are taken from us and given to the Feds), granted, we have more content than we had in the beginning but for every 15 things the Federation gets we get 1. PVP has no added content for what seems like light years,even though pvp is an integral part of the game. (We did not create it, we just play whats given to us)
What would happen if we actually got some real love from STO. Lots of things (no idea what here guys/gals help me out) that would make our Faction more interesting from a Federation point of view. Maybe more players would want to play as a Klingon. GIve em a reason to play the other side.
When I first rolled my KDF toon I felt like I was a traitor, little did I know it was the best thing I did as the KDF side turned out to be more supportive (as a player based faction) in doing things together. This built gameplay on the KDF side that I did not get on the Fed side. When going into pvp maps (back then this was the ONLY way to level a toon) I actually got invited to a team, given pointers on my build, heck one guy actually sat down with me at the end of the game and TOLD ME exactly what I had to do to my build as a Klingon toon and as a KDF ship. I remember this (And thanks to that player, you know who you are) took about an hour in gameplay after the match. Never had anything like this on the Fed side in 4 months of gameplay. Shoot, I actually got invited to a team as a KDF player in a C&H match, was wondering who was stupid enought to invite an unknown noob to a team let alone that this feature was an ingame function. Guess it was someone that actually cared about the game and possibly maybe about other players.
I remember in zone chat on Qo'noS recently a new convert from the Federation side (he left for obvious reasons) was ranting about the lack of SIGNS in our Facility. He was not ranting, he was LIVID, calling us names, telling us how we were worthless, asking questions why we would even play such a stupid faction when we did not even have signs to direct him where to go. This went on for 15 minutes or so when everyone in Zone chat finally told him to leave if he was so unhappy. (Frankly I think most of the players ended up ignoring him it was so bad) His actions sum up exactly how the Federation and the KDF gameplayers are different. One cares about the Skin of the game, one cares about the content of the game. Which one would you support? I believe that as a lifetime subscription based member of STO that ANY faction I so CHOOSE to play should get EQUAL opportunity and rewards/missions/items from the Developers. Too much to ask for? I paid for the whole game.
What would happen if we (KDF) got a bit of respect from STO? Heaven knows, but I guess in the mean time the Devs will keep putting out costume packs for the Feds.
I bought this game to play as a Klingon because I believed the opening statements ofa fully developed Empire.
I have zero desire to play as a smooth head.
I don't want this to turn into a thread where people unload a laundry list of complaints about how much attention Klingons receive, these are valid complaints, I share them myself, but there are already multiple threads on this board for that.
Onto the rest of your post. I'm certainly happy to hear you've had such a positive experience with the players in our small little niche, and I will certainly add potential exposure to jerks as a con against the idea, I'm also obligated to add exposure to nice guys as a pro. I'm a bit leary of this line of reasoning though as what you are describing is the result of us being a small faction who stands together, sorta, and whether the KDF is better off as a small faction or a large one is an interesting discussion to have, it's not really the purpose of this thread.
So now I have to ask you the same thing, while being against the idea how would you respond as a player? Would you quit entirely, would you accept it but petition for a faction separation immediately, would you accept it but petition for a faction separation at a later period when there's enough faction agnostic and Klingon themed stuff to allow a full leveling experience?
I understand that you're opposed and that you feel betrayed by the current state of the game. But how would you respond as a player if this became a reality? Would you leave? Would you stay but refuse to engage in the missions made available as imported from the Fed side of things?
Yes, I would leave completely.
If there was no ability to play as a Klingon in the Klingon Empire I would have nothing more to do with STO.
I came to the conclusion that I only know my own mind, and I only ever intended to play a Starfleet character.
You say Starfleet wouldn't be Starfleet and the Klingon Empire wouldn't be the Klingon Empire, but where does it say that by joining factions to the same cause they lose their individual identities?
If you don't want your general taking missions from Starfleet, obviously don't take them from Starfleet. Nobody forces you to accept any offered mission. Ultimately you should expect some kind of story-driven collaboration at end-game, because that sort of thing works well in story-telling, but I doubt anyone would expect or even allow you to do your character's low level grinding at Starfleet Academy, unless you made a Starfleet Klingon of course.
You shouldn't expect every little mission to have a drastic effect on the Empire or any other faction. Missions like that in MMOs should be reserved for difficult, literally epic storylines. The bulk of the day-to-day will be much the same as it is now - go to a sector and patrol for enemies. Just you won't be firing on Federation ships automatically, you'll be harassing them with unnecessary search and seizure, and then we'll have to come and investigate, and ... you know .. other stuff could happen. Peel the onion and see what's inside.
A peace treaty between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets fleshes out each faction so well it practically writes content itself. Now if I have to do all y'alls work for ya I want a desk and a paycheck, ok? You know how to get in touch with me.
I don't see it playing out that way though. A peace treaty is one thing. I'm not talking about a peace treaty. Sure, you could have a peace treaty and have plenty of distinct content for both factions. But, I don't think that is what the OP is getting at. The OP is talking about doing away with faction differences. He specifically says that every player gets access to all the missions (with the only changes being made to missions that reference the Klingon/Starfleet war), costumes, and ships.
Beyond that, I think you are putting words in my mouth and your response ignores some of the OP's proposal. I didn't say every single mission should have a drastic effect on the Empire. If they simply disposed of the Klingon Empire as a separate faction and absorbed it into the Federation, with both factions getting access to each other's PvE, then I think you are watering down both factions. The Federation isn't going to be conducting Path of the Warrior missions. That doesn't make sense. The Klingon Empire isn't going to help repel ithe Gorn, which are part of their Empire. The Klingons don't share the Federation's concern with violating the Prime Directive. Sure, you could do some rewrites and sub in different enemies, but if you are going to go to that trouble, you might as well just make new content for everyone.
If the idea is that the Klingon players will have more to do if the distinct factions are abolished, and I then took your suggestion by not ever doing the Federation missions, then I'm no better off than I am now.
The OP suggested that all players of either faction would have access to all costumes, except for race specific ones (I'm not sure what that includes--would the normal Klingon outfits be available to Star Fleet?), and all ships. While I don't require rigid compliance with canon, that is too far a departure for me. I think it is a slippery slope to have that much intermingling between the two factions. What is next? Players want a Romulan faction. Do we just scrap that too and make them part of this new Federation/Klingon faction? Are all their costumes and ships playable by anyone? How about Cardassians? The Borg Collective? The Undine? The OP pointed out one of the cons--the game loses it's Star Trek feel.
That would have meat the game started with one faction, but the feds and klingons could still use their own ships, costumes and starting locations. every mission would have been written as neutral and from the point of view that the alliance was still going strong so it would make sense to klingons and feds (i know it would lose a bit of the uniqueness but i would have seen that as a small sacrifice.)
later on when the game has been out for a year or two, they would create a paid romulan/cardassian expansion pack, then later on a dominion/breen expansion to have a total of 3 factions.
however that did not happen and i dont think you can just go back and mix it all up now. the advantage of the way it is, is that the klingons can still get their unique content, it will just take a very, very long time, and probably more dependant on the foundry now.
in a nutshell, yes IMO they should have integrated the klingons and feds together from the start, but its too late to scarp the klingons now, and i have to say i do enjoy being my klingon characters more than my feds. what's done is done, and Id like to expand on that uniqueness now rather than going backwards.
I am used to grinding to level up my toons. I play the Final Fantasy games and most of my time is spent grinding a few levels between story points. I think KDF PvE content is fine the way it is. I would like to see more ships, customization for ships, and costume options though.
Thank you, that was pleasantly to the point and exactly what I was asking for.
Okay, considering it from the point of view of a Federation player, since you obviously don't despise the idea I assume you'd keep playing. Would your play experience be at all improved by the access to Klingon exclusive content such as missions, ships or outfits or is that something you could just never see yourself making use of?
Those missions would be modified as little as possible to bring them in line with the new factionless nature. In this case they'd go from Gorn to "Gorn Terrorists" or "Gorn Seperatists."
Pretty much if it can be worn by one of the generic 'aliens' available to both factions, it's not race specific. At the moment some Nausicaan pieces, Orion pieces, and some upcoming Gorn pieces are the only costume pieces I can think of that fit the bill. Yes, normal Klingon outfits would be available to Star Fleet and visa versa. Possibly the game might go so far as to limit the clothing options available at each of the tailors to what was previously faction specific.
Anything about other factions goes beyond the scope of this thread... but since we're playing with hypotheticals anyway...
Say this is done as a stop gap measure until there is enough faction agnostic and Klingon specific material to make leveling for that faction feasible, at which point they then split the factions off. It then becomes a template for the gradual introduction of a third or fourth faction at the speed Cryptic seems to like to do these things.
Okay, you're against the idea softly, not hating the concept but thinking it's a wrong way to go given what's already occured and the way the player base has already formed. But what would you do as a player if it were implemented? Quit all together, or ride it out and see what happens?
So, I'm going to figure you are not tempted by the possibility of PVE level grind material and so are against the idea. But as before, what would you do as a player if it were implemented? What effect do you think it will have on the game as a whole?
That about sums up my thoughts too.
No, but I could see it improving from having an army of Klingon veterans on our side. Content-wise, I'm against so much development time being spent on new, non-canon Starfleet costume additions to the C-Store and as Veteran rewards. I think there could be a big boost in content generation by having the Federation and Klingon Empire working together.
Each side could retain it's own starting areas, but with new areas appearing for levels 10-20, 20-30, 30-50 then 50+ eventually. The stories that could be plucked from any major conflict resolution in history and adapted to Trek lore are limitless. If they'd pay me to do it I would literally spend 20 hours a day doing it but it's too late now, just as I get the means to be sponsored by overseas companies for employment.
Scrap the KDF? I don't think it'll happen. If they combine the factions, maybe the complainers will shut up? I'd still play my KDF toon either way.
Originally Posted by MinosOne
The Klingon Empire isn't going to help repel ithe Gorn, which are part of their Empire.
Those missions would be modified as little as possible to bring them in line with the new factionless nature.
In this case they'd go from Gorn to "Gorn Terrorists" or "Gorn Seperatists."
Fine, you could do that, but how many Gorn Terrorists, Nausican Seperatists, Orion Freelancers, etc. are you willling to put up with? How about the Klingon missions where you are busting Klingon prisoners of war out of a Federation prison? It seems to me that it is too late to redo all of this. If you are going to spend that much time changing everything, I'd prefer you just make new content.
except for race specific ones (I'm not sure what that includes--would the normal Klingon outfits be available to Star Fleet?
Pretty much if it can be worn by one of the generic 'aliens' available to both factions, it's not race specific. At the moment some Nausicaan pieces, Orion pieces, and some upcoming Gorn pieces are the only costume pieces I can think of that fit the bill. Yes, normal Klingon outfits would be available to Star Fleet and visa versa. Possibly the game might go so far as to limit the clothing options available at each of the tailors to what was previously faction specific.
It seems to me that either you make everything available to everyone, or you don't. If the Klingon Empire and Federation are going to wear each other's uniforms and fly each other's ships, why are we suddenly limiting some of the costume options? I'm not in favor of any of it.
Players want a Romulan faction.
Anything about other factions goes beyond the scope of this thread... but since we're playing with hypotheticals anyway...
Say this is done as a stop gap measure until there is enough faction agnostic and Klingon specific material to make leveling for that faction feasible, at which point they then split the factions off. It then becomes a template for the gradual introduction of a third or fourth faction at the speed Cryptic seems to like to do these things.
I still don't support it, and I still wouldn't play it. I can't see the Devs doing all this work as a stop gap measure only to undue it later. (Then again, I could be wrong, they have spent a ton of time redesigning so many aspects of the game: ESD, Qo'nos, Ground Combat, Sector Space, Gorn, Deep Space Encounters, etc.). Not to mention, I don't believe for a minute they'd develop a whole bunch of new Klingon content once they combined the factions. At most, they'd develop more agnostic missions, but Klingon players are clamoring for more Klingon content. Not to mention, you already have players from both "factions" using each other's ships and costumes and running each other's missions. You would just undue all of that? It seems pointless to me.
The Romulan discussion might go beyond the scope of your intent for this thread, but I think the point still stands. You proposed disposing of factions and making everything available to everyone of both factions (nearly everything). Once you do that, why wouldn't you make Romulan, Cardassian, Ferengi, etc. gear to everyone regardless of faction? You've already disposed of most of the uniqueness of the Federation and Empire, why leave the Romulan stuff out?
That is why I don't like the proposal. I want a Klingon experience. Once you combine everything, you ruin that in my opinion. You asked what I would do, and my answer is I would stop playing. Fortunately, I don't think I have to worry about this coming to pass.
When I started playing STO I ran a FED toon all the way to top tier it was good experience but as soon as I
rolled my first KDF toon my fed was toast and have not been back to fed side since.
Im the type of person who likes to play the antogonist, in EVE i went to -10 and played a pirate, in WOW
I played horde here I play KDF and Im sure there are a lot of us on the KDF side who play this way.
So in my opinion scraping or rolling the KDF into the Fedaration is a bad idea and on a side note I
wonder how many people with my type of personality who like to play the antogonist have came to the
STO website excited and ready to join only to come to the forums and read the posts on the plight
of the KDF and decide not join up because of it, I dont know and would not hazard a guess but Im
sure cryptic has lost some revenue because of it.
Me too, but in the meantime, as a mostly Fed but sometimes Klingon player, what would your reaction be if this came about?
Would you stop playing entirely or would your own play habits be largely unaffected?
I would try and best orientate myself to the change. I would probably throw a tantrum or two, until I realised that there is nothing I could do to change the status quo. But, I think if I was repeatedly taking down by Starfleet in Klingon Ships, I might move along.
But, one thing that would be difficult to fit into this notion would be PvP. If we all belong to the same faction, how would we reconcile the nature of PvP - two foes pitted against one another?
I believe that even a two-faction MMO is the bare minimal for somewhere as grand as Star Trek. One? And I might think the whole "linear-playing-exprience-jinx" in STO, would be fatal to the game as a whole. What would happen to the other playable factions further along the path? How could Cryptic justify any further development on those if they have amalgamated the classic arch-enemy of the Federation?
I do not want to see the KDF scrapped or merged or anything at this point. The Targ's out of the bag, so to speak, and if Cryptic ever decided to do this I would most likely quit out of frustration than anything else. The Klingons are my favorite Trek race and I jumped at the chance to play one. I love the Klingon culture and it's why I still fight for more for the KDF. If they homogenized the factions (like the OP suggested in another thread) or merged the KDF into the Federation it would destroy that uniqueness that I had looked forward to.
I would rather see the factions as they are now, even if it meant little future development for my beloved faction. It's better than the alternatives presented here.
Thank you. You answered the most important question raised in your response and I can ask for nothing more than that.
I will mention that my view on homogenization is more along the lines of, "It's happening regardless, so you might as well look for the silver lining."
I will answer your question -- without Klingons, there is no Star Trek, and I would quickly lose interest and take a leave of absence until Klingons were restored...if the KDF was merged into starfleet..that leave of absence would likely become permenant.
But on to another question that has me curious. What on earth are YOU trying to do?
In the Fed forums you rant and rave about getting the Battlecloak for Federation ships. You also rant and rave about Carriers. In these forums you start thread after thread about merging factions, doing away with Klingons, or homogenizing the factions so that each faction has exactly the same types of ships and capabilities as the other. You state that this is for the good of the KDF -- that by merging factions you increase the experience for the KDF player, and open up new PvE content.
It almost sounds as if your theory is simply that if Cryptic would remake the KDF in the Starfleet image, then all of us dire captains in our Vo'Qovs, Vorchas, Birds of Prey, and Raptors will simply realize the error of our ways, and be happy with all this stuff that we were missing out on the Fed side...
You know...I play KDF for a reason...and that reason is NOT to be a Starfleet officer in any way, shape or form.
I am proudly unrepentant, and I stand resolute. The only "negotiation" that Starfleet will see from me will be punctuated with the distinctive sounds of a disruptor discharging. The whine of disruptors is far more honest than the deceitfull murmurings of Federation targs.
This proposal would not remove the Klingon race OR any of it's content from the game. I'm going to have to mark you down as "nonresponsive" until you can show you understand the question being asked.
Well, I also explained this in the original post.
To expound. I want to find out how people will respond and I also find value in the actual information being out here for everybody. That way when someone says "If they're not going to do it right they should scrap the KDF" I can point out that the majority of people I've asked would prefer the KDF in it's current form, warts and all, to even the least intrusive faction scrap. On the other side, if someone says, "Without the KDF the game will die." we will have some actual insight into the kinds of effects this will have.
Rant and rave? Glad to see we're keeping this objective and impersonal. I'm just going to do the polite thing, and to save you the embarrassment of having your total lack of etiquette pointed out repeatedly, I will call attention to it this once so you can have this opportunity to learn, and then automatically translate mindless invective and rhetoric into reasonable discussion. And, it looks like you're not going to be able to maintain an accurate view of history are you? That's actually pretty insulting, but I will try to fact check you as politely as possible.
Yes, I do post lengthy and repeated arguments in favor of Bird of Prey equivalent ships, Carrier equivalent ships and even Science Vessel equivalent ships being made available to both factions. I do believe this is for the good of the KDF for various reasons outlined in my previous posts and good for the game as a whole, for various reasons outlined in my previous posts. If you wish to discuss those views in more detail, I suggest posting a reply on one of those other threads or creating a new thread.
Fact check.
1 Thread about merging factions that is also my 1 thread about scrapping the Klingon faction so do those become .5 thread factions because you want to count them separately? Nah, that's just silly.
1 Thread about homogenizing the factions so they have ships with similar abilities
0 Threads about homogenizing the factions so they have exactly the same kinds of ships
also you missed
1 Thread about allowing characters to faction switch.
Each of these threads were made a day or more apart so "thread after thread" is hardly accurate.
Well, you have dramatically misunderstood, oversimplified if you will, my theory. Given your shaky grasp of the facts and overall negative opinion of lengthy, well thought out posts, I'm not surprised that some nuance got misinterpreted. I do not have the time to fully explain my position here, but if you are interested in giving it a fair hearing with an open mind, I'd be happy to PM you. This thread though is not for protracted discussion on off topic matters.
Happy to hear it, and glad I could give you such a rewarding soap box. Now, assuming you've read my opening paragraph and gone back over my proposal to see how you misunderstood it, tell me, does your opinion change when you realize there would still be Klingon content, ships, and the Klingon race after the faction scrap goes through?
If you find that your next post can not stay within the realm of the idea discussed I would rather you send it to me as a PM or create a new thread on this forum.