So, in June there will be Caitian and Aenar Boffs in the C-Store...hmmm. People have been asking for Caitian Boffs for a long time, i hope this means there will also be Caitian Boffs ingame for "free".

And i thought Aenar were planned as a playable species.... Does that mean the playbale version will come soon too ?

Any further information about those new Boffs would be appreciated.
I would also like to hear more information about these before they hit the C-Store. It's good to see them finally becoming available though.
I really hope there is a gender selection. I will NEVER put a female Caitian in a mini-skirt on my away team !
My money's on one of the two being Tac to complete the trifecta for those of us who already have the Lib Borg Eng and the Photonic Sci. The other being Sci for those who haven't unlocked the Photonic officer.
What I really want to know is what skills they will come with. Every one of my alts has a Liberated Borg Engineer (so useful) but only one makes use of the Photonic Science officer. Most of the time I just claim one when I need to train a sci boff in a particular skill he has. Still, being able to start a new alt with a blue/purple Tac, Eng, and Sci trio every time would be incredibly useful.
Also, if these are Fed only, which I suspect they will be, I wonder what they'll do for the KDF down the road? The fabled Lethean Boff?
Also what will he be? Tactical? Engineer? Sci? All of them by choice?
And also.... since all they did this month was desperatly scretching the game time by making it more valuable to replay missions we already did before... I kind of expectet more then that for June. May be even season 4.
On the other hand, considering the crisis Cryptic currently has, may be its understandable....
I think I know the answer already...
Yes the KDF is supposed to get a major overhaul with season 4(but not exclusively KDF), and thats great, however it's the offers like these that create such resentment from our KDF players.
I think it's great that Caitians will be added as both in-game and C-store options. I do, however, concur that they should have been added in-game quite a while ago.
C-store Caitian bridge officers should -- unquestionably -- be Very Rare quality and available in both female and male versions.
It would also be nice if they were of "universal" profession or otherwise available in all 3 professions with a single purchase. We should *not* have to pay for each gender/profession individually.
Now there can be more mew mew, less qq.
Yeah I'm still waiting on my Orions, Carriers, and melee weapons at launch.....
oh wait...
I agree. I wont be buying any.
Of course that means the free way will arrive a lot later then the C-Store item.
Any suggestions what Species even to add to the KDF?
...keep in mind the KDF is not the Federation, they cant just throw in whatever race they feel like adding, it has to fit somehow (i think the Joined Trill species is allready out of place).
Also keep in mind the Fighters are not sold in a pack, but seperate -> whatever the KDF would get it would cost us EXTRA.
I play both factions but i dont want to pay twice only because there is a FED and KDF version of the same thing.