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peace treaty with the Klingon Empire



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Admiral black. I can send you about 5 starships. Almost all my ships were sent to help your first attack. And the rest of my ships. Must stay at starfleets intels new headquarters. I am currently at the Klingon homeworld. Trying to secure the release of a few federation personel. I am in the middle of getting them free. I can send you those few ships. I apologize because this is all I have left to send you. I will try to get this stuff done as quickly as possible to come help I hope these ships can help.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    logan-g wrote:
    Admiral black. I can send you about 5 starships. Almost all my ships were sent to help your first attack. And the rest of my ships. Must stay at starfleets intels new headquarters. I am currently at the Klingon homeworld. Trying to secure the release of a few federation personel. I am in the middle of getting them free. I can send you those few ships. I apologize because this is all I have left to send you. I will try to get this stuff done as quickly as possible to come help I hope these ships can help.

    It okay my new command ship is almost ready also I am sending the remants of the 6th fleet to join up with you you are there new commanding officer congratulations commander of the 6th fleet, Command your men well. Admiral Allen let us head to headquarters I need to pick up my new ship.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    It okay my new command ship is almost ready also I am sending the remants of the 6th fleet to join up with you you are there new commanding officer congratulations commander of the 6th fleet, Command your men well. Admiral Allen let us head to headquarters I need to pick up my new ship.

    Thanks. Starfleet intel can really use the ships I should be back to federation space soon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    logan-g wrote:
    Thanks. Starfleet intel can really use the ships I should be back to federation space soon.

    after you are done we need to move and follow up our victories against the borg, I am asking to take your fleet into battle I want your fleet to lead the assault on a major borg shipyard, we need to even the numbers and 6 fleets are anchored here, The mighty 3rd fleet with its 900 dreadnaughts, soverigns, galaxys, vestas and defiant class ships plus 5,000 pergerine fighters are going to strike with you. A victory here can really even the numbers game and give us a key advatage good luck and godspeed
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    after you are done we need to move and follow up our victories against the borg, I am asking to take your fleet into battle I want your fleet to lead the assault on a major borg shipyard, we need to even the numbers and 6 fleets are anchored here, The mighty 3rd fleet with its 900 dreadnaughts, soverigns, galaxys, vestas and defiant class ships plus 5,000 pergerine fighters are going to strike with you. A victory here can really even the numbers game and give us a key advatage good luck and godspeed

    Very well. Starfleet intel has agreed to the attack. I will be back within the hour and will be ready to lead the assult. I have also talked the free Borg into lending us 10 of there ships for the attack. We will begin the assault as soon as I return. I also have a few surprises if the Borg try to assault or ships. Very well transwarping to fed space now. Prepare the assault force.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    All ships this is admiral Logan.
    Begin moving out. We will reach the Borg in approximately 30 min. All hands prepare for battle. All squad leaders report.
    Admiral black we are experiencing some communication problems. I will be out of contact for a while until we can get them fixed. I will update you on the status of the attack as soon as te comm comes back online. Sorry gentlemen this channel is fading. Hoe the best for us. And admiral Allen. This padd is for you if you all don't here from us in 24 hours. If you don't here from us by then or any of our ships you know what happened.
    To admiral black and Allen I no we dont want to think anything will happen to me or my ship. But in the ever that something does. The both of you will meet at the coordinates on the padd and you will both have special orders from starfleet intel from me personally. Good luck gentlemen I'll make contact again as soon as I can. Perhaps today is a good day to die.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    logan-g wrote:
    All ships this is admiral Logan.
    Begin moving out. We will reach the Borg in approximately 30 min. All hands prepare for battle. All squad leaders report.
    Admiral black we are experiencing some communication problems. I will be out of contact for a while until we can get them fixed. I will update you on the status of the attack as soon as te comm comes back online. Sorry gentlemen this channel is fading. Hoe the best for us. And admiral Allen. This padd is for you if you all don't here from us in 24 hours. If you don't here from us by then or any of our ships you know what happened.
    To admiral black and Allen I no we dont want to think anything will happen to me or my ship. But in the ever that something does. The both of you will meet at the coordinates on the padd and you will both have special orders from starfleet intel from me personally. Good luck gentlemen I'll make contact again as soon as I can. Perhaps today is a good day to die.

    Admiral Logan I am going to take my command ship and lead this attack I am going with you I may be an old man but I do have a final fight in me, Onward and today is a good day to die.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Admiral Logan I am going to take my command ship and lead this attack I am going with you I may be an old man but I do have a final fight in me, Onward and today is a good day to die.

    Let us be gone then we now engage the Borg.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    logan-g wrote:
    Let us be gone then we now engage the Borg.

    ::beams onto his command ship::

    ::sits in his command chair::

    To all the crew of the NX-05 (U.S.S. Apache)

    Today we go into battle against the Borg, in the past 72 hours we have won a major victory against the Borg now we are going to follow up that victory with an assault of a major base and shipyards of the Borg fleet, six fleets are anchored here Now our assault force is compirsed of 2,000 ships and 5,000 pergerine fighters Men this attack is for our wives our sweethearts our loved ones for our children for our race and for the Federation. This is Fleet Admiral Black to the assault force all ships maximum warp to the assault coordinates.

    ::ship warps into space::
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ::beams onto his command ship::

    ::sits in his command chair::

    To all the crew of the NX-05 (U.S.S. Apache)

    Today we go into battle against the Borg, in the past 72 hours we have won a major victory against the Borg now we are going to follow up that victory with an assault of a major base and shipyards of the Borg fleet, six fleets are anchored here Now our assault force is compirsed of 2,000 ships and 5,000 pergerine fighters Men this attack is for our wives our sweethearts our loved ones for our children for our race and for the Federation. This is Fleet Admiral Black to the assault force all ships maximum warp to the assault coordinates.

    ::ship warps into space::

    All hands engage. We have a special surprise when we get there admiral. I think you will like.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Its been a pleasure Admiral. Pity about the recent turn of events but something tells me that they will be back maybe. Engaging the Borg.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    and al gore invented it right

    AL Gore is an elder of the Internet?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    If you are reading this then you must've seen our world explode mysteriously in a flash of light and activated this message that I left behind.

    *Suddenly the Coblablue world reappears just were it was and how it was.*

    Well the truth is it didn't. It was just another one of our holotricks. To distract you so we could get the hell out of here and get all our technology out of here! Well we've moved to a new secret location whic hI shall not name or even leave ay clues to wear it is. All I shall say is that this is the last time we try and bring peace between species! Grr. You are all monsters! Monsters! This is the last time EVER that we help you! The Coblablue wish to never see or hear of you again. Seeing as how you drove us out of what has been our homeplanet for thousands of years you got of lucky.

    Also, note this, the only reason of why we tried to bring peace between your two species is because the Breen, who have known about us for a while now, bribed us and told us to make it look like (using our magnificant Holotechnology) the Breen were weak so the Federation would send ships to attack the Breen, so they would have less forces and would think twice before attacking the Defri again, in which therefore that would make lines in some of the Federation areas weaker so they could bombard it with masses of fleets and Breen holofleets, created by our magnificant holotechnology. This would have crippled the Federation. The Breen would've then bombarded the Federation to nothing but dust.

    We felt that it would be wrong for a species to take an approach like this. So we tried to make peace between you two species. Which worked. We did. But we got NO thanks for it. The reason the Breen attacked us was so we couldn't tell this information to the Federation.

    If you have any messages please leave them on Omegus Prime IV. We have Coblablues and cameras and technology there so we will be able to see wht you have to say and we can reply back.

    Omegus Prime IV is not our new top secret place. We aren't that stupid. :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    *Is standing at the wall facing San Fransisco bay* Such a magnificent planet..though its not home..

    *combadge chirps* Admiral we are ready for departure.

    *taps his combadge* Acknowledged, I'm ready to beam up.

    *One he's back on the bridge, he looks one last time at Earth* Helm, move The Ark just outside the Sol system, we will be the last line of defense if needed.

    Aye Admiral

    *He lets out a slight sigh and straightens out his uniform as he sits down*

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Admiral black please respond Please give me a status report of your ship.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    pupbenny wrote: »

    If you are reading this then you must've seen our world explode mysteriously in a flash of light and activated this message that I left behind.

    *Suddenly the Coblablue world reappears just were it was and how it was.*

    Well the truth is it didn't. It was just another one of our holotricks. To distract you so we could get the hell out of here and get all our technology out of here! Well we've moved to a new secret location whic hI shall not name or even leave ay clues to wear it is. All I shall say is that this is the last time we try and bring peace between species! Grr. You are all monsters! Monsters! This is the last time EVER that we help you! The Coblablue wish to never see or hear of you again. Seeing as how you drove us out of what has been our homeplanet for thousands of years you got of lucky.

    Also, note this, the only reason of why we tried to bring peace between your two species is because the Breen, who have known about us for a while now, bribed us and told us to make it look like (using our magnificant Holotechnology) the Breen were weak so the Federation would send ships to attack the Breen, so they would have less forces and would think twice before attacking the Defri again, in which therefore that would make lines in some of the Federation areas weaker so they could bombard it with masses of fleets and Breen holofleets, created by our magnificant holotechnology. This would have crippled the Federation. The Breen would've then bombarded the Federation to nothing but dust.

    We felt that it would be wrong for a species to take an approach like this. So we tried to make peace between you two species. Which worked. We did. But we got NO thanks for it. The reason the Breen attacked us was so we couldn't tell this information to the Federation.

    If you have any messages please leave them on Omegus Prime IV. We have Coblablues and cameras and technology there so we will be able to see wht you have to say and we can reply back.

    Omegus Prime IV is not our new top secret place. We aren't that stupid. :P

    then if the planet is deserted.... starfleet can not touch us.

    *Orders the Breen fleet to bombard the planet*
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Suddenly the Breen fleet explodes. A message plays:

    MUAHAHAHAHA! Do you really think we'd just leave our homeplanet open for you to just take it from us!? Of course not! You hit just one of the 1071 Advanced Supierior Fleet Buster Mines surrounding our planet. If you hit just one of these mines, that's it. WHOOSH! BASH! However you want to describe it! Your entire fleet goes bye bye!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    pupbenny wrote: »
    Suddenly the Breen fleet explodes. A message plays:

    MUAHAHAHAHA! Do you really think we'd just leave our homeplanet open for you to just take it from us!? Of course not! You hit just one of the 1071 Advanced Supierior Fleet Buster Mines surrounding our planet. If you hit just one of these mines, that's it. WHOOSH! BASH! However you want to describe it! Your entire fleet goes bye bye!

    So these mines are tracking us?.. very well I will order my fleet to land on the planets surface.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Oh no....

    Another flaw by those Cobligreen spy scientists.... If the Breen sacrifice one last fleet the homeworld will be destroyed. O_O

    The Coblablue would like to offer the Breen something. Something that the Coblblue would normally NEVER do.

    We surrender down to the Breen Confederacy. We shall return to our homeworld and deactivate the mines, ect. Just do not destroy the homeworld.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    pupbenny wrote: »
    Oh no....

    Another flaw by those Cobligreen spy scientists.... If the Breen sacrifice one last fleet the homeworld will be destroyed. O_O

    The Coblablue would like to offer the Breen something. Something that the Coblblue would normally NEVER do.

    We surrender down to the Breen Confederacy. We shall return to our homeworld and deactivate the mines, ect. Just do not destroy the homeworld.

    I, Thot Caan, claim thisp lanet as part of the Breen Confederacy!

    You will evacuate the planet so terraforming may begin!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Hm. Fine.... you may own the planet.... bt you will NEVER own us! We shall continue living in our TOP SECRET hideout place.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Federation: The Breen revealed a plan that they plan to capture Andorians in the future and use our homeworld as a POW camp for them!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    pupbenny wrote: »
    Federation: The Breen revealed a plan that they plan to capture Andorians in the future and use our homeworld as a POW camp for them!

    We are? I think your trying to stur up trouble again.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I must agree with the green here the andorians are a warrior race and have there own ships and troops still that the breen would also have to deal with. If they want to fight the andorians good luck. Admiral black please respond still waiting to hear from your ship after the last attack. And admiral charlotte I have your friends with me on my ship. It took a little work but I convinced the Klingon high council to releas them. Waiting your transmission to come an pick them up.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    pupbenny wrote: »

    If you are reading this then you must've seen our world explode mysteriously in a flash of light and activated this message that I left behind.

    *Suddenly the Coblablue world reappears just were it was and how it was.*

    Well the truth is it didn't. It was just another one of our holotricks. To distract you so we could get the hell out of here and get all our technology out of here! Well we've moved to a new secret location whic hI shall not name or even leave ay clues to wear it is. All I shall say is that this is the last time we try and bring peace between species! Grr. You are all monsters! Monsters! This is the last time EVER that we help you! The Coblablue wish to never see or hear of you again. Seeing as how you drove us out of what has been our homeplanet for thousands of years you got of lucky.

    Also, note this, the only reason of why we tried to bring peace between your two species is because the Breen, who have known about us for a while now, bribed us and told us to make it look like (using our magnificant Holotechnology) the Breen were weak so the Federation would send ships to attack the Breen, so they would have less forces and would think twice before attacking the Defri again, in which therefore that would make lines in some of the Federation areas weaker so they could bombard it with masses of fleets and Breen holofleets, created by our magnificant holotechnology. This would have crippled the Federation. The Breen would've then bombarded the Federation to nothing but dust.

    We felt that it would be wrong for a species to take an approach like this. So we tried to make peace between you two species. Which worked. We did. But we got NO thanks for it. The reason the Breen attacked us was so we couldn't tell this information to the Federation.

    If you have any messages please leave them on Omegus Prime IV. We have Coblablues and cameras and technology there so we will be able to see wht you have to say and we can reply back.

    Omegus Prime IV is not our new top secret place. We aren't that stupid. :P

    You know for a peaceful race you are doing a good job of getting people to dislike you. Plus you should probably invest in some better acting as I wasn't fooled. But you sure have over played your hand.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    logan-g wrote:
    Admiral black please respond Please give me a status report of your ship.

    Sorry for the delay in my response, we had to get some of the kinks out my ship is fully up and running proceeding to assault coordinates.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Sorry for the delay in my response, we had to get some of the kinks out my ship is fully up and running proceeding to assault coordinates.

    it appears my gut was right about the tricksters sir. They are still alive.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    We are? I think your trying to stur up trouble again.

    Most likely. Their trust was compromised when they started to trick and threaten us.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Sorry for the delay in my response, we had to get some of the kinks out my ship is fully up and running proceeding to assault coordinates.

    Very well when you arrive we will be ready to engage. Trick is still up my sleeve.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    logan-g wrote:
    Very well when you arrive we will be ready to engage. Trick is still up my sleeve.

    my ship is dropping out of warp in a few minutes all ships have the order to engage I repeat all ships are to go to weapons hot and engage the Borg, hopefully they wont know we are coming.
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