I just paid 800 atari tokens for the Oberth class science ship in the C-Store... just because I was kind of tired of playing with the default ship until I level up to leutenant commander... 800 atari tokens and this science ship has less than half the crew, and one extra science console slot... everything else is exactly the same as the default ship I got... can u say RIPOFF? I can't buy anything else because it's all for rear admiral or higher... what about the new guys?
Anyway, just warning any new people before u spend money on that Oberth science ship
Most people don't want to buy stuff unless it's usable at endgame, so there aren't many options at T1.
There are however the NX and Constitution. The stats can be seen here:
Standard Light Cruiser
... and no, none of them are awesome. They're tier one, if they were they'd be broken and have to be nerfed.
Quoted from http://www.startrekonline.com/store
Highlighted shows what the in game stuff is, including the 80 crew members.
Not quite sure what you were expecting from the Oberth, of all things. So, yeah.... not anyone else's fault that you didn't read about what you were buying.
Seriously, RTFM.
I would highly recommend you find information from sources like STOwiki, the forums and even asking in game about the ship, remember "The C-Store is a salesmen" and what he is selling might look good and tempting, but it's always good to find out whats under the hood before making a purchase.
I sympathize with you and I hope you don't see this as patronizing.
It made spectacular Fireworks:D
also the size of the Crew is, no matter what tier, apropriate to the actual size of the Ship... and the stat does not much good ingame anyway.
C-Store items for the most part are about game flavor and less about game content. You can get through the game great, with zero issues without ever spending a single point. However if you want a bit of Trek flair then the Store becomes useful.
Sorry you did not get your instant win button.
Scotty and Spock > say its broken
STO wiki, its a useful source of information
That's the reason why I buy items/services (wish they were included in the SUB) to enjoy the game and star trek experience.
Federation Starship Interior: The Original Series
Was it a impulse buy ?
If not: Research > Research > Research
It was spectacularly unfortunate. Causes of Oberth woe include, but are not limited to:
Kruge's "lucky" gunner
Gravitational Wave Front
Plasma Streamer
Space Madness (followed my space nudity, and then just space)
Borg (but we'll let it off there)
Materializing in the middle of an asteroid with a moody cloaking device.
Not an entirely illustrious career, we saw plenty of pre-refit connies and Mirandas meet poor ends too... but at least they did cool things to balance it out. Still, even if it's not the greatest ship ever, they did a sweet job on the model and I'm not sure what more one could expect from a tier 1 science vessel.
Yeah, so much for not buying power in the C-store that you can't get in-game...
Then read the posts in the thread... I said I missed that and apologized for it :cool:
And what's with the "i win" button, it's the farthest thing from what I was looking for... just sayin