That's right... An honor system I'm developing on my behalf. If you play my mission, I will in return play yours. Make sure you rank it ethically and write a review so I know how to look for yours!
"Close Friends, Closer Enemies." by ianai. Check it out in search (make sure you are set up for reviewing in order to locate it)
I played your mission and left you some feedback. Very well done on all the sets and story. I would suggest that you go through your text again. There are a few mistakes like "invincible" that should be "invisible" and so on.
I really liked the mission, and reviewed it with 4 stars. There is a lot to like about your story, and mission. Lots of detail, good characters and an interesting idea. If I can give a little constructive feedback...This mission can be tightened up a bit. Why are Romulans beaming aboard during a warp core breach? I think the that scene is so cool on it's own, it doesn't need a fight in it. Why did you use a bridge set for an engineering room? In some cases there are npcs on top of consoles. One last thing...for the role players out there that have created very specific characters with detailed back story's, you may be giving the player character too much of a history with the other captain. I really do like this mission, and thanks for a fun story.
Played through your mission and I liked most of it, but gave it 4 stars due to the following nitpicks:
1. The first romulan ships you encounter should be brought a bit closer. Atm they won't aggro the player and go into an endless cycle of decloaking while they are idle.
2. I found the bridge a bit too crowded and a few of the NPCs there are still named "UGC Contact". Also found several other NPCs without a proper name scattered throughout the mission.
3. Numerous spelling mistakes. The most obvious is probably the last romulan ship which you have named Semetar or something like that when it in fact should be named Scimitar. See
Hopefully you will test out my mission, "TLC - The Reunion", and provide some much needed feedback.
If needed, see this for more info about my mission.
That's right... An honor system I'm developing on my behalf. If you play my mission, I will in return play yours. Make sure you rank it ethically and write a review so I know how to look for yours!
"Close Friends, Closer Enemies." by ianai. Check it out in search (make sure you are set up for reviewing in order to locate it)
Looking forward to playing yours!
Greetings Ianai,
I will run you mission as well, and look forward to you running mine. I have two parts to the series, but it is really Part II that is my pride and joy. (much more canon than Part I) They, like yours, are not the shortest missions out there, but I really like to focus on the storyline. The main reason I recommend Part II is that an odd 1 out of 13 seem to have a bug that stops them in Part I from completing. Nothing is wrong with the mission and I have never had an issue running it myself but be it signal strength, computer memory, are just a STO bug, I'd hate for you to end up as the 1 of those 13. Nothing more frustrating to authors than a 1 star rating with the text "mission is broken" when you know it is not. Part II can be run without Part I, and has had no issues and
has done pretty well after 38 reviews. Some (not all) seem to get an extremely bright wormhole interior and I am not sure why. It is the toolset default map and it has not been altered in any way.
Anyway, I look forward to trying yours. (hopefully this evening...EDT)
My Missions are out of review and can be found through a search in the top rated tab:
Omega Directive Revisited (Part 1 - The Investigation)
Omega Directive Revisited II (Part 2 - Break the Link)
NOTE TO OTHER AUTHORS: I will swap other mission reviews with other authors as well if anyone else is interested. I like the idea of fellow authors working together to help improve our present and future missions through candid reviews.
Please review my mission "Shadow War - Mist in the Night" (It'll probably be easier to just search for my username, it's my first mission and the only one that I've published so far. Also, corny title, but I couldn't think of a better one)
It's not super long, and I would greatly appreciate your constructive criticism. It's an introductory mission for a series that I plan to create. I want some feedback before I start working on part II, so that I can get a general idea for what people want in this sort of mission.
* Good storyline and I liked the Klingon bridge part.
* Good platform for further episodes
* The mission flows well and no part seems "tacked on" to beef it up.
* Good use of trigger features.
* Not too long.
* Perhaps one or two more props on the station to create a sense of functionality
* It seems to double up on my character name. For example calling me "Vice Admiral Duke Duke". Not sure if this is my fault for not putting in a surname or if its an error.
Overall enjoyable mission and got 4 stars from me.
My first Foundry project. I would like to thank Starbase UGC website for their motherload of tutorials overthere!
Title: A Day For The Assassin:
This is a 2 or 3 part series. Part 1...You are ordered by Starfleet to stop and detain a Ferengi ship that is delivering Romulan Ale to different Romulan astroid colonies set up by the Federation due to the Hobus event. This ale is making many Romulans sick. Your mission is to stop the next delivery....
Look in search & make sure your setup for reviewing in order to find it.
This mission should take about half an hour to play through or a little more. Didn't want to make too long since it's my first one. Hope you enjoy!
* Good storyline and I liked the Klingon bridge part.
* Good platform for further episodes
* The mission flows well and no part seems "tacked on" to beef it up.
* Good use of trigger features.
* Not too long.
* Perhaps one or two more props on the station to create a sense of functionality
* It seems to double up on my character name. For example calling me "Vice Admiral Duke Duke". Not sure if this is my fault for not putting in a surname or if its an error.
Overall enjoyable mission and got 4 stars from me.
Well done mate.
Thanks. a bunch for your review. On the name thing, check your bio in game. It's possible that you intended for your character to be just "Duke", and the game automatically filled your first and last name as "Duke Duke". It's also possible that something goofed when I republished it (I revamped one of the space battles so that the entire second wave doesn't spawn on top of you). I'll replay it to make sure, but I'm pretty sure that I used the proper [FirstName] and [Lastname] things in the Foundry. If there does turn out to be a problem, I'll add a few more props to the station to tag along on the next revision. Any specific suggestions for what to add? Are the hallways too bare? Should I add more stuff in the computer room? ect.
I think you ar right with my Bio not containing a surname. Must the issue. The props are limited in the foundry so no real specific suggestions there. Perhaps in the bigger rooms some crates or a console or two
That's right... An honor system I'm developing on my behalf. If you play my mission, I will in return play yours. Make sure you rank it ethically and write a review so I know how to look for yours!
"Close Friends, Closer Enemies." by ianai. Check it out in search (make sure you are set up for reviewing in order to locate it)
Looking forward to playing yours!
Just finished playing your mission "Close Friends, Closer Enemies." Gave it 5 stars! Worth every bit! I can tell you put a lot into it and it shows big time! The opening part felt like a family reunion. What I like about this mission is i got to really know the crew. Everything flowed very smoothly and i did get "immersed" in this one!:eek: The only thing that may need to be fix is that some of the crew on the bridge are walking around and typing at the same time. May be a bug but it does not interupt the flow of the story. This is a must play!
Let me know how my mission go..."A Day For The Assassin"
I am bookmarking this page as I want to try to run as many of these missions as possible. I have started an Episodic mission line that I will add to every Thursday for 4-5 weeks before starting another. I hope to leave them open ended so I can come back and add to them as I get the notion to. Here are my two episodes in the first series for your review. You can look for my episodes by author name "Fotimor." Thanks:
I will check out the missions listed in this thread for you as well. I am really focused on storylines and plots
as the strengths to Foundry missions. Normally I'll send in game mails with any suggestions/issues unless requested otherwise. I will not downrate for bugs. If something does not work, I will not rate it until I can complete it. Nothing is more frustrating us authors as a "mission broke" comment with a 1 star rating, when 10 others ran it without a problem.
I look forward to trying your missions. Hope you'll give mine a go if you get a chance.
List of missions I will be running:
Shadow War , Mist in the Night (Author: MrCC3000)
A Day for the Assassin (Author: Kuhr)
Spy Games (Author: Duke_X)
The Winter of our Discontent (Author: ddommus)
Give Peace a Chance (Author: FutureCaptain)
Info Gathering Episode 1 - Fed Invasion (Author: Fotimor)
My mission can be found under the title names in the search under Top Rated or New section
Omega Directive Revisited (Part I - The Investigation)
Omega Directive Revisited II (Part II - Break the Link)
I've played and reviewed Omega Directive Revisited Parts I and II, as well as The Winter of our Discontent. Excellent missions, all of them. The biggest issue I saw with Omega Directive was the spelling, but there are only a few minor errors here and there, nothing serious.
I would appreciate any feedback on my mission, as I'm starting work on the second part of my Shadow War series. Just search under my username, MrCC3000. I'll be reviewing more missions in this thread, generally three per day for the daily mission. If anyone has a three part series for me, be sure to speak up!
I just played "Close Friends, Closer Enemies." It was a fun mission. I especially liked engineering set that you put together, as well your use of effects around the warp core. Very nice to see a different engineering design in a foundry mission for a change.
The only little bugs I noticed were some spelling and grammar errors, and occasionally, it seems you used the name Royce when you were talking about Styles. Nothing that couldn't be easily fixed.
I gave it 4 out of 5.
I also just published my second mission, "...and the rivers shall run red." It's a story mission, investigative in nature, very dialog intensive, with no combat. It's not a particularly long mission, but if you could give it a run through, I'd appreciate any feedback you could give.
"Omega Directive Revisited." Just finished playing. Great mission. I gave it 3 stars. Enjoyed the ride. Maps with buildings needs some touch ups but good stuff.;)
So far I have played and rated:
Close Friends, Closer Enemies *****
Omega Directive Revisited ***
I'll give yours a run tonight or tomorrow...
Please try "Spy Games" by Duke_X
The object of this one is either to stay away from the klingons (stealth) or to engage them.
Stealth option : Be careful the klingons have different "fields of vision" if you get to close it will be tough.
Combat option : Some Klingons will spawn 1 group, others more or tougher groups.
Since the foundry does not allow for actual stealth, I had to improvise using triggers.
Hope you have fun playing it.
You may also want to try "The Toron Treaty". Bit of a war zone one.
I played your mission and left you some feedback. Very well done on all the sets and story. I would suggest that you go through your text again. There are a few mistakes like "invincible" that should be "invisible" and so on.
Its quite long but very well done.
1. The first romulan ships you encounter should be brought a bit closer. Atm they won't aggro the player and go into an endless cycle of decloaking while they are idle.
2. I found the bridge a bit too crowded and a few of the NPCs there are still named "UGC Contact". Also found several other NPCs without a proper name scattered throughout the mission.
3. Numerous spelling mistakes. The most obvious is probably the last romulan ship which you have named Semetar or something like that when it in fact should be named Scimitar. See
Hopefully you will test out my mission, "TLC - The Reunion", and provide some much needed feedback.
If needed, see this for more info about my mission.
Greetings Ianai,
I will run you mission as well, and look forward to you running mine. I have two parts to the series, but it is really Part II that is my pride and joy. (much more canon than Part I) They, like yours, are not the shortest missions out there, but I really like to focus on the storyline. The main reason I recommend Part II is that an odd 1 out of 13 seem to have a bug that stops them in Part I from completing. Nothing is wrong with the mission and I have never had an issue running it myself but be it signal strength, computer memory, are just a STO bug, I'd hate for you to end up as the 1 of those 13. Nothing more frustrating to authors than a 1 star rating with the text "mission is broken" when you know it is not. Part II can be run without Part I, and has had no issues and
has done pretty well after 38 reviews. Some (not all) seem to get an extremely bright wormhole interior and I am not sure why. It is the toolset default map and it has not been altered in any way.
Anyway, I look forward to trying yours. (hopefully this evening...EDT)
My Missions are out of review and can be found through a search in the top rated tab:
Omega Directive Revisited (Part 1 - The Investigation)
Omega Directive Revisited II (Part 2 - Break the Link)
NOTE TO OTHER AUTHORS: I will swap other mission reviews with other authors as well if anyone else is interested. I like the idea of fellow authors working together to help improve our present and future missions through candid reviews.
Please review my mission "Shadow War - Mist in the Night" (It'll probably be easier to just search for my username, it's my first mission and the only one that I've published so far. Also, corny title, but I couldn't think of a better one)
It's not super long, and I would greatly appreciate your constructive criticism. It's an introductory mission for a series that I plan to create. I want some feedback before I start working on part II, so that I can get a general idea for what people want in this sort of mission.
Would appreciate some comments in this thread if you can.
Of course I will
I need to do the 3 x foundry daily and one of them will be yours
Pro's :
* Good storyline and I liked the Klingon bridge part.
* Good platform for further episodes
* The mission flows well and no part seems "tacked on" to beef it up.
* Good use of trigger features.
* Not too long.
* Perhaps one or two more props on the station to create a sense of functionality
* It seems to double up on my character name. For example calling me "Vice Admiral Duke Duke". Not sure if this is my fault for not putting in a surname or if its an error.
Overall enjoyable mission and got 4 stars from me.
Well done mate.
thanks for the feedback on the KDF/IKS thing. Fixed it
Title: A Day For The Assassin:
This is a 2 or 3 part series. Part 1...You are ordered by Starfleet to stop and detain a Ferengi ship that is delivering Romulan Ale to different Romulan astroid colonies set up by the Federation due to the Hobus event. This ale is making many Romulans sick. Your mission is to stop the next delivery....
Look in search & make sure your setup for reviewing in order to find it.
This mission should take about half an hour to play through or a little more. Didn't want to make too long since it's my first one. Hope you enjoy!
I will b reviewing all missions here as well...
Thanks. a bunch for your review. On the name thing, check your bio in game. It's possible that you intended for your character to be just "Duke", and the game automatically filled your first and last name as "Duke Duke". It's also possible that something goofed when I republished it (I revamped one of the space battles so that the entire second wave doesn't spawn on top of you). I'll replay it to make sure, but I'm pretty sure that I used the proper [FirstName] and [Lastname] things in the Foundry. If there does turn out to be a problem, I'll add a few more props to the station to tag along on the next revision. Any specific suggestions for what to add? Are the hallways too bare? Should I add more stuff in the computer room? ect.
Thanks and enjoy!
Reviewed it for you.
* Good stroy line ( very well thought out)
* Interesting setting
* Balanced combat
* Not overly long
* Very creative characters
Don't change a thing
5 star rating from me
Good job mate.
Yeah, I really liked this one. Good story, and a challenging, engaging mission. Thanks!
Just finished playing your mission "Close Friends, Closer Enemies." Gave it 5 stars! Worth every bit! I can tell you put a lot into it and it shows big time! The opening part felt like a family reunion. What I like about this mission is i got to really know the crew. Everything flowed very smoothly and i did get "immersed" in this one!:eek: The only thing that may need to be fix is that some of the crew on the bridge are walking around and typing at the same time. May be a bug but it does not interupt the flow of the story. This is a must play!
Let me know how my mission go..."A Day For The Assassin"
Info Gathering Episode 1 Fed Invasion
Preparations Episode 2 Fed Invasion
I will check out the missions listed in this thread for you as well. I am really focused on storylines and plots
as the strengths to Foundry missions. Normally I'll send in game mails with any suggestions/issues unless requested otherwise. I will not downrate for bugs. If something does not work, I will not rate it until I can complete it. Nothing is more frustrating us authors as a "mission broke" comment with a 1 star rating, when 10 others ran it without a problem.
I look forward to trying your missions. Hope you'll give mine a go if you get a chance.
List of missions I will be running:
Shadow War , Mist in the Night (Author: MrCC3000)
A Day for the Assassin (Author: Kuhr)
Spy Games (Author: Duke_X)
The Winter of our Discontent (Author: ddommus)
Give Peace a Chance (Author: FutureCaptain)
Info Gathering Episode 1 - Fed Invasion (Author: Fotimor)
My mission can be found under the title names in the search under Top Rated or New section
Omega Directive Revisited (Part I - The Investigation)
Omega Directive Revisited II (Part II - Break the Link)
These are both Captain level and up 31+
I would appreciate any feedback on my mission, as I'm starting work on the second part of my Shadow War series. Just search under my username, MrCC3000. I'll be reviewing more missions in this thread, generally three per day for the daily mission. If anyone has a three part series for me, be sure to speak up!
The only little bugs I noticed were some spelling and grammar errors, and occasionally, it seems you used the name Royce when you were talking about Styles. Nothing that couldn't be easily fixed.
I gave it 4 out of 5.
I also just published my second mission, "...and the rivers shall run red." It's a story mission, investigative in nature, very dialog intensive, with no combat. It's not a particularly long mission, but if you could give it a run through, I'd appreciate any feedback you could give.
So far I have played and rated:
Close Friends, Closer Enemies *****
Omega Directive Revisited ***