I'm super excited about the Lifetime sale. But I also don't wanna jump in too soon. My main concern is the Design the Next Enterprise Contest. What if I beat the odds and am somehow one of the four people to win lifetime subscriptions? I don't want to have bought a lifetime myself only to end up winning one in the contest. While I do realize that I probably won't win, I don't want to spend the money, only to find out I beat the odds and spent the money for nothing. What would happen in that situation, and what should I do?
I would not sweat this. The Lifetime went on sale for the one-year anniversary event, and now here it is on sale again just a couple months later. While this may be an annomaly never to be repeated, somehow I doubt it. It will, most likely, be on sale again.
However, I would suggest doing the math and deciding if continuing to pay monthly in hopes that the price comes back down within four months (which it may not), is worth the gamble of a) your winning the contest, or b) ending up paying full price later.
- 4 months (at $15 USD) = $60.
- LT while on sale = $240. Which is a savings of $60.
- LT standard price = $300. Which, if you purchased the LT four months from now AND paid the Monthly in the interim would actually be $360.
Thus, theorhetically, by purchaseing now you could save yourself up to $120 USD over waiting to see if the price drops again between now and August. Or I think that is correct anyway. My math skills are always suspect, so figure the numbers out for yourself.
Compare that $120 USD to what you believe your chances are in winning the contest, and you have your answer.
I can certainly sympathize with the difficulty of your decision. I would that whatever you ultimately choose to do, will benefit you in the long run.
Welcome to the club.
Though we are not better than anyone by being lifetime, there is a secret handshake only we know.
I cant show you now because someone who shouldnt know the handshake might see.