I tried to introduce our in-game contest plans in the Ten-Forward forum, but it is obvious it will soon be lost among the chatter so I thought I would try this forum, which seems an appropriate location.
This Friday, 8 April at 8pm EST, I will be holding an in-game scavenger hunt for our STO Fleet: The 300.
We welcome other STO members of all ranks to attend and socialize with us. The hunt will involve five riddles. The first person to solve the riddles, collect the correct items, and deliver them to the Fleet Marshal will receive 500 Atari Tokens! Fleet Marshal Giles will be standing by at Club 47 of ESD from the start time until there is a winner. All delivered items will be returned. The list of riddles will be sent out via game mail at the event time. I'll also post the riddles here after the contest and the answers a few days after that.
So grab your tricorders and sign-up today on our fleet calendar (
www.the300.net) or in-game through our Fleet Events. At the appointed time an announcement will also go out through our Alliance chat channel, "Joint Operations", so you can still join us at the last minute.
Just another note, in May we will be having a Trivia Contest (also awarding 500 Atari Tokens). The contest will involve at least 15 trivia questions (I may up it to 25) that can only be answered through in game knowledge and lore. Participants will have to race across the sectors and gather the correct answers (if they are not confident they know it
The 300 plans to hold a contest every month, some will be restricted to our Fleet and our Allied Fleets, but others we will post here (official forums) for the community at large to come and participate.
We had costume contest last month and we have an Fleet only Foundry design contest going on. The reward for those 2 contests was set 1,000 Atari Tokens. So far these contests have had pretty good participation and hope they will spur some interest across the community as we are always looking for new members or allies.
Best Regards,
Here are the questions, I'll post the answers to the forum here in a couple days....
Solve the riddle and obtain the item!
Hint: All of these items can be obtained by a character of any rank.
1. Im 43% live algae but I havent changed in 300 years.
2. I come from Risa and ensure that your vans the only thing a' rockin.
3. I have a tranquilizing effect and was named after the STO Executive Producer.
4. A part of Klingon rituals, I give warriors courage.
5. You can find me at Starbase K-7 but you couldnt get here without me.
Here are some guesses, just for fun:
1. Slug o Cola?
2. The only thing I can think of is a horga'hn (spelling?) but I don't think those are in game.
3. Stahl Tribble
4. Bloodwine? Bat'leth?
5. I honestly have no idea.
Here are the answers to the riddles...drawn from the background provided for the items when you right click on them and go to info.
1. Slug-O-Cola
2. Seismic Stabilizers
3. Stahl Tribble
4. Klingon Heart of Targ
5. Warp Coils
We had a good turnout this month and are looking forward to May's contest.