Not to derail this to a Foundry discussion, but I thought that is what they said the foundry would do. Give the KDF more content. Everytime we asked about content, they said "We're working on it, and the Foundry comes out soon too!!"
Okay, great, the Foundry....but what good is it for leveling up? I mean, if you can read at all, you know full well that we have been asking for more ways to level so we don't have to GRIND. But the Foundry gives no reward, none that I have ever seen...and I have played at least 20 of those missions.
How can I level up on mob kills alone and not grind?
The foundry can give XP, then have it degrade the more you do a mission or even better, make them have daily timers. Timers means that you do more missions, letting more people get their mission played, and it means you keep someone from creating a mission that offers a huge reward just to level up fast.
The amount of time that it is taking them to get out Season better be huge.
Due to cryptic's ineptness this game is headed forfailure. ST games released with all factions on a pretty even scale, the SFC franchise is a good example, had hundreds of players on of every race. Season 4 will be another 45 day patch for the KDF. If I am wrong and season 4 does bring us to an even par I will buy a lifetime to the first person who emails me from a .mil.
Due to cryptic's ineptness this game is headed forfailure. ST games released with all factions on a pretty even scale, the SFC franchise is a good example, had hundreds of players on of every race. Season 4 will be another 45 day patch for the KDF. If I am wrong and season 4 does bring us to an even par I will buy a lifetime to the first person who emails me from a .mil.
Due to cryptic's ineptness this game is headed forfailure. ST games released with all factions on a pretty even scale, the SFC franchise is a good example, had hundreds of players on of every race. Season 4 will be another 45 day patch for the KDF. If I am wrong and season 4 does bring us to an even par I will buy a lifetime to the first person who emails me from a .mil.
Darn boy, that there some harsh words. I don't see how the game is heading for failure. I see Cryptic trying real hard to add as much stuff as they can (though I feel they should stop the C Store stuff for about 6 months and concentrate on all new stuff - mostly for KDF. (HINT HINT).
As long as the Feds make up 80% of the paying and playing force, they will always get the love first. We KDF players have been patient for over a year, why give up now? Slowly but surely they have given us new content, and hopefully soon we'll be given the choice to level up either by PvP or PvE - other than exploration missions and repeating the same missions over and over again to do it.
I can't see how season 4 will bring the KDF faction up to an "even par" with the feds. That is just not possible in my opinion. The fed faction has just way too much stuff already. It would take the entire Cryptic crew about a year of working non stop on only KDF stuff to get us to that point. I am, however, hoping that they do make Season 4 the KDF patch, because we really do need it. The feds can whine and complain all they want, but we need to see the love now. Being a realist, I don't see that happening. If the Feds don't get some new items and missions and stuff each patch there will be a rebellion - oops maybe not a good term to use for this game huh?
I am hopeful that Cryptic did learn their lesson though. Hopefully they won't add the next faction until:
1) after they've finished making the KDF a full fledged faction; and 2) they have a big huge chunk of missions to go along with the new faction. I think it would be a big mistake for them to rush out the new faction and have it like the KDF was when the game first launched. Now that could lead to a bad time for them, so again I hope they learned from their mistakes and don't make the same one twice.
- I'm still waiting for my D7/K't'inga class tier 5 (tier 6) cruiser. Please Cryptic, please make it happen. I don't think I can hold my breath for much longer.
IMO Cryptic hasn't learned a thing since the 45th day patch and Season 2 KDF debacles.
All they got is a bad reputation for saying much and delivering few.
I just level my 3rd KDF toon and I hit the Brigardier General lvl yesterday with a playtime of 1 day 16 hours.
The toon was levelled ONLY via cluster missions and dailies. Why only PvE you ask?
Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to join PvP at lower levels at klingon side cause no one is ever playing.
So what is left there? The 3rd featured series my toon finished at Lt. Cmdr 3 level. So what is left?? Starcluster, starcluster starcluster and daily in deferi and eta eridani space.
I levelled this toon to have an engineer KDF for endgame STF´s and PvP and I really want this toon badly.
But it is a fact that this one day and 16hours was a mindless boring unentertaining grind with NO fun at all. At all !
I have a suggestion.
Repeat "Spin the wheel" and the Breen mission where you play doc/interrogator on that Deferi ship (both are fast, and give good XP).. Mix with dailies and take PvP pops if they come.
I levelled my last Fed toon to VA doing nothing but the featured EPs, dailies, PvP and those two missions. It took me perhaps 5-6 days of casual play.
Repeat "Spin the wheel" and the Breen mission where you play doc/interrogator on that Deferi ship (both are fast, and give good XP).. Mix with dailies and take PvP pops if they come.
I levelled my last Fed toon to VA doing nothing but the featured EPs, dailies, PvP and those two missions. It took me perhaps 5-6 days of casual play.
Thank you for the suggestion Meline.
Luckily I´m almost Lt. Gen. now and after levelling 10 toons fed and 3 toons kling that last one has been my final toon. Next one I´ll level will be a Jedi Consular.....but thats another story
IMO Cryptic hasn't learned a thing since the 45th day patch and Season 2 KDF debacles.
All they got is a bad reputation for saying much and delivering few.
100% there. Jack Emmert and others have flat out lied. No wonder they have chased of 100's of potential customers.
Due to cryptic's ineptness this game is headed forfailure. ST games released with all factions on a pretty even scale, the SFC franchise is a good example, had hundreds of players on of every race. Season 4 will be another 45 day patch for the KDF. If I am wrong and season 4 does bring us to an even par I will buy a lifetime to the first person who emails me from a .mil.
I'd send you the mil....but you'd just say it wasn't up to par even if everyone else did, so you'd win no matter what, since "up to par" is subjective.
Thank you for the suggestion Meline.
Luckily I´m almost Lt. Gen. now and after levelling 10 toons fed and 3 toons kling that last one has been my final toon. Next one I´ll level will be a Jedi Consular.....but thats another story
I leveled my KDF toons almost completely from doing space explores in nebulae. There is the ability in the nebulae on the KDF side to find a couple/few anomalies that you can get a space combat quest, and if you don't then you can exit right out and right again pick up the anomaly to try again...I was able to level my last KDF toon this way in about as many hours as your method.
Note to self....I have no opinion on the thread's title, I am posting merely in reply to the aforementioned post to be helpful.....I wish to not take a side in the original thought of this thread.
I'd send you the mil....but you'd just say it wasn't up to par even if everyone else did, so you'd win no matter what, since "up to par" is subjective.
By mil I do mean a .mil (military) email address. If the patch is a legitimate update for the KDF, not just cosmetic I will buy a lifetime sub for any member of the military.
By mil I do mean a .mil (military) email address. If the patch is a legitimate update for the KDF, not just cosmetic I will buy a lifetime sub for any member of the military. he says it...perhaps he has already done the paperwork for the
did you ever thought of that, its very more difficult to design a proper klingon ship than a fedship?
while most of the alternates on fedside look very passable, i noticed on KDF side, that almost all ships that are not of ST origin, are really butt-ugly ...
i stopped playing my klingon sci char, cause of the BOPs are so uglythat i cant cope watching them. the 2 t5 BG bops (not the bop refit) look very very stupid. theyre far to big and just look some kind of very fragile at all. the wings angles are ugly. and the wings shape too.
i think that is the biggest problem: its really hard to design a alternate to klingon ships. i must say i like the vorcha costume, but the hull is ... puzzling. it really makes my mind crazy. noone would build this ^^. the nose and nacelles and the mission pod look very great though.
the d7/ktinga refit is just a streched thing. reminds me of those "new" ships at beginning of armada where you used the sod modifier to modify the existing ships by stretching them ^^ (though someone really made a good NX out of an akira that times ^^)
but there some ways to go still. i liked the feklhr class in armada 2 as a sci ship for kli. and fleetops i think did a good job on an alternate neghvar too.
perhaps it would help if there was a possibility to suppose shipdesigns to cryptic.
there shouldn't anything Klingon on the CStore until we have the same amount of content in game as the feds do. Everything should just be available for EC and Honor. Bridges, uniforms, ship skins, races, all of it.
just give of some little things to keep us at bay, we Klingon are simple folk, all we need is a sharp blade in our hand, and a few new things to blow up and to look good while doing it. but lets face it when you have been doing it in the same outfit, with the same blade, with the same enemy for over a year even a Klingon will want a change. for pete sake the mek'leth had an in game working model over a year ago when cryptic promised it to us, so please when you come out with it dont let it be a let down.... a years wait i want it to be the best looking most awesome super cool effects melee weapon in the game.
The problem I see here is that Cryptic seem to have entered on the C-Store for revenue rather then subscriptions. Cyrptic can not use ships from other companys games since the licence they own does not cover them. Even if they wanted to include the Fek'lr they would have to negotiate with Activision or which ever company bought them.
Stahl has repeatedly said that the majority of their playerbase are fed characters.
Based on what I'm seeing as I grind my Klink alt up, this is a true statement. It's quite obviously true. Which makes me wonder if they had given equal time to the Klinks prior to release, would this still be true?
I dunno, it's the dilemma between 'there is not enough content, therefore pop is low" and "the pop is low, therefore, we can't do much content for it".
I dunno, it's the dilemma between 'there is not enough content, therefore pop is low" and "the pop is low, therefore, we can't do much content for it".
If we go on strike they will say the KDF side is dead,and they will pull the season 4 content update.
Raiding Cryptic HQ is the only way..... *hands out disruptors*
What would really be nice is to be able to fight for space territory. The red glow would really expand and the whine from the "OMFGPWN with one button" feds would crash the boards.
If we go on strike they will say the KDF side is dead,and they will pull the season 4 content update.
Raiding Cryptic HQ is the only way..... *hands out disruptors*
Ill bring the WINE!!!!, but seriously this is ridiculous, i cant think of a single excuse they could use for the mek'leth not being released, or the dagger. over a year and the model was already in game...
If you want to send a clear message to any games company, or any company for that matter, is to stop buying their products as AC/DC once sang "money talks." Right now your asking for a fleshed out faction, tonnes of threads all asking the same thing, therein lies the problem, posts can be dismissed, locked or even deleted and still every month you fork over your sub.
If you want to send a clear message then remove your money from their pockets, once profits begin to suffer then and only then will definate action be taken. You may think that a handful of klingon players cancelling won't do anything, well if the Feds dont have anyone to PvP against they'll sure notice and for every 100 people that leave $1,500 is lost per month.
As for me, I only dropped in for a month to see if anything had changed on the Klingon side so if I get banned its not great loss. The question is, how long are the rest of you willing to pay for a half finiished product?
Could organize a 'raid' on Drozana. Get as many KDFers as possible to fill up the instances of Drozana at one time. Let them count the 'small population' then.
Okay, great, the Foundry....but what good is it for leveling up? I mean, if you can read at all, you know full well that we have been asking for more ways to level so we don't have to GRIND. But the Foundry gives no reward, none that I have ever seen...and I have played at least 20 of those missions.
How can I level up on mob kills alone and not grind?
The foundry can give XP, then have it degrade the more you do a mission or even better, make them have daily timers. Timers means that you do more missions, letting more people get their mission played, and it means you keep someone from creating a mission that offers a huge reward just to level up fast.
The amount of time that it is taking them to get out Season better be huge.
(someone had to)
Darn boy, that there some harsh words. I don't see how the game is heading for failure. I see Cryptic trying real hard to add as much stuff as they can (though I feel they should stop the C Store stuff for about 6 months and concentrate on all new stuff - mostly for KDF. (HINT HINT).
As long as the Feds make up 80% of the paying and playing force, they will always get the love first. We KDF players have been patient for over a year, why give up now? Slowly but surely they have given us new content, and hopefully soon we'll be given the choice to level up either by PvP or PvE - other than exploration missions and repeating the same missions over and over again to do it.
I can't see how season 4 will bring the KDF faction up to an "even par" with the feds. That is just not possible in my opinion. The fed faction has just way too much stuff already. It would take the entire Cryptic crew about a year of working non stop on only KDF stuff to get us to that point. I am, however, hoping that they do make Season 4 the KDF patch, because we really do need it. The feds can whine and complain all they want, but we need to see the love now. Being a realist, I don't see that happening. If the Feds don't get some new items and missions and stuff each patch there will be a rebellion - oops maybe not a good term to use for this game huh?
I am hopeful that Cryptic did learn their lesson though. Hopefully they won't add the next faction until:
1) after they've finished making the KDF a full fledged faction; and 2) they have a big huge chunk of missions to go along with the new faction. I think it would be a big mistake for them to rush out the new faction and have it like the KDF was when the game first launched. Now that could lead to a bad time for them, so again I hope they learned from their mistakes and don't make the same one twice.
All they got is a bad reputation for saying much and delivering few.
I have a suggestion.
Repeat "Spin the wheel" and the Breen mission where you play doc/interrogator on that Deferi ship (both are fast, and give good XP).. Mix with dailies and take PvP pops if they come.
I levelled my last Fed toon to VA doing nothing but the featured EPs, dailies, PvP and those two missions. It took me perhaps 5-6 days of casual play.
Thank you for the suggestion Meline.
Luckily I´m almost Lt. Gen. now and after levelling 10 toons fed and 3 toons kling that last one has been my final toon. Next one I´ll level will be a Jedi Consular.....but thats another story
100% there. Jack Emmert and others have flat out lied. No wonder they have chased of 100's of potential customers.
I'd send you the mil....but you'd just say it wasn't up to par even if everyone else did, so you'd win no matter what, since "up to par" is subjective.
I leveled my KDF toons almost completely from doing space explores in nebulae. There is the ability in the nebulae on the KDF side to find a couple/few anomalies that you can get a space combat quest, and if you don't then you can exit right out and right again pick up the anomaly to try again...I was able to level my last KDF toon this way in about as many hours as your method.
Note to self....I have no opinion on the thread's title, I am posting merely in reply to the aforementioned post to be helpful.....I wish to not take a side in the original thought of this thread.
By mil I do mean a .mil (military) email address. If the patch is a legitimate update for the KDF, not just cosmetic I will buy a lifetime sub for any member of the military. he says it...perhaps he has already done the paperwork for the
Going by this I will be spending $299 on my kid's braces.
while most of the alternates on fedside look very passable, i noticed on KDF side, that almost all ships that are not of ST origin, are really butt-ugly ...
i stopped playing my klingon sci char, cause of the BOPs are so uglythat i cant cope watching them. the 2 t5 BG bops (not the bop refit) look very very stupid. theyre far to big and just look some kind of very fragile at all. the wings angles are ugly. and the wings shape too.
i think that is the biggest problem: its really hard to design a alternate to klingon ships. i must say i like the vorcha costume, but the hull is ... puzzling. it really makes my mind crazy. noone would build this ^^. the nose and nacelles and the mission pod look very great though.
the d7/ktinga refit is just a streched thing. reminds me of those "new" ships at beginning of armada where you used the sod modifier to modify the existing ships by stretching them ^^ (though someone really made a good NX out of an akira that times ^^)
but there some ways to go still. i liked the feklhr class in armada 2 as a sci ship for kli. and fleetops i think did a good job on an alternate neghvar too.
perhaps it would help if there was a possibility to suppose shipdesigns to cryptic.
Based on what I'm seeing as I grind my Klink alt up, this is a true statement. It's quite obviously true. Which makes me wonder if they had given equal time to the Klinks prior to release, would this still be true?
Plenty of darkness to keep us blind and just enough manure to cover us.
I dunno, it's the dilemma between 'there is not enough content, therefore pop is low" and "the pop is low, therefore, we can't do much content for it".
If we go on strike they will say the KDF side is dead,and they will pull the season 4 content update.
Raiding Cryptic HQ is the only way..... *hands out disruptors*
What would really be nice is to be able to fight for space territory. The red glow would really expand and the whine from the "OMFGPWN with one button" feds would crash the boards.
Ill bring the WINE!!!!, but seriously this is ridiculous, i cant think of a single excuse they could use for the mek'leth not being released, or the dagger. over a year and the model was already in game...
If you want to send a clear message then remove your money from their pockets, once profits begin to suffer then and only then will definate action be taken. You may think that a handful of klingon players cancelling won't do anything, well if the Feds dont have anyone to PvP against they'll sure notice and for every 100 people that leave $1,500 is lost per month.
As for me, I only dropped in for a month to see if anything had changed on the Klingon side so if I get banned its not great loss. The question is, how long are the rest of you willing to pay for a half finiished product?