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TOS Veterans: Mature 30+ fleet



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    We are old (+30)
    We are mature (see above and don’t go by the definition)
    We like TOS better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek) Well some of us do :D
    We like to Rollplay (TOS/TNG)
    We are social before gameplay
    We think (some of us think) Kirk could kick Picard’s A$$!
    We are funny (at least I am)
    We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium) 48 members so far :)
    We are relaxed (no online requirement)
    We have an online Blog (TOS Blogspot)
    we have a cool website (TOSFLEET.com)
    We have a website with a short Fleet Application.
    We now have a Klingon Fleet (TOS Qan Mang)
    We now have 24th century Captains in our TNG Veterans FleetWe would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The TOS Veterans was created with the formation of Project Christopher.

    Project Christopher is a Top Secret, Special Operation Project, thought to be initiated by Section 31 and said to be connected with, but at an arm’s reach from Starfleet Intelligence, The Department of Temporal Investigations, The Vulcan V'Shar and the Andorian Am Tal. Some of the "Projects" key personell and officers have a connection, even a position within these Intelligence agencies.

    No one really knows how the Project is connected to these other agencies or organizations however it is clear that Project Christopher is self sufficient and not above the law, however it may be slightly beneath the law.

    The project consists of sending back an extraction team to the targeted time periods to extract potential Captain material candidate’s moments before their demise and bringing them to the 2409 to help fight in the war efforts of the future.

    It is not quite sure who is pulling the strings or if there is some other temporal violation that it is rectifying however, this organization is growing and is a force to be reckoned with.

    Project Christopher and our Department Structure
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    For those not familiar with the nomenclature of Project Christopher, please refer to Star Trek: The Original Series episode #19: Tomorrow is Yesterday.

    A fantastic TOS episode where we see one of Trek's very first violations of the Temporal Prime Directive.

    On another note, TOS VETERANS FLEET is awesome. I've been involved in Star Trek Gaming through Elite Force, Bridge Commander, Starfleet Command, and Elite Force 2. I've done role playing with Red Squad and Omicron Fleet, and I must say that the TOS Veterans is one of the nicest group of people I've ever encountered in Trek Gaming and also in other Trek usergroup circles.

    I feel lucky to have found this fleet and I'm sharing that knowledge for those who may be soul-searching a bit for a fleet that suits their needs as well.

    Even if you decide not to join our merry gang...you'll most certainly encounter us in-game one way or another...to bear witness to the class, dignity, respect and good humor that has become our Fleet's mainstay.

    Live long and Prosper.

    Sorok out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I bid greetings from The Last Outpost. I thank you for your kind words, James.

    Fair winds and following seas, Ambassador.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Looking for a mature fleet who really enjoys Trek since the begninning?

    Look no further.

    TOS FLEET is here! Check us out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Welcome to the Mariner 10 Spacestation EvilGrizz from The Last Outpost. I am glad that you are visiting the Mariner 10 Spacestation. I spoke only the truth!

    Mariner 10 was named after an early 20th century Earth’s robotic space probe launched by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (Which later became part of United Earth Space Probe Agency) The Mariner 10 was launched on November 3, 1973, to fly by the planets Mercury and Venus. The Mariner 10 probe was the first spacecraft to use the gravitational slingshot effect to reach another planet, passing by Venus on February 5, 1974, on its way to becoming the first spacecraft to explore Mercury.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The TOS VETERANS FLEET is always looking for mature, friendly people to join our ranks.

    We're a well-organized group, that understands that family life often takes priority over gaming. Nevertheless, we always welcome our members to join us on Fleet Action night, PvP night, Leveling night, and even STF night. Most of the other days are dedicated to role-playing or free-play.

    If you'd like to fly with us, stop by our site, and feel free to fill out an application. We're a really fun group of people, and we don't take ourselves too seriously. Most of all though....We LOVE Star Trek. The large majority of our members have been fans since The Original Series (Hence ToS Veterans), but we also enjoy all the subsequent series as well.

    Doesn't matter whether you prefer Kirk or Janeway.....Check us out!

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    Mature (30’s & 40’s & Beyond) relaxed casual fleet looking for fleet members that like The Original Series (TOS) that they don’t mind following a story line that takes them from 2269 to the future to help fight in a war that would be their future.

    We are a TOS themed and retrofitted to fight in the 25th century but we need you and your enthusiasm (and a few backstories) to help us out.

    Check out the new (adding more every day) website http://www.TOSFLEET.com/ and join in for a little fantasy and a lot of fun and friendship.

    Did someone say that they made Jim Kirk an admiral???!!

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Please take a moment to view two of our recruiting videos. They were a lot of fun to do and they are short!

    Watch our first Recruiting Video

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    Watch our Council introductions Video
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Personal Log - Stardate 4146.8 ,

    I've just been transported into the future from the 23rd century. The year is 2409. Admiral Quinn says I've been selected to be a member of PROJECT CHRISTOPHER to help the federation win the war against the Klingons. Although I've been given the commission of a Vice Admiral, I've started out in a separate ranking system as a cadet, managed by my new fleet. The fleet seems to be populated with many other Starfleet officers who've been plucked from the past. Fortunately, they're all quite personable and extremely helpful, not just to me, but to all the other new members inscribed as a result of Project Christopher.

    We call ourselves THE TOS VETERANS FLEET. And in my short time here, we've successfully completed many missions involving the Borg, the Breen, and our arch enemies....the Klingons. We have been relentless in our capacity to mobilize our fleet, performing STF's, PvP's (ooc), as well as other Fleet Actions. Alas, tonight, as Admiral Quinn reported in our latest mission briefing, we're finally going to rid the Alpha Centauri sector of the infamous Crystalline Entity.

    Hopefully my engineering crew will have finished running our weapons diagnostics by then.

    -End Personal Log.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The TOS Veterans was created with the formation of Project Christopher.

    Project Christopher is a Top Secret, Special Operation Project, thought to be initiated by Section 31 and said to be connected with, but at an arm’s reach from Starfleet Intelligence, The Department of Temporal Investigations, The Vulcan V'Shar and the Andorian Am Tal. Some of the "Projects" key personell and officers have a connection, even a position within these Intelligence agencies.

    No one really knows how the Project is connected to these other agencies or organizations however it is clear that Project Christopher is self sufficient and not above the law, however it may be slightly beneath the law.

    The project consists of sending back an extraction team to the targeted time periods to extract potential Captain material candidate’s moments before their demise and bringing them to the 2409 to help fight in the war efforts of the future.

    It is not quite sure who is pulling the strings or if there is some other temporal violation that it is rectifying however, this organization is growing and is a force to be reckoned with.

    Project Christopher and our Department Structure
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    We are old (+30)
    We are mature (see above and don’t go by the definition)
    We like TOS better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek) Well some of us do :D
    We like to Rollplay (TOS/TNG)
    We are social before gameplay
    We think (some of us think) Kirk could kick Picard’s A$$!
    We are funny (at least I am)
    We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium) 48 members so far :)
    We are relaxed (no online requirement)
    We have an online Blog (TOS Blogspot)
    we have a cool website (TOSFLEET.com)
    We have a website with a short Fleet Application.
    We now have a Klingon Fleet (TOS Qan Mang)
    We now have 24th century Captains in our TNG Veterans FleetWe would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    TOS Veterans is a great place. We interact with other fleets and perform daily activities such as PvP events, Fleet Actions, and STF's. These activities are ACTUAL SCHEDULED EVENTS. This way everyone can make plans in advance with the knowledge that plenty of other fleet members will also be involved.

    It's true that we're old and relaxed, but we're also super-fun and even morese...well-organized.

    We are true Trek-Heads, whereas most of us have been fans since the Star Trek: The Original Series. and though our roots began with Roddenberry's first Trek project, we also have a deep appreciation for every subsequent series as well. If you're interested in bringing some 'Real' Trek into STO, we might just be the fleet for you.

    Check us out at THE TOS VETERANS FLEET!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Are you the only person in your group who ever had a boyhood crush on Alyssa Milano?

    Do you find it silly that even after all these years, the Smurfs still suck?

    Do you remember terrorizing your little sister's Cabbage Patch Kid?

    Tired of making jokes which reference the 80's and 90's only to have the other players in your group stare at you in silence.

    Check out the TOS VETERANS FLEET......were you'll find people that actually GET IT. :D

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My name is Mark and I have always had a boyhood crush on Alyssa Milano... It has been 5 years since my last confession. I would also like to invite Alyssa Milano to the Mariner 10 Spacestation. May she not act on the court order to keep me 3 decks away from here. I hate the Engineering deck :(

    Mariner 10 was named after an early 20th century Earth’s robotic space probe launched by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (Which later became part of United Earth Space Probe Agency) The Mariner 10 was launched on November 3, 1973, to fly by the planets Mercury and Venus. The Mariner 10 probe was the first spacecraft to use the gravitational slingshot effect to reach another planet, passing by Venus on February 5, 1974, on its way to becoming the first spacecraft to explore Mercury.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    In the year 2408 after the Klingon and Gorn invade Cestus III a Starfleet Committee chaired by Admiral Jorel Quinn passed motion to explore other options and possibilities in order to build up the Federation with commanders and ships. "We need to promote exceptional officers quickly. We need our captains leading away teams. Starfleet needs to look at our whole command structure and do what works now, not what worked 30 years ago."

    A Starfleet diplomat was sent back to the late 2260's to speak with Starfleet in order to round up several possible exceptional commander candidates and as many star ships as they could refurbish from the decommissioned roster. This section 31 operation was known as Projct Christopher after the 1960's aiforce officer that was beamed aboard the USS Enterprise.

    In order to not affect the time continuum the only way to choose worthy captains out of their own time and bring them to the future is to find all those that have no future. The captains must be about to die and taken from circumstances seconds before they meet their demise. They now have to accept that they have no past but have been given a new future. These are members of the ghost fleet.

    The chosen captains were given ships that were pre programmed with precise calculations in order to carry out the light-speed breakaway factor to artificially-created time warp in order to time travel back to the 2408.

    Once the initial five captain were sent, Starfleet would keep their eye out for any such qualified command personnel to join the fleet and to help fight the war in the future.
    You may be that commander!

    Find out More about the Fleet:

    Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the application form. http://www.TOSFLEET.com/

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    Ambassador KATRA
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    Mature (30’s & 40’s & Beyond) relaxed casual fleet looking for fleet members that like The Original Series (TOS) that they don’t mind following a story line that takes them from 2269 to the future to help fight in a war that would be their future.

    We are a TOS themed and retrofitted to fight in the 25th century but we need you and your enthusiasm (and a few backstories) to help us out.

    Check out the new (adding more every day) website http://www.TOSFLEET.com/ and join in for a little fantasy and a lot of fun and friendship.

    Did someone say that they made Jim Kirk an admiral???!!

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    A little more info on "Project Christopher" and why TOS Veterans Fleet uses it as a cool backdrop for our Character bios.....

    Who is Christopher???

    (The Following is cut directly from Memory Alpha ):

    Reference.... Star Trek, the Original Series episode, Tomorrow is Yesterday

    Captain John Christopher(serial number 4857932) was a Human military officer who served in the United States Air Force in the late 1960s. He was the father of Shaun Geoffrey Christopher, the leader of the first Earth-Saturn probe.
    In 1969, the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 arrived in low Earth orbit from the year 2267, through an accidental time warp. Captain Christopher was scrambled in his F-104 Starfighter to intercept the Enterprise, which the Air Force had detected as a UFO. Detecting the approach of Christopher's jet, and fearing the use of nuclear warheads against them, Captain Kirk ordered the jet held in a tractor beam. The jet, however, was too fragile to withstand the force of the tractor beam, and began to break apart, forcing Kirk to order Christopher beamed aboard.
    Christopher's arrival aboard the Enterprise presented the crew with an interesting problem: Christopher could not be returned to Earth, as his newly-acquired knowledge of the future might lead him to inadvertantly alter history. With no choice, Kirk informed Christopher that they could not return him, although Christopher refused to accept this.
    Later, Kirk and Lieutenant Sulu beamed down to the Air Force base to covertly retrieve evidence of the Enterprise's presence in 1969, but Kirk was captured in the process. Christopher offered to help Spock retrieve Kirk, but only on the condition that Christopher be allowed to accompany the rescue party. Spock agreed, and the rescue of Kirk was successful, but during their time on the base Christopher stole a firearm, with the intention of staying and reporting what he knew. Before Christopher was able to do so, however, Spock incapacitated him with a Vulcan nerve pinch.

    Upon returning to the Enterprise, Spock informed Kirk and Christopher that he had uncovered historical evidence that indicated Christopher must be returnded to Earth; that although Christopher himself had made no relevant contribution to history, his future son, Shaun Geoffrey Christopher, would lead the first Earth-Saturn probe in the early 21st century, and that without Christopher on Earth to father this son, the mission would never take place. With this new information, Spock and Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott devised a plan to return Christopher without any damage to the timeline: they would recreate the time warp via a slingshot effect around the Sun, returning them to their own time. Since, as they gathered speed approaching the Sun, they would initially travel back in time, they would simply return Christopher to a point in time prior to his transport aboard the Enterprise. Their plan worked, and Christopher was returned to the cockpit of his jet before he was beamed aboard, leaving him with no memory of what had transpired.


    So that's why the TOS Fleet has named our character backdrop PROJECT CHRISTOPHER.

    Citing a really cool trek reference, which actually reveals the first ever Star Trek "violation of the Temporal Prime Directive", is a really cool way to add some interesting protein into the meat and potatoes of your character's biography.

    Looking forward to flying with all of you...

    Come and check us out at TOS VETERANS FLEET. You won't regret it!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    TOS VETERANS FLEET is much more than just an STO gaming guild.

    We are also a fantastic source for some amazing creative works, all which focus on Star Trek.

    Come check out our website and have a look at our Fleet Bible which explains in detail the backdrop for our characters.

    Also, we have some fantastic artists helping us with the great role play, and some TOTALLY AWESOME fan fiction.

    TOS VETERANS FLEET ......Saving the universe...one planet at a time!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Encryption Protocol TYZ-7R949-I

    …Data Packet Spooled
    …Data Packet Decrypted

    Jolan tru, Daise Raeha

    I realize that this is not my appointed communication window, and that I take some risk in contacting you now, in this way. But I have vital information of which the Tal Shiar and the Empire must be aware.

    As you know, my mission to infiltrate the highest levels of the Federation government has met with undreamt of success. The surgical alterations performed by Tal Shiar physicians have allowed me to pass through the halls of power here unnoticed.

    Last night, I found a way to gain access to some of the most closely guarded information from a Federation Council Member’s private files. They detail resource allotment for highly secret projects. Many of these are already familiar to us. But I found one entry that was not.

    “Project Christopher.”

    There was no further information about this entry—something notable in itself and indicative of its true importance. Furthermore, the resources devoted to it were significant.

    I have learned to trust my intuition and it tells me now that this Project Christopher is something we need to understand.

    I will continue my investigations. If I do not report in again, I wanted you to be certain to tell my replacement to focus on the nature of this new Federation project, to uncover the secret behind Project Christopher.

    …Transmission Terminated
    …Data Packet Erased
    …All Data Logs Deleted

    - - - - -

    To find out more about Project Christoper, visit out fleet website and read our new fleet Bible:


    Or visit our fleet blog:

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The TOS Veterans was created with the formation of Project Christopher.

    Project Christopher is a Top Secret, Special Operation Project, thought to be initiated by Section 31 and said to be connected with, but at an arm’s reach from Starfleet Intelligence, The Department of Temporal Investigations, The Vulcan V'Shar and the Andorian Am Tal. Some of the "Projects" key personell and officers have a connection, even a position within these Intelligence agencies.

    No one really knows how the Project is connected to these other agencies or organizations however it is clear that Project Christopher is self sufficient and not above the law, however it may be slightly beneath the law.

    The project consists of sending back an extraction team to the targeted time periods to extract potential Captain material candidate’s moments before their demise and bringing them to the 2409 to help fight in the war efforts of the future.

    It is not quite sure who is pulling the strings or if there is some other temporal violation that it is rectifying however, this organization is growing and is a force to be reckoned with.

    Project Christopher and our Department Structure
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Report of Korth
    Commander of Listening Post QongtaH Targh
    Draygo System

    My Lord,

    Our decryption protocols have detected an unknown phrase in high-security Starfleet transmissions. We do not yet understand its meaning, or why any miserable Federation yIntagh should refer to it, but its appearance has corresponded with several border skirmishes that have gone poorly for the Empire.

    It is “Project Christopher.”

    The first word clearly indicates some form of Starfleet trickery. Our linguist tells us that the second word is a human name. It may be a human excuse for a general who is concocting Federation strategy and who has, by sheer luck, achieved some slight success. Our expert on human culture believes such symbolic naming is their way of glorifying whichever sorry taHqeq among them somehow overcomes their many natural limitations.

    I have my doubts. I believe this mysterious phrase refers to something much larger and much more sinister. We must learn more before Starfleet blunders into some means of dealing the Empire a serious, though temporary, blow.

    We must know. What is “Project Christopher”?

    Out decryption protocols and data sifters are on high alert, looking for additional uses of this term. We will uncover the Federation's nefarious plans and put a stop to them.

    For the Empire!

    - - - - -

    To find out more about Project Christoper, visit out fleet website and read our new fleet Bible:


    Or visit our fleet blog:

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You know, I lot of guilds like to go on and on about how long they've been around.

    You've all heard the ole company line.... "We've been a guild since Elite Force and Bridge Commander....yadda yadda yadda..". There's nothing wrong with fleets like this. In fact some of them are tvery cool.

    TOS Veterans contradicts this logic.... Our fleet was formed out of necessity specifically for STO. We're a bunch of mature players who have been on this planet long enough to learn how to control our little egos. Our fleet was formed because most of us didn't fit in with some of the younger people who play STO. There's no powermongers in our fleet. And while we have fun with our own internal ranking system, noone ever gets caught up in the a-typical forum arguments which other, younger fleets may experience. The Fleet members in TOS veterans Fleet are all super-cool, relaxed indiviuals, who all share a common interest. We've always welcomed mature, new members with warm greetings, and we focus on having fun in-game.

    Seriously...we're just a great group of guys and gals.

    Check out the TOS VETERANS Website for more details.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    We are old (+30)
    We are mature (see above and don’t go by the definition)
    We like TOS better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek) Well some of us do :D
    We like to Rollplay (TOS/TNG)
    We are social before gameplay
    We think (some of us think) Kirk could kick Picard’s A$$!
    We are funny (at least I am)
    We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium) 48 members so far :)
    We are relaxed (no online requirement)
    We have an online Blog (TOS Blogspot)
    we have a cool website (TOSFLEET.com)
    We have a website with a short Fleet Application.
    We now have a Klingon Fleet (TOS Qan Mang)
    We now have 24th century Captains in our TNG Veterans FleetWe would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    In the year 2408 after the Klingon and Gorn invade Cestus III a Starfleet Committee chaired by Admiral Jorel Quinn passed motion to explore other options and possibilities in order to build up the Federation with commanders and ships. "We need to promote exceptional officers quickly. We need our captains leading away teams. Starfleet needs to look at our whole command structure and do what works now, not what worked 30 years ago."

    A Starfleet diplomat was sent back to the late 2260's to speak with Starfleet in order to round up several possible exceptional commander candidates and as many star ships as they could refurbish from the decommissioned roster. This section 31 operation was known as Projct Christopher after the 1960's aiforce officer that was beamed aboard the USS Enterprise.

    In order to not affect the time continuum the only way to choose worthy captains out of their own time and bring them to the future is to find all those that have no future. The captains must be about to die and taken from circumstances seconds before they meet their demise. They now have to accept that they have no past but have been given a new future. These are members of the ghost fleet.

    The chosen captains were given ships that were pre programmed with precise calculations in order to carry out the light-speed breakaway factor to artificially-created time warp in order to time travel back to the 2408.

    Once the initial five captain were sent, Starfleet would keep their eye out for any such qualified command personnel to join the fleet and to help fight the war in the future.
    You may be that commander!

    Find out More about the Fleet:

    Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the application form. http://www.TOSFLEET.com/

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    Ambassador KATRA
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    Mature (30’s & 40’s & Beyond) relaxed casual fleet looking for fleet members that like The Original Series (TOS) that they don’t mind following a story line that takes them from 2269 to the future to help fight in a war that would be their future.

    We are a TOS themed and retrofitted to fight in the 25th century but we need you and your enthusiasm (and a few backstories) to help us out.

    Check out the new (adding more every day) website http://www.TOSFLEET.com/ and join in for a little fantasy and a lot of fun and friendship.

    Did someone say that they made Jim Kirk an admiral???!!

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This is easy! If you are over 30, have work and family cutting into your 'play time', you like Star Trek A LOT and want to hang with people that are in the same mindset. Then please click on my signature image, go to the site... read the front page message, watch the 5min recruiting video and if you still like what you see, then come on and join our fleet.

    We have over 60 members (mostly) in our main TOS Veterans Fleet and we have some of our alts and a in the TNG Veterans and the TOS Qan Mang Klingon Fleet and we are looking to keep this fleet to a medium size. So if this fleet appeals to you or if you need any more information please let me know.

    James Bailey
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    We are older gamers in our 30’s, 40’s and beyond.. We are not at all serious, we are not big on rules or people bossing us around.. We like to have fun.. Pretend we are in the Star Trek world for an hour or so.. We like to help each other out and ask a lot of questions.. With us NOTHING is mandatory but having Vent helps and a good imagination..

    Please check out our website to get an idea about what we are all about or just send me a PM.

    James Bailey
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Looking for a really cool fleet consisting of mature gamers and die hard Trek fans from the 70's and 80's.

    Look no further!

    Beam up to the TOS VETERANS WEBSITE and join now!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    In the year 2408 after the Klingon and Gorn invade Cestus III a Starfleet Committee chaired by Admiral Jorel Quinn passed motion to explore other options and possibilities in order to build up the Federation with commanders and ships. "We need to promote exceptional officers quickly. We need our captains leading away teams. Starfleet needs to look at our whole command structure and do what works now, not what worked 30 years ago."

    A Starfleet diplomat was sent back to the late 2260's to speak with Starfleet in order to round up several possible exceptional commander candidates and as many star ships as they could refurbish from the decommissioned roster. This section 31 operation was known as Projct Christopher after the 1960's aiforce officer that was beamed aboard the USS Enterprise.

    In order to not affect the time continuum the only way to choose worthy captains out of their own time and bring them to the future is to find all those that have no future. The captains must be about to die and taken from circumstances seconds before they meet their demise. They now have to accept that they have no past but have been given a new future. These are members of the ghost fleet.

    The chosen captains were given ships that were pre programmed with precise calculations in order to carry out the light-speed breakaway factor to artificially-created time warp in order to time travel back to the 2408.

    Once the initial five captain were sent, Starfleet would keep their eye out for any such qualified command personnel to join the fleet and to help fight the war in the future.
    You may be that commander!

    Find out More about the Fleet:

    Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the application form. http://www.TOSFLEET.com/

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    Ambassador KATRA
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