I'm 100% content using it with a Tier 1 connie.

Very impressive, and i noticed that pretty much all chairs on in the interior and bridge have sitting-in-chair tech.

And something really shocking.... i thought i would never make this complaint but...... Engineering feels too small!!!

For once i can actually complain about something in STO actually being too small!!!!
Actually, the layout for Engineering is totally wrong.
As you enter, there should be a small room immediately to the right, and a master monitor to the left, separated from the rest of Engineering by a small red grille. In main engineering, there should be a central console where the Dilithium Crystals are (watch Elaan of Troyius), and a second level above the consoles on the left side. The Impulse stacks are too narrow (actually, the whole room is too narrow, and short). Engineering actually encompasses two deck levels.
(Actually, now that I look at the diagrams at Ex Astris Scientia, I notice it does look a lot like the Season 1 Engineering...)
Is it missing the convenient never-before-seen-or-even-seen-again little endtable that held the convenient wrench for the fight scene in "Court Martial"? If so, then that is REALLY a reason to nitpick!
What about those pipe things Kirk spanked Khan with?
Or a craftable M-5 unit?
That it did for sure
im not the biggest TOS fan in the world but i really did like the ship interior. all very, very nice.
- Command tunic has the rank insignia bound to it, so even if you use the sleeve stripes, there's still going to be the 'Captain' rank chevrons on the shoulder. Giving the option to toggle them on/off would allow us to use just the sleeve insigna,
Some one had done a very nice post showing images of the Enterprise model with a set of curved windows, on the starboard side, just below the bridge. Unfortunately I do not have time to dig it up right now.
Frankly this is just TOS time period. It does not have to be exactly ENTERPRISE as it appeared in episode xx season yy.
Captain's Chair
Most Comfortable Seat on the Ship
Captain and Doc Wearing Med Shirt
Skippy2k posted a great image of where the lounge would likely be:
Shingi posted a great image of shutters in use in TOS: