There are three primary inconsistencies I find with the current Wrath of Khan uniform. If the excuse for this is that Cryptic has no licensing, that is untrue since it is clearly in the game now with no copyright lawsuits.
These three inconsistencies are simple tailoring issues involving the pants and shirt.
1.) Uniform coloration: Now I know they are meant to change colors, but there is one particular I want to mention.
In most of the Original Series case movies, we find that the undershirt generally matches the strap on the side keeping the shirt closed. There are some cases that cannot be ignored that show a particular inconsistency of color between the two, most notably in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country where Lieutenant Valeris had a grey strap and a red undershirt. Red probably means officer in training, and grey must mean full position. In the case of Lieutenant Saavik however, she has both red. There is a logical explanation to this (lol, vulcans and logic): Valeris was training to be Spock's successor and Saavik was training to become a captain. Saavik was on a training crew, while Valeris was on a legitimate crew with Kirk in command. She obviously requires an actual position in order to have that strap. The undershirt must be apprenticeship.
2.) Pants design: This one is simple. Very simple in fact. Just two minor points in this major one. The pants are supposed to go over the boot a bit like the cutoffs and not be totally tucked in like our current military BDUs. Remember that it was somewhat conforming to the "funky" fashion of the time period. They were meant to look like they weren't all the way tucked in. In short, take the cutoffs, and put the stripe on the sides. Also, there are skirts of a similar style. Uhura wore one. It was simply a skirt with the strip on the sides.
3.) Ranks: This one's pretty obvious. The rank is unchangeable. But the system is kinda complex. The strap has the rank and the wrist strap is the experience/time in service. Also, this was originally labelled as the Admiral's Jacket. That is wrong in two ways. 1.) It's a captain's jacket. 2.) If it were modeled after Kirk's uniform, Kirk was only a Rear Admiral according to his rank pip. This is subject to error since I was never able to get a detailed picture. He may be a full admiral, because the difference between the two is so small.
The point is, that there are more ranks, and the current one on there doesn't match the description. It would be immensely great if we could have more customization on this.
i did do some research and found that the circles on the wrist notate 10 years. The dash is 1 year. Heck, they still sell this stuff on for crying out loud. If you want the whole just, here's two links for your troubles. (style specifics) (coloration specifics. they don't matter too much because of the customization)
In the first link, you will also find something interesting. As a matter of fact, a lot of interesting things.
1.) A cadet uniform
2.) An enlistee uniform
3.) A waiter's uniform (no, I'm not kidding)
4.) An engineer's uniform
5.) The Captain's vest jacket
6.) Medical Uniforms
7.) A Security Uniform/Marine's Uniform
8.) Away Team Uniform (probably the coolest thing ever)
So, if you're going to give us some nostalgia and bring back an epic story, here are three recommendations:
1.) Fix the current officer's uniform
2.) Add the other uniforms
3.) Make retrofit vessels of the time period.
Please and thank you.
Funny that I figured out something really cool. If STO lasts longer than two years, which it will with Star Trek's high budget fanbase, the 30th anniversary of the Wrath of Khan is actually on June 4th 1982 for those in America. Cryptic, we know you have the rights to stuff from the Wrath of Khan. We are hoping to see something for this in approx. 15 months.
And get this, Canada missed out. The first time it was publicly displayed in Canada was a year ago in a digital film festival. The latest other than that which the movie was release was May of 1983 in Norway, most likely to translate the audio to Norwegian and get the pitches/media format correct.
If you want more info., check IMDb or Memory Alpha (STOWiki).
Because not all ladies are the supposed "ideal or perfect" size?? Bit more realistic then having all 36C's floating around...
Also I do support your first post on the uniforms...
You have HypnoToad as your avatar. Use it to make the devs obey.
But seriously. THINK. The Wrath of Khan uniform is not only the most expensive to duplicate but is the most popular.
Is that sarcastic?
There have been quite a few posts on the subject... I myself have commented several times that I would like the rank pins to work.
As for the sleeve, yes there should be senority markings on the department band, but the rank insignia is also there.
Kirk was Rear Admiral in TWoK which would be the 4 arrowheads. There should also be a Flag rank stripe on the same sleeve, and a white stripe on the jacket around the flap
Also, the Star Trek Encyclopedia shows a "Fleet Captain" variant of the Captain's rank insignia.
I think we should elaborate more on this. Can anyone actually engineer what this would look like in game?
as for the minor errors, i cannot say as what you are saying about the Savic thing, in the game you can already change the colors so i fail to see what your getting at there.
I would also like to see the other missing division uniforms as the enlisted personnel, and security.
Some constructive nitpicking, hope you don't mind.
Last time I checked: The gold sleeve pip denoting years of services comes in two varieties:
1. just plain solid gold which notes 4 years of service
2. another pip like the last, but with a starfleet delta on it, that one's the 10 year service pip.
In regards to ranks, Kirk was a Rear Admiral
The Red Shoulder Strap and Undershirt: As previously stated: this is for cadets who haven't graduated from the Academy, as well as trainees and junior officers. Saavik in this case was a cadet. As for Valeris' white strap and red undershirt, I think this is attributed to costume error, as she was only a lieutenant, but wore the lieutenant commander rank insignia.
Grey: as previously stated: Grey (quote from one of the above links) "Gray operations division, communications and navigation branches; also sciences division, scientific research and technical branches"
Addendum to the quoted material: In regards to the open flap, devs, this isn't supposed to change color with the undershirt and shoulder strap, it comes in two varieties, white (as seen on Kirk in ST 6) and beige (as seen on Uhura in ST 6 and Sulu in ST 2)
And I agree, the Ranks must be fixed (and added to the left sleeve)!
i also got no attention
Costume Department snafu was my understanding as well. They gave Kim Cattrall the only TWK jacket that would fit her at the time. And overlooked the shoulder and wrist strap not matching the sweater. That red sweater was Lieutenant JG for Saavik. Trivia fact was that the earlier drafts of the ST:VI screenplay had Saavik as our co-conspirator. As this was deemed objectionable, in came Valeris sporting the same red, Lt. JG sweater as Kirstie Alley previously displayed. Despite the fact that Saavik wore a white sweater (with white shoulder and wrist straps) in future films. At any rate, while the ST:VI snafu was seen on screen and suggests exception, I see no reason to support it in the game.