The state of Lothranis / Server merge



  • oliviach
    oliviach Messages: 1
    Modifié (March 2012)
    I agree, to merge the both servers is a very good idea,
    Since there aren't many people online , the server seems to be -or is- dead, especially from the morning to the afternoon.. I want to say when I was still factionless I had difficulties in finding help or squads for culti quests during the morning, what slows down us in the approach for exp, and then for zhen and FC towards the level 80.. its really boring to speak in an empty wc and cannot do anything excepted waiting people to connect at the evening or at night. Merge both servers will give a certain life to the server, better have a big server with a lot of people rather than dead ones with few people. I hope sincerely that PW will be able to do it ~
  • Nehia - Lothranis
    Nehia - Lothranis Messages: 17
    Modifié (March 2012)
    I'll repeat what others have already said but... PWI needs to find a solution, we're getting bored...

    Cash shop items are overpriced, server's economy is totally unbelievable, and ppl who are able to pay those prices have no reason to do it, as there's no competition...
    It's so low to find a squad for daily quests... and i'm just talking about 100+, 100- players without an active faction cannot do their BH, and sometimes even in an active faction you cannot do them...
    Cities are empty, quests zones are empty...
    PvP is dead (even for a PvE server), always the same players, at the same place, at the same hours...

    Please do something, we want more players, we want action, we want competition and challenge \o/
  • Saeber - Lothranis
    Saeber - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (March 2012)
    I agree withthem. I'm a little bored of this server. No one to make fc for lvl 80-90. Nirvana aps is dead when we aren't in 2x time. No challenge in TW. And so many cashshopper quit the game.
  • Athys - Lothranis
    Athys - Lothranis Messages: 3
    Modifié (March 2012)
    See? Even Homer Simpsom plays in Loth,...
  • Madame - Lothranis
    Madame - Lothranis Messages: 5
    Modifié (March 2012)
    I also agree with this merge. I usually play US hours but i'm also up when European players are ready to hustle and bustle, but's literally been a ghost town, and people the who i know that play literally 24/7 are pretty much slowly getting discouraged as well. This is really getting pretty bad :/
  • Sinator - Lothranis
    Sinator - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (March 2012)
    If you want my 2cent i wouldnt say just merge the 2 EU servers, i'd say Merge them AND make it PvP for lvl 60+ not 30 like other server give the new players the chance to learn their class it can be a optional at 30+ but forced at 60+ now thats chalenging and that will 1000000000000%%%% bring even US players here because whats the real point of playing games?
    -Quests : we run out of quests eventualy
    -Tw : its a 1 time a week event
    -Equipments: there is so much you can get for yourself
    -Dungeons : you cant do them all the time its boring
    -Events : they also are once a week or once a month

    The real purpouse of playing games is chalenging other players its PVP wether they are our friends or rivals thats what keeps games succesful and the pvp from lvl 30 honestly what was pwi thinking? people go to 30 in one day having no idea yet how to play their chars and they get killed, giving them time to learn their class understanding all skills from lvl 1 to 59 they will then want to try them out and have fun !!
    So merge the servers and make it PVP thats what we hoped before and still hoping for
  • Penelo - Lothranis
    Penelo - Lothranis Messages: 42 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    I completly desagree with your idea of making the EU server PvP... In a PvE server people can decide to PK or not. Just go white or stay blue, as you wish. Most of people who are saying (from what i've seen till now...) "we want a PvP server" just want to go for a walk on whole map and crush every low lvls who are xping. Don't say the contrary cause that's what it happens for real. And look at US servers, only 2 or 3 (i don't remember well) PvP servers, and there are many players on PvE servers. Anyway that's not the subject...

    @Ninn : Don't scare me like that ! xD Merging both servers and no possibility to keep our chars is just insane. Oo It's like robbery.... People have CSed and spent many times there, you can't just delete both servers and say "restart all" (and CS more :p ).

    Btw, i'm just done of TWs, no decent challenge for Reign, merge the servers in order to have some fun in TWs... :(
  • clericxdxd
    clericxdxd Messages: 10
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Quiet simpley TW/PK wise. . . seeing why the post was made in the first place even, Reign made the post. . . and they complain they get no fun TW's or PK? Reign currently stands as #1 Faction and allied with #2 faction (Elysium) the way i see it Reign are just looking for more ''victims'' to PK since all the people they already killed joined either Reign, Elysium or simple don't PK anymore and that doesn't satisfy their ''PK/God complex needs''.

    Really it'd be quiet simple to fix long TW's by just ditching your alliance, but i guess the two of you are to afraid to start losing lands so you rather stick together. . . .

    Lothranis could easily have fun TW's if either the bigger factions lost a few members to the smaller, or the smaller factions merge together. (Which all in all is rather impossible to ask for) And i for one would rather see this population. Rather than something like Raging Tides where anything that you say in worldchat is gone in 5-10 seconds. and it's just trolls all over. . . Not really that attractive to me. .

    As for FC i never had any problem finding FC's during 80s i actually stayed out of FC due to the fact that people sucked. . . i mean it took 1-2hours/run and most of the squads sucked = more XP Loss than gain, so i stayed out of FC till 85 when it was only way of lvling and even then it rather was bad. but never did i have any problems to fix an FC squad that already existed on another server, as for FC in general when i make squads i take casters either (except cleric and potentially mystic) so if you had problems getting FC on your alt the maybe you had the wrong class. .

    Following as for gear farming, just because a couple of endgame players would quit (that most likely only would do stuff with their own faction, and following the way you describe them they'd be in top factions which currently hold recruit lvls at 60-80+) i doubt that would influence the servers' survival.

    but if you want to build factions with FC power lvld people that not my problem. . .

    i actually rather see less R9's on the server and if you did power lvl to 100 with goons and you did actually get R9 and outgeard everyone. . that's your own problem you have nothing to do then. . . not much more to say really. . .
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    1 reign and elysium are not allied
    2 for a couple of endgame players you are meaning: vengeance - roy - cartouche - faol - hot - fenrys - nuro - genia - lawfer - liandri - skyzen - reyah - victory
    and those are just the rank 9s
    initiums quit, latinos quit, good portion of Crisis is gone...
    3 you dunno the hystory of reign we used to be a 20men runned faction that used to tw big faction since the start (i remember we twd elysium and naughty in like 10-15 vs 30-40) then we decided to do the "jump of quality" and we merged latinos, guardians, part of elysium, part of initium and part of agenda
    why all others faction are supposed to dont this too? what if immortal-absolve-afterlife-trauma-crisis merge? we will have a third power faction in the game.

    anyway many of my friends are planning to quit\mass migrate\move reign on another game and i think the "cure" for the server will come too late
  • clericxdxd
    clericxdxd Messages: 10
    Modifié (March 2012)
    ''1 reign and elysium are not allied''

    Then maybe Reign and Ely should aim to attack eachother and get their fun TW and PK?
    Simply solved. . .

    ''2 for a couple of endgame players you are meaning: vengeance - roy - cartouche - faol - hot - fenrys - nuro - genia - lawfer - liandri - skyzen - reyah - victory
    and those are just the rank 9s''

    And the majority of that list didn't leave due to the server being unpopulated. . . Irl issues for many, fenrys is leaving due to work, Hot hasn't quit he's also inactive due to work same goes for atzula, Nuro. . also busy irl. . same goes for many of them, if they had moved to another server then i could agree. But truth is many of them just busy irl, other than that things over all might become more nasty when new games that are being made or in their beta's are released

    otherthan that how did those R9's help the people of the server in general? (other than the sad few people in their factions that they did help farm stuff for, how many truly miss them?)

    ''initiums quit, latinos quit, good portion of Crisis is gone...''

    as for these factions, they didn't suffer any lack of people to do their own things, both Crisis and Initium are dying due to their own reasons as for latinos they merged into Reign after they got removed from the map. . . many factions disband/lose members after losing their TW lands, and many factions lose their people due to leader changes and such. . .

    ''3 you dunno the hystory of reign we used to be a 20men runned faction that used to tw big faction since the start (i remember we twd elysium and naughty in like 10-15 vs 30-40) then we decided to do the "jump of quality" and we merged latinos, guardians, part of elysium, part of initium and part of agenda
    why all others faction are supposed to dont this too? what if immortal-absolve-afterlife-trauma-crisis merge? we will have a third power faction in the game.''

    a merge would mean that the entire factions (or the majority of the factions) merge together not just a few or the strong ones, and it's not that simple as to just ask immortal afterlife or any of those factions to just merge, due to the fact that they might enjoy it in their factions enough.

    And it's that kind of thinking with making OP factions only that make people quit in my opinon, lets say such a merge would be made we have 3 factions that are the ''Top OP'' factions. . what would happen to the new players? they'd be **** on lvls/gear/help if they don't have a credit card to supply them to pay the higher lvls to help them and buy their gear. . . and for the poor few people that wouldn't be able to do that. . . it's kinda bye bye to them. . . but overall it's difficult for factions to merge together due to the fact that they don't know eachother, they don't get along in general and/or the leaders and officers don't want to give their position away.

    ''anyway many of my friends are planning to quit\mass migrate\move reign on another game and i think the "cure" for the server will come too late''

    And the only reason for this is due to the server population?

    PWE will most likely suffer many loses of their player base due to the fact that many new games are being released and PWI is just falling behind. . . with new stuff and looks.

    But if you ask me Lothranis is doing fine, maybe im just lucky but i never had any problems what so ever getting my things done. maybe though in the end it depends on how many really like you?

    I mean, you can't really deny that Reign as a faction have a bad reputation? i don't have a hard time seeing people getting denied because the rest of the people don't like them due to bad reputation. . .
  • clericxdxd
    clericxdxd Messages: 10
    Modifié (March 2012)
    But other than this how is the german server doing? And how many there are interested in a merge of servers in the first place? i havn't really looked in to it so i don't know.
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    well the real fun of pwi are events\tws\pk things cause they imply hard competition
    more harder the competition is more people will be prompted to stay and play and gear up etch...

    those r9s i mentioned helped people more than you can imagine moreover they improve the economy of the server with even just the cashshopping thing.
    no tokens = no economy

    and stop pretending people arent quitting for irl things, they are moving on other games...
    skyrim, tera, aion, guild wars 2, LoL, dota and another mmorpg that have been told me yesterday evening but i cant remember the name
    they stated that many times in game and in forums, and latinos merged into reign but that bunch of ppl massquitted and went play dota
    tw lands are not the purpose why main factions are dieing, they have lost the core members!!!

    i playd lothranis on daily base since before gogetta quit\ashura disband\only rank9 on server was victory, dont come here and try teach me the hystory of the server

    you know what? from what you said you are prolly an average geared character with an average faction that wants to get easy tw lands after all the main players of the server will quit due to lack of player base!

    and Reign is not infamous we are having 5+ applications everyday, and people rejected get level requirement and come redo apply a second time!
  • clericxdxd
    clericxdxd Messages: 10
    Modifié (March 2012)
    stop pretending people arent quitting for irl things, they are moving on other games...

    read the part what i said about people quitting due to IRL stuff and other games again plox
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    "people became less active gaming due to irl but went on other mmorpgs"

  • Menestho - Lothranis
    Menestho - Lothranis Messages: 18
    Modifié (March 2012)
    OMG stop blaming Reign all the time every posts I read now it always come to Reign, this getting really annoying seriously....

    About German server, google ''What is your view on Momaganon server? '', you will find a post of the 15th October, they were already asking for merge....
    Menestho, aka. Vicky Trad (and nab sin)
  • Aekoo - Harshlands
    Aekoo - Harshlands Messages: 3
    Modifié (March 2012)
    "people became less active gaming due to irl but went on other mmorpgs"



    This thread was made to solve problems in Lothranis... not blaming Factions, people or whatsoever. Keep this thread clean, respectful and nice please. We need GMs to help us, not to close this discussion. If we all argue against each other for any reasons, there won't be any good consequences.

    I don't mind if you give your opinion,but don't make it worse. It is not Reign's fault if the server is like that, and I wonder why would it be... From what I have heard, people are not leaving because of "Oh god, they are too strong , we can't win any TWs and they own the server!". No, not at all... It should be a goal to beat them, a reason why you should put time on this game and farm (and probably lose a bit of your Real Life). They are not attacking low level Factions, they don't have a lot of territories and, nowadays, drama on World Chat does not come from any players in Reign, but from some immature French people. (sometimes I'm wishing that a GM would be there to ban those kids on World Chat). They are just a bunch of mates having fun and helping each other.

    If you guys are angry at this Faction, go make your own thread and then get it closed after a few hours. It won't help you at all.


    Anyway, keep up posting comments useful for the wellbeing of the server <3
    We really need this merge D:

  • Nehia - Lothranis
    Nehia - Lothranis Messages: 17
    Modifié (March 2012)
    This thread was made to solve problems in Lothranis... not blaming Factions, people or whatsoever. Keep this thread clean, respectful and nice please. We need GMs to help us, not to close this discussion. If we all argue against each other for any reasons, there won't be any good consequences.
    +1 Trying to blame some people while the whole server is sick won't help to find a solution...

    Concerning PvE / PvP... I don't think that more PvP will help us. People who want to PK can do it, they just have to turn into white and it's done. Forcing people to be PKable anytime on a server which was PvE will probably discourage them... and will just sastify a few who want to have a red name thanks to some low lvl they killed. Good PvPers want to challenge other good PvPers, who are already in white...
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    +1 Trying to blame some people while the whole server is sick won't help to find a solution...

    Concerning PvE / PvP... I don't think that more PvP will help us. People who want to PK can do it, they just have to turn into white and it's done. Forcing people to be PKable anytime on a server which was PvE will probably discourage them... and will just sastify a few who want to have a red name thanks to some low lvl they killed. Good PvPers want to challenge other good PvPers, who are already in white...

    yeah i dont agree on turning on PvP server (even if i am a permawhite name pker :D)

    the thing is that admins have to take a decision asap because many people are quitting in this days...
    yesterday evening i saw another good player who spent really a lot of time playing\farming etch, leaving faction, giving away his stuff and quitting.. :(
  • clericxdxd
    clericxdxd Messages: 10
    Modifié (March 2012)
    the thing is that admins have to take a decision asap because many people are quitting in this days...
    Regerem a écrit: »

    On a company point of view I honestly don't think this will happen anytime soon, if it ever happens. In the principle I can understand why you would desire such drastic measure (dynamism, more players, invigorates the IG economy, make TW more attractive) but unfortunately there are several reasons that make me saying this:

    1) The activity and player rates are fine on our side, and of course if there is old time player leaving there is also a new and fresh community arriving on a day to day basis in the game. I can understand that seeing old alliance quitting the game give a feeling of abandon, but from our point of view the game isn’t dying at the moment.

    2) Financially, even if it's not a subject that I will discuss in detail here, there is also no reason that can justify this merge. But again that’s not something that I’m allowed to discuss here.

    3) Technically it will really be a pain to achieve and will ask a lot of organization and manpower. Also this will create a break-up of the communities as they actually exist. We try to avoid this at all cost; a splinted community throw in one big EU forum/server will be a real mess to deal with. Here we are specialized by language, FR and DE, so we are not prepared to deal with a EU-EN Community, we would need to basically change our teams to deal accordingly with this new Community. New GM's, CM's that would require a lot of time and work. (Plus I don't want to lose my job as FR CM, but that’s a more personal point of view, :p)

    So to be perfectly honest: it’s not about to happen anytime soon.

    There's your decision if you ask me xD but other than that i'd say i'm quiet happy as it is for me.

    I don't miss anything really or such so i couldn't care less about a merge :P with even less people and R9's the game would be more of a challenge to me so overall i don't mind xD
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    this game is supposed to be a MMORPG

    do you know what does mmorpg mean? :D

    me, and other people prolly, choose this game for "that double M thing", that now on this server is no more.

    if u wanna less people and less endgame players go play baldur's gate and how are you supposed to fill 10men-from-different-orders teams needed to do endless universe dungeon?, or how are you supposed to do faction trials?
    if u want less people this is not the game for you.

    we need more players first, a better economy, more challenge.

    do merge.
  • Penelo - Lothranis
    Penelo - Lothranis Messages: 42 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    More challenge ? What do you call more challenge ? Little TWs 15 vs 15 maybe. Ok it can be cool at the begining but become quickly annoying. And actually, i don't see so many TWs which last more than 2 hours, or even 1 hour. So where is challenge ?

    By the way... you say less people and less R9 will be more challenge FOR YOU and a few couple of people. As Ultima said, PWI is suposed to be a MMORPG, it means it has to be many people to play and have fun together, not a couple of a player who has fun and the other can just watch.

    As many people said before, CS items' prices are increasing and TTs, Nirvs etc. mats' prices are decreasing as hell because of the considerable imbalance of supply/demand. So how to reach an end-game gear for non-csers ? Maybe you don't care, but many people do.
  • Imagination - Lothranis
    Imagination - Lothranis Messages: 4
    Modifié (March 2012)
    i must confess, i have myself moved back too my original server and it is exactly because Lothranis server is dead... i sat today and waited in west archo... the highest populated area for 13 mins not a single message in world chat or normal chat.... middle of the damn day... 13 mins... NOTHING! The server isn't just dying it is dead!! Fact is the R9 crew that quit can be listed cos they were here long enough to make a mark and be remembered, but they are not the only people that left this server, many many others have too, they just weren't as memorable! I am not a PKer, i'm too big of a whimp, so don't tell me this is about pking cos its not. I'm a PVE player, I want to be able to actually do instances but can't cos there is no one here!

    I'm english going back to american server is harsh, events are at 4am, i simply can not do them, miss out a lot, but atleast i can run instances there, can't even do that on this dead server. Its sad, the servers should be merged, they really should and i won't potentially waste more money here unless they are, not on any server! Now that i know there is a possibility that PWI would let our server die rather than do what's right and necessary to save it, i just won't take the risk!! Merge the servers... we need it!
  • BoomBastic - Lothranis
    BoomBastic - Lothranis Messages: 16
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Stop trying to make this about 1 faction.. That discussion is childish and has no place here.. Also that about fcc lvled ppl has nothing to do with this thread.. qQ less and be more constructive pls..

    And if you want to reply to this, stop posting under a fake char. clericxdxd // Use your main and stand behind your words if you have something to say. Or I will ignore you, and so will GM's...

    And this discussion is not about you as a singel player, this is about the state of the whole server.. If you are having the time of your life.. good for you.. but you have to see this in a bigger picture.. Servers need competition to survive and grow.. If you think 5-6 small factions with 20-30 ppl in each will keep this server running. You could not be more wrong.. The server cost money to run, and you need competition to make people CS..

    And yes.. Im starting to agree, this server is dead.. Soon close to a no-save situation.. Pls give us some feedback on whats going on now..

    Im in west arch 16:45 server time.. and as usual, there is 10-15 ppl here.. Same ppl i see everyday here. 5 of them been standing in the same spot afk all day..

    Regerem Time for a update on the current status of this question, have you had a meeting yet? whats going on...
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    in yesterday's tiger event 196 people did attend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    on other servers the number of people attending tiger event never go under 1000!!!!!!!!

    honestly... today i logged in, walked around archo, noticed the deadness and googled for other mmo :(

    it seems like Yoda,Zanryu and X quitted aswell (3 other experienced players coming from USA servers)
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    i just went on momamagon server (DE) and spoke with a guy to see how was the situation there...

    LOL on momamagon is even WORST

    all endgame players left and there are only new\lowbies, and they asked\needed a server merge aswell. this is sad.

    and he told me at last tiger event less than 90 people attendend there LOL
  • clericxdxd
    clericxdxd Messages: 10
    Modifié (March 2012)
    qQ less and be more constructive pls..

    And if you want to reply to this, stop posting under a fake char. clericxdxd // Use your main and stand behind your words if you have something to say. Or I will ignore you, and so will GM's...

    Kinda speaking agianst yourself here? anyway i don't see how my lack of interest in core connect and not having my char name have anything to do with the post?

    honestly fairly sure you make yourself look stupid to the gm's since they are here for a valuation of the opinons of the players on loth, meanwhile it seems like you pretend to be their best friend and know how they work and such, so. . . goodluck with that theory, and as for you, ignoring my post, i don't care really.

    Anyway as for the post itself. Even if they would agree to a merge the CM has already made it clear it would take alot of time to even make it happen since they'd have alot of work to do.
  • Caligula - Lothranis
    Caligula - Lothranis Messages: 2
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Interesting thread to read and excellent to see the Community Manager actively taking part in the discussion. As a player who logs in every day, it is easy to agree with the viewpoint that the overall population on the server does appear to be in decline.

    Having been involved from the begining on not just Lothranis, but others PWI servers in the past, it was not surprising to see how some of the initial population, who were here for the launch, did not stick around long. Such is the nature of a new server. However on each other server, over time, as players of this type fade away, there is usually a growing base of new users who supplant them and the population as a whole increases. On Lothranis, a server slowly and steadly marching towards being a year old, this does not appear to be taking place. It has been said that it actually appears as though the population is declining. This is not and cannot be good for the health of our Lothranis community.

    Having read through all the replies, it seems that most would support a merge of some sort. Knowing how unlikely it is due to the logistics involved, there seems to be little hope of this happening.

    It was suggested in a post that they should simply change the server to a PVP based one instead of the current PVE structure. This would seem, personally, to be the choice that makes the most sense IF they are looking for a fast band-aid solution. Many PWI players have been crying out for years to have a new PVP server launced. It would attract droves of "new" players (ie: from other PWI servers), both from Europe and the US. However, doing so and knowing what good and bad comes with playing on a PVP server, it would drastically change the existing dynamic of Lothranis, more so for the bad than the good.

    There is no question our player community on Lothranis is small. There is no question our economy is suffering from terrible inflation right now. There is also however, no question we do have alot of amazing players, alot of good friends, and the opportunity to make the most of it.

    Something does need to be done, it is good to see PWI:EU listening to their players, and hopefully an answer can be found. However, no matter what happens, this is one player who is here to stay.

  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    can we have an update from gms please?!
  • BoomBastic - Lothranis
    BoomBastic - Lothranis Messages: 16
    Modifié (April 2012)
    Pls give us an update on this issue.
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (April 2012)
    I'm lacking of time for a well structured answer atm, but just to let you know we didn't burried the issue, we are still working on it.

    I will come back to you later on in the week to communicate further about this.

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