[EN] [Event] Miss & Mister Morai!
[IMG]https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/1504566_10204022774032818_1818394191405963300_n.jpg[/IMG Server: Lost City Char: Baronnnesss[/img]0
Hi Thetruebaroness,
Sorry but this event if for the Morai server only and the votes have started already! You can shine next timeEnelimm
Community Manager
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The time has come to disclose the winners of the Miss & Mister Morai contest!
For English-speakers, Miss & Mister Morai 2014 are...
oSUPERMOFOo & xXHotXx !!!
Congratulations! Please send me beautiful screenshot of you together so I can publish it!
You will get your ZEN directly on your account and your forum title next weekEnelimm
Community Manager
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my psy
Char: /A\moOlh_EmO
Server : Dreamweaver.
0 -
Hi, i just inform you the event of miss and mister is over.
And it's only for the morai serverso ty for your screenshot but it's over x)
The time has come to disclose the winners of the Miss & Mister Morai contest!
For English-speakers, Miss & Mister Morai 2014 are...
oSUPERMOFOo & xXHotXx !!!0 -
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