[EN] [Event] Miss & Mister Morai!

Enelimm Messages: 234 ✭✭✭
Modifié (mai 2014) dans Official Announcements
Hi everyone! :)

No doubt about it, our little Perfect World is full of handsome adventurers and lovely warriors.
But in your opinion, who is the most gorgeous character on Morai?

By electing Miss and Mister Morai 2014,
Test your popularity and vote for your favorite characters!


Plan of the contest

- From today on and until Friday, submit an image of your character in its best possible light on this thread. Feel free to be creative!

- Voting will start on Friday 2nd May 2014 for all languages on the French Facebook page.

1 like = 1 point
1 share (preferably with a nice caption ;) ) = 3 points!

- On Tuesday May 6th, we will count the points and announce the chosen ones!
There will be 2 winners (1 female and 1 male) for each language, that is to say French, German and English.
Each winner will be granted 1,500 ZEN and a special Forum title!

But don’t forget:
- You can only make 1 submission,
- FB shares from the same person will only count once,
- For each language, rewards will only be granted if there are at least 15 participants,
- Your contributions will be displayed on the official websites.

We hope you’ll be many to join us!
Post edited by Enelimm on


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