I'm in the Midwest, so that doesn't really matter. Not really sure where the line is. I'm pretty low levelled right now (20) but am mostly focusing on pulse shot and that healing blessing, wearing light armor and doing mostly distance attacks with one or two physical (melee) hits as needed. I'm finding that in this class,…
SinCityChick (and others): why would you say that Raging Tides server is screwed entirely? All my characters are on it. Just wondering what you feel is messed up about the group, because if it matches my own annoyances, I might create my next on another server. I'm still not sure what class I want to stick with. Battle…
One message a week from one of these perfect horns is too many for me. I chose this game specifically because I could go into a chat filter that didn't include other people. Let's face it...the majority of players who post to world chat are either selling something (fine, but I'm not interested) or posting some sort of…