Clowns of Twilight Temple Knights Best Barb (0.50secs) Twilight Temples Wizard Nuema Portal Killer goes for a Swim and gets rekt
you guys recieved your points yet? i still havent :(
I still havent recieved my 300 missing points. PWI I am afraid of charging in the future! I wanna Pk DomiGod as compensation plz D:
S Cards: Ancestor Feng Loriel Anonymous Wiseman General Chung Minister Tsu Skyscreamer General Jen Feather Lord Tsen the Heavensent Jane the Harper A Cards: Emperor Locen Mistress of Knight Gorath Emperor Aohe Gear: G15 Shadow Ashura Hat 4 socket full deity imbued +12 (150 Physical Attack) (LA) G15 Shadow Ashura Cloak 4…
LOL vindicate has like 2 factions (vengeful, knights) to assist and fight Hoorah dont embarrass yourself, i dislike people who lie and make up false rumours. We have pk daily on TT Server and its pretty sad how some Vindicate members resort to forums to try throw a little hate in Hoorahs way. Its sad and pathetic. Also we…
Let's make a best of class actual post based on no bias and hate. Archer: Bobzl/DownOfSon these guys actually pk and take part in pvp and I've seen them tear people apart. Assassin: Zaiyn (XxShinbuxX) I'm sure you would agree everyone is afraid of me in pvp, it takes a squad to kill me. No one wants to 1v1 me these days…