yourphan Arc User



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  • Banned for using 'lol' instead of 'Lawlzzz'
  • Mmmm...I loved IT...Of course I watched the 4 hour version and everytime I saw Pennywise I instantly thought of Frank-N-Further [Tim Curry in RHPS], which made me laugh at the most...awkward of times... Anywho; The only one I could never sit through when I was 10 was Nightmare on Elm Street. Now I REALLY want to watch it…
  • 1. Scrubs 2. SOAP 3. TIE: South Park vs The Golden Girls. Oh how I do miss those oldies<3. [Excluding Scrubs & South Park of course]
  • Ahahaha!! Veryvery nice. I've only played one game where I could do that, and got really angry when my erm...'friend' [now we're not on a daily speaking basis] kept on telling me to remake my toons...or...avatars, I guess you call them to fit his needs. [And he was usually the kickbutt warrior while I was the measely…
  • Thanks so much for the advice. I shall experiment. I've never been much of a PvPurrrrr. Healing isn't my thing. When the party fails, the last thing I end up hearing before quitting it is "WTH DIDN U HEAL ME?! ITS AL UR FALT U N00B!!" o_o; Aha!!!! [24%]
  • Oh lord. Mine's downloading right now, and based on the time average others have posted, I hope its worth it....I just don't hope its one that I have to uninstall then redownload 2 or 3 times for it to work, then I completely lose interest within the first few hours. Sosad...
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