Guess Who Wants Some 'Friendly' Advice..

Posts: 8 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
I just began the download oh...;Glanced at watch.; 7minutes ago, and its already at 2%.
...That's a lie, it was 3 minute ago...anywho...
I thought I'd waste some time by perusing the forums and such and such and such.

Anywho, Phan [that's me...refering to me in the 3rd person, uhcough] is thuh-niking [inside joke] about her class and such. I'm either going to be the uh...archer, or the...animal person...type...thing...The one that starts with a V.

Reasons: I've never been a very good tank in ANY game that I've played...ever. From WoW to CoX to the multiple free online games I've bows are my friend, and animals are my true loves.

The reason for an archer ish "UBER PWNAGE" according to another thread I just read. [Up to 3%, oh baby!!]. Plus, being able to kill something before it even can get to you is amazing. Teams also love you, and when they take the aggro, I shall love them. Also, Idk if its needed for this game, but I've been good at pulling in the past. [4%, AHA!] Also...something about....flying?...for the race this class gets.

The reason for the V one [Don't correct meeeee!. >D] is I love animals. I love pets, they are my baby tanky buddehs!! Plus, I've heard that they are the best solo group--uh, class. Plus I usually solo for the first week, before I get bored with a game; for lack of friends, and total shyness on online games [Which I NEVER understood, since the chance of me meeting anybody in 'real life' is slim to none.] Plus, if I do find some nice friends to hang with and I'm not all that needed, then I may have to reroll I guess, which will break my, not really. [5%].

Also, I want on this game. It could be the best online game everrrrr...but if the community sucks then I'm out.
I'm...quite...young, but my maturity level doesn't put me next to the people that go "ZOMG, WTH, U N00B!!" So, how are the people on this game, honestly? Also, are they going to be totally shy-like like me, or if I log into the game, within the first hour, is somebody going to come up to me and be all like "HI, want to join our team?" or guild or clan or whatever?...[6% Wewt]. Hey, do people also RP...cause that's cool too I guess..?

Ok, I'm tired of typing, and I have a few more questions, but I'm sure ya'll's [Ahahaha, not a word] brains are hurting from the horridness of my extra words.

Sincerely Yours,
--Phan. =D
Post edited by yourphan on


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  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Venomancers are great for those who plain like to solo all the way to the top altho it gets harder and harder to solo after a while (50-60s+) and AOE parties start forming for massive XP grinds. People are generally nice but of course this is the INTERNET and there are a fair share of anti-social players.
  • Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It really depends on where you want to play. If it's a PVE server, venomancers are the best way to go from what people say. They are the best soloer's in the early levels, and they're really useful in dungeon/instance runs. Wizards also tend to be better at higher levels and they're needed more often in instance runs from what I hear. Clerics are also in pretty high demand for their healing capatabilities. =)

    PVP server, I'd say do a class like a cleric, archer, or blademaster. They tend to be pretty good for PVP, and are in reasonable demand from what I hear. =)

    Really depends on your playing style, really....I know there's a LOT of venos/archers on Sanctuary server (PVE), not too sure aobut the rest of the servers, though. I'd probably recommend experimenting with a few classes and see which one resonates with you the best, and fits your style the best. =)
    A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity. -Robert Frost
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Thanks so much for the advice. I shall experiment. I've never been much of a PvPurrrrr.

    Healing isn't my thing. When the party fails, the last thing I end up hearing before quitting it is "WTH DIDN U HEAL ME?! ITS AL UR FALT U N00B!!"

  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    yourphan wrote: »
    Thanks so much for the advice. I shall experiment. I've never been much of a PvPurrrrr.

    Healing isn't my thing. When the party fails, the last thing I end up hearing before quitting it is "WTH DIDN U HEAL ME?! ITS AL UR FALT U N00B!!"

    Yeah i can relate there in other games i got the same thing... and there is a few games out there that you can lower the healing levels and such and just grin as you heal at a level 1 character and just grin watching the person die and you just say "oh my, I'm so sorry, i guess i really am not that good at this healing thing"......Opps sorry i guess i am thinking outloud >.>

    ~Sheets Da Blademistress and cleric on the alt >.>
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Ahahaha!! Veryvery nice.

    I've only played one game where I could do that, and got really angry when my erm...'friend' [now we're not on a daily speaking basis] kept on telling me to remake my toons...or...avatars, I guess you call them to fit his needs. [And he was usually the kickbutt warrior while I was the measely priest/cleric...ahhhh..aha.]

  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    In WoW, I play a 70 Hunter, and my best online friend played a 70 priest. We met at level 3, and played together right to 70, then raided together and the like. She kept my butt alive for 67 levels and beyond. I then rolled an alt, a healer, and it is -hard-. I have utmost respect for healers. Sometimes, it's just too much.

    So when you wipe in a dungeon, and the party wipes, and everyone starts bashing the healer, send em a whisper saying it's alright, they'll appreciate it xD

    Also, what server are you rolling on? Cause you seem awesome :O

    (Currently at 59% xD)


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