yinar Arc User


  • I have Direct X 11. That should be the most updated.
  • Hi I have the same problem.. I upgraded my Windows Vista to Windows 7. (I kinda regret i did..) on my laptop; I installed the PWI and I started patching, and it gave me this: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg250/animelover1314/errormsg.png Its the random symbol problem that occurred to the thread author. I know it…
  • I really like the tokens, that's for sure. But overall PWI is siding to cash shop SO bad that this wouldn't even be called a free to play game. Its starting to become too reliant on Cash Shop, for instance if you don't have a herc then you'll expect to be declined from a party, or if you're not a sin with 5.0 aps they'd…