yeh Arc User


  • The way I understand it, Revenge gives a +15% phys damage boost for 10 seconds, whereas Gloom gives +30% damage. I would assume the proc rate is similar to Gloom, though I don't think all effects proc at the same rate. For example, I believe Nimble, which increases your accuracy for a set period of time, procs at 15%,…
  • What the axes lack in attack speed, they make up for in spike damage, though that might be less noticeable at earlier levels. I'd recommend building your stats toward being poleblade at the onset, but splice into axes later on. The thing is, they have their strengths in different situations, so you might have to consider…
  • Awesome, thanks a bunch for answering my question, and even some I didn't know I had! I'm glad that the mp use will be minimal, but I'm more disappointed about the damage increase. I was kinda hoping for a larger increase to be more of an effective DDer on bosses and whatnot. On the flip side, do you know what the…
    in Revenge Comment by yeh August 2009
  • Ah, thank you...would anyone also happen to know what the damage increase is for Revenge?
    in Revenge Comment by yeh August 2009
  • OMG, our mounts are stuck in the wall! Somebody get a GM!, ****